For my documentary brief I knew I wanted to shoot on film. I love using film when I go on holiday and documenting my time away as it gives a distinct feel to the images. I also had a trip to London coming up and decided that I would photograph my time away with my film camera. The idea was to capture the lifestyle in London and how film gives a nostalgic feel to images. 
One photographer I grew interest in was Simon Crofts, who visited the college as part of a guest speaker talk. He has shot work around Ukraine as part of a documentary series showcasing the struggle and life of the people who live there. The images he has shot give a distinct feel of the life people live there and that they are caught waiting for change to happen. 
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Another documentary photographer I found was Steve McCurry. He has successfully produced over a dozen books and help many exhibits of his work. His work documents life in different countries, especially India. He shot one of the most famous photos for National Geographic, Afghan Girl, that was front cover of the magazine. 
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Fashion Major
Fashion major gave me a lot of freedom in what I wanted to shoot. As I have mostly shot models on location, I decided I wanted to shoot something based only in the studio. My idea was based around minimalistic, vintage photography. Although I planned on shooting in modern, basic clothes for the shoot. I was inspired by images of Twiggy, shot by David Bailey, and the style of the images. 
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For more modern inspiration, I looked towards the magazine GQ. Their photoshoots can tend to be minimalistic style and that was what I hoped to achieve. 
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I decided that if I was going to get the vintage style in my images, I would shoot on my digital camera and edit them to look like film. This meant adding grain in photoshop and converting the images to black and white. The model I used was very helpful and made the shoot easy on the day. I also asked if she had any white shirts, black trousers and blazer jackets and she was able to provide all of these plus a few different options. 
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Sunday Herald
The Sunday Herald fashion brief was something I was excited about as it gave me a chance to work with models and explore more fashion based work. With the Sunday Herald having a diverse range of themes in their magazine I chose to do something along the lines of urban/city themed. I was inspired by the likes of Steven Pan, who has shot for high fashion magazines. His work in Elle France was one of the reasons I chose to base my idea in the city. 
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Another photographer I was inspired by was Igor Termenón, who has worked in Glasgow. 
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After my research, I decided I would shoot outdoors at the Glasgow Barrowlands as the different alleyways and buildings are what I had in mind for the city backdrop. I also asked superior model management, for the first time, to supply a model. This worked well with my shoots as it gave a more editorial feel to my images since the model knew how to pose and was interested in getting her photos taken. I wanted to capture street style fashion and luckily the model had the sort of outfits I was after and supplied them herself. Overall I enjoyed working on this brief
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Project Brand
 When I began researching my project brand I knew that I wanted to use shoes in my brief. This lead me to researching different shoe companies and the type of advertisements they produce for their work. As I mainly wear trainers, I focused looking into different brands. One brand that stood out to me was Puma. Cara Delevingne had recently worked with them of a shoe called basket heart and I was interested in shooting these type of shoes. 
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These are different images Puma used to promote the shoes and I intended to shoot something similar in terms of style and location. 
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Something old final 
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Something Old
For this brief, we were to find an old object and create a theme around this. it meant we had to create a set around this object and give it a specific feel. I began my research into product photographers again, as their setups and backdrops would give me an idea of what I wanted to create. I found that many of the images I was looking at were rustic inspired and had a distinct look. 
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These images have all been shot by different photographers, but I was unable to trace who shot them. Although, they all feature a rustic and natural theme in each one. I felt that this was something I wanted to try and used an old Chinese pot which my gran had. The oriental theme of the pot was blue and white and I felt it would fit into my theme. 
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Final for something new 
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Something New
The something new brief required clean, high quality images. They could be of any product and I began to research into different product photographers. The first that I found was Terry Livesey, who shoots product, advertising and commercial photography. His images feautre mainly a clean white background, which I intended to use in my images. Here is a few of his images; 
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Another photographer I found is Joshua Caudwell, who has shot many high fashion brands and advertisements. I particularly looked at his work with different perfume bottles and felt inspired to shoot a bottle for my brief. Here is a few of the images I loved; 
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Although they lack the clean, white background I began to plan to use a perfume bottle for my shoot and shoot it similar to the first photographers images. 
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Exhibit review at street level
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Exhibit review at street level
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Fashion research task
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I done my fashion research task on Zendaya’s Vogue issue from July 2017. A link to the article and images can be found here https://www.vogue.com/article/zendaya-interview-july-vogue-cover-spider-man-homecoming
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Agencies and their services
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Visiting Guest: Martin Steele
Identify an element of the guest speaker’s talk that resonated with you in some way.
Martin Steele works for Irn Bru in their marketing department. His talk at the college inspired me as he spoke of constantly being inspired by what’s around him. Some key points from his talk where briefs, principles, look up, think different, keep it simple and finally expect the unexpected. 
When Martin was speaking of briefs he mentioned that you need to remain creative no matter how tight the brief is, although the tighter the brief the better. 
You also need to be bold with your principles. To make sure you deliver to your clients and earn as much media attention as possible. 
Inspiration can also be found anywhere if you look up. Martin explained this as when he was in London he found inspiration for designs when working on the commonwealth games in Glasgow.
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Visiting Guest: Alamy
Identify an element of the guest speaker’s talk that resonated with you in some way. 
The talk with alamy introduced me to a new side of photography that I wasn’t fully aware of before. I always believed stock photography had a strict style and set of rules you had to follow to contribute, but it is fully diverse and you can find anything you need on their site. It is a good opportunity, especially for students, to get their work out and hopefully make some money from it in the process. I also found out through the talk that half the money in photography is made through stock (£3 billion a year). Furthermore, if you sell an image 50% of the profits are given to alamy, this may seem like much but it is one of the best deals you can get with a stock website. Your images if purchased could be used online, on advertisements, tv shows and book covers. There is even an option to upload live news, which is different from the rest. This means that your images have to be fresh, recent and quality will not always apply as newspapers will be wanting the images to publish as soon as possible. 
What questions will/did you ask?
Does the photographer get credit for their images? A: They do try to push credit for the photographers, but this isn’t always possible with every buyer. 
How will this impact you as a photographer? 
I feel that now I am aware of Alamy I will be posting most of my images here, as they can tend to go unused after awhile and this will be a good chance to make some money from my work - even if it is only a small amount. 
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Business Card Research
Good Examples: With these business cards they give a clear understanding to the client of what their job and details are. The simplistic style of some of them are easier for people to understand and are still stylish. I think that this is what looks best on a business card, as you don’t want them to feel too cluttered.
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Bad Examples: 
These business cards I consider bad examples due to the concept of lenses in the shape of a card being overused and unoriginal. I also think the design of the second card looks tacky and messy. It has no real style to it and feels unsophisticated. 
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Making your own business cards: 
Vistaprint are a popular online company which advertise the making of business cards. They have a range of different options and offers to choose from. I feel that they would be the best place to purchase as they have a wide variety and good pricing. This is where I will order my cards from. Here are the options you can choose from below. 
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