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Tumblr du forum éponyme, il a été créé pour un pur moment de folie, de rigolade, d'amour entre membres. n'hésitez pas à tagger vos posts avec le hashtag #fwtt ou à les soumettre directement au tumblr ♥
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fromwombtotomb-forum · 4 years ago
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Quand Ilyes  invite Nilin pour un petit Netflix and Chill.
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fromwombtotomb-forum · 4 years ago
Matthew, tending to Astrid's wounds: How would you rate your pain?
Astrid: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend.
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fromwombtotomb-forum · 4 years ago
Pace: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives
Siobhan: I wake up at 4:30 AM
Pace: I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives
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fromwombtotomb-forum · 4 years ago
Evgenia: I feel like I’m forgetting something…
Anatoli: Pff, your mental stability?
Evgenia: No, no... you can’t lose something you never had.
Anatoli: ...indeed.
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fromwombtotomb-forum · 4 years ago
Sophia: Love makes people do stupid things.
Konstantin: I love everything!
Sophia: That explains a lot.
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fromwombtotomb-forum · 4 years ago
Ilyes: [Kicks the door open, looking panicked]
Sahar: What did you do?!
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fromwombtotomb-forum · 4 years ago
Cian: So... I saw a bunch of corpses in the yard... Did you have anything to do with that ?
Evgenia: Why do you automatically assume it was me?
Evgenia: Alright, fair enough.
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fromwombtotomb-forum · 4 years ago
Astrid: Let them come, I’ll kill them.
Matthew: You just can’t kill all of your problems, Astrid.
Astrid: Bet.
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fromwombtotomb-forum · 4 years ago
Astrid: We’re kind of missing something guys.
Eskel: Cohesion?
Eskel: Teamwork?
Eskel: A general sense of what we’re doing?
Hedda: And Evgenia is not here.
Eskel: Oh, and that, yeah.
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fromwombtotomb-forum · 4 years ago
Ilyes: I swear. Sometimes, I think the whole world is against me.
Nilin: I don’t know. Sometimes it feels like maybe, its kinda because you’re a little uh–
Ilyes: Mistreated?
Nilin: A little...
Ilyes: Cheated out of things I deserved?
Nilin: Eh–
Ilyes: Unjustifiably shunned?
Nilin: I was kind of going more for a weeping sore of annoyance.
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fromwombtotomb-forum · 4 years ago
Sophia: What does a winner do when life gives them lemons?
Konstantin: Um, make lemonade?
Sophia: No, he squeezes them right back into life’s eyes!
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fromwombtotomb-forum · 4 years ago
Konstantin : Do you even know what an amulet is?
Salome : Of course I do! I eat amulets sometimes. I like the ones with cheese and onions!
Konstantin : Salome, those are omelettes...
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fromwombtotomb-forum · 4 years ago
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Les petits partages d’Anatoli.
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fromwombtotomb-forum · 4 years ago
Nilin [lost] : This all looks the same !
Ilyes : Yes, this is the same. It's all been exactly the same ever since the day I was born. I start to trust her, she makes me regret it. I get my hopes up and the she destroys them.
Sahar : Shut up ! We get it !
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fromwombtotomb-forum · 4 years ago
ET Member : Is it okay to hate you ?
Sahar : Absolutely.
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fromwombtotomb-forum · 4 years ago
Salome : Sucre, sirop de glucose, mélasse et gélatine… Hmm, ça alors, comment un truc si simple peut-il être si délicieux ?
Konstantin : C'est très mauvais pour la santé en tout cas !
Salome : Pour un palet rustique, peut-être, je te l’accorde, mais pour le mien, le canard en sucre, y’a rien de plus simple et naturel ! Je pourrais en avaler une centaine !
Konstantin : Non, c’est impossible. Ce genre de bouffe, ça gonfle dans l’estomac ! Tu dépasseras pas cinquante canards !
La Bratva : Et 61… 62… 63… 62… 61… 62 !... 63…
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fromwombtotomb-forum · 5 years ago
Markus: Why my hand is shaky...?
Dagslys: Your skeleton is ready to hatch.
Markus: ...How poetic. And so ominous, thank you.
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