Fav Reads of 2023 Up Now
I've got a list of my three fav reads of 2023 on this site: https://shepherd.com/bboy/2023/f/gayleen-Gayleen Froese
But G, I hear you cry, what do your three favourite books have to do with YOUR books? They're non-fiction. You write fiction. I know, but I think fiction--even fantasy--is better when the author knows all kinds of things. I get bored with characters who don't seem to know anything outside of a narrow set of interests and who don't have curiosity about the world.
Beyond that? Best Minds is a deeply-felt commentary on mental health (a frequent theme in my books) as well as an exceptional character study and first-rate true crime.
Monsters looks at our relationship to the famous (a theme in the Ben Ames books) and at how and why we forgive or overlook what seems unforgivable (You'll find this throughout Lightning Strike Blues.)
As for Song of the Cell, there's not such a direct link, but Mukherjee writes with wonder about the complexities inside us that we rarely think of and can't see, and I think any book worth reading shares his fascination with that.
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Now featured on Fantastic Fiction
Follow to get the latest updates on my books through your Fantastic Fiction account. https://www.fantasticfiction.com/f/gayleen-froese/
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The Dominion Out Now!
Urban fantasy The Dominion is now available in trade paperback and ebook editions.
The Pacific Northwest border town of the Dominion is soaked in magic. Full moons are a bloody spectacle, local restaurants have unicorn on the menu, and a dragon once burned down City Hall. The excitement makes the Dominion a beacon to tourists… but many of them never make it home.
Travel writer Innis Stuart and his photographer, Karsten Roth, are visiting the Dominion to explore its dangers and offer a warning to overconfident tourists. Unfortunately, they may be among that number.
Marlowe the tegu gives it one tongue up.
Available here.
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Gayleen has opinions!
I know. It's a surprise. My personal book recommendation list, The Best Hard-boiled Comfort Reads for a Disappointing World, is live now at Shepherd: Explore, Discover Read. Are your favourites on the list?
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Lightning Strike Blues "highly recommended"
Lightning Strike Blues is an October recommendation... highly recommended, in fact. :) https://jaymountney.com/2023/11/07/october-recommendations-2023/
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Review of The Man Who Lost His Pen
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Short Short Story Bridges Ben Ames 2 and 3
I've got a short short story in Edify Magazine this month. :) It's small, no spoilers bridge (heh) between the end of The Man Who Lost His Pen and the upcoming sequel, The Man Who Hated Clouds. https://edifyedmonton.com/culture/fiction-essays-reviews/breaking-the-bridge/
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What do you get if you cross the X-Men with the Trailer Park Boys?
Lightning Strike Blues: a super non-hero novel by Gayleen Froese
Paperback and ebook October 10
pre-order now: https://tinylink.net/YKRvk
#CanLit #superhero #LGBTQ #YA #CanYA #LGBTQYA
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Apple Books Pride Feature
Apple Books is featuring my publisher in their Pride collection this month. If you're looking for an LGBTQ mystery for Pride month, it's a great time to meet detective Ben Ames and his hangers-on.
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Micro Pre-Story for The Man Who Lost His Pen
Fresh Fiction has shared a kind of short-short pre-story for The Man Who Lost His Pen (coming out May 16!)... it's an interview with Jess (and, reluctantly, Ben) about the show they'll be at during the book.
Dreamspinner Press Crime Writers Canada #canadianfiction #detectivefiction #LGBTQ #mysteryseries #benamescasefiles
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The Man Who Lost His Pen, sequel to The Girl Whose Luck Ran Out, will be available in ebook and paperback, May 16--that's next gosh-darned week! Pre-order now https://buff.ly/3Fd2Gox ... and enjoy this mini-excerpt, video-style. New videos each week.
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FAME CAN BE DEADLY. (or just annoying)
Murder, tonight at the charity show--and Ben Ames is here to solve it. The Man Who Lost His Pen, sequel to The Girl Whose Luck Ran Out, will be available in ebook and paperback, May 16. Pre-order now https://buff.ly/3Fd2Gox ... and enjoy this mini-excerpt, video-style. New videos each week.
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Now out in mass market format
The dogs and I, and their hair, want to talk to you about mass market paperbacks. So many dog nail clicks. So much hair. https://tinyurl.com/3z7977mr
#mystery #BenAmesCasefiles #TheGirlWhoseLuckRan Out
#Canadianwriter #gaymystery #LGBTQ #detective #albertamystery
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There's been a backstage murder and Ben Ames is here to solve it. The Man Who Lost His Pen, sequel to The Girl Whose Luck Ran Out, will be available in ebook and paperback, May 16. Pre-order now https://buff.ly/3Fd2Gox ... and enjoy this mini-excerpt, video-style. New videos each week.
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I guess it's a cell-half-full kind of thing. The Man Who Lost His Pen, sequel to The Girl Whose Luck Ran Out, will be available in ebook and paperback, May 16. Pre-order now https://buff.ly/3Fd2Gox ... and enjoy this mini-excerpt, video-style. New videos each week.
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WROTE Podcast
I'm on the $#@$in' awesome Wrote Podcast this week. Check it out on podcast or video: http://www.wrotepodcast.com/gayleen-froese/
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This message brought to you by the International Society of People Who've Known Each Other Too Long. The Man Who Lost His Pen, sequel to The Girl Whose Luck Ran Out, will be available in ebook and paperback, May 16. Pre-order now https://buff.ly/3Fd2Gox … and enjoy this mini-excerpt, video-style. New videos each week.
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