gethostingbuysblog · 2 months
How to Start Blogging
Blogging is the act of sharing knowledge by producing articles and images and publishing them on a website or blog. It is called blogging.
Choosing Your Niche
What’s the first step to starting a Blogging, and creating a profitable blog?
Before finding the right domain name or web hosting for your website, you must first identify the most profitable blogging niches for your first blog.
What’s your passion? What do you have expertise in?
You need to research popular blogs according to your niche to understand what your potential audience likes. 
Whether it’s web hosting technology, travel, lifestyle, or finances, selecting your niche is essential to creating a profitable blog.
Selecting a Suitable Blogging Platform
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There are over 15 blogging platforms available, the most popular of which are listed below.
CMS Hub 
What do we Recommend for Blogging?
CMSs are the most popular and leading platform for website making and the most suitable option for blogging.
WordPress is the best CMS platform for blogging and our first choice for starting blogging from scratch, where you can easily create a website or blog with zero knowledge of coding.
It powers more than 44% of all websites or blogs on the internet.
Choose the Blog Name and get the Domain 
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A domain name is essential for setting up a unique blog or business website, as it enhances your unique online identity and brand identity, making it easy for visitors to remember your brand.
Whenever you are thinking of a blog name, the name of the blog should be memorable, and it should reflect what topic you are blogging about.
Choose a web host for your Blog
Every website or blog needs the right web host to go online. Choosing the right web host is crucial to optimizing blog performance.
Before choosing web hosting, you should consider various factors, including cost, performance, customer support, uptime, scalability, etc.
You should also keep your blog’s needs in mind when choosing a web host.
As a beginner, you should start with affordable web hosting as you are learning blogging, so later you will become an expert, and then you can invest in premium web hosting.
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HostBet comes to your rescue as one of the most affordable and reliable web hosting services. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, HostBet meets all your blogging needs.
Setting Up Your Blog
Once you’ve chosen a platform, domain, or web host, now it’s time to set up your blog.
Follow a step-by-step guide to creating your blog and how to host a website.
After installing WordPress, you will have to create the necessary pages, such as Contact Us, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, and About Us.
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gethostingbuysblog · 5 months
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50 posts!
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gethostingbuysblog · 5 months
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gethostingbuysblog · 8 months
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gethostingbuysblog · 10 months
How to Add Admin User to the WordPress Database with phpMyadmin
Adding an Admin User to the WordPress Database With phpMyAdmin becomes necessary when a hacker has locked your website, you have lost access to the WordPress admin panel, or you have forgotten credentials. Here we use the HostBet Shared Hosting cPanel account screenshot.
Step 1: Open the cPanel account Dashboard
Step 2: Navigate to phpMyAdmin in the Databases section.
Step 3: Click on phpMyAdmin.
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Step 4: Once you’re on the phpMyAdmin dashboard, you need to select your WordPress database.
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This will open the WordPress database. You will be making changes to the wp_users and wp_usermeta tables.
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First, add a user to the wp_users table.
Step 5: First, you need to navigate the wp_users table and click on it. This will open the users currently listed in the table.
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Please note that there is one user ID in our demo website table 1. You need to add a new user using a new unique ID, so we’ll use the 2 numbers.
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Step 6: To create a new user, you need to click on the “Insert” tab.
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Step 7: Add the following information to the fields on the Insert form:
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ID: pick a unique number (in our example, we’ll use 2)
user_login: the username that will be used for login
user_pass: add a strong password, and make sure to select MD5 in the function from the drop-down menu (see the screenshot below)
user_nicename: the user’s full name or nickname ( you can write according to yourself)
user_email: the user’s email address
user_url: your website address
user_registered: select the date and time the user was registered using the calendar
user_activation_key: leave blank
user_status: set this to 0
display_name: the user’s full name or display name
Step 8: Once you have finished, click on the ‘Go’ button to add the new user.
Next adding a user to the wp_usermeta table.
Step 1: To add a new user, you need to navigate to wp_usermeta, click on it, and then click on the “insert” tab (same as the previous steps).
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Step 2: Next, you need to add the following information to the Insert form:
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unmeta_id: leave this blank
user_id: the user ID you used in the previous step
meta_key: this should be wp_capabilities
meta_value: insert this: a:1:{s:13:”administrator”;s:1:”1″;}
Step 3: After that, you need to find fields for the second row.
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unmeta_id: leave this blank
user_id: the user ID you used in the previous steps
meta_key: you need to enter wp_user_level
meta_value: 10
Step 4: Once you finished typing the information into the fields, click the ‘Go’ button. that’s it. You Have successfully added new users.
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gethostingbuysblog · 1 year
Cheap Cloud hosting India 2023
WP KIT is an India-based top-tier web hosting provider founded in 2021 by Sushma Josi. Their focus is on delivering high-quality, affordable web hosting services such as shared, cloud, and reseller hosting for bloggers, businesses, and individuals of all sizes. In addition, WP KIT also offers domain registration services.
WP KIT primarily specialises in providing fast cloud hosting using the cutting-edge technology of Amazon Web Services (AWS) servers, which include top-notch features such as unparalleled scalability, speed, security, and much more. With this WP KIT from Fastet Cheap Cloud Hosting India, you can get everything you need to start your own blog or business site at a low cost, so what are you waiting for? Start your own business site today.
Key Features of WP KIT Hosting
Fast Servers
Flexible, Easy to Use Control Panel
Guaranteed Disk Space and Bandwidth
Immunify 360 Security
Fast load time
Best Support
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
WP KIT Hosting Performance
Web hosting performance is critical to the success of any website or online business, especially when you’re just getting started with your first website or business. That means website performance is the speed and 24/7 availability of your website, which is important for your business,
There is no need to be concerned because WP KIT offers 99.9% uptime and a quickly loading speed of under 1.2 seconds (which is commendable) using top-quality Intel and hardware along with cloud servers and AWS servers. (If your site takes longer than 3 seconds to load, approximately 40% of your visitors will abandon your site.) Their servers are located in various countries, including India, Germany, and Turkey.
For Indian customers, WP KIT’s server location in India is one of the best features, which means that if the server is located closer, the site loads quickly, ensuring speedy, reliable website performance and exceptional customer support.
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gethostingbuysblog · 1 year
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gethostingbuysblog · 1 year
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gethostingbuysblog · 1 year
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gethostingbuysblog · 1 year
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gethostingbuysblog · 2 years
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gethostingbuysblog · 2 years
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gethostingbuysblog · 2 years
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gethostingbuysblog · 2 years
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gethostingbuysblog · 2 years
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gethostingbuysblog · 2 years
Pro Free Hosting for WordPress
The Ultra Host India’s fastest growing free (Cloud Hosting) web hosting company (founded 2015). The Ultra Host –Pro free Host without cost as per name The Ultra Host providing Absolutely free cPanel Hosting with unlimited premium features. The Ultra Host aim help students, Blogger, and Web Designer who always searching free WordPress hosting for students, free hosting for Students
10 GB NVMe SSD Storage or 100 GB Bandwidth
wordpress, joomla etc. are automatically installed.
Database support of PHP and MySQL.
Host 1 Websites
You get GBNVMe SSD Storage
You get 100 GB Bandwidth
You Free cPanel
You free SSL
Reliability and uptime guarantee
Getting good services or good uptime in free hosting is big deal, most of the free web hosting companies are not able provide good services or good uptime. The Ultra Host provide 99.9% Uptime one best this that the free hosting offer good Uptime
Upgradable Paid Plans
The Ultra Host also offers paid hosting plan – Cloud Shared hosting, here there is more benefit on paid hosting plans if you choose starter Cloud hosting plan (Price ₹ 599 per year)you will get free .com Domain, in a Business Cloud Hosting plan (Price ₹ 1499 per year) you will get free 2 .com Domain
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gethostingbuysblog · 2 years
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