gandorschner-blog · 8 years
the ugly side of Pokemon GO
besides entertainment, what can you get from playing Pokemon GO all day?
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nothing but robbery, personal injury and dangerous driving.
instead having a nice cozy talk with your friends or family, you are looking down at your phone, catching a pokemon. Instead of living the present, you’re wasting your time and battery on some childhood cartoon. At least with Pokecards, there’s an interaction.
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Society, this isn’t how life’s suppose to be spent.
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gandorschner-blog · 8 years
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Take it from me. 
I do not like looking at myself closeup. When I apply my lipstick, I refrain from looking at my entire face but only to my lips only. When I apply some powder to my face, I do not use a mirror. I envy the beauty of my colleagues. 
insecurities. kill.
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At the end of the day, mind over matter. It is your choice if you want to think that your ugly for the rest of your life. Do not believe the media who only shows skinny and flawless women. Trust me, you are the way you are and the way you are beautiful just the way you are. You need other people’s validation. 
You think you’re fat, workout 5x a week. 
You think you’re short, wear heels.
Your people criticizes you, ignore them. And let your success be their slap in the face. 
What you make of your life is the greatest art of all.
Serve your people. From there, you’ll create beauty.
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“True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new.” - Antoine De Saint-Exupery
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gandorschner-blog · 8 years
We're going to have to let truth scream louder to our souls than the lies that have infected us.
beth moore, so long, insecurity
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gandorschner-blog · 8 years
What benefits can you get from being angry with the things you cannot control?
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That’s right. Absolutely NOTHING!
It is true, happy people live longer than people who are always stressed and angry. Though we cannot avoid stress, but we should know how to handle a situation.
Suggestions on how to express your anger in healthy ways include:
If you feel out of control, walk away from the situation temporarily, until you cool down.
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Do something physical, such as going for a run or playing sport.
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Let go of your issues in your life. Forgive people that had done you wrong. Be content of what you have. Live in the present. Cherish what lies in front of you because the next thing you know, it would not be there anymore. Time flies whenever you do not want it to. That’s life. 
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gandorschner-blog · 8 years
Why, kid, why?
Teenage pregnancy is increasing day by day. People losing their virginity at a young age. People having a flavor of the week. Why?
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Why are people so in a hurry to be in a relationship? Why do they prioritize their love interests over their education? Why would they rather go to a club and get laid than go to a coffee shop and read a book? Why is it that elderlies have more to look forward, more willing to do something than teenagers? Shouldn’t it be the other way around?
“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” -Nelson Mandela
Many teenagers would rather go to parties, spend their money on drugs an cigarettes, buy any folly when they should be studying! People have lost the will to learn. 
If you are reading this, I encourage you to carry books, not guns; culture, not violence. Think about it, reader, the world would be a better place if people know how to live. 
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gandorschner-blog · 8 years
Letter to my RLE
Dear Chloe, Pil, Jhovan, Neil, Pats, Keziah and Bash,
I never thought that you guys would be valuable to me. At first, I never really give a damn about you. I was fine being alone, I wanted to be alone. I’d like to keep everything to myself. But months later, that changed. Not to the point that I am dependent to you but in a sense that I empathize each one of you. 
I do not want to say these crap in person for the reason that it’s too emotional or cheesy so I’m posting it here, you might read it or not, who knows. Or maybe I want to let the world know that there is such thing as ‘There’s no man an island’. That you will always need people in your life. 
 Even when I act silly or out of place, you still stuck up for me. And I appreciate that so much. I am not fond of people but I hope whenever we’re together, you somehow feel that I have your backs. I’m not good with words so I am being as caring, funny (sometimes annoying) in person to make you guys feel better! :)
I tell you this, you’re invited in my wedding, whenever that is. Hahahaha!
I will not forget you fellas. You have taken a portion of my heart and it is an honor to have you, my friends, my RLE.
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gandorschner-blog · 8 years
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gandorschner-blog · 8 years
If we all reacted the same way, we'd be predictable, and there's always more than one way to view a situation. What's true for the group is also true for the individual. It's simple: Overspecialize, and you breed in weakness. It's slow death.
Major Motoko Kusanagi
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gandorschner-blog · 8 years
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I recently watched the ‘Tree of Life (2011)’, and it was one of the most moving movie I’ve watched. So many lessons to take home. It reminded me of my ‘dark’ days. 
I used to be a kid who was full of anger, hate and rage. I wanted the people around me to be as miserable as I was. I only cared about myself. I was addicted to pain and mayhem. I was locked in a cage and I didn’t want to get out. 
But that was then. In the midst of my loneliness, I realized that loneliness is a choice. Life is too short to do bad things so do good deeds because it is the key to happiness. 
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gandorschner-blog · 8 years
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There’s something Gandore and I have in common...admiration for sleep.
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gandorschner-blog · 8 years
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gandorschner-blog · 8 years
I voted for Miriam Santiago. Unfortunately, she didn’t win. There’s nothing we could do about that, can we? But just because of that, doesn’t mean we’re not going to support our newly elected president.
Admit it or not, Duterte had already done a lot of things to the Philippines in a matter of weeks. I don’t know if it’s he’s only doing this at first because I do not live in Davao. ‘Philippines’ is very different from ‘Davao’. But you’ll never know what he can do and will do.
I’m do not favor ‘elimination’ of human life, besides the reason of ‘human rights’, also because death is an easier way out. If I want justice, I want to see these criminals to rot in prison. Or maybe a chance to reflect on the wrong things they have done in their lives, to change. After all, the only thing permanent in this world--which is quite ironic--change. 
I realized after Duterte won, that maybe he could make a difference in our country. I do not know about you but I can see it in his eyes that he has this love and compassion for his country. Maybe it is just an act. Maybe it is real. Maybe. You’ll never really know. We will see in the next few years. 
But Duterte’s not the only person that could make a change, a difference. You, too. They say, “Change starts from within.” It is true in so many different angles.
Even an ordinary person can do extraordinary things. All you need to do is move. Do not be afraid. 
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gandorschner-blog · 8 years
Binge watching is a WASTE OF TIME
Have you ever considered how much brain-time you lose if you binge multiple series?
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I don’t know why my blockmates are so proud to say that they were able to watch the 5 seasons of Game of Thrones in 5 days. What’s there to be proud about? You’re UNPRODUCTIVITY?
Guilty as charge, I USED to binge-watch when I was in the 1st year of college until I realized that it was eating a lot of my precious time. 
I am not saying to stop watching entirely. I think one episode a day is enough.
Go outside! Jog around your school for at least 30mins! Interact with people you hate! Go to a museum! There is so many things to do outside your house than binge-watch for five hours!
“But it kills my boredom?”
Trust me, darling, you are not bored. YOU. ARE. JUST. TOO. DAMN.LAZY! 
“But I’m an indoor-kind-of guy.”
Then clean your room, do your laundry, cook food for your parents, recycle your papers, read a book!
“But I don’t have money.”
Not every thing runs on money. Join a medical mission. Go for a 30-min jog. Visit a playground. 
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gandorschner-blog · 8 years
I spent my 19th birthday alone and it was amazing!
Just because you’re spending your birthday alone doesn’t mean your lonely. 
I’m just sick of spending a ton of money during my birthdays. It’s stressful. 
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Instead of having a big-big day, inviting people you like or hate at your place, why not just relax, try and celebrate yourself by reflecting on the years that God has given you?
I, for one, went to Touch of Glory Prayer Mountain to be alone with God and to thank him for all of the good things He had done in my 18th year. 
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There are so many things to be thankful for.
Also, birthdays should not be about receiving but giving. Like Christmas. Instead of asking people to buy you gifts, why not give a homeless person a free meal?
Maybe what I’m saying doesn’t make any sense but if you would think about it, it will. I’m not saying that you should spend all your money to the needy. The point is to SHARE YOUR BLESSINGS. 
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Before your special day starts, ask yourself these questions: What things to be thankful for do you have today? Are you ever just amazed at the things you’ve been able to accomplish in life? 
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gandorschner-blog · 8 years
Thankful Heart
We are living in a world where people always want more, never content of anything. Always looking for more power, more money, more pleasure, more, more and more. 
Not content of his shelter, his gadget, his rank, picky eater, and even his looks.
We always tend to drown ourselves in sorrows but we have a choice to be happy. We always have a choice. Why can’t we just be glad and thankful in any circumstances? 
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There are so many things to be thankful for. We just need to widen our perspective.
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gandorschner-blog · 8 years
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“There’s no taste like HOME.”
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gandorschner-blog · 8 years
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Mos of the people, as they grow old, they read books less. But I think there’s always time to read a book as much as they have time to check their timeline.
In case you don’t know, here are ‘some’ benefits of reading a book:
1. Mental stimulation 2. Stress reduction 3. Knowledge 4. Vocabulary expansion 5. Memory improvement 6. Stronger analytical thinkign skills 7. Improved focus and concentration 8. Better writing skills 9. Tranquility 10.Free entertainment
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Now, now, I’m not saying that all books are ‘really good’ books. I encourage you to read adventure or philosophical books instead of romance simple because you get more moral lessons in adventure books. 
I’m also not saying that you will tend to neglect your studies or work or family for the sake of finishing a book--NO! Not to the point that you are living your life through books. REMEMBER: THE WORLD ISN’T IN YOUR BOOKS. IT’S ‘OUT’ THERE. 
Learn how to balance your social life, work and other stuff. 
The main point of the main point: read one book per month. 
How hard could that be? 
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