coming home to self 🪴
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mental health meets spirituality 🪴
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gardenofnea · 9 days ago
desire: the root of all suffering
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The root of all suffering and lack is desire. The more you desire, the more lack you inflict on yourself, the more lack you experience. The very nature of desire is to lack, as you shall not desire something you already own.
When you drop the desire, you allow yourself to be fulfilled and complete as you are, you connect to your truest essence and realize you are awareness and already have everything you thought you desired. You never lacked anything and if you ever saw lack, you saw an illusion that separated you from who you truly are.
You're the beginning and the end, yet you're also an infinite, complete being. You don't have to do anything, you don't have to be a doer, you don't have to act towards love or abundance as you are already nothing but love and abundance. You cannot lack what you already are, you cannot lack your essence. If you're everything, how can you not have everything already?
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gardenofnea · 9 days ago
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Dear body — a poem
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gardenofnea · 9 days ago
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Dear body — a poem
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gardenofnea · 18 days ago
Just in case you don’t hear it enough, I’m so proud of you. I am proud of you for every time you picked yourself up off the ground. I am proud of you for all the times you kept going when it seemed impossible. You may not be ready to see it yet, but you have so much worth and value. You are enough. And you have always been enough.
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gardenofnea · 18 days ago
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Perception is everything. We can only choose our perception, and select our desired state of consciousness through stillness, slowing down, stepping out of our misidentification with our avatar (= thinking we are human) & looking as the Observer/I AM. From this spaciousness, pure presence, we can then choose consciously & rest in and as that which we desire to see.
🐝 the frequency you wanna see
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gardenofnea · 3 months ago
You can escape the patterns you are stuck in. You have the ability to change.
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gardenofnea · 3 months ago
I have been reading up on Neville again after a really long time (It'll be about two years very soon) and I realized that I never truly understood the concept of forgiveness.
Forgiveness applies to everything. To you, to others, to the past, etc. The law of forgiveness is fundamental when practicing the law of assumption. It's essential in revision and regular manifestation because there is no one to change but self. What do I mean by this? First, let me talk about the concept of "no one to change but self."
Neville talks extensively about this in his lecture of the same name. (My notes on this lecture are coming soon). In summary, everything in your life (in your 3D experience) comes from you. Your state is constantly being projected onto the mirror of the 3D. People and experiences are showing you who you are being in this moment. This means that people are only ever reacting to your current state. If you want to change someone, then you must first change yourself, your state, and how you perceive this person in imagination. Trying to change the person through force will never work, just like how you cannot change your appearance by putting makeup on the mirror. You must first go inside your imagination and forgive this person of their sins. This means you forget anything they have done in the past that would go against your ideal version of them. If they wronged you before, no they didn't. You have forgiven them, so you forget it. You revise it. If you hold judgments and resentments towards someone or something, you are the only one being punished.
For example, if you desire to manifest a celebrity SP, you cannot go around seeing success stories and saying "they are lying, that's not possible." Rationality has no place in manifestation. So, by refusing to see them as they desire to be seen, you are denying yourself the possibility of this manifesting for you. Maybe it's jealousy, envy, or refusing to let go of the need to be rational. It doesn't matter. You must forgive and see others as they desire to be seen.
You are only ever failing yourself by being jealous, hateful, envious, negative, or rational about the experiences of others as well as yourself. By denying others the manifestation and realization of their own desires, you are keeping yourself from your own desires. Seeing others as they want to be seen is a kindness to yourself. So, the next time you want to say that someone is lying when they post a success story, or you feel jealous because someone else may have what you desire, forgive them and allow them to live their dream life because it will allow you to live your dream life as well.
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gardenofnea · 4 months ago
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gardenofnea · 6 months ago
hold that part that thinks this way in love and see (feel) what happens 💟
you will never deserve the self hatred and self loathing you subject yourself to. you are deserving of your own love and compassion and forgiveness.
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gardenofnea · 6 months ago
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see mountain as a synonym for your true nature as Love/consciousness/awareness 🗻
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gardenofnea · 10 months ago
Ever wondered why you have an imagination? It’s not just a fantasy or daydream—it's your sixth sense! 🌀 Just like your five senses help you navigate the physical world, your imagination guides your inner world and creative power.
follow @gardenofnea + visit for more resources and inspiration ✨
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gardenofnea · 11 months ago
imo, i don't really like when people say "if you had your desire, how would you feel?" it's not an if. something that helped me is changing the if to since.
since you have your desire, how do you feel?
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gardenofnea · 11 months ago
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The power of presence 🧘🏻‍♀️
@gardenofnea |
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gardenofnea · 1 year ago
“In the face of adversity, a true leader remains unyielding.”
— Cleopatra
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gardenofnea · 1 year ago
[Full Album] 홍다빈 - Giggles // a masterpiece to tune into your own perfect nature 
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gardenofnea · 1 year ago
Something that works great for me, especially if you are in a undesirable State, is to ALLOW yourself for 10 mins to SHAMELESSLY FEEL AND THINK WHATEVER it is you WANT to FEEL AND THINK. What PLEASES you. After the 10 mins you can think and feel all those terrible things again. You can strike yourself with fear again. I promise it will be hard to think badly after that. Do this 3 times a day. ONLY YOU CAN PLEASE AND FREE YOURSELF IN YOUR OWN CONSCIOUSNESS. Neville spoke on it being NATURAL and NATURALNESS comes with FREQUENCY. Every person I know in my everyday life and the people I speak with on here changed their State with persisting in their FREQUENCY, not the length of time in their meditations and I am so happy for them. There is truly nothing that pleases me more than seeing someone be shameless about changing their State. All the great people we love to speak about were once not great. But them being shameless and seeing themselves great and feeling themselves to be great, we now call them that
-edward art
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gardenofnea · 1 year ago
imo, this journey is not so much about becoming something or someone different…
it is more so about releasing what you are not and realizing your true nature.
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