gameideas-111 · 2 months
Savage Food Service
An idea for a beat 'em up and a food preparation game. With "The Pancake Purgatory", a mix between a waffle house, denies, and Berger king. with Levels like Castle Crasher but themed off a menu. It has cooking mechanics similar to Overcook 2, with the added mechanic of throwing things. It would also be multi-player, with the character select screen being each unlocked character frozen in a block of ice in a large freezer. When everyone is ready, the screen turns and you see Timothy "The Tyrant" reaching from an open door.
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Story Bellow
The story would revolve around you being thawed out and waking up in a kitchen area. with Timathy above in the rafters sitting on a makeshift thrown. His reason for unthawing you is simple, he became the district manager for the entire food chain of Pancake Purgatory. Then rose up the ranks after the apocalypse started, before taking over the position of district manager. The problem was he got almost all his employees killed and sacrificed the rest to get away. He's thawed you out and put bomb collars on you to fight for his survival, he even has a remote to detonate them if you get any ideas. So, off you go to reconquer an empire for this apocalyptic food tyrant. The employee restroom acts as their armory and shop for items from vending machines. You are being pulled from the freezer to weather the rush-hour siege because the manager let everyone else be killed in the madness. All variants of the employee have two standard attacks. the melee attack, and the through attack. Both are used for feeding "the people wall" and fending off the hoards of rats. the ghost of other dead employees, and angry people of the crowd wall who walked into an employee-only section. That would be Lv 1, with "The People Wall" being the first boss, who you need to feed with the randomized food it demands (A Pancake burger, cheesy fries, a syrup shake with extra (2) scoops of cookie crumbs, a sausage and sauce sandwich, the mash and mush merger, and other made up foods). Lv 2 is about cleaning the place after it. Fighting the grime monsters, the rats, the piles of garbage, and the standard rat enemies. with a massive timer spanked above a child's sludge bomb that the players need to disarm and make sure it gets rearmed by enemies.
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gameideas-111 · 2 months
Defend the Tower idea
What if you had a 3d platform and tower defense game. Where you could place down structures and use class powers. The target is to keep your structure from being drained by a pack of creatures, with certain creatures to spice up the combat and enemy count.
Maybe there can even be a mechanic similar to Salmon Run in the platoon games. With the core game being most similar to Dungeon Defenders. Maybe you can charge the item you're guarding with the fuel of those you kill, with transporting a resource back to recharge the item you're guarding possibly being part of the game. Maybe there are some elements from Planet Engineer, like one class having conveyor belts, another a catapult, another a collector, and the last one a small collector who helps collect these resources.
Player elements: These elements would also swap out the element being used.
Fire: Makes towers use fire attacks (And by extension, having lingering damage over time from the fire), and increases player damage. While taking more damage from frost
Frost: Having the towers do frost damage (And applying the freezing effect that slows down enemies hit with it to all the players and towers' attacks) and granting the player more defense. While taking more damage from thunder.
Thunder: Chain damage and range towers (and lets the player deal thunder damage), and increases the player's speed. while taking more damage from earth.
Earth: Increases the health of all structures built by this player, and lets them heal next to any player structure. while taking more damage from fire.
Player Classes: The classes that would be in the game (This will also use their bass elements without modifications).
Worrier (Fire): Mellay based and focused on clearing things. Having three charge-up powers to choose from. The first ability charges quickly and effectively and gives you a grenade that explodes on a large area, the second option is a barrel you can through like Donky Cawn that barrels down a lain leaving a trail of elemental energy that will explode at the end of its path, the last one taking the longest to charge and acts as a massive damage boost to you. increasing your difference and damage.
their structure is a catapult that can through the items players collect somewhere else. like onto a conveyor belt or a storage bin, maybe even one of the wizard's sprites (Sprites, catapults, and could even load these things with the resource, or maybe unload it like heroes depending on the item).
Wizard (Frost): Largly floaty and seen to jump around. They have a constant attack. With you being able to choose from three major abilities. The first ability is the ability to pick from a massive elemental power shot. The next option is to cause an elemental storm that points in a cone and deals its damage. The last option is to call upon elemental birds that circle around an area and attack creatures with the lowest health, when that creature dies they move on to the next enemy, they leave at the end of a timer.
The mage can also summon a little helper to collect resources automatically in an area as long as their node isn't destroyed. They can act with anything the players can interact with. Their next special structure is a tower that lays out a small damage of your element over a large area. Others will be landmines. low cost, low expectations. it explodes and gets destroyed.
Engineer (Thunder): quick and largely focused on supporting structures. With their bass structure having the ability to boost structures around it also tends to be the second fastest class. The first option for chargeable ability is overcharge, which lets them overcharge all structures in the area, increasing their attack speed and damage to the structure. The next option lets you cause all your structures to heal other structures near them. The last option is to launch a massive rocket that deals a large amount of damage.
They can make conveyor belts, wich have a limited amount you can place. anything put on these conveyor belts will be carried along. Though, these things will destroyed.
Scout (Earth): The most agile class and often sneaking around, able to throw powers and ability to fix structures and heal allies. While also primarily being a ranged archer. Their low-cost ability lets them do an AOE healing effect, next an enhancement shot that causes an explosion-based attack. The last charge action would be an ability that heals and increases the charge of all other players around them.
The Scout can place a structure that has a storage capacity that hooks up to other player structures to create storage items to not overwhelm machines.
Enemy Modifiers
Armored: Making enemies slower, but take less damage.
Healer: Able to heal the Hp of enemies near this one.
Besurk: when an enemy hits half health, they gain double damage and can run quicker.
leading role: These creatures can initiate a charge, they can do this operatically.
Fire Touched: Takes less damage from fire, and deals fire damage. While taking more damage from frost
Thunder Touched: Takes less damage from thunder, and deals thunder damage. While taking more damage from earth
Frost Touched: takes less damage from frost, and deals frost damage. While taking more damage from Thunder.
Earth Touched: Takes less damage from Earth, and deals earth damage. while taking more damage from fire.
Enemy Ideas
Sprigin: The basic small enemy that comes in bulk and swarms quickly. Alongside having the ability to be thrown by larger enemies.
Hog Ridder sprigin: A Sprigen riding a hog as their mighty stead. They are always charging and deal more damage than other goblins. often dealing double damage to those they charge into.
Back-Packer sprigin: A small Sprigin creature who carries a backpack of explosives that when killed, explodes. But if they get to a target or an obstacle, they'll set up the explosives, scream to make all the other enemies back away from the explosives, and run away themselves becoming a regular goblin before the explosion goes off, dealing a hefty amount of damage to the structure.
Gremlin: Small magic user of minimal skill, often acting as a range unit and saboteur of towers. Frequently having skills to jump around and over places with some invisibility power.
Archer: A range unit that sicks in the back and attacks with a bow. They are primarily there to apply cover and range support for allies. If attacked up close, they do have a danger and smock bomb they can use at close range, but will often just try and find a better position.
Skeleton: A Skeleton that unless attacked in its shattered state after being attacked, will reform at half health. They can also consolidate their bones during this process to regain health, at the cost of merging.
Rough: Quick and swift. With an invisibility tactic to try and sneak up on the back line of the defenders to deal massive damage to them then run away. If they can't reach their target. They'll act as shorter-range archers that deal more damage. After three shots, they'll run away to another position.
specter: Strange beings who hover over obstacles and tackless damage from physical sources. but normal damage from magic. They also tend to lift and farry over creatures across gaps and over obstacles sometimes.
Shield Mage: A sorcerer who weald powers over frost magic, they often boost the occasionally providing cover fire over their allies and wield a shield for their own protect. With a larger health pool than your average goblin.
Sword Mage: boosting the attacks and ferocity of the other enemies around it. Alongside using the powers of fire. It also often provides a more aggressive and wielding a sword and staff to make lunge attacks and fire beverages.
Lance Mage: a mage with powers over thunder magic. They specialize in making enemies go quicker in charges, and chain damage through their spell. Welding a lance to help with this.
Staff Mage: a mage with power over Radiant magic. They increase a constant area of effect that hurts those who aren't their allies. With them also specializing in healing their allies slowly while in their damage ora.
troll: Tocken big enemy, often seen as a slugger and minny boss (They also have one hell of a throwing arm). They are powerful physical targets.
Grand Serpent: Another big enemy that acts as a mini-boss, and is long and speeds up the enemies by its long body, alongside them trying to eat smaller enemies to regain hp. They also can do quick dashes and charge quickly as an attack.
Swooper: Flying enemies who specialize in being low health high traversal areas. Able to steal resources or attack structures. possibly even sporadically carrying small enemies so that when they're shot down, they drop the enemy above where they fell. They also do swoop attacks, hence the name.
Huntsmen: A Boss who actively hunts a specific player, and puts down their own traps. mines, enemy cages, and some boost enemies. they have quick attacks and are quicker than most other bosses. All while having some of the lowest health of any boss.
Grand Mage: A powerful boss of the raid who holds a shield and a spear. Flinging one of six elements. Fire, ice, thunder, and radiant. Who specializes in throwing smaller enemies with their magic, launching long-range attacks, causing a damaging AOE, increasing speed for charges, or summoning smaller creatures. They also hover above the ground, and make it over gaps the enemy normally can't.
Dark knight: Another boss that is powerful and does double damage to structures, causes charges for all enemies, and increases their damage. With a special attack to cause other creatures to rush to his Aid and come to his position. He can even deal more damage to the one who dealt the most damage to him.
Day Screacher: A boss who can fly and chuck small and medium creatures around while flying around and frequently swooping around them. With screech ability for range abilities, and a chance to dodge attacks before making a swoop.
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gameideas-111 · 3 months
Soulslike Cyberpunk setting
This is admittedly an idea I've been letting rattle around in my head for a while. It's not fully thought out, but I have thought about how it work for a while.
Basic Idea
My idea is to combine the concepts of blood born with cyberpunk ethics. With some inspiration from Overkill. You wake up in a cyber city overwhelmed by a medical power source called "Spark" by the company who discovered it, Steven Cyberware. Your very existence is considered an affront to company policy and an unwanted factor the corporation doesn't want to understand or use (Think of it similar to Far Zenith from Zero Dawn). So they send a clean-up crew to destroy the isolated island lab you're on. You likely die (And rise out of a light blue sea of geometry onto an island with a lighthouse observatory known as Shoreline) or run away (you'll be invited to the Shorline, a cyberspace isolated and hidden in the network where people like you may hide). In Shoreline, a chip and jovial person known as "S.k.I.E." will meet you. A friendly and acts as a shrine made of the game. You'll also find other NPCs here who you can meet in the real world as well. Other NPCs who've come here for one reason or another.
The shoreline is a hub world, With it largely being where docs amongst the small coastline with small huts and shops. on the boats With the centerpiece of S.k.I.E.'s Lighthouse and observatory. Where she can use concentrated Spark and data you get from enemies to upgrade your stats. Further on in the game, This place will slowly change. The Sea will start to show faces and limbs of glitching complexions of grey, boats trying to prepare to depart. At the end game, the sea will be red as the sky sparks and sputters. Boats in the distance or at the docks wrecked or sinking. The place is now marked and surrounded by beings wanting to feed. S.k.I.E. Now showing some worry, as she tries to hide their fear behind a smile. Trying not to think about what could happen to her. (Here, you could possibly catch her crying, to which she'll stop and say she's fine if asked. If you can listen to her out of sight though, you could hear her talk to herself in private. trying to focus on anything but the fear of oblivion she might be subjected to, or worse, she stays conscious as she's torn apart by eldrich things. You may even see her mind degenerating as bits of it go away. eaten by uncaring gods. Her anger and sadness at not being able to remember the faces of people they care for. She's terrified and trying to hide it so you may complete her mission of helping you, the thing she was made to do. But she also doesn't want to die).
The Save system is made up of transition nodes. Massive cell towers that many have plugged into so they can escape the nightmare inflicted upon them by corporations and spark. With Ancient beings coming from another realm to feast upon spark. Some plugging in and never coming back. You need to activate these nodes to fully create systems online (Kinda like how you need to unlock towers to fast travel in breath of the wilds). Around the area, there are fabricator Nodes. Acting as the primary save points. Where some will actively be around these Nodes to top up on spark. A vital resource to survive outside the Corporations and the City Council. With Many enemies are robots or cybernetically enhanced guards and creatures from one of those two factions, or gangs. Later on, spark creatures will emerge. Often around unoccupied Spark nodes.
The goal of the game is to either destroy all five Spark capacitors, or your original mission of getting to the top of Marigold Tower, a luxury tower for the high society in the past, now a fortified fortress where the companies keep the portal open and keep harvesting Spark from the grey world. The High society doing nothing but maintaining their lifestyle and power. To them, they'd rather rule the world, even if it's nothing but ashes than ever lose power. They'll die eventually, so what about the consequences. They also want you and others like you gone. To them, you're spit in their face by someone who defied them, and an unknown variable. Some smarter ones will try and use you for their own ends (connected to one of the endings). But in the end, they will prioritize their power and pride over others.
Lastly (For now), there would be "The Spark Beings". Those Eldrich gods mentioned earlier. These are otherworldly beings who consume Spark. Alongside having some intelligence and motives you don't get to fully know. They do want to eat though. Which can collapse the entirety of society and everyone who has spark even remotely near them (Everyone who still lives). This is actually something your creator is interested in. I should explain your Creator.
Your creator and by extension creator of the shoreline is named Alisa Burg and her persona is "Hustin Hills". A former tech billionaire who helped build up the corporate society and its reliance on spark. However, she was kicked out of high society and forced out of the oppressive corporation she helped found. Alongside being forbidden to continue her research which was deemed company property. However, as soon as the eldrich beings where dicovered, she started drafting up plans. Eventually becoming one of the most wanted people in the city as a result of body snatching from the morg, illeagal experimentation with trademarked technology, and other such crimes. One of which was you. (With your purpose not being to save the world, but to instead assign yourself or your creature into one of these eldrich gods).
Combat focuses on dodging and striking. With All enemies holding the resource known as "Spark". A resource that acts as your health. You can even recover health by bathing in the Spark that spews out of enemies. The most spark is gotten either by striking an enemy during an attack where you can get a slight healing, or striking a death blow that gives you some Hp and refills a charge of your Spark Charg (Estice flask equivalent). You can also recharge weapon abilities with these. With quick weapon changes and modifications also being key.
Cybernetics act as special talismans or charms that can help certain things happen. With Chips acting like spells, your caricature can be used for spells. With Extra spark being restored by either attacking an enemy right after they make an attack. landing a death blow, or by getting a reacharge.
it'll largely be melee-based, with range weapons tacking sparks. With most everything ranged needing it to power up, or use as ammunition.
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