Gem City Comic Con
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Official Tumblr of the Gem City Comic Con Tweets by @GemCityComicCon
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gemcitycomiccon · 2 years ago
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2023 dates are official!!!!
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gemcitycomiccon · 6 years ago
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Don't forget this weekend is #GemCityComicCon. With creators, vendors, panels, gaming, cosplay, and so much more, you do not want to miss out. So come hang out with us, and all of our amazing guests this year! And we will see you this weekend! #GCCC19 #comics #comicbooks #convention #gaming #panels #cosplay
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gemcitycomiccon · 6 years ago
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#GemCityComicCon is pleased to welcome @illuminauttattoo ( Brian Level) to our 2019 show! Brian Level is a professional tattooer and comic artist. He’s worked for #ValiantComics (#Bloodshot, Harbinger, #XOManowar), #DCComics (#SwampThing), #ImageComics (Hoax Hunters, The Mantle and the Eisner Award nominated Lazarus) as well as several titles with Challenger Comics (The Brothers James, Bullets & Teeth, Playing the Game) Brian is “Comics’ Bad Boy". Your least-favorite artist on your most-favorite characters like #DEADPOOL, #INHUMANS, #BATMAN, SUICIDE SQUAD/#KILLERCROC, #HELLBLAZER and virtually EVERY VALIANT CHARACTER. And Creator/Contributor to such Creator-Owned titles as THE MANTLE and WE CAN NEVER GO HOME. coffeeman/pizzaman/horrorman/professionalman and tattooer. Known for being nice-ish” #GCCC19 #comics #comicbooks #creator #FeaturedGuest #convention #artist #cosplay #gaming
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gemcitycomiccon · 6 years ago
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#GemCityComicCon is pleased to welcome Rodney Fyke to our 2019 show! Rodney is a professional #writer and #artist from Cincinnati, Ohio.  He is currently working on his 6th issue of his all ages #comic Peanut, Puddin’ n’ Jelly which he self-publishes through Hazzum Productions.  Rodney is a versatile artist whose art style ranges anywhere from graphic cartoony to detailed illustration pieces. #GCCC19 #coimcs #comicbooks #convention #creator #gaming #cosplay
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gemcitycomiccon · 6 years ago
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#GemCityComicCon is pleased to welcome @b3nn3tt (Andy Bennett) to our 2019 show! Andy Bennett was born and raised in the hills of southern Ohio. He is a graduate of Shawnee State University in Portsmouth, and The Columbus College of Art & Design in Columbus. Today he serves as a digital media designer at Highlights for Children in Columbus, as well as offering freelance design and illustration work for a wide range of clients. He currently lives in Columbus with his wife Lisa. #GCCC19 #comics #comicbooks #convention #FeaturedGuest #creator #artist #illustrator #cosplay #gaming
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gemcitycomiccon · 6 years ago
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#GemCityComicConis pleased to welcome Andrew Daily to our 2017 show! Andrew Dailey is a freelance #illustrator and fine #artist from Dayton OH. He actively exhibits artwork regionally and nationally. In 2011, Andrew was recognized with an “Individual Excellence Award” from the Ohio Arts Council. In addition to his artistic practice, Dailey works as an art instructor and the Cultural Arts Program Supervisor at Rosewood Arts Centre in Kettering, OH. His love for comic illustration has inspired Rosewood’s comic related special events. Most notable are Comic Book Studio Day, a series of hands-on comic creator workshops and SuburbiCon, a creator focused mini-con. #GCCC19 #comics #comicbooks #convention #creator #cosplay #gaming
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gemcitycomiccon · 6 years ago
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#GemCityComicCon is pleased to welcome @weareherostrong to our 2019! Hero Strong is a volunteer organization that strives to inspire children through superheroes, lending their capes to the fight against childhood cancer, muscular dystrophy, bullying, child abuse, and other causes. When not doing their own events, they partner with non-profit organizations and groups that also utilize their services for awareness initiatives and events. Check them out on Facebook and give them a “Like”! #GCCC19 #comics #comicbooks #convention #organization #children #kids #gaming #cosplay
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gemcitycomiccon · 6 years ago
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#GemCityComicCon is pleased to welcome Matthew ‘Pogues’ Metzger to our 2019! Matthew 'Pogues' Metzger is an award winning* Freelance Artist. He’s done work for Scott Comics, Freestyle Komics and the #OhioToyandComicShow to name a few. You can see his art work at or on instagram @itspogues. He currently is working on a project in hopes of release at the end of this year. You can also listen to the podcast he co-host, Not Another Origin Story! ( where he and comedian Ben Chapman watch comic book movie adaptions and dissect and riff on them. *Pogues won most improved reader in 3rd grade. #GCCC19 #comics #comicbooks #podcast #convention #creator #artist #gaming #cosplay
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gemcitycomiccon · 6 years ago
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#GemCityComicCon is pleased to welcome @vantageinhouse to our 2019! Victor Dandridge is the writer of The Samaritan, The Trouble w/Love, the Origins Unknown series and the anthology novel, 8 Mins. Victor Dandridge is a leading, new voice for innovation and production within the self-publishing market.  He’s found acclaim with his own imprint, Vantage:Inhouse Productions, spearheading the release of more than 10 projects, both in print and digital formats, in it’s first year of publication.  Wanting not only to entertain, but also to educate, Victor launched his U Cre-8 Comics line — a unique bridge between comics and classroom fundamentals. #GCCC19 #comics #comicbooks #convention #Guest #creator #writer #cosplay #gaming
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gemcitycomiccon · 6 years ago
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#GemCityComicCon is pleased to welcome @reilly_brown to our 2019 show! New Jersey native Reilly Brown is a fan-favorite comic book artist and writer for #Marvel and #DCComics, known for bringing a sense of character and personality to the projects that he works on, balancing a combination of light-hearted humor, with fast paced superhero action.  These talents have been on full display in the pages of #AMAZINGSPIDERMAN, #INCREDIBLEHERCULES, #LOBO, and many other comics, perhaps most notably #DEADPOOL, Marvel’s infamous, rapid-healing, merc-with-a-mouth! He is also a pioneer in digital storytelling, utilizing new ways of making comics for tablets and smart phones with his creator-owned series POWER PLAY, as well as several stories for Marvel, including DEADPOOL: THE GAUNTLET, SLAPSTICK and several others.  Reilly currently works with Fabian Nicieza on their creator-owned series OUTRAGE which can be found on Line Webtoon. Find Reilly online at: Follow his news and updates at: Instagram  Tumblr  Facebook To purchase original artwork, contact his art rep Anthony Snyder Be sure to check out his creator owned comic, Power Play, and check out the Adventures of Dash Hudson at Ghostek #GCCC19 #comics #comicbooks #convention #FeaturedGuest #creator #Artist #Writer #cosplay #gaming
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gemcitycomiccon · 6 years ago
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#GemCityComicCon is pleased to welcome @electromagnetic_press to our 2019 show! ElectroMagnetic Press (EMP) is a comic book #publishingcompany based in West Virginia and New York. Headed up by the team of Larry Morgan, Shane Moore, and Mark Fisher, EMP features flagship  B&W titles, The Believerand The Omens, as well as the standalone Empire Comics. The company’s latest release is a 60 + page anthology entitled Miscellania. It features short stories, comics, and pin-ups by West Virginia authors and illustrators. #GCCC19 #comics #comicbooks #publisher #convention #creators #gaming #cosplay
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gemcitycomiccon · 6 years ago
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#GemCityComicCon is pleased to welcome @rbode777 (Ryan Bodenheim) to our 2019 show! Ryan Bodenheim  is an exceptional artist know for his highly detailed style. Ryan started in comics working for #Marvel #penciling #Wolverine and #BlackPanther. Ryan co-created alongside Jonathan Hickman the critically acclaimed books published by #ImageComics “Red Mass for Mars”, “Secret” and “The Dying & The Dead”. Ryan has recently provided #covers for #Valiant’s “#Bloodshot” “Ninjak” and “#Rai” as well as working alongside Matt Kindt on “#XOManowar” and covers for #DCcomics. #GCCC19 #comics #comicbooks #convention #creator #FeaturedGuest #artist #cosplay #gaming
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gemcitycomiccon · 6 years ago
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#GemCityComicCon is pleased to welcome @jeremyclarkart to our 2019 show! Jeremy Clark, has been able to work on various comic projects for multiple publishers in the last few years including #cover work for #ImageComics, #Zenescope Entertainment (Grimm Fairy Tales), #CoffinComics (#LadyDeath), #SourcePointPress, Alterna Comics (Eden), #CaliberComics, Counterpoint Comics, etc. Some of his published credits include: “Prodigy,” “Lady Death: Merciless Onslaught,” “Lady Death: Apocalyptic Abyss,” “Lady Death: Unholy Ruin,” “#GrimmFairyTales: Legacy,” “Grimm Fairy Tales: Apocalypse,” “Grimm Fairy Tales: Genesis Heroes Reborn,” “Day of the Dead,” “Hellchild: The Unholy,” “Escape From Monster Island,” “Salvagers,” “Eden,” “Light-Earth,” “Notti & Nyce,” “Gin-Ryu,” “Zombie Tramp,” “Transgenesis,” “Valkyrie Saviors,” “The Mark of Kings,” “Franklin and Ghost: No Fox Given,” “Affinity: Arrival,” “Cremisi: Crimson World,” “Gapo The Clown,” and many more. You can find Jeremy on Facebook and on Instagram #GCCC19 #comics #comicboooks #creator #convention #Guest #Artist #Inker #cosplay #gaming
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gemcitycomiccon · 6 years ago
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From all of us at #GemCityComicCon #HappyEaster! #GCCC19
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gemcitycomiccon · 6 years ago
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#GemCityComicCon is pleased to welcome Scott Bachmann to our 2019 show! Scott Bachmann has been a writer sine he first learned how to string words together. His first #novel was an accident. Variants of a story had been floating around in his head for years as novels "to-be", that never became. The various scripts became #graphicnovels, but the core stort remained unused. Scott was itching to get back into prose, so he cracked his knuckles and sat down to write whatever cane to mind. What cane out was tge first draft of The Paragon of Animals. Scott's works include the comics #OurSuperMom, #RaymondHardcase, and the novels #TheParagonofAnimals #TheGrassisAwful #ToThineOwnselfbeTrue, and #EattheBunnyBeforetheBunnyEatsYou. #GCCC19 #comics #comicbooks #convention #Guest #creator #writer #gaming #cosplay
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gemcitycomiccon · 6 years ago
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#GemCityComicCon is pleased to welcome Paul D. Storrie to our 2019 show! Paul D. Storrie has been writing comics professionally since the 1998 debut of ROBYN OF SHERWOOD from #CaliberComics, a 4-issue series about the daughter of Robin Hood and the former Maid Marian. Since then he has written for Moonstone Books, #DCComics, #Marvel, #IDW, Graphic Universe/Lerner Books, and more. In addition to ROBYN, he’s probably best known for the #GOTHAMGIRLS mini-series at DC. The first installment of his newest comic, THE VIKING QUEEN, blew away its Kickstarter goals and is garnering favorable reviews. #GCCC19 #comics #comicbooks #convention #creator #FeaturedGuest #writer #gaming #cosplay
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gemcitycomiccon · 6 years ago
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#GemCityComicCon is pleased to welcome @jollyblackburn to our 2019 show! Twenty years ago while editing the small press magazine, Shadis, Jolly Blackburn ‘accidentally’ created a comic strip called Knights of the Dinner Table to serve as ‘filler’ on an empty page. It was something of a ‘creative burp’ and Jolly really didn’t give it much thought. Perhaps that’s why he was just as surprised as anyone when the comic strip soon was overshadowing everything else he’d ever done and that the created was now controlling the creator. That was over twenty years That was twenty years ago. Knights of the Dinner Table eventually became a monthly comic book (now approaching its 200th issue) and has generated over 40 trade paperbacks. Jolly works from home drawing his characters and designing games still amazed that his motley crew of poorly drawn characters have taken him on such a wonderful journey. #GCCC19 #comics #comicbooks #creator #convention #FeaturedGuest #gaming #cosplay
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