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fullycraftystudentlove · 3 years ago
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Life goes on...
   Today, I would like to share with you a news.  News is going to be bad news.  Let me share few period of my time and by reading it, everything will be clear what about that news.
   From the childhood I live with my grandmother.  She was the closest person in my life.  I do call her as “mother”, “mom” for the following reasons.  She gave me an opportunity to study, to learn.  She raised me, she gave me everything what she wish. I lived with my mother, and yes, I’m about my grandmother, not biological mother.  For me this person is takes place from deepest place of my heart and forever.
   January 16, 2022 is the day when she leaves this world.  I enter into the room.  She was laying down.  Everyone around her was crying including me.  One of the person in the room said, “Beka, say something to your mother, she listens it, say something, her heart will be in peace, say something”.  I seat down near to her, and on that time, I believed that she was living her last minutes.  The last words that I said to my mother was, “I’m thankful to you, mother.  Please forgive me, mother.”  Very difficult to say, especially when it is last words.  I saw her how it becomes difficult even to breath.  At round 7:30 pm, she stops breathing, I saw it with my own eyes.  My eyes full of tears and heart full of lose.  God needed this person and God take her from this life. I do miss her very much.  When she was alive, yes, to be honest, sometimes I did not liked her, just because some conflict between us, but when she leaves the world conflict becomes nothing.  I had a good relationship with my mother.  Yes, we had a conflict but it was not so much. Thankfully.
  I am honored to be your son.  A lot people say about you that you were good person.  It makes me happy to hear about good things about you from somebody that knows you well.
   I have visited to your place at the cemetery couple of times.  I will go there again and share news and thoughts to you.
Rest in Peace mother,
I love you and you will be always in my heart.
Your son,
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fullycraftystudentlove · 5 years ago
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Every person’s life story is different and special.  Each one’s has happy moments and some bad momoments in life.  Most important part is what we are learning from bad moments.  There are a lot reasons why you are facing with bad moments in life.  You need to find out and you need to decide, what are the solutions and how you can figure out. I am very thankful for God.  God sending me a great people to make my life more brighter and more interesting.  None of these would not be possible without their help.  First, person in my life is my mom, which I am always thankful for her.  Thank you mom, for raising me up and teaching me for everything.  I am always thankful for that person.  Untill now, I met very good persons that surrounded by me.  It is a great to spend time with them and talk about something.  I know, who was the reason for my bright future and I never forget their help.  
My life is full of joy and happines with the people that is being reason for my future.  I love what I am doing and I am on my right destionation.  However, there some important goals for me to achive by myself.  What I need to do is, I need to focus on my goals and achieve it.  I want from God, that I need opportunty to achive my goals.  Hopefully, everything works out well, as I expected.  I do my best as I can.
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fullycraftystudentlove · 6 years ago
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Менин жашоом, менин келечегим табышмак бойдон калуусун каалайт элем. Мен кээбир жерлерден коруп калам, келечегинди айтып берем же башка ушундай сыяктууларды. Бул жарык дуйного келген ар бир адамдын, озунун себеби бар. Эмне учун бул жашоого келди жана ушул дуйнодо, ушул жашоодо Кудайдын кандай пендеси болоорун билиши керек. Эгерде адам жаш кезинде эле эмне менен алек болот, же бул жашоодо эмне кылып жашай билсе, анда ал чойрону онуктуро берген жакшы, ал чойрону жакшы билиши керек. Бул дуйнодо ар бир адам, кандайдыр бир нерсеси менен айырмаланып турат.
Мен ойлойм, Кудай бизди, адамдарды жакшы жактан да, жаман жактан да сынайт деп. Жашообузда эмне болуп жатса дагы, ал нерселин себеби бар. Бирок эн маанилуусу, ошол себепти убагында тушунуу. Акыркы эки айдын ичинде менде бир нече кызыктуу окуялар болуп кетти.  Кээбири жузумо жылмайуу тартуулап турса, жана ошондой эле, башкасын эстесем жылмайып турган жузум шыр эле сууй тушот.  Кандай гана учурлар болбосун буну “сыноо” деп тушунуш керек. Адам баласында, текерберчилик деген сапат аябай жаман жакка алып келет десем, жанылышпаймын. Себеби, адам баласында баардык нерсе жакшы болуп, иши журушуп турса, акча коп болуп баштаса, ушул жактан - жонокойчулук сапат жоголот дагы, текеберленуу сапаты кучой баштайт. Ал бетте, баардык адамдар деп айтуудан алысмын, бирок ушундай сыяктуу адамдар бул дуйнодо дагы жашап келет.
Сыноо ар бир адамга ар кандай келет, бирок сыноонун аркасынан адам озун-озу жакшы тарбиялайт же тескерисинче жаман жакка тарбиялайт. Ар кандай нерселер болот бул жашоодо, эн башкысы ошол болуп жаткан нерселерден эмнени озунузго ала алдыныз жана эмне учун ошол нерсе сизде болуп жататат жакшылап тушунуу шарт. Адам баласы ойлоно алат, ар бир кылган жумушун, тандаган чечимин ойлоп. Жакшы жакка ундой алат.  Айта кетсем, менин жашоомдо буга чейин болуп келгендерге ыраазымын жана болуп жаткандарга ыраазымын, боло турган нерселерге дагы ыраазымын.
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fullycraftystudentlove · 6 years ago
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Life is a big adventure for every person.  In life, we face with a lot of problems and great moments that even never happens again for you,  it’s up to person.  Everyone’s life perspective is different from completely others.  There is no one formula for all human, like. you should live this life like this or look at him/her, moreover, follow that person, even more, look what he is doing and what are you doing.  Each of you is different with something, someone at your age going to university and someone just like you, going to work or doing jobs that person’s interests or needs, because you are doing important things for your life.  No one has to judge, do not let someone to control your life. 
In our life, as I mentioned before we face with problems.  Moreover, if you truly think, problems gives you another opportunity.  We make mistakes, that is absolutely, all right because we are human.  However, most important thing is what were are learning from the problem that you are facing right now?  We always have to figure out, why this problem is happening and what are the solutions to solve the problem and what are the opportunities after all?  Do you want to feel the success?  If your answer is “Yes”, then answer to the questions above and decide what’s wrong with you. 
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fullycraftystudentlove · 6 years ago
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What is the difference between successful people and opposite people, like unsuccessful? Well, there are a lot of factors define those people from between them.  From my point of view, I say, successful people, they know what to do and they have life purposes.  Successful people, they knows exactly what to do, and what are the things waiting, and if they do not get what they expecting, they have another plan.  Moreover, they always tries if something is not going well.  Of course, successful people knows that from the first time it does not work out for you and they are sure with the practice and passion they get.
 A person without life plan/life purposes is like a bird without wings.  I always ask myself, like, “Where I see myself after five years?”. This question helps me to stay on the track where I want to go. I always think forward because I know what I want from life and I am doing what to needs to do. Same thing, you have to ask. Everyday, every morning ask the questions, “what do I want from life?”, “why?”, “what is my life goal?”, “where I am and what I am doing to step closer to my plan?”. Just ask yourself those kind of questions and please, answer it true. Do not lie to yourself. If you lie yourself, it only shows you bad things just because you lied yourself. So, as you mentioned I did not write about unsuccessful people a lot. I only write one sentence and hopefully you got what I mean.   
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fullycraftystudentlove · 6 years ago
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   We born this world and our life is already known for a God.  What I mean is we do not know how we live our life fully, we are not sure exactly will be like what we planned.  But we have to look forward and keep work for our better life. Every one is unique with something.  Not all people are same, if someone is being successful and you are not.  Do not push yourself down because your time is coming.  God has a a good plan for every people in this world, it’s up to us. If we work for our purpose in this life than God, also does something for us.
   No matter what problems or what good things we are having in our life, those things are has their own reasons. Because, God wants us to learn something from our bad days or even if we are happy than we have to learn something from being happy. Nothing is forever.  Life has their stories which is makes you happy or opposite, which is makes you sad.  But we have to remember, nothing is forever.
   Human life is a very short. Your childhood time is great, because you are not responsible for something and you just enjoy by living.  As we grow up, we learn something meaningful by our actions, we do mistake but we have to learn from the mistake.  If we are having bad days or problems, we have to ask our self, “What am I doing wrong?”.  If we are facing with some bad days, that we understand the reason later, or on time when we are facing with problem right now. So on, life goes on and we have to be ready for life surprises and enjoy the moment right now.
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fullycraftystudentlove · 6 years ago
One of my favourite video about success. I want you to watch this video and come closer to your success.  Hard work, pays off. Remember.
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fullycraftystudentlove · 6 years ago
"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do."
Steve Jobs  
I agree with this quote, this quote is perfectly gives answer to yesterday’s blog about fining yourself in the future. We born, we live in this life and at the end we die, of course.  During our lifetime, we have to find what really matter is... We have to enjoy by working with profession that we like, not for something else. Time flies so fast, you can not imagine, how life goes so fast, so quick. So, stay cool and appreciate the moment right now. 
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fullycraftystudentlove · 6 years ago
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Let me introduce myself little bit and make sure to explain why I started to write my thoughts in this platform. 
I am Bektursun, sophomore student. I like playing guitar and running. I also had interest to write about my thoughts. I write my thoughts about life and about everything what comes to my mind. I like writing. For this time, I wanted something new and come up to Tumblr platform which is I am doing something new in digital form.
So, today’s my thought is about finding yourself in this life.  There are some people that they are trying to find their self in this world.  I think, everyone wants a good future, such us finding a dream job, or being happy with the loved one, maybe being a volunteer and help to community.  However, time shows everything, like what real life is.  From my personal perspective, human do not have to be afraid of something to try new. If a person did not do something, than this thing is hard to determinate yourself where you are in the future. We try everything, I tried many jobs before now, I did a job that I do not like. For some reasons, I decided that I do not like job that I worked and makes me unhappy with it. For a lot of you, maybe you are facing like this? Let me congratulate you, you just level up, you know something better about yourself. Like, you try something new and you worked/did/spent time on this. Turns out, you did not like, now you know about it. This is one of the important thing to now for the future. We try, we do mistake this is how we are finding our self in this world. 
P.S. On the above my thoughts. I am not a professional writer and I might did something wrong in writing method. If I did I apologize about it and I hope you liked my thoughts and keep following me for more thoughts. :)     
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fullycraftystudentlove · 9 years ago
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Picture taken by Pixes from https://pixabay.com/ru/photos/technology/
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