free4fire · 7 years
Greetings, If anyone is interested, here’s a quick time lapse of me painting my latest “escalated warm up doodle"  :)
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free4fire · 7 years
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Greetings, here's another warm up doodle of mine.hope you like it. :)
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free4fire · 7 years
Greetings, If anyone is interested, here’s a quick time lapse of me painting my latest “escalated warm up doodle"  :)
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free4fire · 7 years
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Greetings everyone, here's another warm up doodle of mine and a contender for the most "escalated" one to date. ;p
Hope you like it. :)
Also if anyone's interested in commissioning me, more info can be found here: http://fav.me/dbafavz
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free4fire · 7 years
If anyone is interested, here's a quick time lapse of me painting my latest "escalated warm up doodle"  :)
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free4fire · 7 years
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Greetings, here's another warm up doodle of mine, guess this is what happens when I listen to Blind Guardian on repeat (no regrets). hope you like it.   :)
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free4fire · 7 years
If anyone is interested, here's a quick time lapse of me painting the commission I recently did called “katu: the tiniest hero”
Hope you enjoy it. :)
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free4fire · 7 years
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Greetings everyone, here's a commissioned painting I recently did for Laverkyn (username on DeviantArt), of her plushie "Katu"as little knight, taking on some giant monster Dark Souls style or Shadow of the Colossus or... I don't know, take your pick. Hope you enjoy it! :)
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free4fire · 7 years
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Greetings everyone, here's a fanart of Super Mario vs Mega Bowser.Hope you like it!  :)
Copyright disclaimer: Mario and Bowser are owned by Nintendo (I'm not selling anything here, please don't hurt/sue me) . 
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free4fire · 7 years
Greetings If anyone is interested, here’s a quick time lapse of me painting my latest “escalated warm up doodle”.  :)
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free4fire · 7 years
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Greetings, here's another quick warm up doodle of mine,hope you like it. :)
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free4fire · 7 years
Greetings, If anyone is interested here’s a time lapse video of me painting the illustration done for the TCG Phageborn.
Hope you like it! :)
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free4fire · 7 years
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Greetings everyone,
this piece is the second job I did for the online TGC Phageborn from Games Revolted.It's one of those fun cards that can either potentially completely ruin your opponents strategy ( or your own if it is used against you ) or it sits in your hand the whole time pf the match because you're waiting for the right moment and it never happendes...
I hope you like it.  :)
© 2017 Games Revolted, All rights reserved
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free4fire · 7 years
Greetings If anyone is interested, here's a quick time lapse of me painting my latest "escalated warm up doodle".  :)
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free4fire · 7 years
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Greetings, here's another warm up doodle of mine from a few weeks ago, featuring a sort of dragon family having dinner. hope you like it and happy holidays everyone. :)
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free4fire · 7 years
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Greetings, this is a piece I did for the TCG Hex Shards of Fate from Cryptozoic Entertainment.
Called “ Lumbering Gammadon“ for the "Dead of Winter" expansion.
Quite tricky to paint as I could only shade the skeleton using cross hatching, was still fun to work on though, especially the portal.Hope you guys like it.   Art Director: Tyler James © 2017 HEX Entertainment, All rights reserved                
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free4fire · 7 years
Greetings, If anyone is interested, here's a quick time lapse of me painting my latest "escalated warm up doodle" of the so called “wannabe protoss”. :)
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