gemmatheghost · 11 years
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gemmatheghost · 11 years
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((venting my rage - ignore))
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gemmatheghost · 11 years
"Oh yeah, gold sticker!" Gemma did a backflip in celebration. “Man, I’m a pro at this ghosting business.
"So, how many other ghosts are there around here anyway? I haven’t met many of them, but then again, I haven’t been around much?"
Lana Thinks back to all the ghosts she’s met so far after becoming one herself and some she sees hanging around other parts of Beverly Heights but hasn’t really gotten to say hi yet but doesn’t want to bother them
"well there are a lot of them just they all seem to keep to themselfs or are trying to stay hidden from that horrible ghost hunter Dan" she says with a shiver then blinks as a through comes to her then she grabs Gemma’s shoulders " Whatever you do you better stay away from Dan the ghost hunter, that guy is bad news I’m lucky in the fact the Museum I live my afterlife in likes ghosts so much that ghost hunting is band but whenever I’m outside the museum I’ve got to be careful and you should be too!" she ends up saying with a worryed look in her eyes
"Wait, ghost hunter? Does he wear one of those stupid ghost hunting suits like in the movies?" Naturally, the silly things were the things Gemma wanted to know the most about. "I mean, sure, I'll look out for him, definitely. I mean, getting caught by a creepy weirdo isn't exactly the best way to go when you've already gone, haha."
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gemmatheghost · 11 years
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I have no excuses other than "I am lazy" and "my PC crashed before I saved the first copy".
But here we go, my OCs.
Worldy is one of my more recent OCs, but he's my favourite, one of the most well developed, and also CUDDLY AS HELL. SO ADORABLE.
And, well, the fairy thing is my first ever OC. I don't know her name, and I have no past pictures of her, because the only thing she was ever in was a three sentence Spyro the Dragon fanfiction I wrote when I was 6. It still shames me to this day.))
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gemmatheghost · 11 years
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((Well, I suppose this is what I get for basing my character's looks on my OWN ugly self. Gemma's in there mostly to show the similarities. But hey, I have a hood on my jumper, TOTALLY different!
I don't have any decent photos of me, so you'll have to do with this profile picture someone photoshopped for me
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gemmatheghost · 11 years
((The Kat sat on the Matt
((Matt/Kat is canon
this ship needs a name
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gemmatheghost · 11 years
((Matt/Kat is canon
this ship needs a name
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gemmatheghost · 11 years
((Oh man, I drew my whole picture for yesterday's AU friday but my PC crashed and I forgot to redraw it!))
((I hope I'm okay upping it today to make up for it???))
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gemmatheghost · 11 years
((Oh God I hate walls I hate walls so goddamn much))
((Sorry for not being on all day, had to steam all the wallpaper off the walls. It took like EIGHT HOURS NO BREAKS NO INTERNET I'm crying omg.
But, ooh, AU Friday! I... actually mentally deleted everything about my oldest OCs so I guess I'll just do the favourite one? I dunno man, whatever, Friday is tomorrow anyway haha I'll do it then when I have the time to.))
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gemmatheghost · 11 years
"Yeah!" Gemma laughed, but unfortunately, this broke her concentration and it melted into a ball of goo. “Aw crap. Guess I’d better practice or something? Haha."
"But you’ve done really well for a 1st try Luke can’t even to a rose on his 1st try from what I hear, so with alot of practice you’ll be a pro in no time" Lana B replays and sticks a gold star on Gemma
"Oh yeah, gold sticker!" Gemma did a backflip in celebration. "Man, I'm a pro at this ghosting business.
"So, how many other ghosts are there around here anyway? I haven't met many of them, but then again, I haven't been around much?"
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gemmatheghost · 11 years
"Hmmmmmmm, okay…" Gemma concentrated and tried to do as Lana told her, and succeded in making a little video game controller, although it was a bit wobbly and lopsided.
"Hey, I did it! Oh my gosh, this is so cool~"
Lana B smiles " it is rather fun once you get the hang of it" she said while watching Gemma form the ectoplasm like a proud teacher
"Yeah!" Gemma laughed, but unfortunately, this broke her concentration and it melted into a ball of goo. "Aw crap. Guess I'd better practice or something? Haha."
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gemmatheghost · 11 years
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Ghost Hunter Dan by ~Kittychan2005
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gemmatheghost · 11 years
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((So I was doing real sketchy doodling and the I realised it looked familiar. And then I realised it looked like Sheila so I just sorta doodled her hehe. Wow, what a cutie.))
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gemmatheghost · 11 years
2, 8, 28, 48, 49,
((Man this is late, sorry, I haven’t been online for a while! ;a; ))
2 - If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
"Oh, I don’t know, I can’t think of anyone, haha~"
((Hussie, so I could give him a high-five for amassing so many fans while still killing so many characters.))
8 -  Girls…. (finish the sentence); Boys…. (finish the sentence)
"Uhhhh…? What?"
((I honestly don’t even know what this one means, haha~))
28 - What’s your biggest “what if"?
"What if video games were real? It’d be so damn cool~ I mean, you’d have villains trying to take over all the damn time, but it’d be really fun!"
((*shrugs* What if I had lots of money????? I dunno man))
48 - What’s your sexual orientation?
"Uh, dunno… never really had chance to find out I guess?"
((Asexual (◡‿◡✿) ))
49 - Ever had a rumor spread about you?
"Yeah! This one time, this guy on the internet started saying I was cheating in my games, and man, people get really angry about that kinda stuff, you know? So people started being really huge jerks online, and it took a while to sort out."
((ALLLLLLL of the times, my dearies. But I usually just ignore them because they’re stupid~ OuO ))
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gemmatheghost · 11 years
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gemmatheghost · 11 years
88, 85, 80, 73
73 - You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
"Trust~ Because I'd rather be able to trust someone than have love with someone untrustworthy~"((Yeah, probably the same, haha. What's love without trust, eh?))
80 -  What size shoes do you wear?
"Uhh... I'd have to check. My memory is horrible~" She takes her shoe off to look inside. "Well, these say six, so, six, I guess?"
((Eight. Note that these are British shoe sizes cause I have no flippin' clue what the American equivalents are~))
85 - What's the last song you listened to?
"I can't remember, haha~ Probably some random thing off the radio or a video game soundtrack or something."
((I'm not quite sure~ Probably, either 'Chelsea Dagger' by The Fratellis, 'Don't Stop Believing' by Journey or 'I Am... All Of Me' by Crush 40? *shrugs*))
88 - If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
"Ooh! That guy from Japan who keeps beating my game high scores!"
((Uhhh...? I dunno, man. Probably that guy who keeps harassing me from my school classes???)) 
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gemmatheghost · 11 years
"Hmmmmmmm, okay..." Gemma concentrated and tried to do as Lana told her, and succeded in making a little video game controller, although it was a bit wobbly and lopsided.
"Hey, I did it! Oh my gosh, this is so cool~"
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