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Startup Growth
A startup is a company designed to grow fast. Being newly founded does not in itself make a company a startup. Nor is it necessary for a startup to work on technology, or take venture funding, or have some sort of "exit." The only essential thing is growth. Everything else we associate with startups follows from growth.
If you want to start one it's important to understand that. Startups are so hard that you can't be pointed off to the side and hope to succeed. You have to know that growth is what you're after. The good news is, if you get growth, everything else tends to fall into place. Which means you can use growth like a compass to make almost every decision you face.
Let's start with a distinction that should be obvious but is often overlooked: not every newly founded company is a startup. Millions of companies are started every year in the US. Only a tiny fraction are startups. Most are service businesses — restaurants, barbershops, plumbers, and so on. These are not startups, except in a few unusual cases. A barbershop isn't designed to grow fast. Whereas a search engine, for example, is.
When I say startups are designed to grow fast, I mean it in two senses. Partly I mean designed in the sense of intended, because most startups fail. But I also mean startups are different by nature, in the same way a redwood seedling has a different destiny from a bean sprout.
That difference is why there's a distinct word, "startup," for companies designed to grow fast. If all companies were essentially similar, but some through luck or the efforts of their founders ended up growing very fast, we wouldn't need a separate word. We could just talk about super-successful companies and less successful ones. But in fact startups do have a different sort of DNA from other businesses. Google is not just a barbershop whose founders were unusually lucky and hard-working. Google was different from the beginning.
To grow rapidly, you need to make something you can sell to a big market. That's the difference between Google and a barbershop. A barbershop doesn't scale.
For a company to grow really big, it must (a) make something lots of people want, and (b) reach and serve all those people. Barbershops are doing fine in the (a) department. Almost everyone needs their hair cut. The problem for a barbershop, as for any retail establishment, is (b). A barbershop serves customers in person, and few will travel far for a haircut. And even if they did, the barbershop couldn't accomodate them. [ 1 ]
Writing software is a great way to solve (b), but you can still end up constrained in (a). If you write software to teach Tibetan to Hungarian speakers, you'll be able to reach most of the people who want it, but there won't be many of them. If you make software to teach English to Chinese speakers, however, you're in startup territory.
Most businesses are tightly constrained in (a) or (b). The distinctive feature of successful startups is that they're not.
It might seem that it would always be better to start a startup than an ordinary business. If you're going to start a company, why not start the type with the most potential? The catch is that this is a (fairly) efficient market. If you write software to teach Tibetan to Hungarians, you won't have much competition. If you write software to teach English to Chinese speakers, you'll face ferocious competition, precisely because that's such a larger prize. [ 2 ]
The constraints that limit ordinary companies also protect them. That's the tradeoff. If you start a barbershop, you only have to compete with other local barbers. If you start a search engine you have to compete with the whole world.
The most important thing that the constraints on a normal business protect it from is not competition, however, but the difficulty of coming up with new ideas. If you open a bar in a particular neighborhood, as well as limiting your potential and protecting you from competitors, that geographic constraint also helps define your company. Bar + neighborhood is a sufficient idea for a small business. Similarly for companies constrained in (a). Your niche both protects and defines you.
Whereas if you want to start a startup, you're probably going to have to think of something fairly novel. A startup has to make something it can deliver to a large market, and ideas of that type are so valuable that all the obvious ones are already taken.
That space of ideas has been so thoroughly picked over that a startup generally has to work on something everyone else has overlooked. I was going to write that one has to make a conscious effort to find ideas everyone else has overlooked. But that's not how most startups get started. Usually successful startups happen because the founders are sufficiently different from other people that ideas few others can see seem obvious to them. Perhaps later they step back and notice they've found an idea in everyone else's blind spot, and from that point make a deliberate effort to stay there. [ 3 ] But at the moment when successful startups get started, much of the innovation is unconscious.
What's different about successful founders is that they can see different problems. It's a particularly good combination both to be good at technology and to face problems that can be solved by it, because technology changes so rapidly that formerly bad ideas often become good without anyone noticing. Steve Wozniak's problem was that he wanted his own computer. That was an unusual problem to have in 1975. But technological change was about to make it a much more common one. Because he not only wanted a computer but knew how to build them, Wozniak was able to make himself one. And the problem he solved for himself became one that Apple solved for millions of people in the coming years. But by the time it was obvious to ordinary people that this was a big market, Apple was already established.
Google has similar origins. Larry Page and Sergey Brin wanted to search the web. But unlike most people they had the technical expertise both to notice that existing search engines were not as good as they could be, and to know how to improve them. Over the next few years their problem became everyone's problem, as the web grew to a size where you didn't have to be a picky search expert to notice the old algorithms weren't good enough. But as happened with Apple, by the time everyone else realized how important search was, Google was entrenched.
That's one connection between startup ideas and technology. Rapid change in one area uncovers big, soluble problems in other areas. Sometimes the changes are advances, and what they change is solubility. That was the kind of change that yielded Apple; advances in chip technology finally let Steve Wozniak design a computer he could afford. But in Google's case the most important change was the growth of the web. What changed there was not solubility but bigness.
The other connection between startups and technology is that startups create new ways of doing things, and new ways of doing things are, in the broader sense of the word, new technology. When a startup both begins with an idea exposed by technological change and makes a product consisting of technology in the narrower sense (what used to be called "high technology"), it's easy to conflate the two. But the two connections are distinct and in principle one could start a startup that was neither driven by technological change, nor whose product consisted of technology except in the broader sense. [ 4 ]
How fast does a company have to grow to be considered a startup? There's no precise answer to that. "Startup" is a pole, not a threshold. Starting one is at first no more than a declaration of one's ambitions. You're committing not just to starting a company, but to starting a fast growing one, and you're thus committing to search for one of the rare ideas of that type. But at first you have no more than commitment. Starting a startup is like being an actor in that respect. "Actor" too is a pole rather than a threshold. At the beginning of his career, an actor is a waiter who goes to auditions. Getting work makes him a successful actor, but he doesn't only become an actor when he's successful.
So the real question is not what growth rate makes a company a startup, but what growth rate successful startups tend to have. For founders that's more than a theoretical question, because it's equivalent to asking if they're on the right path.
The growth of a successful startup usually has three phases:
There's an initial period of slow or no growth while the startup tries to figure out what it's doing.
As the startup figures out how to make something lots of people want and how to reach those people, there's a period of rapid growth.
Eventually a successful startup will grow into a big company. Growth will slow, partly due to internal limits and partly because the company is starting to bump up against the limits of the markets it serves. [ 5 ]
Together these three phases produce an S-curve. The phase whose growth defines the startup is the second one, the ascent. Its length and slope determine how big the company will be.
The slope is the company's growth rate. If there's one number every founder should always know, it's the company's growth rate. That's the measure of a startup. If you don't know that number, you don't even know if you're doing well or badly.
When I first meet founders and ask what their growth rate is, sometimes they tell me "we get about a hundred new customers a month." That's not a rate. What matters is not the absolute number of new customers, but the ratio of new customers to existing ones. If you're really getting a constant number of new customers every month, you're in trouble, because that means your growth rate is decreasing.
During Y Combinator we measure growth rate per week, partly because there is so little time before Demo Day, and partly because startups early on need frequent feedback from their users to tweak what they're doing. [ 6 ]
A good growth rate during YC is 5-7% a week. If you can hit 10% a week you're doing exceptionally well. If you can only manage 1%, it's a sign you haven't yet figured out what you're doing.
The best thing to measure the growth rate of is revenue. The next best, for startups that aren't charging initially, is active users. That's a reasonable proxy for revenue growth because whenever the startup does start trying to make money, their revenues will probably be a constant multiple of active users. [ 7 ]
We usually advise startups to pick a growth rate they think they can hit, and then just try to hit it every week. The key word here is "just." If they decide to grow at 7% a week and they hit that number, they're successful for that week. There's nothing more they need to do. But if they don't hit it, they've failed in the only thing that mattered, and should be correspondingly alarmed.
Programmers will recognize what we're doing here. We're turning starting a startup into an optimization problem. And anyone who has tried optimizing code knows how wonderfully effective that sort of narrow focus can be. Optimizing code means taking an existing program and changing it to use less of something, usually time or memory. You don't have to think about what the program should do, just make it faster. For most programmers this is very satisfying work. The narrow focus makes it a sort of puzzle, and you're generally surprised how fast you can solve it.
Focusing on hitting a growth rate reduces the otherwise bewilderingly multifarious problem of starting a startup to a single problem. You can use that target growth rate to make all your decisions for you; anything that gets you the growth you need is ipso facto right. Should you spend two days at a conference? Should you hire another programmer? Should you focus more on marketing? Should you spend time courting some big customer? Should you add x feature? Whatever gets you your target growth rate. [ 8 ]
Judging yourself by weekly growth doesn't mean you can look no more than a week ahead. Once you experience the pain of missing your target one week (it was the only thing that mattered, and you failed at it), you become interested in anything that could spare you such pain in the future. So you'll be willing for example to hire another programmer, who won't contribute to this week's growth but perhaps in a month will have implemented some new feature that will get you more users. But only if (a) the distraction of hiring someone won't make you miss your numbers in the short term, and (b) you're sufficiently worried about whether you can keep hitting your numbers without hiring someone new.
It's not that you don't think about the future, just that you think about it no more than necessary.
In theory this sort of hill-climbing could get a startup into trouble. They could end up on a local maximum. But in practice that never happens. Having to hit a growth number every week forces founders to act, and acting versus not acting is the high bit of succeeding. Nine times out of ten, sitting around strategizing is just a form of procrastination. Whereas founders' intuitions about which hill to climb are usually better than they realize. Plus the maxima in the space of startup ideas are not spiky and isolated. Most fairly good ideas are adjacent to even better ones.
The fascinating thing about optimizing for growth is that it can actually discover startup ideas. You can use the need for growth as a form of evolutionary pressure. If you start out with some initial plan and modify it as necessary to keep hitting, say, 10% weekly growth, you may end up with a quite different company than you meant to start. But anything that grows consistently at 10% a week is almost certainly a better idea than you started with.
There's a parallel here to small businesses. Just as the constraint of being located in a particular neighborhood helps define a bar, the constraint of growing at a certain rate can help define a startup.
You'll generally do best to follow that constraint wherever it leads rather than being influenced by some initial vision, just as a scientist is better off following the truth wherever it leads rather than being influenced by what he wishes were the case. When Richard Feynman said that the imagination of nature was greater than the imagination of man, he meant that if you just keep following the truth you'll discover cooler things than you could ever have made up. For , growth is a constraint much like truth. Every successful startup is at least partly a product of the imagination of growth. [ 9 ]
It's hard to find something that grows consistently at several percent a week, but if you do you may have found something surprisingly valuable. If we project forward we see why.
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The range of services provided online is unlimited. The global network made the job of freelancer extremely popular. Specialists from different areas simplify the user’s tasks giving them more vacant hours for focusing on what is really essential. This concerns the sphere of education as well. Students’ educational process becomes simpler if they can entrust writing essays in, for instance, no major subjects to professionals. With the wide variety of services it is, however, not easy to find one that works for customers really good.
One of such websites is , whose major activity is to conduct research, write essays on any desirable topic, term and research papers. They have been performing in this market for many years and are experienced in writing. Checking their website, one can see a number of services they provide. However, it sometimes turns out that it is not possible to uphold all the promises. In the list of their services they put top-quality research and writing, professional lever of writers and round the clock support system that provides instant assistance. In case of the arising questions or placing the order the calls to are free of charge, communication via email is also possible. Everything seems quite common. But before taking the decision to use the service one should size up the company who they are hiring for doing some work.
Speaking about the instant assistance system, it is not perfect. Automation of some stages makes the process of solving the problem quite long and boring. Emails are neither processed instantly. Not always, but at time it takes a day to get your reply. And, in situations when you must have your order done quickly, this may lead to missing the submission deadline.
When it comes to term, it should be mentioned that there are cases the service may not stick to the deadline probably because of the small stuff and a large number of orders.
They do deliver customized writing services for each individual client and they claim to check each order for authenticity. But with such a high overload of the services can the texts be really unique? In some cases, customer has to carry out the post-examination of their orders.
Another thing that arouses mistrust is that you can’t really know the amount of the final cost before the order is carried out. The price starts from $12.99, an average price, it should be mentioned. But the total cost varies in accordance with the scope of work, complicacy of the subject, definite period. Thus, a customer may be charged more than they expect in the end. Extra charge is also accounted in case if the customer wants a specific freelancer to execute their order. In such event, the cost of the order will include the regular price plus additional 15 per cent of this cost. They say this payment is given without any deductions to the freelancer as a bonus. If the work fulfilled by the company is satisfactory for the customer and he comes back to use this service again, it makes him a standing client. However, at discount are not provided for standing clients.
This service is trying to be responsive to customers and fulfill all the desired requirements. Before writing the paper or essay, they collect customer’s instructions and drafts. One page of the paper written by will contain 300 words. All the texts are usually double spaces. Though, if a client requests, they can be single spaced.
A great advantage is that they take and fill orders from around the world. You can live in any place on the planet and have your essay or paper written by a professional in your domain. Yet, here arises . It is apparent that the paper has to be written either by the native speaker, or someone very close to the native speaker. In other case, this is going to be a time and money waster, because the examiner will definitely notice the language level. If it is your first time to use this service, how to get guarantee the end result is going to be completely satisfactory and your paper will seem to be written by you personally? It is either you know someone who has already checked them and can advice this team, or you need to contact the administration and get the guarantees from them. In case some things will have to be corrected, you have to have guarantees you will not be the one to alter their work.
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How to Become a Costume Designer
Costume designers envision and create the outfits worn in plays, movies, TV shows, dance concerts, and more. [1] Their artistic touch contributes greatly to how audience members perceive characters. While this profession requires a lot of hard work, those with a creative eye can do really well in it. If you want to become a costume designer, get design experience, build a skill set, and then start your career.
Part One of Three:
Getting Design Experience Edit
Building a Skill Set Edit
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4 Essential Drum Beats for Beginners
4 Essential Drum Beats for Beginners
4 Essential Drum Beats for Beginners
No matter where you’re at with your drumming – if you’re just sitting down at your set, or you’ve had a couple of drum lessons – there are lots of ways you can start getting familiar with basic drum beats for beginners. Between talking to your friends, checking out resources on the Internet, and working with your teacher, you can get all kinds of helpful information. You can get started even with just your hands, feet, and a desk!
To begin, this article will give you an introduction to placing your hands and feet, and reading a simple method of notation. Then, you’ll be guided through four drum beats for beginners, including recommendations for classic songs to reference! You’ll learn to play each one using a basic kit (a bass drum or “kick drum,” snare, and hi-hat), and leave with a new understanding of all the diverse and wonderful styles of music you can create with a drum set. Play on!
Hands, Feet, and Rhythm
Whether you’ve got a drum set in front of you or are drumming on your desk as you read this, you’re ready to play percussion. The following are recommendations for how to place your hands on a drum set, or alternatively, how to consider assigning your hands to these parts in practice and in your imagination.
These suggestions are formed for a right-handed player, so if you’re a lefty, you might consider reversing your kit and/or these roles for your hands and feet. Above all, everyone should experiment with a few possibilities and work with whatever comes naturally; you can always customize your set-up.
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A typical right-handed player with a typical drum set will most likely have the bass pedal under their right foot, with the left foot controlling a loosening/tightening pedal for the hi-hat. The hi-hat is generally on the left, with the snare right in front of you. Try using your right hand for the hi-hat notes and your left hand for the snare notes, while imagining that your hands are holding sticks crossed in front of you (and at different heights – the hi-hat is generally higher than the snare).
To communicate the following starter drum beats, we’ll be using a system that represents each instrument with a line of text, and where all three lines (one for each instrument) are meant to be played simultaneously. The hi-hat is represented with a small “x“ to convey the edged-ness and open space in its tinny ring, the snare is represented with an “s” and is on the center line because it’s usually centered in height, and the kick drum is represented with an “o” to represent the round fullness of its low sound.
Rhythm is all about counting, and most songs are about counting in groups of three or four. This varies depending on the song, though, and sometimes the counts change in any given song. However, for each of these examples, a “phrase” will be given – that is, a short, simple building block of a few groups of three or four that you can repeat, like a Lego you can stack. Try saying aloud the “Sounds Like” after each beat’s transcription, and try looking up the example songs and counting along with them!
This will probably be the most familiar beat to your ear, as it’s in nearly every rock song since the dawn of rock and roll! It’s also one of the easiest for most players to modify, by adding variations, “fills” (special ornamentations at the end of a section of phrases, leading into the next section), and improvisation. Note: Keep your hi-hat tight for this one! Try different tempos, and listen for it in your favorite contemporary songs.
To work with a straightforward, spunky, mid-tempo groove with this beat, jam to “Old Time Rock and Roll” by Bob Seger.
A more relaxed example is “California Dreamin’” by the Mamas and the Papas.
Check out an energetic punk rock use of this beat with a fast tempo, with “I Wanna Be Sedated” by the Ramones.
Rock Backbeat
This is a more challenging drum beat for beginners, but it’s essential for many contemporary genres. It’s notably present in punk and metal music, but it draws from rock’s roots in soul and jazz music. Sensing and playing a backbeat (the “off” beats, or syncopated beats, in a measure) can be very challenging, so don’t be discouraged if this is hard for you. A few lessons and some practice will take any new learner a long way, as well as introduce you to new and exciting styles of music through the rhythms you explore.
The backbeat is usually kept peppy with a tambourine in classic soul/R&B music, such as “You Can’t Hurry Love” by Diana Ross and the Supremes.
A great example of alternating the basic rock beat (on the verses) with an energetic backbeat (on the choruses) is “Should I Stay or Should I Go” by the Clash.
This is an example of organizing a rhythm in groups of threes instead of fours. The overall structure of this rhythm is different from the first two, so take a close look at it, and consider listening to the examples below before exploring. Note: Try this one with your hi-hat loose, for a lingering gentle ring.
There are no drums in the song, but the phrasing still gives a great example of how this flows in “Rainbow Connection” by Kermit the Frog.
Another classic and clean waltz to listen to is “Jazz Suite, Waltz No. 2” by Dmitri Shostakovich.
6/8 Jazz Beat
Jazz is an essential foundation for any instrumentalist, particularly percussionists. One great reason to explore drumming through lessons is because of the increased familiarity you’ll gain with the history of the art, including the critical role of jazz, why humans are moved by a good groove, and more. There’s always more to learn about all the catchy beats you can make with your drum set! Note: This is a great rhythm on which to explore varying tensions on your hi-hat. Also, try not to overthink it, but this is especially cool because it’s organized in groups of six, but they feel like two groups of three. Give it a try, and ask your teacher for help if you need it!
H:[xxx xxx][xxx xxx][xxx xxx][xxx xxx]
“A’oooone, two/a’oooone, two/a’oooone, two/a’oooone, two”
George Gershwin’s “Summertime”, while recorded in many different ways over the years, is a great reference for this feel and rhythm.
Many jazz classics can be counted as fast versions of this. Two examples are “It Don’t Mean A Thing” by Duke Ellington and “Sing, Sing, Sing” by Benny Goodman.
Stay Positive!
In the end, whether you’re a novice or an experienced musician, percussion can be for everyone. Practice these drum beats for beginners, and you’ll be on the right track. Take your time, let your enthusiasm overtake your pride, seek help if you need it, and enjoy the groove along the way!
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