I tried. In the end. I did.
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PREV. MYSTICMESSENGER2016 elena, adult, she/her
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gaynobara · 3 years ago
Hey guys, thank you to all who donated and passed around the previous donation post. THANK YOU. Zooh Corner is currently facing another financial crisis, sadly. Because pet care sadly isn't free, and they're at around $7,000 for a check up. They even paid before but the vet is adding additional costs.
Another rabbit is also being brought in but they don't have enough funds for her, and they have very little time to help. Please chip in as much as you can!
If you can't donate, please pass this around! 💘 It will help them just as much.
If you can donate, please add a donation at:
Please email them at [email protected] to also add a donation and good wishes!
Thank you all, truly. 💖💖💖 I hope you all have a great day.
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gaynobara · 3 years ago
Hey guys, thank you to all who donated and passed around the previous donation post. THANK YOU. Zooh Corner is currently facing another financial crisis, sadly. Because pet care sadly isn't free, and they're at around $7,000 for a check up. They even paid before but the vet is adding additional costs.
Another rabbit is also being brought in but they don't have enough funds for her, and they have very little time to help. Please chip in as much as you can!
If you can't donate, please pass this around! 💘 It will help them just as much.
If you can donate, please add a donation at:
Please email them at [email protected] to also add a donation and good wishes!
Thank you all, truly. 💖💖💖 I hope you all have a great day.
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gaynobara · 3 years ago
Hey guys, thank you to all who donated and passed around the previous donation post. THANK YOU. Zooh Corner is currently facing another financial crisis, sadly. Because pet care sadly isn't free, and they're at around $7,000 for a check up. They even paid before but the vet is adding additional costs.
Another rabbit is also being brought in but they don't have enough funds for her, and they have very little time to help. Please chip in as much as you can!
If you can't donate, please pass this around! 💘 It will help them just as much.
If you can donate, please add a donation at:
Please email them at [email protected] to also add a donation and good wishes!
Thank you all, truly. 💖💖💖 I hope you all have a great day.
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gaynobara · 3 years ago
Hey guys, thank you to all who donated and passed around the previous donation post. THANK YOU. Zooh Corner is currently facing another financial crisis, sadly. Because pet care sadly isn't free, and they're at around $7,000 for a check up. They even paid before but the vet is adding additional costs.
Another rabbit is also being brought in but they don't have enough funds for her, and they have very little time to help. Please chip in as much as you can!
If you can't donate, please pass this around! 💘 It will help them just as much.
If you can donate, please add a donation at:
Please email them at [email protected] to also add a donation and good wishes!
Thank you all, truly. 💖💖💖 I hope you all have a great day.
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gaynobara · 3 years ago
Hey guys. I've been off line for a while as I've found no purpose on tumblr as of recently. Its been time consuming, toxic, and makes me feel bad coming here. However, I appreciate all the mutuals I've made, especially Aud; thank you. I might come back officially someday but for now I think I'll resort to posting donation posts for organizations and shelters I want to support and I always need help with that 💖
I love the memories I've made and the people I have met. I made real friends and honestly I should've announced leaving but I didn't necessarily plan it. I appreciate meeting great people here, and a deep, deep thank you to all who passed the previous donation post around. Thank you. 💖💝💗 I truly mean it, I've had good times here too and you guys are all apart of that. This isn't an official goodbye, just an update. I wanna continue working on helping those so they don't go through what I did, and finding myself outside of tumblr and twitter. I've found a part of peace in my life recently with my family.
So yeah, thank you guys. Please continue to help me support future donations and shelters. It really means a lot to me that you have all helped, and I wish I had the words to explain what it means to me. 💖💝💗💞 thank you all SO much I love you guys
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gaynobara · 3 years ago
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WHEN HARRY MET SALLY (1989) dir. Rob Reiner
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gaynobara · 3 years ago
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Do I really have to tell everyone how you grabbed on to my leg sobbing like a schoolboy?
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gaynobara · 3 years ago
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favourite music from soundtracks: final fantasy vii remake
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gaynobara · 3 years ago
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Abandoned wip
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gaynobara · 3 years ago
Remember when people got mad at people for being sad that Notre dame burned down
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gaynobara · 3 years ago
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This album is a compilation of when I stopped smoking weed, and all of the stuff that just poured out of my mind when I was sitting in bed, when I was on Instagram Live, when I’m just chilling and having a true moment to myself to just create and make shit that I felt good about. I was just lucid and happy and I think it really shows in this album. It’s just a clean fuckin’ album.
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gaynobara · 3 years ago
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gaynobara · 3 years ago
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gaynobara · 3 years ago
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“I’ve never been so close to hell.” THE DARK PICTURES ANTHOLOGY: HOUSE OF ASHES (2021)
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gaynobara · 3 years ago
Not trying to be super political here but the fact that Supermassive Games made a game where an Iraqi Republican guardsman who is a Muslim and has a completely reasonable distrust of Americans (Salim) befriends a racist American soldier who would probably be a Trump supporter in real life (Jason) is mind-boggling. And the fact they did it in a way that feels believable and not forced is an achievement.
Also, positive Arab representation in Western media? Salim is presented as the most morally righteous of the group and is written in a non-stereotypical way (he’s just a dad trying to get back to his kid). Then there’s the opening sequence that, even though it’s in English, feels like a genuine attempt at a serious depiction of ancient Mesopotamia. They even avoided the common pitfall of giving all the characters English accents to show that it’s ancient times.
(EDIT: Speaking of languages, the game really respected the difference in languages here. Instead of just having everyone speak English to make it easier on the player, there is a clear difference in language between the Iraqi and American characters, which is realistic)
It’s still a silly horror game but House of Ashes really impressed me with its writing. It’s definitely the best of the three Dark Pictures installments, that’s for sure.
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gaynobara · 3 years ago
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gaynobara · 3 years ago
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So this must be the one and only satellite guy?
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