fruitylooooops5 · 16 hours
guess my favorite rene descartes quote
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fruitylooooops5 · 17 hours
after watching the shrek movie i politely bowed to the screen and left without a fuss.
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fruitylooooops5 · 2 days
yes yesy yes yes yes yes hell yes ys yes yes
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fruitylooooops5 · 2 days
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あとで ふんでやるです
Now I'm annoyed by my landlady ... well, I'll step and step on her later!
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fruitylooooops5 · 2 days
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Quick colored sketch wip of ranboos Garfield outfit from vidcon
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fruitylooooops5 · 2 days
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fruitylooooops5 · 3 days
Remind me to make a longer post about this later, but I think there's an interesting similarity in the way nonbinary (or genderqueer people in general) talk about the nuances of their gender and how people really big into specific music scenes talk about the nuances of the genres they listen to. Like there's the description you give other people in your community, and the "normie" description you give to people who aren't as familiar. And "genre" and "gender" are both constructs in similar ways too. Just my little binary observation tho.
I'll expand more on this later. But anyway, start asking people what genre they are and what gender of music they listen to.
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fruitylooooops5 · 4 days
5000 years ago.
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fruitylooooops5 · 4 days
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fruitylooooops5 · 5 days
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silly little guy! wow everyone really loved that one jacket
idk who to tag so i guess anyone who come across this is welcome
New picrew chain! Make a cat version of your blogsona! Here is the picrew. :3
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Tag as many people as you want!
@reallytimhortons @apple-unofficial @cvs-pharmacy-real @totally-roku-tv @totally-scjohnson @its-sanrio-official @google-news-official + open tags
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fruitylooooops5 · 5 days
hey guys you wanna see a really really bad image of a pelican
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YEAH you do. here it is. jesus fucking christ
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fruitylooooops5 · 5 days
why have some many people been liking my reblogs an why are they all random strangers
where are you people finding me
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fruitylooooops5 · 5 days
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So apparently Youtube isn't bring back community captions, but they ARE letting you flag when the auto-generated ones are wrong. Huh. It's not much but it's something, I guess?
Google was probably more willing to do this than the community-captions thing because you're indirectly helping them improve their voice recognition algorithm, by flagging when it fucked up.
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fruitylooooops5 · 5 days
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fruitylooooops5 · 5 days
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second animation yippee!!
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fruitylooooops5 · 6 days
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old gods are waking
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fruitylooooops5 · 6 days
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why don't pictures like this ever trending
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