geminisaltz-blog · 7 years
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“Take a JOKE, princess.” She mimicked, folding her arms over her chest. “Jasmine and honeysuckle?”
sᴇɴᴛᴇɴᴄᴇ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀs || ᴀᴄᴄᴇᴘᴛɪɴɢ
@geminisaltz said: ❝ Thief, I can tell you’ve been using my soap. You smell just like it. ❞
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“Well excuse me, princess.” She crossed her arms. “I didn’t know you owned the patent on using a certain soap scent. Next time I go to the store I’ll check with you before to make sure we don’t match.”
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geminisaltz-blog · 7 years
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he let josie do as she pleased, however wondering what the hell she was doing the entire time. not wanting to be rude, he kept his thoughts to himself. “of course i have, but i have no idea how to properly do it myself.” kaleb admitted, sighing deeply. “i need to find a witch i can trust, that’s willing to help me– unfortunately, that is quite rare.” after a couple seconds of silence, his gaze fell on her again. “did you just try to steal my magic or? a little explanation would be nice right now.”
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At the mention of a witch willing to help those in need, a lightbulb in her brain immediately lit up. Josie began fishing through her rather large purse ( anything you could ever want could be found in that bag of hers. from chapstick, to herbs, to travel sized sewing kits -- you name it? she’s got it ), coming across a pen and a miniature notepad. Scribbling a name and phone number down, she placed it into the palm of his hand. “Bonnie Bennett. She’s your witch.” Short and sweet. It was all that really needed to be said. The girl sighed as the tiny sliver of hope that he would’ve just dropped the subject flew out the window. “Steal? NO. Siphon? Yes.” The Saltzman girl always hated when people used the two terms interchangeably. But Kaleb clearly didn’t know any better. “I am a siphoner -- a witch born without my own magic. An ‘abomination’, as they like to call it. Go on.. LAUGH. Get it all out while you can, while I’m powerless.”
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geminisaltz-blog · 7 years
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After typing up a short text intended for her mother ( asking her to meet at a small cafe tucked into a quiet corner in the city ), Josie slipped into a pair of sneakers and headed out the door of her apartment. She often loved taking time to walk by herself -- people watching, clearing her mind -- it was a soothing break from all of the daily thoughts that scrambled around in her head. Nearing the cafe, she spotted her mother’s familiar bouncy blonde locks just by peeking into the window. Caroline’s aura could brighten anybody’s day -- especially Josie’s. “Boo,” The young siphoner snuck up on the woman, a wide smile taking over her features.
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geminisaltz-blog · 7 years
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“yes, sure. you have my full permission. i guess.” he shrugged as he looked over at the brunette. “if you do require my magic though, then i must have to disappoint you. i’m currently without it. weird side effects of being resurrected on the wrong continent, i guess.”
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For a man who had just recently been brought back from being DEAD, he sure was quick to trust her. Perhaps that was his downfall -- but it would be rude to make smalltalk of someone’s death. “Oh,” She tilted her head to one side, taking in his presence. Josie just had to FEEL for herself. Snaking her fingers up his arm, the Saltzman girl let her palm rest to grip on his shoulder -- focusing in on any trace of magic to be found in Kaleb’s being. Normally, there would be a fiery surge beginning to flow from his body into hers at this stage, causing him a bit ( a lot ) of pain. But there was nothing. Squeezing her eyes shut, she tried once more. Focus, focus. NOTHING. It was like trying to siphon from a simple human -- pointless. “You’re not lying..” As her hand fell back into her lap, she let her gaze meet his. At this point, Josie had realized that she still hadn’t told him what she was yet. She wondered if he’d ever heard of what she was. “Have you been working to get it back? Your magic?”
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geminisaltz-blog · 7 years
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               “guess you didn’t inherit my great taste in music. what a shame— never ever listen to wham in your life.” she probably had no idea who wham even was, he felt old compared to his estranged niece. felt weird saying that too. not that anyone would care, he for sure knew she didn’t. “i forget you were born thirty-ish years after me. weird thing, time. still looks fine as hell but she’s developed kanye’s smolder and i’m— still kinda digging it.”
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“What the hell is a wham?? Never mind, I don’t think I even want to know.” She wiggled in the stool as she took in the sounds of the outdated music. Josie was much more of a new wave fan -- electronic dance music and raves. “Weird thing, prison worlds.” She mimicked the sound of his voice. It was odd. Calling the man by his first name seemed to casual, and calling him Uncle Kai seemed.. strange. Whether it was how similar in age he looked compared to her and Lizzie, or just their being estranged was up for debate. “Dude,” She settled on the best label in her mind, “You’re like forty -- you can’t ‘dig’ North West. Besides, I call dibs if she ever makes her way down to nola.”
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geminisaltz-blog · 7 years
📞 Thierry
send me 📞  and i’ll tell you.. || accepting !!
your muse’s contact photo in mine’s phone
[ x ]
your muse’s name in mine’s phone
thierry vanchure @themusicmcn
your muse’s ringtone in mine’s phone
temporary bliss // the cab
how often our muses text
not too often anymore. 
what our muses normally text about
it used to be places to meet up for her to siphon magic from him, the occasional ‘wanna just grab lunch’ text when it starting heading towards something ‘more’ for them, her jokingly asking when he was going to serenade her with his trumpet ( lmaOo )
our muses’ last few texts
✉ → hey, t.
✉ → i heard katie’s back.. you must be so happy.
✉ → just wanted to know if you’d be down for a little catching up over coffee? been dying to hear about the progress you’ve got going on with your bar..
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geminisaltz-blog · 7 years
📞 Qetsiyah
send me 📞  and i’ll tell you.. || accepting !!
your muse’s contact photo in mine’s phone
[ x ]
your muse’s name in mine’s phone
tessa | @xtcssa
your muse’s ringtone in mine’s phone
woman // harry styles
how often our muses text
not often. maybe a long conversation once in a blue moon.
what our muses normally text about
magic. feeling like an outcast. feelings of not being ‘good enough’. josie begging her to come over to keep her company. josie is also VERY enthusiastic about picking her brain -- what life was like in ancient greece.
our muses’ last few texts
✉ →  but if you’ll just come over, we can curl up on my couch and watch a rom-com✉ →  wait.. do you even know what that means?? i’ll tell youuu if you come keep me company. pleeeease. i’ll order thai.
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geminisaltz-blog · 7 years
Ask my character "How do you feel about ______?" Can be an idea, person(s), place, or thing, and they'll have to answer honestly.
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geminisaltz-blog · 7 years
yO those phone memes are taking me longer than they should lmao why do i do this to myself?? i always reblog the time consuming memes H ELP
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geminisaltz-blog · 7 years
❝ All I’m saying is, I’d prioritize your orgasm over mine. ❞
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“KALEB !! We’re in public.” Josie immediately felt the heat rise in her cheeks -- turning away for just a moment or two while she regained her composure. “I have to say, I’ve never heard a man say that before. And I’m not keen on empty promises..”
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geminisaltz-blog · 7 years
❝ What happened to your hair? Hold still, I’ll just… Fix it for you. ❞
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TRYING to remain completely still as the blonde began to comb through the tangles with her fingers was a feat in itself. Josie winced through the pain. “Thank you – I know, it got a little crazy. Damn wind.”
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geminisaltz-blog · 7 years
❝ Pull my hair again and this is gonna get real awkward real fast. ❞
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“I wouldn’t be pulling on it in the first place if you’d just get a haircut.” She sighed, folding her arms across her chest. “HOW awkward?”
0 notes
geminisaltz-blog · 7 years
◤ ✕ ・。* send me 📞 and a ship and i’ll tell you…
your muse’s contact photo in mine’s phone
your muse’s name in mine’s phone
your muse’s ringtone in mine’s phone
how often our muses text
what our muses normally text about
our muses’ last few texts
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geminisaltz-blog · 7 years
sentence starters: misc. romantic tension !
❝ I just think you’re really special. You deserve special things in your life. ❞
❝ I mean, anyone would be lucky to date you. ❞
❝ Thief, I can tell you’ve been using my soap. You smell just like it. ❞
❝ So… How do I look? Like if we were about to go on a date, what would you think? ❞
❝ This is a little weird, but… Would you kiss me and see how this chapstick tastes? ❞
❝ All I’m saying is, I’d prioritize your orgasm over mine. ❞
❝ I covered your bed in rose petals for science. Take a look and tell me if it’s too much. ❞
❝ I’m kinda scared my kissing skills suck. Would you… Y’know. Practice with me? ❞
❝ How weird is it that our heights make our crotches match up perfectly? ❞
❝ Pull my hair again and this is gonna get real awkward real fast. ❞
❝ Sorry I, uh… Walked in on your alone-time. I swear I didn’t see much. ❞
❝ Dinner’s on me if you please, please rub my back. ❞
❝ Your morning wood poked me, it happens. Doesn’t have to be weird or anything. ❞
❝ I sorta had a bad day. Just cuddle up with me for a little while, please? ❞
❝ You deserve so much better than this. If you were mine, I’d… ❞
❝ I almost feel like you belong to me, like you’re my own personal person. ❞
❝ Is it weird that I always miss you more than I miss my actual girlfriend/boyfriend? ❞
❝ I can tell you’re pissed off. Just lie back, I’ll dish out my famous shoulder massage. ❞
❝ Can we kiss? I just really need to be kissed right now. ❞
❝ You’re welcome to stay, but remind me why I’m the little spoon in my own bed? ❞
❝ I wish I could bottle the way you smell and sell it for a fortune. Nothing compares. ❞
❝ What happened to your hair? Hold still, I’ll just… Fix it for you. ❞
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geminisaltz-blog · 7 years
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“what does it matter?” kaleb asked, trying to avoid the topic about his family. “do you?” he wondered instead, steering the conversation into her direction. “kinda? man, i was dead for some time but i remember you were either a witch or you weren’t.”
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“I doesn’t, I guess. Just -- when you said you can’t count on siblings.. never mind. You’re right, it doesn’t matter.” She offered a firm nod. “Just my sister, Elizabeth. We’re twins. Fraternal. She’s definitely an oddball, but aren’t we all?” While it was clear Kaleb would rather not speak of his own family matters, Lizzie was always good for conversation. “Yes, well.. things aren’t always so SIMPLE.” Josie grumbled out, eyes settling back on the man sitting beside her. Even though she and her sister were alike in species, the brunette always felt like an outcast among witches. The topic was not something she liked to touch on often, if at all -- not possessing her own magic. She had to control herself from flying off the handle, getting too defensive. “I’m a different kind of witch, Kaleb. I can SHOW YOU, but only with your permission..”
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geminisaltz-blog · 7 years
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The young siphoner hadn’t been feeling her best -- restless nights, feeling feverish -- but over the past few days, the symptoms had been escalating. “Fuck,” Awful coughing ripped throughout her entire body, resulting in extreme amounts of blood being spewed over her hands. Dipping into a back alley away from the crowds of Bourbon Street, Josie’s gaze settled on her palms, brows pulling together in fear. She hadn’t thought much of herself not feeling well at first, perhaps just a flu or something. But now -- SHIT, who was there? “Hello?” She called out, quickly rummaging through her bag to find napkins and tissues to wipe off her crimson stained hands.
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geminisaltz-blog · 7 years
ok i have closed starters in the works for rebekah/davina, rebekah/kol, rebekah/nik, and josie/vicki -- if anyone else is feelin’ a starter for either one of my babes, feel free to reply to this post !! i am trash, but at least i’m inSPIRED trash !! 
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