#happy bday dhani!!!
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harrisonsbabygirl · 4 days ago
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George was born Feb 24, 1943 11:45 PM in his childhood home. His mother had said to his sister when she held him at just 8 hours old “Take care of him because he’s going to be special.
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“George was a best friend. He loved music, he loved being in a band, he loved being in The Beatles. He was full of love, he was full of humor.” - Ringo Starr, Anthology Series
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“It’s impossible to not feel his presence every day. The things he taught me, the way he lived, it’s all still here. I carry that love with me wherever I go.”
— Dhani Harrison on , People Magazine
Happy 82nd Birthday George! 82 years ago you were born, and from that moment your mother knew you would be special. You brought a light to this world that saved people, music that woke up our minds, and joy that can’t be replicated to billions on the world. Thank you so much George, rest in peace.
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urbeatlemaniac · 7 months ago
happy bday to my fav beatle dhani!!!
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Happy birthday to Dhani!
“The name ‘Dhani’ actually came from my study of Indian music: from the scale of Sa-Ri-Ga-Ma-Pa-DHA-NI-Sa.” - George Harrison, Raga Mala (1997) “You mean doing the school run? [George] did. He used to be there handing out oranges at half-time. Being a dad was something that he loved. He just loved that time.” - Olivia Harrison, The Times, September 2014 “On the SATs for those American universities, he seemed to handle it quite easy and got very high scores. And they accepted him in [to Brown], and they also loved the idea that he’s a coxswain with the rowers in Henley, because Brown is a big rowing school. […] [H]e has to deal with that thing of being ’the son of,’ which isn’t easy either.” - George Harrison, 1996; published in Billboard, 2001 “Seeing how amazing, sweet and talented Dhani is, and how cool and amazing Olivia is — you can tell a lot about a person by who their friends are and who they love. […] They’re such incredible people, and they love him so much, and you can see how much he loved them. I love his art, his gardens and his home, and all the incredible things he’s written, but I think my favorite moment of George’s is Dhani and Olivia.” - Regina Spektor, Filter, Fall 2011 “I wouldn’t change my life for anything, I love being who I am. And I feel a lot of my dad, the way I sound now to myself, the way I whine on about stuff and bang on about the music industry, and this that and the other — I sound just like my dad. And now I know why he was so bitter about (laughs)… because having seen what my dad showed me, he was just so not impressed by anything (or) anyone that was anything but real.” - Dhani Harrison, KSHE95, September 2014 “He was one of the most extraordinarily complicated and intense people you would ever wanna meet, and yet one of the most perfectly simple and innocent people you could ever meet.He did everything with a big, open heart, with a lot of love. I think the best lesson he ever taught me is: anything can be accomplished, as long as you set out to do it with love.” - Dhani Harrison, Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award for George, February 2015 (x)
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themagicalmysticalboy · 3 years ago
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George + Family
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starrybluez · 5 years ago
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Sasha Pivovarova and Dhani Harrison. Photoshoot by Steven Meisel
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the-institute-gifts · 6 years ago
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To: Beth Garcia- @beth-garcia
Have a happy happy brithday friendo!
Best bday wishes,
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sriulvamdm-blog · 7 years ago
Indra #1
Indra itu ..
Sebelum aku bertemu denganmu, aku sudah bertemu dengan ibumu. Masih ku ingat dia marah-marah sewaktu kita mendaftar SMP. Aku ingat itu, Ndra
Seingatku kamu tidak diterima di SMP favorit di Batam yang kita sebut saja SMP X, kemudian ibumu mendaftarkan juga ke SMP favorit kedua ku rasa di Batam SMP Y. Aku pun tidak diterima di SMP X sehingga aku langsung mendaftar di SMP Y.
Dan Alhamdulillah aku diterima di SMP tersebut dan kamu tidak, dan saat itulah ibumu marah-marah. Bukan denganmu, tapi dengan orang-orang.
Kenapa ? Aku pun bingung. Ada yang bilang SMP Y itu adalah buangan dari SMP X, maksudnya murid-murid yang tidak diterima di SMP X beralih ke SMP Y. Tentu saja bukan ? Tidak ada yang salah dengan itu.
Oke, kamu dan aku belum bertemu saat SMP. Hanya aku dan ibumu.
Waktu berlalu, SMP pun berlalu dengan cerita genk di dalamnya.
SMA pun tiba.. Kamu dan aku mendaftar di SMA yang sama. Dan saat ini kita dipertemukan. Kita sama-sama di terima di SMA. Tapi kita tidak pernah sekelas, hanya saja kita bersama selayaknya seorang kawan lama. Mungkin kamu yang orang nya ceria, sok gaul, sok dekat sama orang. Hahaha
Kamu inget gak, kalau gak salah aku kelas 2 SMA ya ? Kamu dan aku membuat heboh 1 sekolah, bukan.. 1 angkatan kelas 2 maksudku.. Kita berpacaran ? Hahaha…
Tentu saja itu hanya permainan menghebohkan, kamu yang minta berpacaran terlebih dahulu lewat facebook, saat itu facebook lagi keren2nya di kalangan masyarakat. Hahaha aku ingat itu Indra..
Oke aku confirm permintaan itu, tentu saja ada pemberitahuan ke teman2 yang berteman dengan kami di facebook. Seketika temanku Dhani (sahabat SMP ku) yang berbeda kelas (aku dan Indra IPA, sedangkan Dhani IPS) datang ke kelasku, seingetku itu waktu class meeting, jadi aku dan Indra sedang berada di teras kelas duduk bersama kawan2 yang lain.
Kalian pacaran ?
Hal itu yang pertama kali di tanyakan Dhani kepadaku. Ku jawab iya. Hanya saja itu permainan yang kami rencanakan. Aku dan Indra.. dia sahabatku.
Indra ?
Dia sosok yang suka mengejekku perkara badanku yang besar ini. Aku suka itu. Dia ada sebutan khusus tapi aku lupa. Maafkan aku Ndra. Kamu tau lah, aku ini tidak bisa mengingat dengan baik.
Big ? Aku lupa apakah itu.
Indra, yang selalu berada di depanku ketika aku sedang butuh bantuan. Indra yang selalu ada bersamaku. Dia orang yang baik.
Sampai saat kuliah aku pindah ke Medan. Aku sering berkabar dengannya. Aku ada masalah, dia sering BBM nanya ada masalah apa. Aku ulang tahun dia tidak lupa mengucapkannya.
Dan hari ulangtahunnya tiba
1 april 2015
“Indra, happy bday..”
Dia pun membalas
“Makasih madam, kapan pulang ?”
Aku pun membalas, “bentar lagi ndra, kangen ya ?”
Dia pun membalas, “iya”
Emang saat itu aku akan pulang, karna tanggal 8 april adalah hari wisuda S.Ked ku. Aku akan melepas rindu dengannya. Dengan Indra sahabat yang ku rindukan.
7 April 2015, ada gladibersih untuk acara wisudaku besoknya. Aku duduk di dalam gedung, dan saat menunggu acara di mulai, ku buka androidku.
Ku lihat status BBM kawanku Mutiara, aku sudah lupa kalimatnya tapi aku masih ingat Mutiara adalah saksi dari kepergianmu.
Iya, dia datang ke rumahmu, setelah mendengar ibumu teriak dengan kuat. Dan kamu melakukan hal yang membuat aku membencimu.
Kenapa kau lakukan itu ? Bukannya kau menungguku ? Bukannya kau bilang kangen kepadaku ? Ada masalah apa ?
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modernhist · 7 years ago
john lennon angst
it's john lennon's 77th bday and i have been thinking about him a lot this week. not bc his bday is 10/9 but bc tom petty died this week & i always end up thinking about john & george when other rockstars die. mostly this time the parallel was tom petty dying too young (he was 66 iirc) and john died WAY too young. he was 40. i have been thinking about john a lot this MONTH not bc his bday was this month but bc i keep listening to "tomorrow never dies" by lana del rey ft. sean lennon. sean sounds so much like his dad & im glad that. all the beatles live on through their children in SOME WAY or another. like, dhani released his first solo album this week. :") i'm proud of him. he went from an astrophysics major at brown to a solo album which is. crazy. and very cool. and george would be so proud. agh. john's bday always makes me very sad. every single year. i know his death by heart? bc when i was in middle school i went crazy and learned all about it? and wrote a very angsty poem about it? i GUESS i could say it was a good """learning""" """experience""" & i know more about mark david chapman than a normal human should ever know. happy bday john :") SUCKS when it's a dude's bday but all you can think about is how they're DEAD. also sucks when it's a dude's deathday (12/8) and again all you can think about is how they're dead.
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