fringedog · 8 years
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hallo to you amazin tumblr blog folowers and friends !!
it is only less than 2 weeks until we begin another briliant 5star year of amazin comedy at the edimbrugh fringe !!! i have only just woken up from a long nap that i started in september 2015 (oops forgot to set alarm !!), although i did wake up brifly to write a couple of things for the briliant 5star people at the skinny .
but this year ,women and gentleman , i have big exiting news !! this year ,i will be doin the first ever fringe dog "Terriér Awards" for edimbrugh comedy !!! my own awards !! it so exiting !! ther will be many categorys so dont worry ,plenty of awards for all the briliant 5star comedians !! 
i have already rejected a few categorys that wer a bit silly ,(i do like to have a laugh !!) but here are the serious award categorys i have come up with so far :
1. best smelling flyer
2. best walkin around on the stage
3. best cross speces apeal
4. best spirit of nice happiness
5. best o boy o boy 
6. best drinkin of a pint while doing talkin
7. best sweating
8. best visual efects in power point presentation
9. best squirrel
there is many more to come so keep your eyes peeld !! love from fringe dog
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fringedog · 9 years
it time for another briliant 5star edimbrugh round up !!
o boy !! i have had a very exiting week at the fringe !! i been doing my show "sniffin a drain" ,which has been a lot of fun this week with exelent weather and lots of people wantin to stand and watch (o boy audiences !!). another particularly amazin high light was the wrestling (i have already done full review of this for the skinny ,briliant 5star magazine) but i also have seen lots of other amazin shows !! though really ,is there any other kind this year ?? i do not think so ! 2015 is definitely a bumper year !! ha ha !! first up ,it my pleasure to mention briliant dane baptiste ,with his amazinly acomplished second stand up show "reasonable doubts"! what an tour de force ,such a distinctive and inteligent voice !! i have no reasonable doubt that he going to be very famous top dog ,even more than pudsey !! 5stars to great dane . another very clever show i have seen is megan ford with feminasty -it makes many salient points about perception of womens in the media ,video games etc. extremely funny and very important !! i have male privilege but not human privilege because i am a dog (some venues do not even let me in !!) so it ring very true with me !and comes with a briliant free zine !! go see this 5star show !! then i also seen briliant laurence owen with his cinemusical ,which makes some similar points ,and even has animal character that suffers prejudice !! i raise paw of solidarity to laurence !! he does very ingenious musical comedy parodies of songs from movies ,it extremely entertainin and inventive ,but has good moral message as well! 5stars . then in same venue ,you can see briliant elf lyons doin her show about bein barbarella !! it about owning your own sexiness (i dont know much about that subject because i had the snip! it ok ,i have come to terms with that! in fact ,now i own my own asexuality !!) it was very touchin tribute to classic super heroine and also has briliant elf comin on in a space suit and throwin talcum powder everywhere !! it the kind of briliant 5star experience you can only get at the fringe !! and finaly ,i have seen the amazin ali brice at the hive ,presentin his friend the very briliant eric meat !! i am big fan of meat ,both the man and the delicious meat flavoured biscuits !! in the show ,he is lookin for his wife who has disapeared under mysterious circumstance and so he hires a detective -i do not want to give to much away because it briliant warm story and very funny character indeed !! 5stars to him as well !! we now in the last week !! it is bitter sweet because we have to go home soon ,but i wish everyone all the best and hope their shows are all the best 5star shows ever !! love from fringe dog
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fringedog · 9 years
update !! what a amazin time i am havin in edimbrugh !!
good evening ,exelent 5star readers !! what a wonderful fringe we all having ! audiences definitely up and in good sprits !i think it is because the weather is very nice ,i do not barely even recognise edimbrugh !! means all of the drains are drying up ,hardly any smells ,it making for a chalenging show for me !! my show "sniffin a drain" has been goin very great guns and i have been enjoyin performing it around bistro square near greyfriars bobby -he is still sittin about doin nothing and missing all of the briliant shows ! it is his loss !but who am i to judge ! 5stars to him. so the question you all asking me is "hallo fringe dog ,what amazin shows have you seen this time ??" well ,i will tell you !! first up ,the amazin luke mcqueen at pleasance -he doin an amazin show about his old double act partner - unlike other journalists (bad journalists !! bad bad journalists !) i do not want to give to much away but it very hilarious and strange !!thoroughly recomend this 5star experience ! next up is exelent 5star sketch trio massive dad ,their show this year is exerts from old police show rocket and honk ,dont remember that tv show personaly ( i am only 6 ) but it very touching and briliant tribute to that !! 5stars to you briliant dads . what next ???? o yes ! madame magenta at the voodoo rooms ,it not in the program but that mean it is maximum integrity !!o boy all the cool kids are out of program .she doin briliant story about goin to the vatican and finding jesus ,it is very powerful religious comedy experience !! not to be mist ,5stars! also 5stars to amazin john-henry falle presenting his friend the story beast !! very imaginative show in which a 100 foot man plays with beautiful model village !! what exelent piece of craft ,very imaginative !! finaly it is amazin stephanie laing in cow gate head ,it is very sweet an ingenous stand up show ,but she deceptively filthy !! it is exelent story about chesney hawkes and findin ducks in strange places !! she inovative comedian !! we are aproachin half way point and i have been very slack with reviews ,i very sorry ...it not aceptable really so i will be keepin more on top of it from now on !! o boy ,always so humblin to be around so much 5star briliants !!! love from fringe dog
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fringedog · 9 years
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hallo briliant reader people !! it had been a very emotinal few days for me ,i have been so welcomd by the skinny !! they are wonderful nice 5star people ,putin me in the magazine and givin me my very own edimbrugh fringe media pass !! this is very big day for fringe dog ,movin up in the world !! but despite new status as top dog, i still hold core journalistic values and will not be hangin around industry bars lettin myself be patted and praisd in exchange for good reviews . i will remain island of integrity in a sea of 5star shows !! o boy !! i have already been very busy ,as well as reviewin i have been doin my own show ,"sniffin a drain" ,my promenade theatre piece that is follow up to last years "lickin a bin". mostly it has not been rainin ,which is big surprise !! and it has meant that the drain smells have been not very strong ,but that ok !! it early days ! today i performed it on george 4th bridge and it got a good crowd !! maybe it just weekend but it feel as though numbers are up this year ! o boy !! i managing to get rid of some of the fringe jitters now that we started ! i am hopin there will be a bit of rain soon so the drains will get more smellier !! but not too much rain as that will wash smells away , it is all part of the edimbrugh fringe balancin act !! i almost forget ! ( my mind all over the place !! too much barking at sea gulls !!) i have been watching 5star briliant shows as well ! i have been to see amazin viv groskop at the stand ,her show is all about apologisin to ladies and how her daughter makes bus journeys very interestin !! it is certainly 5star show ! also i have seen briliant beth vyse at the hive , she doin heart warming confesional show about cancer but with exelent sureal twist !! it is a 5star must see ! and so is david mills at voodoo rooms ,he not just a funny man ,he is tryin to change peoples lives with his briliant philosophies and truths ! 5stars to him . milo mccabe is also amazin !! he got two shows ,one of them is about murderin phil collins ,the other one is introducing his friend the briliant 5star fop man troy hawke !! be careful you go to right place though ! milo is one of people afected by cowgateheadgate tragedy ,he not where it says in programe !he is at counting house and jekyll and hyde . final 5star show is sooz kempner ,though she only apears as a video screen for whole show ,but does introductions to four other women .i dont realy know who they were but they all briliant 5star people !! i think this goin to be the best edimbrugh ever !!! love from fringe dog
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fringedog · 9 years
picks-on-the-day for 23 of july with briliant up and comin big name briliants !!
it is my great pleasure to tell you some more amazin comedians you can see in london before this years fringe !! o fringe dog ,you are spoilin us ,i hear you say !! well do not thank me ,thank all the amazin acts that are doing such quality work ,that you can see for not much money !!
today ,i would like to talk about james acaster and massive dad ,who is doing there shows tonight in a room in caledonian road called “the comedy room” . i wonder what happens in there ??? ha ha ! this is my little joke . obviously it is comedy. so you can see james acaster ,his new show is made entirely out of quotes from the dalai lama !! dont know how that will work ,but he could make reading from a phone book funny ,so i am sure it will !! also massive dad  are doing theyre 2.0 show ,which is like an app update but instead it is a show ! it very ingenous ,they are extremely funny and talented !
if you are busy tonight ,why not instead go tomorrow to see 5star briliants jody kamali and anna morris at venue 28 in beckenham !! it a bit of a long way to go ,but the venue is so cool it do not even have a name ,just a number ...o boy it is like the edimbrugh fringe already !! so jody is doin a spectacular with feats of amazingnessness ,that can only be amazin surely !! and even more exiting ,anna morris has agreed to marry absolutly everyone in the audience of her show !! that is an oportunity that cannot be missed ,your chance to get married to a 5star briliant comedian !! go and see both of them tomorrow !!
less than 2 weeks till edimbrugh !! i am so exited that i am only managing 6 naps per day !! hope i do not run out of energy to do reviewin when i am up there !!
love from fringe dog
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fringedog · 9 years
some more pick on the days from exelent 5star amazings !!
hallo to you fringe dog blog readers !!
i am here with another top tip pick-on-the-day for briliant 5star comedy preview shows to see in london !! now every body is puttin on the finishin touches to their 5star shows ,so it almost definitely a guarantee that they will be even more briliant than they were a few weeks ago !!
today if you go to the wenlock and essex in islington ,you can see amazin 5star sketch group kitten killers doin their new show ! ( i cannot condone the murder of cats ,because as we know from cross-species youtube videos ,dogs and cats can be friends ! though the dogs tend to be a bit more into it than the cats )they have a song about walkin about with jizz on your leg ,it a bit rude but they are still briliant funny women !! you go and see them ! also on the same bill ,you can see james hamilton on as well ,i do not know him personaly but i am sure he will be exelent !!
alternatively ,if you are in camden ,you can go to the camden head and see 3 of the most briliant 5star weirdos together for free !! it is joz norris ,mark stephenson and stuart laws !! what an amazin line up of briliant comedy men !! joz norris has been makin a list of the top 155 shows to see at the edimbrugh fringe - this is very briliant idea ,but i hope he extends the list because he has not included all of the other briliant 5star shows !!
i myself have been previewin very hard ,every day !! my show is promenade theatre piece called “sniffin a drain” ,the follow up to last years “lickin a bin” , so i can preview it every time i go for a walk !! i would like to do more previewin ,but my owners only take me out once a day (they do the tech for my show!!) so that is all i can do !! o boy ,i hope it ready in time !!
love from fringe dog
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fringedog · 9 years
more briliant pick-on-the-day fun with briliant comdieans !
o boy , edimbrugh really is comin up fast now !! i can barely keep on top of all the amazin preview shows goin on in london now ! but i must try ,and find exelent recomendations for you fringe dog blog reader !
so here are a couple of very amazin 5star acts for you tonight ! first up is phil wang ,doin his new show ‘philth’ . i am already big fan of this because it remind me of some exellent 5star muck that i found in the park yesterday !! i am sure phil ‘s new show will be just as good as that if not more !! with him is also amazin steve hall from we are klang ,briliant sketch trio . he is doing a q&a session about zebra facts ,it very intresting ! i wonder how is he goin to get a zebra all the way to the stand in august !! maybe he will tell you his plan ,you go and find out ! you can see both of these men at the tabard in chiswick tonight ,jun 25 .
also ,if you around tomorrow , you can see adam hess and matt winning at the same place !! they are from very ingenous bear pit podcast ,and this time matt winning is going to do his whole show in 3D !!! it never been attemted before but he going to do it! also adam will be doin a q&a about salmon facts ,it a bit similar to steve show but a salmon is a bit easier to get in the building !! if he as good at talkin about salmon as he is at bein retweted on twiter i am sure it will be briliant show !!
very exiting indeed !! love from fringe dog
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fringedog · 9 years
first london preview blog of year !!
good morning hallo !! to all fringe dog blog readers . i am exited to bring you first update about briliant 5star edimbrugh previews happenin in london ! you not going to the fringe this year ? do not despair ,there is plenty of exelent shows happening on your door step if you are a london person as well . first up ,tonight!! monday 22 of june - you can catch the briliant stuart laws and ali brice together ! stuart will be dropping an anvil on his head live on stage ! very amazing dare devil act he is doing. you dont want to miss it . also ali is doin amazin moustache comedy man ,eric meat, who is briliant comedy creation ! two 5star acts , together at the lion in stoke newington tonight, o boy ! also tomorrow ,you can go to cogartspace and see very funny katia kvinge ,she is doing 140 characters ,so it going to be a very long show !!!!!! that is one for hard core fringe goers ,but it will be a treat for the conossseur ! with her you can also see joseph morpurgo ,he is taking a break from comedy to do a show about soothing babies ,it will be very interesting and infomative - bring your little ones !! stay tuned for more fringe dog recomendations as we approache the big day ! or should i say big month ! o boy ! love from fringe dog
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fringedog · 9 years
welcome to edimbrugh fringe 2015 !!
hallo to all briliant fringe dog blog readers !!
it is very exiting to be doin my first blog of 2015 ,which already proving to be very intresting year for the fringe ! 
firstly ,i would like to say that i am very very pleased to see so many shows gettin re homed after the big cow gate head gate disaster ! as ex resident of batersea dogs home , i can tell you that no body should ever be without a home and it very sad to see so many shows in trouble ! but it look as though laughing horse and just the tonic (one of my favrouite venue in edimbrugh ,i like it cos of the smells and the drippin walls) are swoopin in to save day and give homes to all the briliant 5star shows ! 
on a personal note ,i have been inspired to look into my family history and i discoverd that i am actualy from 3 generations of fringe dog , we are all called fringe dog ,and none of us ever speak to each other !! what a conincidene ! we all so busy with our exiting careers we loose track of what we say yes to !!
also big news is that wonderful mr bob slayer has raised lots of moneys for his big briliant 5star blundabus ! o boy ,that very exiting , i am lookin forward to coming to say hallo and supportin live comedy and enjoyin soaking up the atmosphere ,hopefully the blundabus will travel far an wide and bring the spirit of edimbrugh wherever it goes !!
as always i will be givin out reviews to briliant 5star acts and goin to see as many things as i can ,please do let me kno if you want me to come to your briliant show !! 
now all that remain is to sit back ,start plannin and gettin ready for what will be best ever edimbrugh fringe of all time ,2015 !!!
love from fringe dog
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fringedog · 10 years
big blog catchup !!! sorry i have been very tired !!
hallo to you readers ,i am very sorry for not writing blog for ages ,i have been sleepy after seeing all the 5 star shows !! but i am wake now so i will do a round up of some of the shows i seen over last few days of edimbrugh !! first up is briliant luke mcqueen who is sureal genius man ,he done briliant cunning stunt which was nominated for malcolm hardee award ,where he done a frankie boyle tribute show ! and his show is very funny ,he said a briliant joke where he roll on the floor and pretend to be stunt man ! 5 stars to him . i also seen briliant nathan cassidy at counting house ,doin show about death .briliant 5 stars ! who else,let see ... o yes ! jess robinson doin amazing singin impressions including kate bush which was briliant ! yoko ono was bit scary but i forgive her ,5 stars . also 5 stars to amazin music man laurence owen who i also seen ,he done the best impresion of a disney princess ! it very funny and clever ,5 stars to him , and finaly briliant show from neon hearted very talented stephen bailey !! he done very moving and inspirational show about breaking up and getting over it ,it briliant ! best show about break ups on the fringe! very tired now but still goin to see shows this evening !! o boy i love edimbrugh !! love from fringe dog
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fringedog · 10 years
bit of strange one saved by 5 star james loveridge and jo burke !!
i had an intresting performance of lickin a bin today .it was on princes street near primark ,not realy fringe teritory so i should have known it would be tough ,o boy !! they were friendly audience generaly but mostly just smilers not laughers !! never mind ,on ward and up ward ! 5 stars to smiley audience . today i seen very lovely mr james loverage ,and also very lovely jo burke !! both briliant 5 star shows ! two of nicest shows at the edimbrugh fringe ! o boy they good ! love from fringe dog
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fringedog · 10 years
reviewin big boy mr richard herring and rubbberbandits !!
o boy ,i mostly have been supporting new up and coming comedians at edimbrugh ,but tonight i went to see richard herring do lord of the dance on a settee !! i was bit comfused because the big river dance section which was promised on flyer never hapened but it was still very nice show about not having a theme for show . 5 stars to mr richard king of edimbrugh !! before richard i saw briliant bag head men the rubber bandits ,they do singin hilarious songs about birds with learning difficulty ,and having black mans in a gang ,it very inspiring .they dance about very quick on their feet !! o boy i hope they do not sufocate from bag on head !! i learnt not to do that the hard way when performance of lickin a bin went wrong . got bag stuck on head in the midle of the north bridge ! it very embarasing !! love from fringe dog
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fringedog · 10 years
lickin a bin report and revew of kate lucas and dave green
so i performed very ambitous performance of lickin a bin today !! it was on top of arthur seat !! which is a big mountain named in tribute to edimbrugh fringe veteran arfur smith . it is very long way up ,i was so exhausted i could barely lick a bin !! unfortunately audience very low as nobody was up there realy ,not even barry ferns ,so it was bit of wasted journey !! still it beautiful to be able to see all of beautiful edimbrugh !! it made me happy after i licked a bin i seen briliant funny kate lucas doin dark but playfull songs at just the tonic ,with dead pan genius man dave green ! i have been big fan of her for long time ,especially funny song about trying to get rid of baby , and it my first time seeing him ,i would say it definitely 5 star show !! i also ate curry chip . love from fringe dog
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fringedog · 10 years
i seen a briliant shows !! again !
o boy ,another briliant character show i saw today ! i been to see madame magenta at vodo rooms , it was very psychic briliant ! she guess a ladys name using only brain power !! it very impresive ,5 stars to her for that alone !! also i seen amazin alex edelman at pleasants ,he is laid back new york young funny man ! ,it very genius and hilarious !! 5 stars to him . and also 5 stars to flyerer who gave me a sweet !! obviously i canot name the show as that could be construed as favoritsm ,but she is nice any way !!! love from fringe dog
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fringedog · 10 years
o boy i seen 2 very strange briliant acts !!
so now i have seen a couple of strange briliant funnys ,i dont really under stand what it was all about but o boy i liked it !! i been to see briliant life coach guru person called marijana ,it very inspiring ! i do not want to give it away but it full of amazin life hints and tips but also is very funny !! i am bit confused because it also say ' gabby best ' on poster ,i asume she is publicist for marijana ,so she is briliant too ! 5 stars to both of them !! also ,i seen a man called henry von stifle and his valet man spencer ,they do very intelectual show !! he has broken lots of world record and he is definitly worry seeing ! 5 stars too ! love from fringe dog
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fringedog · 10 years
what couple of days i have had !!!
o what a fun time !! yesterday i got review from fringe pig and i got 5 bones ,which is bit patronisin as it not working with standard pig rating system but it still great honor !! 5 stars to fringe pig cudly toy peoples . meanwhile up in edimbrugh i seen lots of briliant 5 star shows !! first up is mr joz norris who has made exelent confesional stand up show ,with fried egg in it ! then also briliant milo mccabe doing troy hawke character ,very funny man . i have been to see joe wells who has done a briliant show about how he hates conservatories ,dont realy know what they done wrong but it very good any way ! let see ,what next , o yes !! short and curly with briliant muder mystery show ! the butler has done it !! only joking i would not tell you who has done it and spoil surprise ! i also seen michael fabbri ,dane baptiste and harriet dyer , all of them totally amazing !!! 5 stars to every one in this blog ! love from fringe dog
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fringedog · 10 years
i have forgoten that there is lot of hills in edimbrugh !! I will be very healthy dog when fringe is over ! though i had some body give me a batered mars bars as payment for " lickin a bin " performed in bristo square today ,so maybe not !! 5 stars for batered mars bars . what have i seen ?today i notice that there is show in freestival cow gate head called " oh boy !" which is spelt wrong ,but very nice of them to pay tribute to me !! i am very pleased 5 stars to them . also i have seen damien clark walkin around today ,he does briliant bit about going to sleep on a pizza ,we all know what that feels like ,am i right peoples ??? listen to me ,havin a go at comedy !! i leave it to 5 star briliants like damien !! o boy ! love from fringe dog
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