fxduciam · 9 years
(( I've been trying to close this blog but I can't do it from my phone. Someone else do it. [email protected] memedong69 ))
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fxduciam · 10 years
(( I'm so sorry haven't been replying there's something wrong with tumblr for my laptop for some reason probably something with my settings or the router may be blocking it so I'm stuck on mobile for now when it comes to tumblr. I'm all for charat or Skype rping tho. Hmu if u wanna RP that way. (( eridanishi for Skype )) ))
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fxduciam · 10 years
au where every sports anime is happening at the same school
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fxduciam · 10 years
(( I thought I only reblogged two but I reblogged like six. It's time to sleep. RIP. ))
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fxduciam · 10 years
love/hate/heartbreak starter sentences
"I’m so addicted to you."
"I wouldn’t be alive without you."
"You’re my everything."
"There aint no me if there aint no you."
"It’s scary how much you consume my thoughts."
"You are all I’ve ever wanted."
"You are the only piece of me that I’ve been able to love."
"There’s nothing in this would I could ever put in front of you."
"I can’t stand you."
"Are you going to talk me to death or get to the fucking point?"
"You think you’re better than everyone else, but you are nothing."
"You’re a monster."
"You will always be this helplessly broken thing. You will always destroy the ones you love."
"You will never make her/him happy.."
"You don’t know what love is."
"You broke me!"
"What am I supposed to do without you?"
"You don’t understand.. I’m trying to break up with you."
"Every bone in my body wants me to stay and pretend nothing has changed, but things will never be like they were before."
"Look at the mess you’ve made of me."
"I love you, but I hate you more."
"You hurt my family, and you hurt me. There is nothing left to build on in this relationship. Don’t you understand?" 
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fxduciam · 10 years
Texts From Last Night ask meme!
[text] I'll be there in 5 min. If not, read this again.
[text] on the last problem of the exam i just drew a picture of a cat and left
[text] just woke up in the beanbag bin at walmart
[text] I'm a gentlemen, chivalry is what i do, i'll open the door, pull out your chair, buy your drinks, i'll even go down first, but when it comes to mario kart, i draw the line. I'm sorry but i just can't let you beat me at mario kart
[text] This is a mass text. Does anyone know where I am?
[text] o shit let me call u back theres a hamburger in my pocket
[text] Feel like bed is flying. Not sure where we're going. Hope there is candy.
[text] Holy fuck where did this cat tattoo on my ass come from
[text] I am more sore today than I was after my car wreck. Take it as a compliment that you bang harder than a semi-truck.
[text] He finally delivered on the dick pic, and Jesus Christ, it was worth the wait.
[text] After we hooked up, his roommate shouted "I LIKE TO HAVE SEX TOO" from across the apartment
[text] So i just bought beer on a credit card, using a fake ID, while wearing my nametag from work. All 3 have different names on them. God i love my boobs.
[text] Someone changed my text signature to "Also, I think I might be gay" last night. Also, I think I might be gay
[text] Someone said we're out of ice. You collapsed on the spot and started sobbing, saying 'but where will all the polar bears live". That drunk.
[text] You missed out on a serious adventure. Cops were called. We put a chicken in someones house.
[text] I just hit on a guy in a doughnut store... is that too suggestive?
[text] Get out of your relationship and into my pants.
[text] I remember going home with 2 girls. Woke up with 4.
[text] You made out with both twins? Ten points to you!
[text] This is a drunk text message. I am so glad that we are friends. Tomorrow we will eat sandwiches in miniature. We both love dogs. Flower.
[text] I slept awesome next to you. You're like an electric blanket that I can have morning sex with.
[text] The ticket read "Found nude in a tree"
[text] I'm proud of you for choosing to be an organ donor on your fake!!
[text] I think i sorta joined a cult last night
[text] I'm still laying in bed cuz I don't feel like adulting yet
[text] At McDonald's last night the guy gave you the wrong kind of McFlurry, so you screamed at him, "YOU MCFUCKED UP."
[text] Today, my weed came in a pokéball. I officially love my dealer.
[text] omg, he ripped it...he ripped my vagina...best. night. ever.
[text] Bro, if we got a house, it'd basically be a revolving door for slightly overweight, but extra cute, sexually deviant girls with daddy issues.
[text] Why is there a traffic cone in the shower? And did you wash it with my body wash? It smells nice.
[text] Just pulled my keys, cell-phone and a pack of cigarettes out from between my cleavage. This one guy's face was priceless.
[text] The only thing the cop asked me is..... "how are you still alive"?
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fxduciam · 10 years
au ask meme prompt ideas (muse reactions)
"What now?"
"We killed him, didn’t we?"
"It’s not what it looks like!"
"Nobody is going to trust you anymore."
"You’re never going to get away with it."
"I’ve wanted to do this since the day we met."
"He’s going to find out that he’s the father at some point.."
"You’re just like him, you know."
"You don’t look so good. Are you feeling okay?"
"Are you done?"
"What are you hiding from me?"
"Does family mean nothing to you?"
"[insert name here]!"
"That’s my child, isn’t it? Growing inside of you?"
"You s..shot me."
"None of it was real."
"Why didn’t you tell me?"
"Stop screaming! You’re going to wake up the entire town."
"Are they gone?"
"Don’t let me go."
"I’m not going to make it."
"I think I’m going crazy."
"She will never love you like I love you."
"I should have killed you when I had the chance."
"Nice lingerie, who’s it for?" 
"We shouldn’t be doing this."
"How long…How long have you known?"
"He’s dead. We have to go."
"I need you."
"Whose baby is it?"
"It’s all your fault!" 
"I don’t mind."
"Make me."
"Forgive me."
"It didn’t mean anything." 
"You’re a murderer." 
"I did what I had to do."
"You are mine." 
"He’s never going to forgive you."
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fxduciam · 10 years
Texts from Last Night inspired text starters [nsfw and sfw]
[text]: I'm doing this for my boobs. They miss him.
[text]: We're bowling witha frozen turkey in the hallway...ur missing out
[text]: I'm sitting on our balcony drunk. And in my underwear. Our relationship with our neighbors may improve.
[text]: two words: fractured penis. two more: emergency room.
[text]: I feel like captain Morgan put his peg leg up my ass
[text]: Because i love you. And people show love by not letting their friends shit themselves.
[text]: According to google history I spent most of last night trying to buy an elephant.
[text]: You were yelling at the cops across the street saying they were at the wrong party
[text]: I'm going to CVS to meet the Craigslist guy who is going to buy my underwear. If I don't text you within the next hour, plz assume that I have been abducted by a stranger with an underwear fetish.
[text]: What's Spanish for "I shouldn't have worn these underwear to work?"
[text]: Also if i get drunk and start crying about the elephants you all have my permission to abandon me.
[text]: Hey, it's not my fault that you had a shitty bed frame that couldn't handle the rough sex you're into.
[text]: I have a tab of a google image search of onion rings open and it is making me so happy.
[text]: I just wrote the Drag Queen from Saturday Night on FB and apologized for licking her. Weirdest thing I have ever typed...
[text]: You couldn't even walk but you came into the kitchen with the funnel and begged me to put beer in it
[text]: I genuinely attribute some of my blowjob skills to playing saxophone in highschool
[text]: I still don't know his name but his ass is spectacular. Like he should never wear pants.
[text]: Woke up with an e-cig stuck in my asshole. Explain.
[text]: A surplus of mistakes were made and I don't know what 89% of them were.
[text]: Come over. Bring cocaine. And my t shirt with the dolphin on it.
[text]: Your drunk naked friend is roaming the living room. Started roaming my room. Please come retrieve him
[text]: I do feel like I owe you an apology for trying to fuck your dad last night but in my defense everyone knows I shouldn't drink tequila.
[text]: I want my tombstone to read "making poor life decisions since 1993"
[text]: Called Apple, my penis pics are safe.
[text]: I just bought a bottle of lube for my car.
[text]: Kid got so high from the brownies he forgot his own name. Welcome to college.
[text]: I just remember lots of butts and something about ranch dressing.
[text]: When you licked the fourth stranger's cheek the bar tender pretty much ordered us to get you out.
[text]: Drinking from the bottle. In bed. Making dinosaur noises. Oh man.
[text]: i mean hes a break dancing puerto rican, how do you think the sex was?
[text]: That tampon felt like a stick in my vagina, I am never making a drunken tampon choice again. Friends don't let friends choose tampons drunk.
[text]: I thought I would be a proper lady and put my spare panties in a ziplock
[text]: I have a terrible feeling that I made out with a fraternity last night
[text]: Wall of shame with a backpack full of beer bottles, cowboy hat in hand, and a handlebar mustache. I was applauded by a passing car
[text]: I know the wedding is going to be a good time, I don't have to wear a bra with my dress
[text]: Can you get snapchat back so I can show you all the places I threw up in/on last night?
[text]: Woke up eating a pickle on the bathroom floor this morning in some random guys sweat pants.
[text]: I know you saw me get knocked out after I stepped on that rake why did you leave me there
[text]: She definitely peed in a bucket in their closet last night. We should warn them about that, right?
[text]: We fired a shoe out of a medieval cannon. I know not where we got either one.
[text]: So my booty call knows your bf. Apparently they were in jail together
[text]: That's a lot of judgement coming from a man wearing a dress made from a bedsheet.
[text]: I fell into a manhole last night, so there's that
[text]: Well.. If you trust a test that only costs a dollar, I'm not pregnant
[text]: Woke up in bushes at UT didn't know I was Austin last night
[text]: I wouldn't know what to do. You never really mentally prepare for a cactus getting thrown at your face.
[text]: Turns out the dorm toilet can't take a punch. Gonna be a long year without Mexican food.
[text]: I have an interview tomorrow and listed you as a reference. If they call you, please don't tell them about the time I smuggled a Chalupa out of Taco Bell in my underwear.
[text]: How do you get kicked out of 3 different Subways in one night..
[text]: Mom told me you snuck booze into a concert in a cheez its box...I have never been prouder to be related to you
[text]: I straight up told your dad I've slept with a majority of your family
[text]: You kept whispering to me that the guy making your burrito was an angel.
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fxduciam · 10 years
Jealous messages
[MSG]: Did you have fun with you-know-who last night?
[MSG]: I guess my company doesn't interest you any more.
[MSG]: What do you see in that guy/girl?
[MSG]: (S)he's kind of hot... you think?
[MSG]: Is he bigger than me?
[MSG]: When's the wedding?
[MSG]: I heard you and ___ are an item.
[MSG]: Is there... someone else?
[MSG]: I never agreed to an open relationship!
[MSG]: Does she do that thing that I do for you?
[MSG]: I see you'll flirt with just about anyone.
[MSG]: I'm a fool for thinking I was special to you.
[MSG]: How serious is it between you two?
[MSG]: You've been spending a lot of time with ___ recently.
[MSG]: So you tell all girls/guys that, I see.
[MSG]: So that's your type, huh?
[MSG]: Who's better in bed, me or him/her?
[MSG]: I can't bear to see you with someone else.
[MSG]: You're just a slut.
[MSG]: Just curious... not like I'm jealous or anything...
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fxduciam · 10 years
(( I'm tired and on mobile and suffering from allergies but first I shall reblog ask memes. Please send me asks to wake up to~ ))
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fxduciam · 10 years
Masterlist of Memes
☹ My muse is visiting your muse on their death bed
♫ A drabble about our muses inspired by the next song that comes on shuffle
☻ A drabble of our muses on their wedding day
☺ my muse trying to piss yours off
ت our muses running into each other after not seeing each other for several years
ヅ for a situation that got both our muses arrested
シ my muse walks in on your naked
Ü your muse walks in on my muse naked
ϡ a goodbye letter from my muse to yours
♥ you muse suprises my muse with a kiss
۵ my muse kisses yours to shut them up
ღ a forehead kiss from my muse
웃 my muse torturing yours for information
유 my muse trying to seduce information from your muse
♈ a holiday drabble featuring our muses
♉ our muses are together when they get ambushed
≑ my muse wakes up in your muse’s body
?  my muse will ask your muse a question they always wanted to ask
+ my muse has died and your muse is included in their will
◈ my muse’s reaction to finding your muse beaten and bruised 
♊ my muse will do something stupid to impress your muse
✃ your muse visiting mine in the psych ward
♋ my muse visiting yours in the psych ward
❅ my muse rescues yours
✪ my muse seeing the ghost of your muse
● my muse’s turn offs
○ my muse’s turn ons
△ our muse’s get in a playful wrestling match
⍢ my muse gives yours a hickey
✧ our muses having dinner together
☎ my muse drunk dials your muse
✈ our muses on a flight together
☼ my muse giving yours a massage
♡ my muse flirts with your mue
☣ your muse visiting my muse in prison
♌ your muse visiting mine in prison
X my muse doesn’t remember anything from the night before. They have blood on their hands, and your muse is beaten at their feet.
☁ our muses are trapped in a fire together
〰 our muses are at the beach together
❢ my muse has lost their memory, and at the sight of your muse starts to remember things
✑ my muses daily routine
❂ a new years eve memory from my muse
✬ our muses share a new years eve kiss
✆ your muses name, ringtone, and icon in the muse’s phone
◙ a christmas gift from my muse
♍ a sexual story from my muse
₩ our muses are caught in a thunder storm together
❊  a regret my muse has about your muse
♎ your muse tracing one of my muse’s scars
♏ my muse tracing a scar of your muse’s
♐ my muse hearing your muse scream
♑ our muses go out for coffee together
♒ my muse visit’s your muse’s grave
♓ my muse injures your muse
✄ your muse injures my muse
☩ a dream my muse has about your muse
☨ my muse searching for your muse
☦ my muse trying to cheer up your muse
✞ my muse taking care of a your muse while their sick
✛ my muse trying to calm your muse down
✜ my muse trying to get your muse to recover from amnesia
✝ a confession from my muse to yours
✙ our muses shopping together
✠ our muses watching the stars together
« a past memory with our muses
» a daydream my muse has about yours
✐ a mistletoe kiss
✎ our muses going to a costume ball together
✏ our muses are evil and out reaking havoc together
♔ a kiss on the cheek
♕ a kiss on the palms
♖ a kiss on the back of the hand
♗ a kiss on the nose
♘ a kiss on the eyelids
♙ a kiss on a bruise
Sentence Memes
"You belong to me"
"I found you"
"I’m in jail"
"You make me so hot"
"I have to leave"
"Please don’t leave"
"And what about our parents?"
"Who did this to you?"
"You shouldn’t have done that"
"What happened last night"
"We never tell anyone about this"
"So, you want to play games?"
"Does that require pants?"
"Lets just have a lazy day"
"Then go kill the bitch"
"I’m pregnant"
"You broke me"
"Don’t touch me"
"You can’t fix this"
"There’s nowhere we can hide"
"I’m not listening"
"Who do you think you are?"
"I don’t need you here."
"Did I fall asleep?"
"A little evil goes a long, long way."
"I will not die."
"I don’t care."
"I have no regrets."
"I feel numb."
"All monsters are human."
"You look beautiful, but you don’t look fine."
"You look beautiful, but you don’t look fine."”
"How many time have I told you to be more careful?"
"Let’s get you to bed."
"I can’t even look at you, you promised not to get into any more fights!"
"Are you crazy?”
"Do you trust me?"
"How did you escape?"
"Is that blood behind your ear?"
"Take. This. Off. "
"What’s in it for me?"
"What’s in it for you?"
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fxduciam · 10 years
Height-related {Sentence Starters}
"Need me to help you reach that? 
"Now, who said that?"
"Get down here and say that to my face!"
"Have you ever considered taking up basketball? You could just drop it in the net!"
"Life’s too short. I’m not!"
"Did you shrink since I last saw you?"
"Lean over so I can reach. More. More."
"I’m down here!"
"Are you standing on the counter to feel tall?"
"I’m not short, I’m fun-sized!"
"Do I need to get you a box to stand on?"
"You wouldn’t happen to be part giant, would you?"
"Who are you calling a shrimp?!"
"If you were an I-Pod… you’d be a Nano."
"Ha ha! I’m taller than you now!"
"You could probably still pass as a kid."
"How’d you grow so much?!" 
"Should I put you on my shoulders so you can see?"
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fxduciam · 10 years
Tsukino listened to Minh intently as they approached the gym, appreciating the fact he chose volleyball as opposed to another sport as his choice.
"I've never been to Vietnam, but I'm sure it's nice. I'm glad you came to Japan though, because I can already tell you'll be an outstanding member on this team. We'll be a completed party."
He almost slams right into the gym's doors before realizing they've arrived, since he wasn't looking forward.
"Let's pretend... That didn't happen."
"Uh.. I think I’m lost."
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        Tsukino turned around and        then flashed a smile when        he realised he’s seen this        person before. Of course he’d        help him.              “It’s a good thing you found            me then, heh? Where’re ya           trying to go?”
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fxduciam · 10 years
(( I'm on mobile now. Like this if it's still okay for me to reply ))
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fxduciam · 10 years
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            Slowing his pace as the gym         came into view, a question popped         into Tsukino’s mind. He glanced         over at his excited under classman.               “What inspired you to join the            team anyways? And why stop at            Japan? Why not the world?”
"Uh.. I think I’m lost."
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        Tsukino turned around and        then flashed a smile when        he realised he’s seen this        person before. Of course he’d        help him.              “It’s a good thing you found            me then, heh? Where’re ya           trying to go?”
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fxduciam · 10 years
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           Tsukino grinned at Minh as         he drew up next to Tsukino.         He could see this actually         turning out to be a fun endeavour,         rather than just some competetive         driven drill. Even if competing to         be the best was fun to him sometimes,         it could still get distastefully...         monotonous.               “Heh, that’s the kind of spirit            I like to see! We’ll become an            unstoppable party, I think.”
"Uh.. I think I’m lost."
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        Tsukino turned around and        then flashed a smile when        he realised he’s seen this        person before. Of course he’d        help him.              “It’s a good thing you found            me then, heh? Where’re ya           trying to go?”
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fxduciam · 10 years
              “Of course we’ll work hard!            You can’t get anywhere without            some hard work and effort, even            I know that..! Let’s just make            sure we don’t get discouraged if            we need to abscond for a few            minutes at any point, because            hey, no pain, no gain... Even for            experience, Right? This means            no cheat codes! None!”            Tsukino was doing his best to         speak in a way that would keep         Minh pumped, but since he never         really had more than a glance as         an interaction before, he wasn’t         sure how to go about that, or          if adopting Minh’s speech was         even being noticed by him.
"Uh.. I think I’m lost."
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        Tsukino turned around and        then flashed a smile when        he realised he’s seen this        person before. Of course he’d        help him.              “It’s a good thing you found            me then, heh? Where’re ya           trying to go?”
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