All Things George Harrison
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Beatle. Wilbury. Scouse of Distinction. An appreciation of the life, efforts, humor, friendships, and music of George Harrison!   
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georgeharrisonsaccent · 3 years ago
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The first and last group photos of John, Paul, George, and Ringo: August 22, 1962 and 1969. Photos by Bill Connell or Les Chadwick, and Ethan Russell.
“Well, I suppose officially it was about ‘69, but we were splitting up for years before that, since we left touring really. […] Being together for so long, one of the problems became that we pigeon-holed each other, we had preconceived ideas what each other wants and we limited each other too much. And it had to happen.” - George Harrison, BBC Radio, February 1977
“Well, it was mainly the sadness because we’d been so close for so long, I mean, as Mick Jagger said at the Hall of Fame, ‘the four-headed monster.’ We never went anywhere without each other. We shared all the miseries and the isolation of being in limos and hotels and planes and concert halls, which is all we ever saw really. And that was the saddest thing, it was actually getting fed up with each other.” - George Harrison, Off The Record, February 1988
“For years after The Beatles I didn’t want to talk about it. It was all too close, the pain and the suffering, ‘cos that was what was in my mind at the time. Then after the years away from it, I thought ‘no — we had fun, and had a good little band, and had more laughs than misery.’ It’s just that the misery got broadcast more than the fun.” - George Harrison, The Guardian, November 1988 (x)
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georgeharrisonsaccent · 3 years ago
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53 years ago, The Beatles took the most famous walk ever
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georgeharrisonsaccent · 3 years ago
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✨ Happy birthday Dhani Harrison - August 1 1978 ✨
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georgeharrisonsaccent · 3 years ago
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…a young Dhani Harrison
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georgeharrisonsaccent · 3 years ago
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George Harrison and his father, Harold, in Liverpool, 1963 (photo © Trinity Mirror/Mirrorpix/Alamy Stock Photo); George and Dhani backstage at the Prince’s Trust Concert on 5 June 1987 (photo by Terry O’Neill/Iconic Images/Getty Images.
Happy Father’s Day.
“When I was eight or nine years old, my teacher Mr. Lyons caned me and got me on the wrist. It was swollen and when I got home, I tried to hide it, but my father saw it and the next day he came down to the school and Mr. Lyons was called out of the class and my dad ‘stuck one’ on him.” - George Harrison, I Me Mine (1980)
“I remember this time George got caned, George Harrison, ‘cos we were mates at school, and I mean we never really did anything wrong but we might have like tight trousers and ted hairdos, so that pointed you out as somebody who is a trouble-maker. So George got done once and the teacher missed him, and got him here [on the wrist] — whack — so he had a couple of big weals here, you know, those rash things. And he went home and he’s having his tea with his dad and they were all chatting about how it went at school. And his dad said, ‘What’s that?’ when he saw these things, you know, and George said, you know, ‘Teacher did it’. So the next day they were in class and somebody poked their head round the door, ‘Errrm, Mr.,’ whoever the teacher was who caned George, ‘come out for a moment please’. And he came out and it was George’s dad there. And he said ‘Did you do that to my son?’ and he goes ‘Yes, I did,’ and he goes — whack! [makes punching movement]” (laughter) Oh! Right there. Oh, he was a hero. He was just the school hero then, George’s dad.” - Paul McCartney, Harty With McCartney, 26 November 1984
“You mean doing the school run? [George] did. He used to be there handing out oranges at half-time. Being a dad was something that he loved. He just loved that time.” - Olivia Harrison, The Times, 24 September 2014
“My dad was my hero, my best friend.“ - Dhani Harrison, Daily Mail, 3 November 2012 (x)
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georgeharrisonsaccent · 3 years ago
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Happy Birthday Dhani 🖤
“He used to say to me every day, ‘You don’t have to go to school today. Do you want to just go on a yacht in the South Pacific and run away forever?'” -Dhani Harrison
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georgeharrisonsaccent · 3 years ago
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Wishing Dhani a very happy birthday! Photo by Linda Brownlee/Corbis via Getty Images.
Q: “Has remarrying and having a child significantly changed your life?” George Harrison: “Yeah, that’s been a wonderful thing for me. Everybody who has a baby thinks their child is wonderful, and it is.” - Rolling Stone, 19 April 1979
Q: “I was wondering if your son Dhani has any musical aspirations?” George Harrison: “He has, yeah, he’s sensational actually, but he plays William Tell on the piano but he does it in the minor, you know, like when the arrow missed the apple and got him right in the neck, he plays that version, you know. [hums] da-da-dum, da-da-dum, dum-dum-dum, you know, that one. Anyway, he’s really good.” - Rockline, February 1988
“[‘Soft Touch’] actually came from a remark Jim Keltner made in one of his lighter moods about me being a soft touch. I had Dark Horse Records at the time, and people think that you’re a bank and come to you for money. By the end of the song, though, I’d changed some of the words so that it became more about my baby boy.” - George Harrison, Goldmine, 27 November 1992
“There’s a song he wrote about our son when he was born that I really love, and it’s become a favorite. It’s called ‘Unknown Delight’ and it’s on the Gone Troppo album.” - Olivia Harrison, NPR, March 2004
“Of course, one of my favorites on [Gone Troppo] is ‘Unknown Delight.’ He was saying, ‘What should I write about? What should I write a song about?’ I said, ‘Write a song about Dhani.’ And he wrote this beautiful song which was very prescient actually.” - Olivia Harrison, Dark Horse Radio, November 2018 (x)
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georgeharrisonsaccent · 3 years ago
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Happy Birthday Ringo
I love George so much. He was very deep, but also so deeply funny and interesting . . . There was so much to George Harrison — the man, the musician and the gardener. I love and miss all the different sides of George. Like a song I did for George says, we are never really without George. He is still there in our hearts, within us and without us.
-Ringo Starr (Lifted)
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georgeharrisonsaccent · 3 years ago
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Love that photo!
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georgeharrisonsaccent · 3 years ago
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georgeharrisonsaccent · 3 years ago
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georgeharrisonsaccent · 3 years ago
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georgeharrisonsaccent · 3 years ago
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georgeharrisonsaccent · 3 years ago
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                                    Happy  Birthday Ringo!
                                                July  7   2022
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art by Tom Whalen
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georgeharrisonsaccent · 3 years ago
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GLOBAL BEATLES DAY JUNE 25TH Global Beatles Day (also known as World Beatles Day) is an annual holiday occurring June 25th each year that honours and celebrates the ideals of the Beatles. The date, June 25th, was chosen to commemorate the date that the Beatles participated in the BBC programme Our World in 1967, performing “All You Need Is Love” broadcast to an international audience. The holiday was created and first celebrated in 2009 by Beatles fan Faith Cohen, who calls it “a thank you or love letter to The Beatles.”
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georgeharrisonsaccent · 3 years ago
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george my beloved
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georgeharrisonsaccent · 3 years ago
Years ago, listening to these four guys on a daily basis, I reached the internal conclusion that The Beatles, the "Original Peace and Love" guys (as proclaimed by me), each represented of a different form of love. Through identifying them and assigning words to them, I came to view their messages as a series of lessons for me to follow, challenges for me to meet. And I can't express them in words any better than they did. So here we go.
John: Social Love "If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace."
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You were caught with your hands in the kill / And you still got to swallow your pill / As you slip and you slide down the hill / On the blood of the people you kill / Stop the killing, now. Bring on the Lucie (Freda People) Now we are hipper, we been thru the trip / And we can't be denied / With woman and man side by side Make no mistake, it's our future we're making Only People
I'm sick to death of hearing things / From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocrites / All I want is the truth Gimme Some Truth
Paul: Environmental Love "If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian."
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You'd better stop, there's animals everywhere / And man is the top, an animal too / And man, you just gotta care Wild Life
Will the human race be run in a day / Or will someone save this planet we're playing on / Is it the only one? What are we gonna do? Pipes of Peace
Below decks, the engineer cries / The captain's gonna leave us when the temperatures rise / The needle's going up, the engine's gonna blow / And we are gonna be left down below Despite Repeated Warnings
George: Spiritual Love “The greatest thing anyone can give humanity is God-consciousness.”
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You are the One, no matter what / You are the real love that I've got / You are my friend and when life's through / You are the light in death itself Life Itself
You are the wisdom that we seek / The lover that we miss / Your nature is eternity / You are Existence, Knowledge, Bliss Brainwashed
Here with your love / Now only you know how to lay it down / Like it came from above / You know it's you that I love Don't Let Me Wait Too Long
Ringo: Brotherly Love "Everyone will go 'peace and love.' Even if you don’t say it loud, the thought’s great."
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No need for war no more / Better things we're fighting for / No more hunger, no more pain / I hope I have that dream again Peace Dream
So many times when hearts are broken / So many angry words get spoken / Let's all try to understand, reach out a helping hand / Find a way to make it right Give More Love
Tell me why we're here / All we really need is love / And when I disappear / I pray that i have left enough / Fading in and Out
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