georgewaesley · 8 years
What if instead of gilly weed Harry had showed up to the black lake challenge in muggle scuba gear like “like where’s your advanced magic now bitches? Got me a free fishing knife with this thing”
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georgewaesley · 9 years
jk rowling’s reasoning as to why fenrir greyback turned remus into a werewolf: remus’s father insulted him so he did it as an act of revenge

the actual reason greyback bit remus: the temptation to succumb to the fact that biting remus whose name literally means ‘werewolf mcwerewolf’ would be the greatest feat in lycanthropic irony the world had ever seen
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georgewaesley · 9 years
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We’re swooning over @lilabeanz‘s STUNNING illos of our fave Hogwarts hotties—and can we just TALK about Bill Weasley’s man bun for a second?! MERLIN’S BEARD, Y’ALL. 
See the entire slideshow on SparkLife!
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georgewaesley · 9 years
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georgewaesley · 9 years
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Michael Brown Jr. (May 20, 1996 – August 9, 2014)
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georgewaesley · 9 years
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harry potter + parallels
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georgewaesley · 9 years
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georgewaesley · 9 years
dog: [stares at me because I have food]
me: [flips middle finger at dog]
dog: [gives my middle finger kisses because he does not understand the obscene gesture and does not believe for an instant that I would be cruel to him in even the slightest way]
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georgewaesley · 9 years
me with every dog ever
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georgewaesley · 9 years
Hogwarts is probably my ideal school because there’s no mandatory physical education and all the meals are served buffet style
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georgewaesley · 9 years
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my time has come 
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georgewaesley · 9 years
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So I was rereading Harry Potter, when I came across this and thought- what if instead of Cedric Diggory, Cassius Warrington had been chosen to compete in the Triwizard Tournament?
Imagine Dumbledore calling out the name of the Hogwarts champion and it isn’t a Gryffindor, or a Ravenclaw, or even a Hufflepuff, but it’s a Slytherin. A student from a House most people hate.
Imagine Cassius Warrington getting up, and three out of four Houses are booing at him and shouting things like “NO!” or, “We can’t have a Slytherin champion!” or demanding a retry. But he’s a Slytherin- he’s been dealing with this shit since he got sorted, so he keeps his head high and joins the other champions.
Imagine Harry trying to catch Warrington alone because he doesn’t really want to associate with Slytherins (plus Malfoy has this tendency of being around the guy ALL THE TIME since he got chosen), but at the same time he’s also fair enough not to want him to walk into the first task unprepared.
Imagine Warrington walking over to Harry a few months later, and Ron and Hermione both jump into a protective stance, wands out, but instead of attacking Harry he just tells him to stick the egg underwater. (Because Slytherins don’t forget those who helped them out).
Imagine Warrington and Harry helping each other out in the labyrinth.
Imagine Harry being devastated when Peter kills Warrington- because Voldemort doesn’t care what house they’re form, a spare is a spare.
Imagine the uproar that causes among the Slytherins, because some of their parents really are Death Eaters and they know what really happened.
Imagine Slytherins fighting in the Battle of Hogwarts and shouting “This is for Cassius!”
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georgewaesley · 9 years
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georgewaesley · 9 years
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If you were thinking the nightmare was finally at an end, your hope was in vain. The iPotter series will continue into chamber of secrets shortly.
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georgewaesley · 9 years
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georgewaesley · 9 years
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georgewaesley · 9 years
Every time there’s a mass shooting people climb all over themselves screaming “HOW DARE YOU POLITICIZE THIS TRAGEDY? THE VICTIMS WOULDN’T WANT THIS.”
So this is my official declaration that if I’m ever the victim of some asshole’s gun fetish, PLEASE POLITICIZE THAT TO IMPROVE GUN LAWS.
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