funk-soul-ninja · 5 days
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“Don’t move.”
For once in his life, Obito listens very well.
For @anj-does-stuff's new fic Lunar Phase💕Hope y'all like timetravel!
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funk-soul-ninja · 1 month
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funk-soul-ninja · 1 month
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Tobi was to stunned to speak
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funk-soul-ninja · 1 month
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funk-soul-ninja · 2 months
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Ok so I am a few days late for sasukes bday but in my defense I fell asleep drawing this and then forgot
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funk-soul-ninja · 2 months
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funk-soul-ninja · 2 months
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funk-soul-ninja · 2 months
Hashirama's new chinese mobile game intro is so evil it looks like he's the main villain of the story🙄
at least Madara looks fine.
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funk-soul-ninja · 2 months
it would've been really funny if madara had just kept using words naruto didn't know and obito kept pausing to explain them to him, with the words getting more and more obscure each time and naruto starting to just automatically look to obito for help all while obito wonders if one or both of them is messing with him but they're genuinely dead serious
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funk-soul-ninja · 2 months
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That's what happened, right?
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funk-soul-ninja · 2 months
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this has probably been done before but idc here's my rendition...
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funk-soul-ninja · 2 months
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post-mission debriefing (where neji is always in the hospital)
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funk-soul-ninja · 2 months
Body swap through time Kakashi and Tobirama at like, ages 12/13ish
Kakashi wakes up as Senju Tobirama at the height of the Uchiha/Senju conflicts
Tobirama wakes up as Kakashi in the lead up to the Kyuubi incident
They're actually alarmingly similar in skill level and personality, so they're able to get away with the switch on a surface level, even to those who know them well. But problems very quickly arise when it comes to fighting or anything that requires knowledge of history
""Tobirama"" taking to the field with a totally different skill set and jutsus than he's ever used before (Izuna is taken so off guard, it gets bad, fast)
""Kakashi"" suddenly does not seem to respond to any ANBU signals or codes, and where as before he was a shoe in for becoming an ANBU captain he suddenly seems to be fucking up at every other opportunity. You'd think the guy WANTS to lose his job with how suddenly awful at it he is, but he's Kakashi. There is no world where that kid fucks anything up on purpose
They're both definatley in a "holy shit I can NOT tell anyone ab this" position— Kakashi would probably be fr killed as an imposter, and while Tobirama would probably be ok (especially since Minato would be in charge of his detainment n stuff) he doesn't know that?? As far as he's aware, he is in enemy territory and will act accordingly.
Kakashi doesn't know how tf to interact with Tajima or Hashirama, but especially Tajima. He probably uses the wrong forms of address for people bc Tobirama uses more old fashioned honorifics than Kakashi is used to (Anija/Chichuie vs Nii-san/Otou-san)
Kakashi refusing to kill Uchiha bc like, village loyalty fuck you. Also just in general he probably has feelings ab killing anyone with a sharingan on multiple levels. But not just not killing them but going out of his way to help— these aren't his Uchiha, yeah, but it definatley fucks him up to see ANY uchiha die when all his life Uchiha = konoha = his people
Oooo, Kakashi instinctivley channeling chakra through Tobirama's eye after a solid couple years of getting used to the sharingan, possibly accidentally doing,,, something there. Idk what tho but SOMETHING
Meanwhile Tobirama is in that stupid fucking village of his brothers (that he will not shut up about, especially at that specific age) and its???? Real??????? It worked?????????? Huh.
He's surrounded by Uchiha and can't find any Senju (Tsunade just left the village rip Tsunade) but if he investigates it looks like the Senju died out naturally? Impossible, it has to be some kind of Uchiha plot—!
Hes also struggling to come to terms with there being a STOLEN SHARINGAN IN HIS FUCKING EYE !!!!!!!! Made extra super fucked up by the difference in intense hatred and taboo of bloodline theft in modern/warring era (with it being even more taboo in the warring states, like THE ultimate evil to any shinobi)
Maybe he, as Kakashi, is supposed to go to like special Uchiha class where they teach him ab the Uchiha n stuff bc of the eye, and Tobirama is sitting there eating all this shit UP (enemy intel!!!) But also, like, lowkey brainwashed kid brought up to do nothing but kill this one specific group of people, literally being forced to at least pretend to embrace their culture. He's in such a unique position to learn from and about them, and it'll probably end with him being some kind of sympathetic.
It helps that in modern Konoha, where the Uchiha may be considered overly traditional/religious, that's actually just Tobirama's normal. So there's also this added layer of "being around the Uchiha feels the closest to home / least strange than being around literally anyone else" which just pisses him off even more tbh
I'm tempted to say that somehow Rin is still alive just so I can have that one specific Rin and Kakashi queerplatonic codependent relationship from my other post, and then Rin being the one to finally notice that Kakashi isn't Kakashi anymore
Both Tobirama and Kakashi kind of piecing together the life stories of each other, immersed in eachothers histories and paths without ever directly interacting even once. Constant wonderings ab what the other boy was like / might do here, and if they're really so similar that no one has noticed the switch and all those implications (bc on one hand, that's good!! But on the other hand uhh— has anyone at home noticed...? Bc if not, fucking ow??? But also like, probably for the best tbh.)
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funk-soul-ninja · 2 months
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funk-soul-ninja · 2 months
i think it'd be funny if using the hiraishin actually had massive consequences for tobirama but he just never mentions it.
izuna: remember that time you almost killed me with your insane jutsu that literally alters space and time? can't believe that has no negative side effects when my dojutsu my body's born to have is slowly making me blind and-
tobirama: i never said that. i said the side effects are mitigated by the necessity of the jutsu.
izuna: what side effects?
tobirama: i do see the shinigami whenever i use it and he looks increasingly angry.
tobirama: also sometimes i vomit blood.
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funk-soul-ninja · 2 months
Post fourth shinobi war Oro should be a bitch. They got away with everything with just a slap on the wrist.
I want Oro to just start shit. Nothing illegal, just annoying. Idk if there's social media in universe, post-war I want Oro to annoy everyone on it.
Sasuke is at their hideout for info/restocking? Snap a picture and post it with the caption "he's visiting his favorite sensei" and tag Kakashi.
Snap a picture of Suigetsu all over Sasuke and caption it "Sasuke's new best friend? 👀👀" and tag Naruto.
Orochimaru would post videos getting ready/doing their makeup and talking shit or telling stories about the third shinobi war/dumb shit the sanin did when they were young
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funk-soul-ninja · 2 months
Naruto: hey guys, I wanna know why you are not inviting Sasuke to hang out with us, I think he is starting to feel you don't like him...
Shikamaru: well, how can I say it...
Choji: we hate him
Naruto: what? why?
Shikamaru: well Naruto, the only reason we tolerate him is because of you
Naruto: no way! I mean, he can be grumpy sometimes, but he is a nice guy!
Kiba: I want to punch him in the face
Shino: me too
Naruto: come on guys, Gaara was a bad guy too and now he is with us!
Shikamaru: I only tolerate Gaara because of Temari, no offense...
Gaara: don't worry, I only tolerate some of you because of my boyfriend
Choji: where's Lee btw?
Naruto: he is coming over there, I'm gonna ask him too, heey Lee, what do you think about Sasuke?
Lee: Sasuke? Idk, the last time I talked to him was a few years ago when I punched him in the face
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