gatewaytothebalkans · 2 years
My day started early with a visit to the local market where I and my friend perused the various shops. We decided to purchase a few purses, as well as some handmade copper jewelry for our families. Also, we enjoyed some fresh breakfast at a small restaurant, with fresh salads and pasta. After making our purchases and enjoying some delicious food, we hailed a taxi back to our hotel (due to the complicated tram system).
Both of us retired to our rooms for forty-five minutes before meeting the other students in the lobby for our university visit. A short walk later, we arrived at the university where we had some drinks and gathered in one of their conference rooms. The Dean of the Criminalistics, Criminal Justice and Criminology department introduced himself, along with his fellow professors. They began by discussing the structure of their university system and contrasting it to American colleges.
For example, they have multiple levels within the undergraduate, master's, and Ph.D. studies; with a total of fourteen levels overall. They also tailor their systems to the jobs available in the field. So they do not offer math, English, history, or other general education classes; but rather choose to focus on specific classes that will apply to their professions. Those looking to go into forensics will primarily take courses that teach them how to investigate crime scenes and work within the legal ministry. Although this sounds like the ideal college system, it was explained to us that it leads to a lack of diversity; as students do not have additional studies, majors, or minors.
After their discussion concluded, we were given a tour of the University and saw various different conference halls as well. Finally, we were given a lecture by one of the professors about the government, the University studies, and the struggles their community faces. He explained that their government system is fractured, and desperately needs reform; but it is nearly impossible for reform to happen when the people themselves are not aware of how to vote or what their basic rights are.
When his lecture concluded, I asked him about a conversation I had prior in the week with one of the tour guides. He had told me that his perspective on the government was that it needed to change, and quickly. Unfortunately, the older generation is extremely nationalistic and it is dependent on the younger generation to force change. My question for the professor was, "What is the most impactful thing that a young person or student could do that would encourage change?"
His answer was disheartening. He said, "If you had asked me two years ago, my answer would have been different. After what I have seen in the past two years, especially with how little students care, and how open they are to just exist... I do not believe there is anything that can be done. Unless the younger generation chooses to educate themselves and change their mentality, there will not be change."
On a sad note, I left the University and relaxed with my friend for the rest of the night. We went shopping for presents for our professors (as their birthdays are both in the month of June) and grabbed a quick treat for dinner. After dinner, I hurried back to the hotel to pack my bags, as we have a long day ahead of us and a significant amount of travel early in the following morning.
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gatewaytothebalkans · 2 years
5/25 Josip Tito
In former Yugoslavia, Josip Tito was the leader of the communist Yugoslavian state
He collaborated with several governments but maintained neutrality between the Soviet Union, America, and other countries across the world
Poor individuals often describe the communist era as being extremely beneficial, finally being able to have a house, education, medical attention, and other necessities
Wealthier individuals or those with higher degrees and property frown upon the communist era as they lost their property, saw a reduction in their incomes and experienced a higher rate of poverty
In the event of Tito's death, the world's largest funeral was held with the highest number of attendees
Gifts from across the world, leaders, governments, and people were sent in and collected at his former summer home in Serbia
Today, it is a museum where people are able to appreciate the gifts that were sent to him and their historical value
They are also able to pay their respects to his grave and his wife's grave
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gatewaytothebalkans · 2 years
5/24 Lecture Notes
In 2006, a new criminal code went into enforcement, prior to that they had alternative codes
In 2010, they had a reorganization of their criminal justice system, moving the courts, leading to a decline in their reported crime rates but not a true reduction in crime
European crime statistics report 1,000 average convicted persons per every 10,000; whereas Serbia reports 500
Nordic paradox:
Structure of reported crimes in 2018:
An overall decrease in violent crime
Juvenile crimes have significantly increased (ages fourteen through eighteen)
In 2019, criminal code introduced lifetime imprisonment
Mixed system: adversarial and inquisitorial
They have public prosecutors, hired prosecutors, public defenders, hired defense counsel, police officers, etc.
Prosecutors' main duty is to investigate reported crimes and proceed with sentencing
Police officers assist prosecutors in the investigative phase
Informal and formal investigation phase, informal and formal sentencing phase
All trials are formal and the judge may ask questions of the defense or prosecution
Personal data is used to help shape the sentence recieved
Death penalty is not available
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gatewaytothebalkans · 2 years
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gatewaytothebalkans · 2 years
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gatewaytothebalkans · 2 years
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gatewaytothebalkans · 2 years
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gatewaytothebalkans · 2 years
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gatewaytothebalkans · 2 years
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gatewaytothebalkans · 2 years
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gatewaytothebalkans · 2 years
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gatewaytothebalkans · 2 years
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gatewaytothebalkans · 2 years
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gatewaytothebalkans · 2 years
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gatewaytothebalkans · 2 years
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gatewaytothebalkans · 2 years
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gatewaytothebalkans · 2 years
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