galandrielle · 2 months
Love is Love
Their lips sweetly connected. Their hearts were beating in sync, like they were one. They knew what they felt wasn't something temporary. It wasn't a one moment inspiration, it wasn't something that would end within a night. It was true love. There was nothing else in the world, but love.
- I love you... - I love you too... - ... - You don't believe I love you too? - I do... It's just... - What's wrong? - ... - Please, tell me. - My family... Remember the day you met them? - I do. - When you left, they... they said terrible things about you! - ... - They kept asking me over and over: "Have you lost your mind?" "You'll spend the rest of your life with this person?" "Have you thought of us?" "How will we look our relatives in the eyes? Our friends?" "What will they say?" "What will the world say?" - ...What will the world say, huh? - You know, since I met you, I feel like we're alone... Alone against the world. - You know... This might not be that bad. - What do you mean? - Listen to me. I felt that your family wouldn't like me, and maybe my family won't like you either. But whatever they say, whatever they do, they won't stop us from loving each other. Neither them nor the rest of the world. They won't stop us from living together, getting married, and maybe one day... Raise a family. - ...You're right. I have to find the courage to clearly tell them that I love you and nothing and nobody will change my mind! And if they don't want to accept you, then they won't belong in my life! - That's the spirit! Now, come near me... - You're everything for me... - You're everything for me and even more...
You reading this, you might think this story is about a man and a woman, who live a forbidden love, like in a lot of movies. But no. It's not like that. Or at least it couldn't be ONLY like that.
It could be a love story between two men.
Or two women.
Or between a couple where one or both of them are transexual.
Or with Down syndrome.
Or a person/people with special needs.
All these people might be "different" to a lot of eyes, but they are something else, something more important. They are HUMANS. They have every right to live, every right to love. And unlike the movies, they face different difficulties. Difficulties every couple faces about this question: 
"What will the world say?" The "world", no matter how many years pass, will always "talk" about the "different". The "world" will always try to vanish the "different" with every way, no matter the cost. And the "world" will always think that love exists only to "normal" people. But it doesn't. Every human has the right to love, and like we've already mentioned, the "different" are ALSO HUMANS.
Love is love.
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galandrielle · 4 months
Your Other Half
    People's hearts are visible to everyone. You can easily see if they have found their other half or not. If they are big and bright red, then they have found it and will live together forever. If they are darker and smaller, then they either haven't found one yet, or they never will, doomed to be alone for a lifetime.
    You are one of these people. You still haven't found your other half. Your friends are not only complete, but also married with children. Your entire social circle can't stop asking you why you're not a complete person yet, and you keep answering that you haven't found your other half yet. But the years go by and you still haven't found anyone. You've met so many people, and yet none of them were what you were looking for. And your social circle still looks at you strangely, and secretly feels sorry for your loneliness.
    One night, before you go to sleep, you look at your heart. You feel the rage filling up inside you, and you wish you could eradicate that darkness, throw it away, and never be bothered again, to be left alone. But alas, there was only one way to do it: go to sleep and never wake up. No. You didn't have that much desperation in you. Just because you hadn't found your other half, that didn't mean there was no reason to live. You go to bed with these thoughts.
    Suddenly you find yourself in a white room. You walk around looking around, trying to figure out where you are, until you find a door. You open it. Inside the room there are dozens of people you've never seen before, all with bright red hearts. You feel like you don't belong here, your dark heart clearly visible. You're about to leave when a voice calls your name. You stop and listen. Then you hear it again: - Come in, my child! Don't be afraid! All the people here are like you!     You enter hesitantly and close the door behind you while you answer: - That's not true! All these people have found their other half! - Actually, no... They haven't. The voice answers. You walk further inside the room, looking for the source of the voice while you ask: - Then why are their hearts bright red? - Because they have understood something important, my child, something you must understand if you want your own heart to turn bright red. - What did they understand? You ask as you search the room for the voice without success. The other people happily greet you and don't look at you with judgement, yet none of them are the voice. - They understood that to feel "complete" as you say, they don't need to find their other half. They can be happy without looking for someone to love who "completes" them. To be fair, some of them DID fall in love afterwards, but that was AFTER their hearts had turned bright red. In other words, they didn't feel their loved ones as a piece that "completed" them, but as an extra happiness in their already complete lives.     You look again at all the people in the room. You find it hard to believe that most, if not all, have not found their other half. - But it's impossible! Everyone knows that hearts turn bright red when you've found your other half! - Oh, my child... Another victim of society and its oppression to find a mate, get married, have children... Even in this day and age, society can be as it was centuries ago... It's a pity, a great pity...
    For the first time since you entered the room, you stop walking and start thinking. Indeed, deep down you always doubted whether you really needed to find your other half. But the more the years went by and the more you got pressured, the more you were desperate on finding them. But now you realize that you did this just to stop your social circle from tiring you out, to stop them secretly feeling sorry for you and believing that loneliness would consume you. But in reality... You didn't have to find your other half all along. Because you've already found it... and it's YOU.
    As soon as you realize this, you feel something changing in your chest. You look down and see your heart being bright red and beating loudly and happy. A smile appears on your face. The voice speaks again: - Congratulations, my child. I see you understood the meaning of a complete human being. - Yes, I do! My other half is me and nobody else! - Exactly! But now comes the difficult battle. The battle with society. What do you think? Will you make it?     You look at the other people, who smile encouragingly at you. They are certainly fighting against society too. If they can make it... Then so can you. - ...I believe in me. I will fight for who I am to the end. - That's great, my child. It's time to wake up. Good luck! - Wake up?
    Before you understand what’s going on, you wake up in your bed. So, this was all a dream? No, it can't be. It seemed so real... You get up and go to the mirror to look at yourself. Your heart is there, bright red, showing you that even though it was all a dream, it left you something important, and you should get ready to defend it to the end.
And you will. Because you are a complete person. And your other half is YOU.
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galandrielle · 5 months
Welcome! Let's get to know each other!
Hello, people! I'm Galandrielle, but you can call me Ellie for short! My main passion is writing, but I also draw weird art, make YouTube videos, and occasionally stream on Twitch! I hope you enjoy my works! WRITING & ART DeviantArt: For full-length stories, shitpost stories, and art. Wattpad: For full-length stories, behind the scenes, and discontinued stories. Archive of Our Own: For full-length stories, behind the scenes, and short stories. Tumblr: You're already here! For one-shots and AU stories (related to my full-length ones), and short stories. Newgrounds: For art. Facebook: For short stories. Currently not active. EDITING & STREAMING YouTube: For video edits. There are also some original videos, and left-over let's plays. Twitch: For streaming mostly video games.
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galandrielle · 5 months
Where is Your Label?
Labels. Wherever you go, you see labels. Not the street labels, though. Not the labels at the stores. No. You see labels at people.
Every human you see has a label that defines who they are. It defines their personality, their wishes, their professional and love life... Simple and concise. Without further, useless details.
Kind. Ambitious. Swindler. Selfish.
Change the world. Earn money. Get Married. Travel.
Doctor. Lawyer. Accountant. Architect.
Single. On a relationship. Married. Widow.
Thanks to these labels, you clearly know who's in front of you. You clearly know who's every person you face, every person you pass by. There is no ambiguity at labels.
Suddenly, someone sees you. They're approaching you. They look you in the eyes and ask you something you haven't noticed, something that you wouldn't think easily:
"Where is your label?"
You freeze. You look at yourself. Indeed. Where is your label? The unknown passer by isn't the only one who has noticed. Their question gets the attention to a second, then to a third passer by, and in a few seconds everyone is looking at you. They whisper to each other, exchange side looks and ask you over and over and over:
"Where is your label? How will we know who you are? How will we know who are we talking to?"
The whispering and the questioning are getting louder and louder, surrounding your mind and not letting you breathe. With your remaining oxygen you scream within your lungs:
And you run. You run and you run without stopping, without a destination, without a label, without knowing who you are. After a long time, you stop to take a breather somewhere quiet. And you think again and again of what happened. What is your label supposed to say? Are just a few words enough to express who you are?
...Yes. They are. Or maybe one word is enough.
Nothing more, nothing less should be written in your label. Whatever happens, despite everything... It's still YOU.
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galandrielle · 6 months
Hold onto anything.
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galandrielle · 6 months
All of us right now:
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galandrielle · 9 months
I don't know if pottery is exactly my medium, but it was a fun class nonetheless. Here are some objects from that
Teeth Egg
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Shoe Bug
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Online Connection
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And there was also a project that is a structure of clay built pliers but I don't like the look of it and tumblr is telling me I'm at my image limit
Those clay hands were my favorite to work on. Worth it to end up with one piece I really like :)
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galandrielle · 10 months
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galandrielle · 1 year
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galandrielle · 1 year
How come httyd has all the best romantic lines?
"You're as beautiful as the day I lost you." I literal classic.
"Astrid, you have me, no matter what. Okay, whatever that means, whatever you want it to mean. I am with you. There will always be a Hiccup and Astrid. Always." I sobbed. Cried real tears when I saw this for the first time.
"And, yes, I've thought about it a lot, I always thought it would be perfect." "This seems pretty perfect to me." "Yeah, I guess you're right."
"It's my betrothal gift to Astrid. It means we'll be together forever." He's such a romantic omg.
"You've always been there for me, and I want to always be there for you. I love you Astrid Hofferson, with everything I have, and I always will." Bros so SMOOTH.
“But with love comes loss, son. It's part of the deal. Sometimes it hurts, but in the end, it's all worth it. There's no greater gift than love.”
"I can't imagine a world without you in it." He's literally a goober HOW does he have this RIZZ.
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galandrielle · 1 year
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night in the woods is a gooooood motherfuckin game. class struggle, good pals, cultshit, punkshit. oh man.
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galandrielle · 1 year
a ranking of crowley hair
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1. eden, 4004 bc. it’s okay. he’s getting the hang of hair. not entirely sure what he wants to do with it yet. fun curls, kinda snakey. not bad, necessarily, but not quite there yet. 7/10
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2. mesopotamia, 3004 bc. better! just look at those braids! still waiting for people to invent mirrors, i guess, or maybe just putting the braids wherever he feels like it when he’s bored. either way, it’s a good gay look. 9/10
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3. golgotha, 33 ad. again, not much has changed. no more visible braids, but the hood! he’s adding to the drama! you really can’t go wrong with hood and long hair drama. 8/10
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4. rome, 41 ad. NOW things are getting shaken up. gay and impulsively cut all his hair off. but it’s not good! please stop. extra points for the fun little crown. 2/10
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5. the kingdom of wessex, 537 ad. no visible hair. 1/10 for helmet
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6. the globe theatre, 1601. the hair? not bad. flowy. has good volume, good waves. the beard? noooooo. 4/10
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7. paris, 1793. STOP. just STOP. mr crowley sir go back to your room and redo your hair this minute. 0/10
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8. st. james’s park, 1862. he gets points for the top hat. and those sunglasses? iconic. but he gets minus so many points for the sideburns. 3/10
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9. london, 1941. good hat, though it covers his hair, making it hard to judge. likely it’s just short and slicked back. not bad, but boring. 5/10
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10. soho, 1967. i will admit, the more i look at it, the more this one looks kinda cute in a lesbian way. or maybe it’s the pathos of “you go too fast for me” he has to deal with that’s getting to me. whatever the case, 1967 crowley hair is doing okay. 7/10
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11. demon disco dancing, 1970s. ahhhhhh. someone please make him shave. extra pity point for his dancing. 2/10
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12. london, 2007. good, good, much improved. cute and ready to party. 9/10
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13. nanny, 2012. he’s obviously putting in some real effort here. he knows what he thinks nannies should look like and he’s going hard for it. unfortunately what he thinks is a good nanny look is not entirely flattering on him, but he’s trying. 6/10 for effort
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14. not nanny, 2012. okay now THIS. THIS is the pinnacle of crowley hair. just LOOK at that little half bun barely constrained by the hair tie. it’s cute! it’s fun! it’s flirty! peak hairstyle for trying to tempt your boyfriend into running his fingers through to pull it out of its confines.100/10
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15. present day. well, he looks like david tennant. i mean he is david tennant, and this is david tennant’s actual hair, but there’s just something about this sort of sticky uppy hairstyle that is inextricable from doctor who for me. still, obviously it isn’t a bad look for him. 8/10
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16. this one’s just sad and gay. 10/10 for somebody to love
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galandrielle · 2 years
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galandrielle · 2 years
You better check my friend’s comic once it’s out!
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They are coming.
Concept art for a comic series in the works!
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galandrielle · 2 years
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Waiting Room “What you waitin’ for?”
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galandrielle · 2 years
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Some Clanbersher emotes for The Clanbersher server. Went for a different sorta style, where line art is simply non-existent
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galandrielle · 2 years
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Hmmm… maybe the stunt could’ve been more choreographed…
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