Ggeri's Cosplay
47 posts
A girl's got to have her cosplay's, she just can't live without them
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ggericosplay · 3 years ago
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ggericosplay · 4 years ago
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I am hot gluing this, all the places that have holes from the card board, gonna get lots and lots of glue and I am very, very tired. I have to make two of them, two. There is so much hot glue involved it’s not even funny. 
lol wait till I start complaining about painting it. Least that’s less work. The hard part is all the glue. 
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ggericosplay · 4 years ago
Once I am done with my props I am going to be sick of hot glue for a while. I am already at the point that I am starting to hate it. Not cause it doesn’t work, but because I have to use so much and my hands hurt. But beauty is pain, or the saying should be. Cosplay is Pain, suck it up butter cup. 
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ggericosplay · 5 years ago
Will be having some new updates in a couple of weeks as we begin to prepare for 2020 NDK
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ggericosplay · 5 years ago
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ggericosplay · 5 years ago
New merch coming soon!
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ggericosplay · 5 years ago
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First off, excuse my awkward eyes. But a better picture of me as Doctor McCoy. I also have some pictures of how I made all the badges. I wasn’t really thinking of posting these, so I didn’t go into more detail. It was just so that everyone who I was making them for could see them. They are made out of hot glue on a template that I created with paper, a sharpie and parchment paper. I used parchment paper because the hot glue won’t stick to it. I used yellow hot glue because I had a lot of it. You don’t have to use that, but I also wanted a solid color when I created these so that I wouldn’t have to put a crap ton of layers of paint on them. To make the shade of sliver I wanted, I found some metallic silver paint and then mixed it with grey. I think that they turned out really well. I also hot glued stripes around my sleeves so that I could give myself my proper rank. I have since washed the top in the washing machine but I don’t know how well the hot glue stood up to it. I can always fix the hot glue I’m not all that worried. 
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ggericosplay · 5 years ago
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So not the best photos, but for Halloween last year me, my mom and my friend @failure-of-zen. I am doing Doctor McCoy, my mother Counselor Troy and @failure-of-zen is Chief O’Brien. Will endeavor to get better picture of at least two of as soon as possible.
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ggericosplay · 5 years ago
Cosplays where you at?
Okay let’s be honest I haven’t posted any pictures of me in Cosplay in quite a while. Why you may ask, been busy and I have to say I’ve been neglecting this blog. No more I say. I shall endeavor to post more.
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ggericosplay · 5 years ago
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I have been getting a lot of question on whether I am doing okay, due to my less posting, as I use to post far more regularly. The short answer is yes, I am doing okay. I have good days and bad days, and right now with the beginning of the new year I am working my hardest to get an appointment set up to get me tested for epilepsy, and as scary as that might sound or seem I really need this appointment to go well. I know this will sound weird, but I need the tests to come back positive. I need them to induce a seizure. The reason for this is that my medical issues can’t be explained right now, and I need to get on disability. I can’t work a normal job right now, because of my medical problems. So please pray for me or wish me luck on my testing, whatever you feel would be appropriate. The test won’t happen till February, but it is weighing on my mind a lot right now. As you might realize because I don’t have a job, I don’t have a steady income and that is also causing a bit of an issue. I do work on things from home and have an Etsy store that I am selling my buttons/pins on as well as crochet earrings and necklaces. I am also working on getting my Patreon up and running as well as my discord that I will provide a link too as soon as it’s ready. I do appreciate all of your love and concern; it helps me get through the days that just happen to be bad days. As always Love you all.
I, of course, will be posting photos of my cosplays and other things that I do that relates to this blog. ^^
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ggericosplay · 5 years ago
What are you working on or planning to work on this year?
I am not all that sure what my plans are going to be for this year, I was thinking that maybe I want to make another Star Wars costume, maybe in light of the new movies. I did find some of the characters enjoyable. It wouldn’t be Rey unless I was going to do dark Rey. I was also thinking about maybe doing another Disney Princess or maybe a Disney Villian. I am getting maleficent Vibes to be honest. Unfortunately, I am allergic to most facepaint and that makes it harder to do certain characters. As I have a Darth Maul (gender swap), and I can’t do her because I am allergic to the face paint. I actually turn into a tomato and my face starts to swell. It’s not all that fun. I do have an almost fully made Star Trek that just needs some better props. I will definitely be working on that one. As always no matter what I do I will have my companion piece that my mother wears. We always go as a group, helps us get recognized better. 
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ggericosplay · 5 years ago
Hope you get to feeling better. :)
Thank you, I am feeling a hell of a lot better now. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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ggericosplay · 5 years ago
Stars, Stars, and More Stars
To give the Space costume some more lolita vibes I made stars to hang from the hat and her skirt. I made a lot!
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To make the perfect stars I took paper and traced around a few star-shaped cookie cutters on some printer paper. Once I had enough outlines I then stapled the printer paper to parchment paper. Fun Fact, hot glue doesn’t stick to parchment paper. It does stick to wax paper, foil, and saran wrap. Also if you have a mold that hot glue will stick to and you don’t want it to. If you coat the mold in alcohol (rubbing alcohol) the hot glue won’t stick to that either. ^^
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Once I had the template made I then traced the stars in hot glue, giving me pretty little starts. 
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And then filled the stars in with more hot glue. If the glue was hot enough it would all mold together and make a very nice clean looking star. If not then there would be bumps. As of right now, I don’t have close up pictures of all the stars that I made... :( But I will be sure to show them when I show the finished Space hat.
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ggericosplay · 5 years ago
Planet Attempt Two
For my second attempt, we decided that I was going to make the planet purple and silver, that way it would match the hat. Cause we smart. lol
I obviously started out the same way, styrofoam balls cut in half and lots of sequins.
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Look at all the pretty sequins. lol
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Again lots of hot glue and sequins burnt me on this one as well. Seguins are made of metal and so it hurts when you put them on hot glue. This time I didn’t make any rings, we decided that it would be too much when I put all the stars that I made to go with her costume as well on. So This is the finished project. We did end up using this one. 
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I do admit it does look a lot better in purple than it did in red. 
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ggericosplay · 5 years ago
Planet Attempt One
To make our hats a little more Lolita-like we decided that I would add a couple more things onto the hats, so for my mothers, the space hat, I decided to make a planet. She wanted that planet to be Mars so I went with a red and gold theme. 
And so began the work or making a planet.
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First I got some styrofoam balls from Walmart and then chopped them in half. I wanted the whole ball in case I messed up or just needed to make another one, I would have more to work with. The next step was to cover the whole top of the half ball with sequins. this took a lot of time.
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I decided to use red and gold, due to the want for it to mere Mars. Any spaces that were left open I would cover with gold and silver sparkly, to give it a star-like effect. It turned out pretty well, and this was the most time-consuming part of the whole thing. I took me two days to complete and several hot glue sticks. I also ended up burning my fingers a couple of times. 
The next part would be to add some rings to it, figuring out how I was going to attach them and what they should be made of was quite tricky. 
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I had lots of colored pipe cleaners and decided that they would make pretty good rings.
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I thought about doing orange and yellow first turns out that clashed way too much, but now I know how I want the pipe cleaners to sit. Next to figure out what colors look the best. 
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After looking at all my options I ended up going with Black and the Shiny Red. Not only would it match it would be pretty and shinny, all very important factors. Next on to how on earth I am going to attach them.
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I decided to carve out the inside of the half-circle so that I would have a good place to glue them as well as have an anchor point for them. The only issue was that now my styrofoam ball was leaking all over me and everything else that I was working on and so I would now need to do something about that as well. 
In the end, I decided to hot glue some foam into it so that it would have a backing and a cover.
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With that, I was able to glue the rings in so that they would sit nicely above the planet that I had created. 
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And here is the finished project. In the end, we didn’t end up using this one, but I did learn a lot from it. When I put it with the hat I found that it clashed a lot and my mother didn’t like it so I scrapped it, I might use it for something else some other time. 
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As you can see it doesn’t quite go with her hat. I didn’t think it looked too bad, and I was kinda annoyed. This took me over five hours in total over two days to complete. It would mean that I would need to make another one. Though this does go back to me having two styrofoam balls. ^^ 
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ggericosplay · 5 years ago
I know that I said I would get this done before the first, but I ended up getting sick... Dx So I am going to attempt to get them done now, at least most of them. And I’ll have them auto-post all next week so it’s not just one huge group after another. 
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ggericosplay · 5 years ago
No rush! Have fun at the con! 😊
Thank you. xD
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