unclench your jaw
36K posts
direct reminders to relax and self-maintenance. if you have a medical question, ask a medical person (not me)
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fucking-relax · 22 minutes ago
hey. you. yeah, that's right, you. when was the last time you looked outside?
called it. the screen isnt gonna do much for your mental health.
go outside and take a big breath in, then continue scrolling or whatever you were doing.
have a good day. thats not a suggestion.
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(if Outside currently is not safe, may wanna just look outside or reschedule this reminder for when it's safe to do so)
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fucking-relax · 1 hour ago
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One must imagine Sisyphus happy find joy in accomplishing the ever repeating tasks we require to live on well, but screaming brings catharsis so let's do that too.
- Albert Camus or something
(post inspiration) (original image source)
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fucking-relax · 2 hours ago
sit cross-legged with back upright
inhale as you lengthen your spine up, exhale as you twist your spine so your right palm rests on your left knee, and your chest faces to your left
hold it there with regular breathing
gently move your head to look over your shoulders to stretch your neck further
slowly move back to center and shake your body around, feel how your spine/back feels
repeat in the other direction, inhale as you lengthen and exhale as you twist, your left palm resting on your right knee, chest facing your right
hold it there with regular breathing
gently move your head to look over your shoulders to stretch your neck further
slowly move back to center and shake your body around, feel how your spine/back feels
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fucking-relax · 3 hours ago
for those who have learned that Pain Medication is an Option despite whoever witheld care from us said,
are you currently experiencing pain above your typical level of pain?
this is your reminder that pain medication exists and you likely have your preferred one in stock.
get a snack, get a drink, and get that damn pain relief.
if you're fine at your typical level, whether no or chronic pain, this is a reminder to check that your preferred pain relief is on hand when you may require it and do some stretches to relieve discomfort
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fucking-relax · 3 hours ago
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fucking-relax · 4 hours ago
shake out your wrists and flex your fingers; do what you need to make them feel better
and unclench your jaw
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fucking-relax · 5 hours ago
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take care of yourself.
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fucking-relax · 6 hours ago
Maybe *you* need to unclench *your* jaw 👀
you're not wrong
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fucking-relax · 7 hours ago
reminder to purposefully breathe for a moment
breathe in
breathe out
repeat however times you need to before returning to your natural breath
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fucking-relax · 7 hours ago
Subscriptions Reminder
whether to cancel, change, etc
this is your reminder
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fucking-relax · 8 hours ago
when your body is stiff/aching,
try slowly stretching it out.
if you stretch too far to point of pain, back off to point of ache and hold it there for a bit.
body may still hurt but at least it’s at a higher threshold now.
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fucking-relax · 9 hours ago
specific pain stretches, condensed
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absolute fuckwaffle / pectoral stretches
basically any stretches where you hold your arms behind your back and puff your chest out, keeping shoulders back and blades together
lace hands behind your head/top of neck, your elbows pointing out to the sides. allow your head to fall back into hands as you open chest and squeeze shoulder blades together
traitor / neck retraction
lay down or lean back on a flat surface and tuck your chin into your neck. hold it there for a bit, relax into usual state, then repeat
drop your head in different directions to relieve tension held there
jackass / drop shoulders
holding your shoulders super tense before letting them go in relaxed pose
more shoulder stretches
and then there's this asshole / superman exercise (yes it's really called that)
lay on your belly with arms fully extended over head and legs straight back; look straight down. contract your glutes (clench your butt) to lift your legs and arms off the the floor towards the ceiling. stop when you feel a flex in your lower back, hold for a second, then return to start.
wiggle out with a brief cat/cow (arch back up, arch back down) to relieve the last of tension if needed
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fucking-relax · 10 hours ago
you know a good way to release tension in your jaw?
biting something
no seriously, some gum or a decent chewing stim toy forcefully makes you tense and relax. your jaw will be too tired to stay clenched, for at least some time
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fucking-relax · 10 hours ago
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fucking-relax · 11 hours ago
comfort check
lounging in an ouch position?
haven't taken a deep breath lately?
hungry? thirsty?
need to use the toilet?
too much sensory input?
this is your reminder to get comfortable! go do what you need to do!
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fucking-relax · 12 hours ago
eat when you’re hungry,
rest when you’re tired.
you don’t need to “earn it”
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fucking-relax · 13 hours ago
That Fucking Point Between Your Eyebrows. Your Brows As A Whole. Relax Them.
start in the middle and massage away towards your hairline
follow along the brow and above the forehead
rub your temples and cheekbones while you're at it, any sore points
move your neck and body as needed but fucking relax
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