geopolshitshow · 3 years
I raised myself on Eminem because he'd at least tell me that I'm worth it,
I'm a product of my past I ought not to have deserved it,
My own father picked on me, joked about my identity
Always made fun of the activities I'd be in reletlessly,
I only did boy scouts so I didnt have to see him,
In a way I was looking for a dad that could encourage me to be him,
Rather than one that would leave and fuckin desert me,
I may always piss you off and that's wholeheartedly on me,
But I quit Irish dance cuz I was a faggot for dancing freely,
To this day I still regret it, But I haven't even said it,
Because I just wanted you to look at me and see,
A son you could be proud of and who would live successfully,
But now instead I'm fucked up in the head,
Take venlafaxine so I don't kill myself instead,
Because after rock usa when you were about to leave,
And I had to go up and stop thee,
Just to say goodbye, it hurt me inside,
The next day I cut myself just to quell my mind,
But you don't give a fuck over your damn ego,
Even though you grew up to be a mother fucking zero,
Why do I even seek your critical acclaim,
When I've tried everything and you treat me the same,
So today is the day I finally take a stand,
Don't call me again because you're not my dad.
I'm alone, but that ain't fucking new,
Everyone around me to some extent knew,
I hide behind a smile and say it's all okay,
But I'm still fucking up even to this day,
And yet I'm more a man than you can say,
I raised myself, taught myself how to shave,
How to show respect and how to behave,
How to be a good samaritan to all those around me,
Killing prejudice like the kind you taught me,
But I'm just an accident so really just fuck me,
Counsell others drowning because all I want to be,
Is a man who helps others when they hurt,
Because all you taught me was how to be a jerk,
And I know you cant see over your hypermasculinity,
But no one wants to see you really,
The only reason I haven't cut you off,
Is because I want to see my family, but to that you'll just scoff,
I never wanted to hate you, that you brought on yourself,
And you're the one person who i cant fucking help,
But that's because you don't want it, because youd have to admit your fucked up role within all this shit,
And I don't hate to say that even to this day,
Your feeling towards me, and us all are shallow within,
Even shallower than the grave I just put you in,
But you dont care, you'll just do what you always do,
Blame me for everything even though what I say is true,
And if you even think you can suppress what I say at this hour,
Ignorance may be strength, but knowledge is power.
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geopolshitshow · 3 years
I'm on the Borderline between sanity and reality,
I step in a room and cause a calamity,
Enough to be considered a national tragedy,
Hope ya make it back to your friends and family,
Walmart, shot. School, shot. Church, shot. Work, shot.
Ain't no surprise with the armalites we got,
NRA fucking America like we a thot
Y'all be sittin' here with your thoughts and prayers,
Doin' nothin' because in the end who fucking cares,
A couple kids gunned going down the stairs,
Family of four shot up in auto repair,
A church choir eliminated by a nazi,
This is America so just fucking party,
Turn off the TV fucking open to insta,
Scroll down looking for a fuega momecita,
Don't tell her hi nice to meet ya,
Just jerk it to her profile and cum
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geopolshitshow · 3 years
86 my fucking head,
At this rate I should be dead,
Smoke some dank carts to ease the pain,
Can't control whats happening in my brain,
Do a loop of hypomania,
Hope this shit ain't scaring ya,
Just hate me now so I'll be fine,
Drunk to death all on box wine,
Racist, sexist, homophobe,
All once me but not no more,
If only I could stop the lie,
And accept the me I feel inside.
Borderline but it dont matter,
A crowd all around me gather,
Pissed them all off and live in shame,
Isolate to numb the pain.
Yeah and I'm a bum,
I'm a fuck-up on the run,
Venlafaxine with some rum,
The outside world I shun,
And I'm a bum,
Just a fuck-up on the run,
Burned out like my blunt,
My self-esteem I stunt,
I kill myself twice everyday,
Blind appeasement is my way,
Under the cover of bad lies,
Used to hide what I feel inside,
Say that I'm fine when I writhe to survive,
Everyday I'm alive is a mistake to the world,
I'm pretty damn sure I want to be a girl,
Who needs the parasocial to sustain a new normal,
Keep up with the global news,
and drown it out with some booze,
take myself back to a mood of self-hating abuse.
Yeah I'm a bum,
I'm a fuck-up on the run,
Venlafaxine with some rum,
The outside world I shun,
And I'm a bum,
Just a fuck-up on the run,
Burned out like my blunt,
My self-respect I stunt,
I'm a terrible person who does not deserve love,
So I categorically reject those who try with a shove,
I'm a crazy person in need of some help,
Who is obsessed with chasing my parents dreams of wealth,
Persistently and consistently in poor fucking health,
Possessive, aggressive, and I'm still no friend.
Every relationship I make comes to an end.
Yeah I'm a bum,
I'm a fuck-up on the run,
Venlafaxine with some rum,
The outside world I shun,
And I'm a bum,
Just a fuck-up on the run,
Burned out like my blunt,
My own development I stunt,
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geopolshitshow · 3 years
Dissociate during penetration,
Fuck me well and I'll make you bacon,
Make some omelets fold it perfect,
No hands needed like how I twerk it,
Don't know if I'm bi or pan,
All genders I fucking stan,
Drink liquor for my anxiety,
Hard bass is a priority,
I may be quite the queer,
But I only drink dark beer,
Make sure you fill my cup,
I rally then I fuck,
Who cares about your bigotry,
Right here there be no symmetry,
No both sides, let's take this outside,
And I'll use that T God's given me,
And curbstomp out your fucking teeth.
I talk a big game, but I'm awkward as fuck,
Dont care if it's a dick or a tit I'll suck,
And if you got both that's cool as well,
Chicks with dicks are fine as hell,
I am one here on this earth myself,
Perpetually in search of health,
A solution that will numb the pain,
That I feel daily inside my brain,
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