Writing for Gay GirlGroups
224 posts
[ REQUESTS OPEN ] I mainly write for: Mamamoo, Blackpink, Red Velvet, Twice, Dreamcatcher and Loona. I can also write for: Itzy, CLC, (G)I-dle, Somi, Chungha, Sunmi, Jessi, Jamie, Kard, CL, Everglow Aespa, Katseye...
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
ggreactionsandscenarios · 3 months ago
Lara x Reader
Perfect gift
The holidays are coming way too fast for you this year and you couldn't find the perfect gift for your girlfriend.
Lara kept saying she doesn't want anything when everybody knows she'd be pissed if you actually don't get her a gift.
And you for sure no better than to mess with a Scorpio.
So here you are pacing around every store you can think of, waiting for Sophia to come help you.
After the birthday gift she gave your girlfriend and the reaction Lara had, you knew she would have great input.
"Y/N ! Please slow down, I've been trying to catch up with you since that perfume store two blocks away. I'm in heels goddam."
You turned around facing a panting Sophia, bending forward hands on her knees trying to catch her breath.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry Soph, I was so in my head I didn't pay attention."
She stood up and gave you a shove.
"It's alright, I know how stressed you are. Lucky for you I'm here to rescue you."
She gave you the biggest smile, trying to cheer you up.
"Hopefully you can, I'm starting to think I don't even know my own girlfriend at this point."
You phone rang but you didn't pick up, even though you knew who it was.
Sophia gave you a questioning look though.
"It's Lara, she wanted us to spend the day together. She keeps trying to know what I'm doing today but it's a secret. She'll try to know what I'm getting her and I still don't have a present or even the mere idea of one. I feel like a failure."
Sophia frowned and put her hand on your shoulder.
"Wow wow wow, don't talk about yourself like that. You really need to relax, getting a gift for someone shouldn't make you that anxious."
"But I have nothing and Christmas is right around the corner. I need the perfect gift, Lara deserves so much, she makes me so happy."
Sophia wiped a fake tear.
"That's so cute I'm gonna cry. Okay let's find the perfect gift for the love of your life."
She grabbed onto your arm and led you towards the next store.
Lara was pissed, she's been texting you for the past two hours and you didn't even read her texts.
From the kitchen, Manon heard her throw her phone against the wall. She got curious and popped her head in her room.
"Everything alright ?"
Lara sighed.
"Y/N isn't responding to me."
Manon raised an eyebrow, confused. Clearly she forgot your escapade was a secret.
"Isn't she shopping with Sophia ?"
Lara's eyes widened.
"What do you mean, she's shopping with Sophia ?"
Manon showed her her phone and the story Sophia had put up on her finsta where you were both smiling , loads of shopping bags in your arms.
Now Lara was fuming.
Because you were clearly enjoying yourself with someone else when you couldn't make time for her and because you didn't invite her to hang with her own friend.
And hell did Sophia block her ?
When you entered the house some time later, Manon looked at you with big 'I fucked up' eyes.
You didn't need any words to know what had probably happened. You took a big breath before knocking on Lara's door.
No response just a small grunt.
As you entered you saw Lara in her bed facing the wall, sad music playing on her phone.
"Babe ? Are you alright ?"
Lara didn't say anything but she turned around to face you, letting you see that she'd been crying by her puffy eyes and running mascara.
You sat next to her, you thought she'd be angry but she just seemed sad.
"How long have you been cheating on me with Sophia ?"
Your eyes widened.
"What ? What are you talking about ? I'm not cheating on you, I would never."
She tried to read your face for a few seconds, looking for any sign that you might be lying.
"Then what were you doing with Soph ?"
"What did Manon tell you ?"
Lara looked at you.
"It's doesn't matter what she told me. What matters is that you rather spend the day with someone else than me and you can't even just text me to tell me."
You had to tell her the truth as much as you'd like to keep it secret, you could see that she needed complete honesty at this point for her to trust you.
"I'm the one that called Sophia and asked her to spend some time with me."
At those words you could sense Lara get tense. You grabbed her hand carefully, afraid she might refuse but she didn't.
"I called her because I needed help finding the perfect gift for you for the holidays. I didn't tell you 'cause I was ashamed to need someone else's help when it came to you."
Lara frowned but you could feel her relaxing.
"You were doing it for me ? And I just acted like a jealous girlfriend, jumping on conclusions for nothing."
You chuckled.
"I wouldn't say that, but I was indeed on a secret quest for you today."
"So.. did you succeed ?"
Her frown was now replaced by a small smirk.
"I think I did but I won't know for sure until you open them tomorrow".
"We'll see tomorrow then".
She kissed your cheek and put her head on your shoulder.
"I'm sorry for doubting you."
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Happy holidays folks -Ael
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ggreactionsandscenarios · 4 months ago
Hi can you do a smut with CEO! Karina and female! reader who is her secretary ?
Karina x Reader
Chinese couch
Late nights.
It was starting to feel a little bit too usual for Jimin to work until night lately. Being the CEO of a worldwide renowned company for sure comes with the prerogative but it was slowly messing with her sleep schedule and nothing good happens when Jimin is sleep deprived.
As her assistant you witnessed it all, her temper slowly getting worst and worst, the number of people getting fired slowly rising up.
Usually you wouldn't say anything, afraid to loose your job and even more afraid to face an angry Karina but it's been days and you're slowly feeling responsible.
It might be a tiny bit because of the S.O.S. looks from all the people getting kicked out that pass by your desk everyday.
Anyway you figured out you might as well try to calm your boss down before becoming the very last person employed here.
So when the clock hit nine, you made your way to her office. Stopping right in front of the door, contemplating whether you should enter or not. After building up the courage, you finally decided to knock.
But of course the door opened wide right when you were about to, revealing your boss in all of her intimidating self. Her face only a few inches away from yours.
"Please tell me you weren't coming to tell me some bad news, because I swear I'm gonna kill myself if anything goes sideways again."
You couldn't help but chuckle a bit at her frown but were fast to remember she was your boss.
"No actually I was coming to ask you if you'd like to eat with me, I'm ordering."
For a second there Jimin was bewildered, not expecting the offer but she was fast to put on her serious face.
"I don't have time to eat I have better things to do."
She was about to go back to her office when you suddenly grabbed the door keeping it opened.
"Chinese it is."
You don't know what's gotten into you, it's like you're trying to get fired.
Karina stared right at you for a minute, probably waiting for you to back down but you didn't.
And with those words she went back inside letting you choose what to order. You settled for a restaurant that was just down the street, hoping it would be delivered faster.
Sadly it didn't, you waited for almost an hour at your desk before the delivery guy came up.
You went to Karina's door knocking on it carefully, not wanting to interrupt a phone call.
Even though you got no answer you pushed the door opened, after all you did warned her you'll be treating her food.
When you entered the room you were surprised not to find your boss in her chair where she would always sit.
She was laying down on her luxurious couch, she probably got too tired to notice she was falling asleep before it was too late.
You set the food on the table before shaking her shoulder to wake her up but it didn't work.
She did not move nor did she said anything. She actually remained so still that for a second you wondered if she might have passed out of exhaustion.
It's only when you got close to her face to see if she was breathing that she suddenly opened her eyes.
"Getting comfortable there I see, you should have told me you weren't talking about food when you ask me for dinner."
You frowned not knowing what she meant until you took a closer look at your position noticing how you were pretty much all over her.
You took a step back and an other just to be sure.
"Excuse me for checking if my boss is still alive."
You tried to play it cool but you knew you were blushing at this point so you turned your back at her to hide your embarrassment.
Her face closed up, the movement upsetting her. She took a hold of your waist, turning you around and getting insanely close to you.
"Don't ever turn your back on me like that."
Once again you don't know what went on your mind because for some reason you couldn't help but to provoke her.
"Thought you liked my backside."
She stare at you before answering.
"Careful sweetheart, I don't like brats."
As you were about to argue back she shut you up, kissing you hard, her teeth sinking into your bottom lip so she could have access to your tongue.
As much as you'd like to resist her, you've been waiting for her to make a move on you forever so you weren't going to back down now.
So you kissed her back, pushing her back to the couch where she has been sleeping except now you were on top of her, kissing her neck.
You would've continued if it wasn't for her switching positions.
"I'm on top."
You couldn't careless all you wanted to do was for her to kiss you right now.
"Stop talking and start kissing."
And so she did, trailing her kisses down your neck to your breast, getting rid of your top on the way.
She cupped your mount, tasting them and playing with your nipples as you tugged on her hair asking for more.
You might have marks of her lips tomorrow because of how hungrily she was kissing every inch of your skin.
As she was kissing your lips again you decided to stop her.
"Wait, let's eat."
Jimin looked at you with confusion in her eyes.
"What do you mean 'let's eat' ? What do you think I was about to do ?"
She was now clearly frustrated as you sat up on the couch ans started unpacking your order.
"You need to eat, you haven't even eaten lunch today."
"Who cares ?"
Seeing her frustration wasn't getting to you she changed tactics, brushing her hand on your thigh and kissing your neck.
It was indeed tempting but as you let out a content sigh, you broke contact.
"Eat your food and maybe you'll have dessert."
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Not really a smut but here is a little something -Ael
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ggreactionsandscenarios · 7 months ago
Blackpink Reactions
Their s/o dyeing their hair
Jisoo was mesmerised, she couldn't stop staring at you. You didn't warn her about the sudden change and she couldn't care less. She thought it was the nicest surprise, she couldn't stop looking at you and touching your hair. She would take even more pictures of you starting from now, making it her new wallpaper everytime.
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Jennie was aboard when you dyed your hair. She knew you were supposed to go get a trim but didn't know about the new colour. Once out of the hair salon, she suddenly facetimed you, and you did hesitate before picking up, not sure of her reaction. She didn't utter a word at first, taking her time analysing the change before saying anything, but in the end she did say she loved it.
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Chaeyoung thought she had something in the eyes when she saw you enter her apartment. She scratched her eyes and took another look at you. She loves it, she'll keep on complimenting you and would even consider doing the same colour on a strand of her hair. She said you could be 'matchy-matchy' for the summer that way.
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'Wouu slayyy !'
Lisa would hype you up as you exit the salon, snapping her fingers and whistling. She'll make you pose for her, taking literally hundreds of pictures of you so she could post you up all over social media. Making sure everyone knew how pretty her partner was. She'll even send one in your family group chat, where her mom was the first to answer and say you were handsome.
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ggreactionsandscenarios · 11 months ago
Twice Reactions
Requested by : @valeria5uwu
You suddenly doing aegyo in front of them
She was disgusted like really she screamed as the baby voice escaped your mouth, covering her ears at the same time. She'll tell you it was scary and that you were like Annabelle. Yes it wasn't nice but when you frown at the doll's name she added that you were way more cute than her though. Which seemed like a backhanded compliment but it didn't matter.
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Jungyeon will 100% act disgusted but you'd catch her trying to mimick your expressions later on in front of the mirror. She'll say it was to make fun of you but you'll know that she's just mad that she can't do it as well as you. You'll end up teaching her and it will turn against you whenever she'll want you to buy her food.
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She bursted out laughing at your cute aegyo, she pinched your cheeks and gave you a small peck before going to her members to tell them what cute actions you just did. She'll be all happy and bubbly for the rest of the day. It really just boosted her happiness. If she ever felt down she'll ask you for aegyo from now on.
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Momo literally gagged seeing you try to act cute, of course she loves you but she hates how people define cuteness. She likes more unusual things, she doesn't care about baby voice or cute actions. You'll have to find what makes her heart flutter if you want to gain anything from your aegyo.
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She was extremely surprised when you suddenly called her unnie in a baby voice. You never did that kind of stuff in front of her, in front of anybody actually. It was just so out of character for you that she couldn't believe her ears.
"What did you say ?"
Since it slipped out of your mouth without noticing you'll turn red from embarrassment pretty fast and try to brush it off but she'll never forget.
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Mina didn't say it but she finds it cute, she wouldn't be as excited as some but it would still bring a smile on her face. After all you being cute was her weakness, she'll try to hide it though. She wouldn't want you to use it against her because if you did you clearly could get anything you want from her.
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She literally died right there, her soul leaving her body and all of that. She could die for a good aegyo and you just did one in front of her. She'll request an encore once she'll regain her composure, only to be defeated by your second attempt. It'll become a game between the two of you, she'll ask you to talk in a baby and would pretend to die hearing it every time.
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Chaeyoung looked at you with wide eyes. Yet when you thought she hated it, she suddenly got super excited about it and would ask you to do it again so she can take a video. If you refuse she'll be so sad, you have to do it again if you don't want the biggest smile you ever saw on her face to disappear.
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Tzuyu hates aegyo on a regular basis but there was something about you doing it that'd make her weak. As much as she tries to keep a straight face and pretend she hates it, it's just not true. She'd turn her face the other way to hide her smile and you'll be able tease her with it for hours.
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It's been 3 years but here is your request, hope you like it ❤️ -Ael
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ggreactionsandscenarios · 2 years ago
number 14 for Mina of Twice?
Mina x Reader
Prompt n°14 : water gun war
No use to run
It was a sunny day to wake up to. The large windows of Mina's house were giving you the full landscape of a beautiful sunrise.
Mina was still sound asleep, and even if your first thought was just to cuddle her and go back to sleep, you were feeling that little touch of mischief in you today.
So you got up quietly and made your way to the kitchen.
Don't ask why but you keep your precious water gun under the sink. Luckily, for some reasons Mina hadn't caught up on it yet, or else she would've gotten rid of it.
She might be tired of all the pranks you pulled up lately or at least she pretends to be. Even if deep inside she loves how it keeps her on her toes and always ends up with kisses and cuddles.
As you were sneaking back in the bedroom, you noticed Mina wasn't in bed anymore, you thought she might've went to the bathroom or something.
You were contemplating whether to pretend to be back asleep or wait for her behind the door and attack her when she'll get out.
That was before you got hit by a huge splash of water coming from behind you.
"Bonzaï !!"
Mina caught you off guard.
You tried to defend yourself but to no extent until the strim of water that felt endless did stopped. You turn to your girlfriend a smile full of mischief on your face and you gave the assault.
She was running as fast as she possibly could without slipping, you were up to three circles around the kitchen table when you got her stuck between you and the counter.
She had her hands up in the hair trying to protect her already messed up hair. You pulled the trigger only to see that your gun had no more water either.
You pouted like a child while she opened slightly one eye, confused over why she wasn't drenched yet.
When she saw your disappointed face she hugged you getting her pj's soaked in the process but she didn't mind.
"Let's just say I win this time."
You both burst out laughing.
"But am I really loosing if I got you wet and in my arms."
Mina's turned bright red to your dirty comment and you realised the second meaning of it.
"I mean, I am standing by that sentence."
She hit you in the arm and tried getting out of the hug.
"Don't leave me, I know I'm a sour loser but still you said you'd love me either way."
She shook her head and kissed you.
"Come one sour loser stop talking nonsense amd let's go back to bed."
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Hey, here's the request hope you like it. Thank you for taking the prompt -Ael
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ggreactionsandscenarios · 2 years ago
Hey!! Can I ask for a scenario with LOONA's Chuuves (Chuu + Yves), where they are arguing on who you're favorite member LOONA member is and trying to give you gifts (bribe you) to choose them, but then you end up choosing someone else (because you can't choose between your girlfriends/want to mess with them a bit)? 💕
Chuu x Yves x Reader
I like.. Choerry
"Come on Y/N just tell Chuu I'm your favorite, you're just being cruel at this point."
Chuu looked at you angrily waiting for your answer, her cheeks all red because of how she keeps holding her breath out of anger, which to be honest is really cute.
"I won't choose, end of discussion."
You turned your back at them and walked towards the other girls, annoyed by this never ending argument. They followed you and sat on both of your sides, trapping you.
"You don't have to, you already did at some point, it's only natural."
Yves continued, she was unusally persistent today, Chuu probably told her she was your favorite.
You looked at the concerned girl suspisciously.
"You started this didn't you ?"
Your girlfriend looked at you innocently.
"I only said the truth."
"Which would be ?"
"That I'm your favorite out of the twelve of us because I'm the cutest."
The statement was obviously paired with a cute face, everything to make you agree. But you knew better than to get into your girlfriends' arguments.
"I never said that."
You wouldn't give them the possibility to put that on you, if they wanted to fight it'll be between the two of them.
You took your fork and were about to put it in your mouth when Yves cut you off.
"So I'm your favorite ! I knew it !"
You sighed, you weren't going to be able to eat at peace it seems.
"I didn't say that either."
"Oh come on you have to choose !"
You rolled your eyes.
"Okay Choerry is my favorite."
They were about to continue harassing you for an answer but stopped.
"Wait what ?"
"I like Choerry, now can I eat ?"
They both looked at each other while the other girls were laughing at their antics.
"You can't just say Choerry like that."
"Why not ?"
"She ain't cuter than me..." "..and she ain't sexier than me..."
Both were questioning their whole lives.
"Am I not sexy enough ?.." Yves was clearly in the middle of a mental breakdown.
"Olivia Hye I am cute, right ?"
You choke at her response even though it was expected.
Choerry obviously arrived at this moment and received terrifying stares from both of your girlfriends.
"What did I do again ?"
"Are you trying to steal our girlfriend ?"
"What ?! No, why ?"
"Y/N said you're her favourite, tell us your secret."
You took the knife out of Sooyoung's hands and put it down on the table far away from her reach.
"Oh thanks Y/N."
"You're welcome."
You chuckled at how she was blushing well until you felt two pairs of eyes digging holes in both your sides.
"Okay girls, that's enough I love you both very much, I don't have any favorite."
They both crossed their arms.
"Oh you do, we all heard it."
Man you were in deep trouble, you spend the rest of the day trying to make up with your girlfriends.
You knew you shouldn't have answered.
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Hey, finally posting your request. Hope you like it. Have a good day/night 😘 -Ael
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ggreactionsandscenarios · 2 years ago
idk if this had been requested before but can u do an imagine where bp gets jealous of someone who is hitting on their s/o and becomes very possessive towards them. thanks 🥰
Blackpink Reactions
Someone hitting on their s/o
You smiled at the girl complimenting you, she came up to you all shy and nervous telling you she finds you really attractive. You thought it was cute. However Jisoo didn't see it that way, she gripped a possessive hand around your waist, pretending to just pass behind you but you knew it was more than that.
"Could I have your number ?"
The girl continued, obvious to the possessive stare digging in the back of your head.
"I'm sorry I have a girlfriend."
The girl left and immediately your girlfriend got by your side, kissed your cheek before whispering.
"I don't like her."
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As sweet as Jennie is there are things she can't stand and this girl brushing her hand along your arm is one of those things. She knows she shouldn't be jealous of a friend but come on that one was overboard and very distinctively attracted by you.
She was about to crush her, stomping her feet while walking to you.
Luckily you turned around before she could tear your friend's head apart, catching your girlfriend in a hug that instantly calmed her down.
"Excuse me lady, there is no escaping this hug now, I'm bringing you home."
And you just wave goodbye to your friend and carried Jennie in your arm.
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Rosé didn't like that first pick up line coming from your co-worker, she didn't like the second either. But it's up to the third she snapped.
"Could you maybe stop flirting with my girlfriend before we have to bring this outside ?"
Her tone was stern, annoyance clearly audible.
You didn't know if she was actually on the verge of bringing this outside but you took her hand in yours just in case while your co-worker was babbling apologies.
You could tell she was still throwing him death stares because he literally disappeared after that pretending to go to the bathroom.
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Lisa had been mocking this girl that you both saw trying to flirt with literally everyone in this bar. She just couldn't understand why she had to be so persistent and obvious to the clearly coupled up duos.
However when she came back from the toilet and saw the very same girl at her stool flirting with you, she wasn't laughing anymore.
She saw how the girl wasn't bothered at all to see her come back.
She just kept on chatting you up, while you looked at Lisa amused.
Your girlfriend lowered her head and whispered something in the girl's ear, that somehow made her bid goodbye pretty fast.
To this day you still don't know what she said.
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Hey here is your request, hope you like it -Ael
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ggreactionsandscenarios · 2 years ago
hi i really like your writing and so i was wondering if you can do rose liking another idol from a group and she ends up telling blackpink. so then everyone in blackpink teases her and tries to get her closer to reader whenever theres an award show or some kind of interaction. Thank you! plz remember to drink water throughtout the day btw <3
Rosé x Reader
"No but come on, you have to agree with me on this one: Y/N smash or pass ?"
Rosé didn't answer right away, waiting for her members answers.
None of them agreed with Lisa.
"Chaeyoung are you really going to pass on Y/N ?! I don't care we're not sisters anymore ! You can't just pass THE Y/N !"
Lisa was a bit too loud for Rosé's liking who tried to shut her up with her bare hands.
"Lisa I swear to god, you need to shut up."
Chaeyoung was very well aware that your group was in the waiting room just beside them and that you could probably hear them.
So she whispered her answer.
"Obviously smash but also like ... date, marry, have kids ..?"
Lisa's eyes grew wide, but Rosé kept her hands on her mouth, restraining her from making any noise.
"Well that is one hell of a confession Rosie."
Jennie was equally shocked by the news.
The only member that didn't seem surprised was Jisoo, she kind of already knew. She caught Chaeyoung staring at you a few times during award shows.
Rosé finally let go of Lisa's face only to be flown with questions.
"Did you talk to her ? Does she know ? Can i be your maid of honour?"
"No, no and we'll see."
At this point Rosie's cheeks were bright red just thinking about marrying you.
"Anw our Rosie Posie is blushing."
Her members were teasing her but they were mainly just happy for her. It was pretty rare for Rosé to have a crush and even for it to be worthy enough that she'd talk about it with them. You must be really special.
Their manager sadly interrupted the conversation by knocking on the door.
"Time to go girls !"
As they exited the changing room, Rosé met your eyes. You had just opened the door hoping to have a subtle peek at them before they went on stage.
You exchanged a long glance before one of your members called you.
"Y/N it's not our turn yet close the door, oh hi Rosé sunbaenim."
The girl bowed in respect and you realised you didn't, so you quickly bowed down. Rosé did the same, equally to hide her blushing cheeks than to be polite.
"Rosie ! We have to go. Hi girls sorry it's our turn. See you later."
Jennie caught her arm and pulled her to the direction of the stage.
They weren't even that far that Jennie gave a knowing look to Rosé.
"Wasn't that Y/N by any chance ? Thought you never spoke to her. You better explain."
"I didn't spoke to her so I technically didn't lie."
"Yeah well you better take the occasion when she'll get on stage sweetie".
Chaeyoung didn't even had time to say anything that they were making their entry on stage, standing next to the other groups.
"Next is Y/Gg/N !"
You got on stage still a little dazzled by your meeting with The Roseanne Park.
Your group way too close for her to be at ease, of course the pinks made her stand the nearest to you when they saw you get on stage.
You could sense her tension so you decided to make some small talk to make her at ease.
"Stressed ? I mean I'm pretty sure you're going to win if it's any help."
Lisa nudged her because she actually didn't realise you were talking to her. She was surprised though, most new girl groups are too intimidated to.
It somehow made her comfortable that you weren't treating her differently.
She still gave a panicked look at her members who just made big gestures, mouthing 'go for it !'.
"Shouldn't you be routing for yourself ?"
She blurred out.
"I am, but I'm still a blink I can't just turn that off haha."
Her eyes widened.
"How much of a blink would you say you are ?"
"A pretty big blink, why ?"
She was mortified.
"That means you saw all the memes, how am I supposed to appear cool now ...?"
You let a real laugh escape your lips at her complain.
"Why would you want to impres me ? I'm the one supposed to do that in order to get your number."
Her head snapped.
"Wait what ? You want my number ?"
Her eyes were shining from adoration at this point, you almost had to cover your eyes.
"And the winners are ..."
However the winners were about to be revealed so you had to whisper your answer before having to be quiet.
"Of course I do, I mean you're kind of my bias."
You said that with a wink right before the mcs continued.
"... BlackPink !!"
You got out of stage, letting Rosé completely dumbfounded. She'll find you backstage afterwards, she's not missing that chance.
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Hey, your request is here hope you enjoy it. Stay safe 😉-Ael
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ggreactionsandscenarios · 2 years ago
insomnias are starving for content lately! or maybe its just me lol. anyways, when you have time ofc can you write dreamcatcher yoohyeon x reader (8th member) soulmate AU where you get the same bruises as your soulmate. Reader, who's soulmate is very clumsy cuz she keeps getting bruises from nowhere, gets added to dreamcatcher. yoohyeon instantly falls for her so she becomes even more clumsy in front of her, making them finally understand they're each others soulmate? sorry if this is confusing :))
Yoohyeon x Reader
Clumsy soulmates
You walked towards the practice room the guy at the front desk directed you to. Feeling determined to show a good first impression to your now members.
You were the lucky trainee that got themselves added to the already existing and amazing girl group Dreamcatcher.
You were pretty confident because you knew the girls had a say in your addition to the group.
They saw what you were capable of and were satisfied, which was already a great accomplishment in itself.
As much as all those thoughts should have made knocking on that door easier, turned out it did not. You were frozen in place trying to cheer yourself up.
"Come on Y/N, you're going to have to see them at some point might aswell be today."
You held your breath and knocked.
Jiu opened the door, while trying to maintain the calm in the room.
"Guys, silence please there's someone at the door."
She then turned to you, giving you her brightest smile.
You kept yourself from getting silent because of how hard you were fangirling.
"Hi, I'm Y/N."
You really hoped Jiu knew who you were because you didn't know if you would be able to say anything else.
You heard some rumming around behind Jiu and your name being repeated a few times. Then suddenly Yoohyeon popped her head from the back trying to get a better look at you.
As she was jumping to see past Jiu your eyes locked before she fell miserably on the floor.
"Oh my god, is she okay ?"
Jiu turned just enough to see it was Yoohyeon.
"Oh don't worry you'll get used to it, anyway welcome in Dreamcatcher Y/N."
And with that she let you in.
Without really realising what you were doing you rushed to Yoohyeon side to make sure she was okay, the fall seemed kind of rough.
"Hey, are you okay there ?"
She was still on the floor, she learned the hard way that sometimes it's better to stay put for a minute before getting up after a fall.
"Yeah don't worry, I kind of hit my arm but it's okay."
You nodded silently, waiting for her to be ready to help her get up. After a few minutes she was and held your arm for leverage.
Once she was safe and steady, she noticed you had a slight bruise over your arm and brushed her thumb over it.
"Clumsy too ?"
"Oh i didn't notice, well maybe I am."
You both laughed at that.
You were very aware that you weren't alone in the room so you forced yourself not to keep staring at your bias. It was hard.
You got yourself engage in a conversation with everybody but you did stole a few glances towards her.
Somehow during that same conversation Yoohyeon proceeded to hurt herself not less than three times more.
She tripped on her own foot, two times and almost fell when she tied her shoe. Luckily that last time you grabbed her before she could fell but she did bite her tongue because of the shock.
And that's before practice even restarted..
While dancing it got worse, at first it was okay but as soon as you got added to the dance it started going downhill.
She fell multiple times, stepped on a few toes and smashed her head a couple of times against Siyeon, luckily the later has a strong skull.
"Are you doing it on purpose today ? You're extra clumsy."
Sua complained, caressing Siyeon's head which got smashed one more time.
"Of course not, I'm sorry guys."
Yoohyeon was ashamed she sat on the other side of the room, her head hanging low.
You decided to go comfort her.
"You shouldn't get close Y/N I keep hurting people today."
You sat right next to her.
"I'm not afraid, I probably tweeted 'Step on me Yoohyeon' back in my fangirl era. At that point it's just manifesting."
She laughed at your confession, you should be embarrassed but you were just happy to have lightened the mood.
"Fangirl era ? Is that so ? And when was that exactly ?"
You looked at her, faking thinking about it.
"Yesterday ?"
You joked and were happy to see her smile, she had loosened her grip around her knees. Probably feeling more relax than earlier.
You just sat there in silence listening to her laugh until she took a solid look at you.
"Oh my god what happened to your head ?"
You looked at her bewildered, not knowing what she was talking about.
"Did I bump into you too ? I don't remember."
She was inspecting your scalp and you did feel the stings of a bruise growing there.
"You didn't.."
You were starting to understand what that could mean while Yoohyeon was still clueless.
You took a look at her arms and legs comparing them to yours, your suspicions got stronger when you saw that her head had actually grow bigger on the same side as yours.
"Hmm ?"
She was busy looking at your head.
"Yoohyeon look at me."
She looked at you, her eyebrows furrowed.
Without saying a thing you pointed out all the bruises you had in common. But it wasn't enough for her to realise what you were implying.
"We're both covered in bruises so what ?"
You sigh, you didn't want to have to say it.
"Did you see me fall today, or bump into someone ?"
"I don't know maybe ? To be honest I was more often on the floor than anything today."
"I didn't because I'm not a clumsy person Yoohyeon which means that me having the exact same bruises as you can only mean one thing."
You saw how her eyes widened.
"We're soulmates."
You both look at each other in shock before turning your heads away blushing like high-school girls.
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Hi, hope you like the request 😊 take care -Ael
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ggreactionsandscenarios · 2 years ago
I’d like Any cute fluffy Wendy (RV) scenario, please. The story is up to you. Lots of cute kisses please! Thanks
Wendy x Reader
Speed dating
Here you were again, attending a super cringe speed dating afternoon because of your older sister.
She kept forcing you to go to those things even though you repetitively expressed how much you hated it.
The guys went on and on, not one being slightly interesting and to be honest at some point you figured that your interest had been picked elsewhere.
A few tables away, towards the back of the coffee shop you were in, was a really cute girl. Dark hair, fair skin and beautiful smile, she seemed as bored as you and you noticed how the guy in front of her was the one who kept talking about how loaded he was when he talked to you.
You could feel her disgust from here.
"Ding !"
At every bell's sound the guys were to change tables (pretty misogynistic you thought).
As a new guy sat down you couldn't pay less attention to what he was saying, only pretending to listen by nodding which went unnoticed by him. Cis men sure have a way to talk to themselves.
As you were focused on the faraway table, you caught up on the fact she was about to have enough and almost ready to leave. She kept checking the time on her watch and throwing glance at the door, almost ready to run away at any moment.
As the bell rang, you rushed to her table, not even taking the time to bid goodbye to your so called 'date'.
When you got to her she was packing her things in her bag. You coughed to get her attention, making her bang her head against the table.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry !"
Without thinking you got to her side checked her head. When you realised that maybe you shouldn't do that for a stranger and it might make her uncomfortable. You took a step back, apologizing again, quite ashamed of how bad you messed up.
Because you were hiding your own embarrassment, you failed to notice the way her cheeks had turned red.
Before you both fell into an awkward silence, you tried to regain composure.
"Sorry can we try this again ?" You asked scratching the back of your head.
The girl gave you the sweetest smile, encouraging you to go on.
"I'm Wendy."
"I'm Y/N, I noticed you were getting ready to leave. I'd like to be your last date if you'll let me. I can let the guy obsessed with his Porsche be the last person you see on a date today."
She laughed at the comment.
"Oh my god, you got him too. I swear at some point I wanted to crash his porsche just to give him a reason to talk about it."
You both laughed at that, bonding over the fact that this man was a douch. When you laughs died down, she looked at you and smiled.
"And yes I'd like it if you were my last date, please take a sit."
You did and there you spent the best day ever.
You talked for hours not minding the bell, however at some point it had to come to an end.
All the other participants were getting ready to leave and you both looked at each other sadly. Clearly neither of you wanted to part ways, so you got idea.
"Would you maybe like to have a second date with me ? One with less bell ringing maybe ?"
"I'd love that actually."
You agreed to meet up the next day in front of this same coffee shop and ever since it became your meet up point.
Like today, for your 1st anniversary.
The only big change is that you never get greeted by a simple 'hello' anymore but rather by a love attack.
Wendy would indeed come running in your direction, tackling you in a hug and a good amount of kisses. Today was no exception.
"Let's go ?"
She denied your request.
"Not yet I still want to kiss you."
And she did, you only left for your date ten minutes later.
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Based on a dream I had, hope you like it -Ael
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ggreactionsandscenarios · 2 years ago
hi :) i was wondering if you could write a yvesoul (yves and jinsoul of loona) x fem!reader? where yvesoul comfirm they are a couple to the group and the reader gets really upset for a while bcs of her feelings for the other girls but eventually they confess to her? if not thats okay as well, i love your work <3
Yves x Jinsoul x Reader
It was Loona's fourth brithday, all the girls were happy to celebrate it together. This year no one was missing and they agreed to invite some more people, being one of their close friends they naturally invited you too.
It was tradition for the girls to take turns saying what they were grateful for. But this year Yves and Jinsoul, stood up together when their turn arrived and hand in hand gestured for everyone to be silent for awhile.
"Oh my god they're finally going to admit it !"
With one hand Heejin shut her girlfriend's mouth, giving Yves a thumbs up with the other one.
Yves muttered her a thank you before proceeding to the annoucement.
"We're together !"
"What ? It was taking too much time, now cheers people !"
And just like that Jinsoul blew up the surprise and at the same time crushed down your heart. You should be happy for them like everybody was but you just couldn't. It was too hard. How were you suppose to be glad when you just felt betrayed. You thought you had something going one with them but it was apparently only in your head.
The applause quickly became too much and you had to get out of the room immediatly, you were suffocating under your silent tears.
You rushed outside, trying to get any air down your lungs, with no success. You felt a hand carress the center of your back, tracing small circles to smooth you.
After some trouble you were able to look back at who it was, only for your cries to get louder when you find yourself being conforted by no other than the ones that hurted you.
You instinctively took a step back, hitting some stupid sign standing there. They both made a move to help you up but you rejected them, you couldn't stand their touch right now, you already couldn't stand their sight.
"Don't touch me."
Your words felt like daggers for the two idols but they complied, restraining themselves from just taking you in their arms.
"Baby it's not like that ..."
A silent tear rolled down your face at Jinsoul's words.
"Did you really just call me 'baby' after literally breaking my heart in there."
You pointed out the restaurant where she had just announce being in a relationship with the other love of your life.
She was about to answer but you didn't let her.
"You know what's really messed up ? Inviting me here to witness it all."
Your words were filled with hatred but only because you were hurting so much inside the pain was literally escaping by any means it could.
But it still crushed your down bringing you to your knees. You felt yourself getting lift up and carried inside.
You tried to fight it but as much as you wish you could hate them you couldn't.
"Baby listen to me, we love you and the only reason you weren't with us for that announcement is that we were afraid it'll make you uncomfortable."
Yves didn't stop caressing your back since they brought you in.
"But we now realise we should have thought about how it could hurt your feelings."
Jinsoul concluded.
"Please look at us baby, talk to us."
You slowly turned around facing them still half crying.
"Is that true ? You love me ?"
You voice was almost pleading.
"Yes we do, we really do. You can't imagine how many times we talked about you to each other before we could know it we were both falling in love with you."
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Hey, hope you like the request. Have a good day/night and remember to drink water even if it's not summer anymore -Ael
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ggreactionsandscenarios · 2 years ago
Hi! can you please do dreamcatcher members reactions to their s/o having a fever?
Dreamcatcher Reactions
Their s/o having fever
Jiu is used to taking care of people as it’s part of her daily job. When she came home for lunch she didn’t expect you to be laying on the sofa curled up in a blanket when it was literaly burning hot inside. She knew something was up right away, she got to the kitchen turn off the oven you let on before coming towards you.
"Hey, sweety I'm going to draw you a bath but you need to let go of that heavy blanket."
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Sua will absolutely baby you, scold you for not being careful about your health but will take care of you.
"How dare any virus touch my baby !?!"
It took Sua all her will for her not to scream as she usually would. She remained calm took her time making you a good soup, the best she could with what she had in hands. She'll stay up all night, making sure you were covered and comfortable.
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Siyeon didn't notice right away when you started to feel unwell but when you almost fell out of the blue, she caught you right away.
"Wow easy there."
She didn't wait any minute and just carried you to bed. She made you change into your pyjamas and got some wet cloth for your forehead. She instinctively woke up a few times during the night to make sure you were alright.
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Handong knew before you did, she could just feel it for some kind of reasons. She just felt like something was off and so she made you stay at home, practically gluing you to the couch.
It did turned out to be the right call because the moment she left you for a second to go pee, you started coughing like crazy almost spitting your lungs out.
She rushed out her zipper still open, already knowing what medicine to give you.
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Yoohyeon is a bit over dramatic, when she noticed your state and how sick you've gotten, she just straight up brought you to the ER.
She didn't know what to do so she figured people in a hospital would and yes she was right in a way but you still made her promise not to bring you to an hospital at 3am everytime you catch a cold. She was reluctant until you agreed to write down instructions on what to do if you're sick again.
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Dami had a plan but like every good plan does, it didn't work. She thought she could kill the sickness before it had arrived. Turn out that by being too preventive she just made it worse.
Her idea that getting fresh air by keeping every window opened for an hour turned out to be the reason you got sick.
Of course feeling responsible she'll take good care of you, babying you even by spoonfeeding you.
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Gahyeon panicked okay ? She didn't mean to throw a glass of water at your face. She just didn't know what to do calm your fever down.
When you asked her what the fuck she was doing, the started crying. She thought you were angry and that she'll make you get more sick.
You hugged her until she calmed down, reassuring that it was okay you just needed some rest.
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Hey, here's your request. Hope you like it -Ael
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ggreactionsandscenarios · 2 years ago
Can I request a TWICE's Mina x fem? Where they're both idols from diff groups and told interviews that they're each others ideal person so now they both end up in the show We Got Married? qwq
Mina x Reader
You never expected things to go this far, especially not when it all started with a joke.
You did kind of mean it but still, how the hell did you end up in We Got Married with your celebrity crush ?
It all started with boredom really, tired of the same question during interviews you just decided to play a little bit.
So when the interviewer ask you the usual question of what is your ideal type, you just went for it and answered with the girl you found the most attractive among kpop girls.
"Myoui Mina."
The rumour spread like a wildfire and not even a week after that, you heard about Mina and how she said in an interview that you were pretty much the only idol she'd consider dating.
You knew while watching the interview that she was just as bored as you and wanted to entertain herself as much as you did at the time.
So you just kept it up, saying her name everytime the question popped up without really thinking about it. She did the same always adding something about how she should have your number by now.
And maybe deep down both of you knew you were indeed each other's crush but it didn't matter as long as you were interacting like that.
It did work making the interviewers laugh, whom suggested that she could make you a video to ask you for your number and she did.
Sadly your company had a strong opinion on phones and the way they were used. And that's the reason why you haven't been able to give it to her even though you wanted to.
But here was your manager informing you that you were going to shoot We got married with her.
At first you obviously thought he was messing with you as he usually would but then you saw her arrived and couldn't hide your surprised.
You tried to calm down and get back on track, and maybe talking to yourself was your idea of playing it cool.
"Okay, Y/N it's okay you got this. You've been flirting with her through interviews too much to get shy now. Treat her like a friend that's it, treat her like a friend everything should be alright. Treat her like a ..."
"Hi !"
Oh my god it was her and she was breathtaking.
"Okay no never mind."
Mina looked at you confused, after all you did just talk to yourself out loud.
"I'm sorry, Hi."
Great save.
"So what are you doing here ?"
Okay no I take that back you're a loser. What a stupid question she's literally here to marry you dumbass.
Luckily for you Mina found your awkwardness quite cute and she let a sweet laugh at your antics.
"I'm sorry, as you can tell I'm terribly nervous and don't know how to handle it at all."
She smiled at you and gesture to a small bench a few steps further in the garden.
"Would you like to sit with me for while ? We could just learn to know each other a little bit before they turn all their cameras on."
That's the exact moment you fell in love with Myoui Mina.
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Hey, After all this time here's your request hope you'll like it. -Ael
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ggreactionsandscenarios · 2 years ago
i love your writings thanks for the content!! can you write Jiu with the prompt "19. Back massage"? where she has been under lots of stress lately so her gf (8th member) helps her relax? make it fluffy pls
Jiu x Reader
Prompt n°19 : Back massage
Relax time
It's been a hell of a month for your leader, the company kept asking more and more out of her. As tough as she'll like to pretend she is, it was starting to get too much even for her.
It's been days since you saw anything but a frown on her face and you didn't like that.
She was coming home later than the rest of you, always way more exhausted than you. You were starting to get worried about her health, no one can keep up with such a schedule.
So when you heard the front door open, you decide it was time to do something for her. You snatched some massage oil from Handong and set up a nice atmosphere in your room. You set up some warm towels near the bed, you also got her favourite pyjamas out of the closet, you did everything for her to just relax.
All she'll have to do when she'll enter the bedroom is to let it all go and let you do the work.
"Good night girls I'm going to bed"
You heard her wish goodnight to the other girls in the living room before hearing her footsteps coming closer.
When she opened the door she just let herself fall face first on the mattress crushing the warm towels on the way.
She got up with her arms wondering what was under her.
"Why is there towels on the bed ? Were you ..?"
Realising what she was implying you turned bright red.
"Oh my god no, I wanted to give you a massage that's all."
"Ohh alright, it's okay though, I'm tired if you give me one I'll probably fall asleep anyway."
"Who said you couldn't ?"
You set the towels back and tug on her shirt, she rose her arms letting you get rid of the piece of clothing before crashing back face first on the mattress.
She must have had a bigger day than any others of the week to be this exhausted. You gave her a tender kiss on the cheek before whispering.
"Don't you want to put on your pyjs ?"
You took that as a clue that she wasn't ready to move anywhere anytime soon.
So you set up the oils and got some on your hand before starting to massage your girlfriend's back.
She let a content sigh when you started working on the knots of nerves she grew on her shoulders. Letting the pressure evaporate.
After some time you stoped Jiu appeared to be asleep, now completely relaxed and at ease.
You got to the bathroom to wash your hands and put back all the stuff you used.
Surprisingly when you came back Jiu was sat down on the bed waiting for you.
"I thought you were sleeping, sorry if I woke you up."
"I was but you got too far from me sweetheart. Come cuddle, I missed you today."
You got in bed in Jiu's arms.
"Thank you for the massage baby, I don't know what I'd do without you."
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Thank you so much, sorry for the long wait here's your request. Have a good day or night, take care -Ael
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ggreactionsandscenarios · 2 years ago
hello ! do you take reqs for soloists like Suzy and IU?
Hi, I take them for IU but not for Suzy
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ggreactionsandscenarios · 2 years ago
Hey. My number one is dami 🥺 thank you so much for that last post. I don't see a lot about her. She's so underrated. I love her so much. You think you could write something with her. Like fluff and maybe some smut? ❤️ thank you
Dami x Reader
A little something
It’s been a week since the last time Dami came to see you or that she answered any of your text. You’ve been ‘hanging out’ for a few months now. You met on a dating app, after talking for a while, you decided to meet in real life which went pretty well. You figured out that you get along pretty fine, not that you went that deep in conversation.
It was your first time being on a dating app and you were still hesitant to share information to people on there. Dami though was doing the same for a all other reason, she had her fair share of people wanting to meet her for her life as an idol and not her as a person. She was on the verge of quitting the app when you matched, and she decided at the time that you were her last one when she actually was your first interesting encounter on the platform.
You met pretty regularly during this time but not on date or anything public you’ll met at her hotel, and to be honest more times than you wish to admit you ended up hooking up. Rather quickly she became the person you'd call for sex, you sometimes wanted more than that but you weren’t ready and she didn’t seem interested.
After a pretty bad break up last year you promised yourself not to catch feelings for the first person you'll met, you wanted to experimence a hot girl summer or something similar, something that didn’t ask of you emotional effort, just a simple touch.
Dami was good at that she always seemed to express the right amount of affection for you to feel wanted and loved without becoming completely dependante of her.
Or so you thought, now that you had absolutely no news of her, you were getting worried, imagining the worst scenarios in your head. Althought Dami wasn’t exactly one to text a lot, she was often asking you your whereabouts, or asking you to come over.
But as said before, it's been a week and nothing. Absolutely nothing.
It shouldn't affect you this much but it was, you figured that without her, your all mood dropped rather quickly. And as much as you'd like to be pissed about it you're mainly sad.
When the bell rang you were relieved to know that your pizza finally arrived, so you ran to the door trying to brush off your thoughts about Dami. Food has always been your personal escape when you weren't feeling good.
However you weren't sure you were disappointed to notice it wasn't your pizza ringing the bell but your so called booty call.
"What are you doing here ?"
Your words were rather aggressive but you thought it was fair and so did Dami.
"We need to talk."
Some other day you would've been stressed out by the sentence but you were just upset.
" 'We' don't need to do anything together as you made it perfectly clear by ghosting me Dami. So no we don't need to talk, you need to leave."
As you were closing the door on her she put her foot in the way blocking the door.
"I'm sorry."
You didn't answer already feeling like this conversation was about to drain you from all your energy.
"Please hear me out."
Against your better judgment you let go of the door and went back to the living room already tired of what was about to come.
Dami took a minute to realised you weren't blocking the door anymore but when she did she was glad that you were ready to talk to her. She entered your apartment, her eyes wandering around, noticing the way your place was the perfect match to your personality.
Getting irritated by her small smiles you'll try to get to the point.
"You only have until my pizza man arrives. Better talk fast."
As much as she was hurt by your want to get rid of her quickly she did start talking.
"I'm sorry for going silent. The truth is that I got more attached to you than I expected and because I knew you didn't want any sort of relationship it started to hurt me. I'm a coward, I ran away but it's ending now I want to try. I want to be the one to make you believe in relationships again. So if you'll let me I'd like to take you out on a date Y/N and not in a lame hotel room this time."
As much as you'd like to feel giddy and excited about the demand you couldn't help but be terrified. Being in a relationship implied a lot more than what you were ready to give and it also meant renouncing to your newly found freedom.
Seeing your trouble Dami got closer cupping your face.
"Hey, I'm not asking your hand in mariage, not yet anyway. I just want to get to really know you Y/N."
You looked at her eyes, trying to entangle the truth from the jokes. Yet for once all you could see in Dami was honesty, nothing was hidden under it, just the pure and simple truth.
"So would you go on a date with me ?"
You thought about it for a mere second contemplating whether it was a good idea or not.
Dami jumped in the air like a child which made you laugh and notice that you indeed had still a lot to learn about her.
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Hey, here's your request. Sorry no smut simply because the story didn't turned out to be inclined to. Anyway have a good day/night ❤️ -Ael
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ggreactionsandscenarios · 3 years ago
Mamamoo Masterlist
Their s/o's family being homophobic and not supporting their relationship
Being under the mistletoe with their crush new
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