generationgenerous · 8 years
"Generation Generous bags capture consumer power and use it for good towards people and planet"
Check out our founder's new featured interview at US based WindyCity Greek by Marissa Tejada 
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generationgenerous · 8 years
MADE BY…Ethical work
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Watch here our short movie about the people who make our bags. Join our journey to more transparency in fashion.
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generationgenerous · 9 years
Ethical Fashion Forum's SOURCE Brand Preview 2016 --- Join us today!
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We are really excited to be showcasing our GG collection at the Ethical Fashion Forum's SOURCE Brand Preview 2016 – join us ONLINE TODAY the 2nd of March at 16.00 GMT along with loads of other incredible sustainable fashion brands!
Register for your free place here > bit.ly/BrandPreviewReg  
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generationgenerous · 9 years
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Preparing another Generation Generous bag travelling to Finland 🇫🇮 this time! Start your day by giving to the ones you love but also to those you can reach out and help by your choice to own and use a product generous to people and our planet. Now you can!
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generationgenerous · 9 years
We are in the Semi-Finalists of Fabric of Change from Ashoka!
We were selected by a team of Ashoka Changemakers reviewers for our fit with the challenge’s assessment criteria: innovation, social impact, and sustainability.
A big thank you to all of you for your support till now! In the meantime we will keep driving innovation to generosity extremes!
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generationgenerous · 9 years
Watch here our ‪#‎GenerousBlack‬ Limited Fundraising Collection featured in Cyprus ilovestyle.com!
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generationgenerous · 9 years
GENEROUS BLACK Our Online Auction is OPEN!
Our Online Auction page has opened this morning!!!
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Place your bid and be the proud owner of one (or more!) of the FIVE exclusively crafted Generation Generous x ELENA PAROUTI bags, and help us fundraise for our non-profit partners this Xmas!
100% of the net proceeds from the sale of each bag from this limited collection will go towards the non-profits that each bag represents.
Click here to place your BID!
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generationgenerous · 9 years
GENEROUS BLACK_Online Auction. A Generation Generous x ELENA PAROUTI Limited Fundraising Collection for our partner Non-Profits!
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A Generation Generous limited fundraising collection of just five bags, created in collaboration with influential architect ELENA PAROUTI - combining unusual patterns and materials to tie attitudes with forms - enhancing the connection of generosity with a product’s design.
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Taking color BLACK as her inspiration baseline, the architect has used fluid, diverse, luxury and up-cycled materials to dress each of the five different color thread Generation Generous iconic bags.
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100% of the net proceeds from the sale of each bag from this limited collection will go towards the non-profits that each bag represents.
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It’s a convergence we’ve seen time and time again, whether in Adolf Loos’s polemical essays about proper dress or in the twisted rubber of a pair of Lacoste sneakers designed by Zaha Hadid. Fashion and architecture are both based on basic life necessities - clothing and shelter. However, they are also forms of self-expression - for both the creators and consumers - and affect our emotional being.
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Maybe fashion refers to the actual articles one wears, but style is how you put it together and how confident you feel when you are going about your daily life. Similarly, our moods are affected by our living and working conditions –sunlight, cleanliness, comfort. On a deeper level, fashion and architecture have less to do with luxury and design, but everything to do with feeling comfortable in your own skin and in habitat.
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Elena Parouti, Architect, One of the four founders and creators of Epitessera Architecture Office.
During her professional career designed and supervised several projects focusing on operation and emphasize on aesthetics. Along with the architecture, Elena has taken part in creative projects in cooperation with other designers and artists such as SocialRide (2012), BlogtheBlock (2013) Pashminaproject (2013) Dreamaloud (2014) held in Nicosia. Every new project is a new challenge for her because the design has no limits and good aesthetics are an integral part of any designer.
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Eugenia Herodotou Alexandrou, Strategic Management Professional (MSc in Economics, Finance and Management, University of Bristol)
Founder and creator of ECOhoME STORE and co-founder of the ecological t-shirt brand- the t-shirt project® that makes cool tshirts for kids with an eco Message. Eugenia is a creative thinker. She likes to explore alternative solutions to problems and have an open mind about what will work best. Eugenia is a people person and really enjoy meeting and working with a lot of different people.   
Help us fundraise for our non-profit partners by bidding at our ONLINE AUCTION and be the proud owner of one of the five exclusively crafted Generation Generous x ELENA PAROUTI bags.
Auction Start: Friday 11th December 2015 at 07:00 GMT
Auction Finish: Thursday 17th December 2015 at 20:00 GMT
The online auction will run through till the end of our Live Event in Nicosia, Cyprus.
Click here to make your BID!
For those in Nicossia, Cyprus on the 17th December 2015 we will host a Live event where people will have the chance to see the auctioned bags, find our more about this unique collaboration and our generosity infused model of business so that every fashion product made and consumed protects the environment, respects its makers and gives back to people in need.
When: 17 December at 17:00–22:00
Where: The Gym, Onasagorou 85-89, 1011 Nicosia, Cyprus
Click here to find out more about the LIVE EVENT on our Facebook page.
Free admission.
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generationgenerous · 9 years
A Christmas gift that matches your values now on special online -40% sale!
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Hello Generous Citizens If you’re thinking of getting an iconic handbag for a gift this Christmas, now you can get one that really matches your values.
We have a special Online Sale this Christmas giving you a - 40% off all our generous handbags by using XM40 at checkout through our online shop here.
For the past year or so we are creating products that protect, respect and give back to people and the environment.
We wanna say to all generous citizens of our generation that they can now carry and wear things that match their values. No more products that create waste and pollute, use slave labour and leave untold stories, and not another human without a basic life need.
Give a truly valuable gift this Christmas and join our mission to change the way products are made and impact the world.
Merry Christmas to you all! The Generation Generous team
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generationgenerous · 9 years
"It's more than just a stylish shopping bag. it's a Generous shopping bag to planet and people!" Natasha Athanasiadou - Founder Generation Generous
WHO makes them, HOW and WHERE our GG bags are made?
Founder of Generation Generous and country co-ordinator for Fashion Revolution Greece discusses sustainable fashion practices as well as hopes and efforts to build an ethical fashion future with Les Assorties!
Watch it here! http://lesassorties.com/2015/06/11/tete-a-tete-04-natasha-marie-athanasiadou/
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generationgenerous · 9 years
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Catch our generous founder @natlizee in K magazine speaking about @fash_rev and Generation Generous! #generation #generous #kmag #fashion #interview #magazine #editorial #ethical #sustainable #eco #whomademyclothes #greece
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generationgenerous · 9 years
EPISODE 3 > MADE FOR…giving back
We are in business to innovate and take action on improving the impact of fashion upon planet and people. We are in business to stand for the kind of fashion that protects the environment, respects the makers and helps people in need. 
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generationgenerous · 9 years
EPISODE 2 > MADE BY…ethical work
We are in business to innovate and take action on improving the impact of fashion upon planet and people. We are in business to stand for the kind of fashion that protects the environment, respects the makers and helps people in need.
Approaching the second anniversary of the Rana Plaza tragedy in Bangladesh on the 24th of April and as active supporters of FASHION REVOLUTION day, we want to show our customers everything about making our bags. To celebrate this we have put together three mini films showcasing the materials we use, the people who make our bags and how we give back.
EPISODE 1> MADE OF…sustainable materials EPISODE 2> MADE BY…ethical work EPISODE 3> MADE FOR…giving back
As Fashion Revolution day is around the corner on the 24/4 don’t forget to ask brands “Who made my clothes?” so together we can create a better, fairer and more generous fashion that truly shines through!
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generationgenerous · 9 years
EPISODE 1 > MADE OF…sustainable materials
We are in business to innovate and take action on improving the impact of fashion upon planet and people. We are in business to stand for the kind of fashion that protects the environment, respects the makers and helps people in need.
Approaching the second anniversary of the Rana Plaza tragedy in Bangladesh on the 24th of April and as active supporters of FASHION REVOLUTION day, we want to show our customers everything about making our bags. To celebrate this we have put together three mini films showcasing the materials we use, the people who make our bags and how we give back.
EPISODE 1> MADE OF…sustainable materials EPISODE 2> MADE BY…ethical work EPISODE 3> MADE FOR…giving back
As Fashion Revolution day is around the corner on the 24/4 don’t forget to ask brands “Who made my clothes?” so together we can create a better, fairer and more generous fashion that truly shines through!
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generationgenerous · 9 years
Our Founder and country co-ordinator for FASHION REVOLUTION in Greece, Natasha has been interviewed by MTV Greece about the importance of transparency in the fashion supply chain. 
Catch her from 02:18 on help share the message.
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generationgenerous · 9 years
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For the second year at Generation Generous we support Fashion Revolution Day on the 24th April 2015 showing our customers who made their bags! Here our founder with our team of plastic bottle recyclers and fabric makers in Taichung, Taiwan. #GenerationGenerous #whomademyclothes #FashRev #greece #FashRevGR #ethical #fashion #sustainable #transparency #socialresponsibility
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generationgenerous · 10 years
Generation Generous x Science Festival Athens
Science or at least true science at least binds, physically, many of our lives together. From the air we breathe to the water we drink science and its exploration of such elements comes into play at some point.
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This coming Saturday our Chief Generous Officer will be flying the flag for generous science at the Athens Science Festival. Speaking on "Protecting the environment while contributing to society” the exciting event running from 17th-22nd March will bring together some of the most committed champions of what we like to call generous consumption.
A topic close to our hearts Natasha will be taking a closer look at this subject of generous consumption and what exactly Generation Generous envisions with this term. In a nutshell her talk on Saturday will delve deeper into what it truly means to be a generous consumer. Speaking about the event she said; 
GENERATION GENEROUS*, a business idea initiated from protecting the environment and giving to people in need, explains how environmental protection and social sustainability can inspire innovations, which improve the quality of human life.
For more details on the event head here.
Until next time keep it generous.
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