Freak Plays Pokemon hacks
901 posts
And maybe do some more Nuzlockes, if I feel like doing one again.
Last active 2 hours ago
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freakplayspokemon · 3 years ago
it doesn't really let me progress to kiera? it says she should come but she never does after an in-game year where the teacher says that kiera should be coming soon?
That's probably an RPG Maker problem then since people were able to get through the game just fine. The RPG Maker is old and sometimes switches won't turn on or off but it's the only thing I can use for Pokemon Essentials. You could try asking about it through an RPG Maker XP forums but they'll just tell you to upgrade or try it again.
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freakplayspokemon · 3 years ago
Hi, do u have a walkthrough for pokemon accourt academy?
No, I do not. To get through the story I think you mostly just need to go to class and go to bed when you're told? It's been years since I've touched that game so I could be wrong.
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freakplayspokemon · 4 years ago
Showing this here too.
1997 Spaceworld Essentials map (V.19.1)
I’ve been kind of wanting to do this for a while but I didn’t want to cut time out of developing Everlasting Orchard, so I came up with a plan: make this whenever I’m high on Wellbutrin.
I was prescribed Wellbutrin partially so I could get over my COVID anxiety easier, and partially because of… Something that happened. It works but the side effects basically makes me useless for most things, like writing dialogue. I’m going to stop taking it as soon as I’m done with the bottle but I dunno when that’ll happen.
So because of that I’m sure there’s a lot of mistakes that I probably missed. I’m not fixing them. This is a map for free use for other fan Pokemon game devs, so they can fix them. I also didn’t add any graphics to this, so all of the trees are trees found in FRLG. Again, the actual dev using this can do that.
Basically if somebody tries to tell me that there’s a problem with the map, my reaction will be “Oh, really? Whoops. LOL.”
I kind of filled the first town with people, but I think I mostly complained about Konami since the first town is “Silent Hills.” In fact, I think that’s why I wanted to fill the first town. I also added the Essentials default’s Casino and Department store to Kanto.
This is based on this map from TCRF.
I will be adding this to my “other games.” I dunno if I’ll advertise this beyond Tumblr. Maybe Reddit.
Also, I left myself this note:
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freakplayspokemon · 6 years ago
Unown-theory inspired fan game... Idea.
Sooo I wanted to make a game out of the theory where the Unowns are based on the unknown victims of the Nuclear Bomb in Hiroshima. I had an idea but it was a little idea and I couldn’t expand it. I have some ideas but I think I’d rather wait at least until next year to try those ideas.
I did still make something, (though unfinished,) with the one idea that I had before I realized how bland it is alone. Oh well. Maybe next year.
Happy Halloween!
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freakplayspokemon · 7 years ago
So I made a blog for this game. It took me a while to make it because I didn’t know what to title the game. But now I have it!
Harvest Moon (or Stardew)-like Pokemon game?
I decided that I’m doing this rather the government takes my open internet away to the point where it’s basically unusable or not since my fiance showed a great interest in what I described to him. Of course, this wouldn’t play like a Harvest Moon game. It would play like a Pokemon game. (The concept would be similar though which is why I’m making the comparison) The idea of a casual dating sim Pokemon game is still fun though. (I already started on the graphics because I’m still going to be making this.)
At this point, I think I want to start development of this game since Accourt Academy’s story is done, and there hasn’t been any bugs reported for a while.
If this post does fairly well (in favorites or people flat out saying “I want this”) I’ll probably just make a separate Tumblr account for this game.
So while I was making Accourt Academy my fiance downloaded Stardew Valley for the PS4 and started playing it like his life depended on it. And then I remember a post on here that I read a while ago asking for a Harvest Moon-like Pokemon game. And then I was up all night thinking about a Pokemon game that’s like Harvest Moon. I seriously couldn’t sleep because my mind was reeling with ideas.
It would be really different from Distrust, Sanguine, and even Accourt Academy, which is suppose to start out as a casual Pokemon school game where you can date people. Start out. This one would be completely casual if you want it to be, and no teenagers murdering each other. (And I don’t think I’m going to have the date-able people have horrid backstories in this.)
Also, I wouldn’t have some collect-a-thon task thing before you can get married. I was always pretty annoyed by those when Harvest Moon started doing them. So instead I’ll just have marriage be a thing you have to work towards emotionally, instead of having it be a tedious chore.
The development would start a bit slow for a few months for… Reasons. =3
The goal here, instead of progressing through a story, is to… Do whatever. You wanna get married? Great! You wanna become a millionaire? Good luck! Wanna become champion? I’ll root for you! Wanna do all of these things and more? 100% possible!
Oh, and one more thing: I have no doubt in my mind that I’ll get tired of making this at most rated T game (if it were to have a rating) so I would probably start making something else on the side, but that’s nothing anybody has to worry about until I’m done with either this or that… If I know what “that” is eventually.
At this point I already got at 100+ hours into Stardew Valley. Any bold - are ideas that I either took from or was inspired by Stardew in one way or another.
Ideas so far:
-Instead of veggies, you would be in charge of a berry farm. (Since that’s already a canon thing that has a code, so I don’t have to make a new one.)
-Eleven bachelor/ettes. Probably 5 girls and 6 guys. (Eleven so nobody is alone in the end.) All bisexual so you it won’t matter what gender you are… Because I hate myself apparently. (It would mean twice the work for me.)
-“Rivals,” as in you can walk into an event between two people… Probably three times before they get married. (It would probably be easy to avoid though.)
-House upgrades
-Town upgrades. Like, if you do so much, or donate enough money, or whatever, abandoned buildings will be filled with.. I dunno, EV training building, TM/HM buying building? Stones? …Things like that?
-Pokemon that can help you on your land by giving you stuff. (Like Miltank giving you Moo Moo Milk.) And instead of a bike, you would ride a Pokemon maybe. (Taurus)
-Gyms and an Elite 4 that aren’t technically required, but you can’t use certain HMs without the badges. The gyms and Elite 4 are probably going to be run by Accourt/Distrust/Sanguine characters so I can just reuse assets instead of making new ones. (They would probably have slightly different personalities. Think “Accourt Academy AU where shit doesn’t hit the fan.” Maybe I’ll make this the “Not Mega Stone universe.)
(The marriageable characters would be 100% new, though. I already have designs thought up for them.) (Also, it’s possible that I’ll reuse adult characters from Accourt Academy for smaller roles. It would take forever for me to make this if I don’t.)
-Probably two islands to go to. One with nine cities, including the one connected to your berry farm, and one that has a city. Or maybe one big one with a bunch of little towns and then one maybe medium size with just one huge town. Ooor One small island with your farm and the “main” town, and then one big island with the rest of the cities… I’ll decide later.
-Babuus, of course… Maybe up to two? Maybe the possibility of having twins? Who knows? ‘Probably will have them grow into adults, maybe… Possibly… At least kids. Probably teenagers. I’ll try to find a way to name both of them, but it’s possible that you would only be able to name one of them, and the other your spouse will name. (Maybe they’ll give you a choice of three or four names to choose from.) (Of course you can just adopt one, or have one out of surrogate if you choose to marry someone as the same gender as you are.) 
-Also other married couples can have babuus too. And will. They’ll probably look pretty similar to each other, at least to start. (Less sprite work for me.)
-Two starters, technically. Like, you would have one Pokemon already (I’m thinking Tauros, so you can have your “bike” Pokemon immediately. Also I wouldn’t have to change the Pokemon since it never evolves) and an “everybody who lives in this town/island has one of these Pokemon” Pokemon. 
–What would they be? The BETA Pokemon Gold Starters! I’ve been “revamping” some of the BETA sprites to look more like they belong in gen 3 and/or beyond. (Well, I’ve been doing my best anyway) and I really want to have the “starter” Pokemon the BETA starters. (I dunno if I want to make Chikorita look like the BETA art work since they changed it to how it is now in the demo anyway.)
—Wild revamp BETA Pokemon, just because I can. Though I think I’m going to at least start with only the cut Pokemon, but in the future I may decide to replace the final sprites with revamped BETA sprites, just because.
-Instead of just giving people gifts to make them like you like in Harvest Moon, you have to actually talk to them and say the right things if they ask you a question. Kind of like a typical Newgrounds dating sim game, but without the porn.
—Which means that you would have to have them like you so much before they’ll go on a date with you. (They’ll probably ask you to go on the date so you don’t have to worry about timing it just right before asking them.)
-I think I want to add a cave where you can either find rarer and rarer things the deeper you go, or rarer and more powerful Pokemon the deeper you go. (This will also probably be the place where you can dig for fossils and what-not.) Or both.
-I’ll most likely keep the player silent. In AADS I’m trying to tell a story with characters. In this though it’s supposed to be whatever you choose to do, so I want it to feel more immersive by uh… Not assigning a personality to your character. Of course this means awkward “Oh so you’re \PN and you moved here from blah blah blah” dialogue, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take! (\PN is the placeholder for the character’s name in the game.) 
-Portraits… I mean this is a dating sim game after all. You’d probably want to know how the person looks.
-Holidays, of course. It would be too monotonous without them. 
—Though I would only have one Valentine’s day instead of two to make it easier on me. In Harvest Moon… And Japan, they have both “White Day” as well as “Valentines Day.” One day is for men to give chocolate to women, and the other is for women to give chocolate to men. Also, this will make it easier for people to get/give gifts to the same gender. If I had both “White” and “Valentines” day, and you were to choose to date a person of the same gender, you would be excluded from one of the two days, rather it’s gift giving or receiving.
-Polygamy, but only up to two spouses. Half of the fun of dating sims I think is finding the person who you want to be with. It wouldn’t be that fun if you could just marry everybody in the same file. Buuuut I had this moment when I thought “damn. I really wish I could marry both Leah and Elliot in the same file without having to get a divorce.” So… That.
–I would want to have you have to get the two to like each other enough for that first, I think. How would depend on the couple. If they don’t like each other, you would have to work harder than if the two do like each other quite a bit.
-28 days in a month. I wondered why that’s the case in Stardew before realizing that it was so the weekdays can just recycle and not have to be in an infinite loop. The “1st″ is always a Monday, and the “28th” is always a Sunday.
“Maybe” section
Technically all of the ideas are “maybe” idea right now. (Besides the main ideas.) These are just more “maybe” than the others.
-I’d like to have character customization, but I think I can only go up to eight different playable characters, so it would have to be very limited.
–I think I would have the player customize their character from inside of their room so they can go back and change their looks if they change their mind. Also because I may want to add some things midway through development. This way you wouldn’t have to destroy your file just to look different. Also this would be one of the last things I put into the game. Or middle, or… Just not one of the first.
-Replaced Potions and other medicine with food at an inflated price. But food that you can make. Like, say Oran Berry juice would be… 2,000 bucks or so, OR you can make some with 20 Oran Berries.
-Gifts. It may become way too tedious or even impossible for me to try to implement gift giving, unless I really limit it. Though I will most likely give you the opportunity to give one of four-or-so gift on a date. And I’ll probably (most likely) make it possible for you to give roses and/or chocolates on Valentines Day. 
-Weekdays. The calendar will have months. How many months? I dunno. In Harvest Moon it’s four, one for each season, so probably four. But I can’t actually think of how having week days would be annoying. I could have certain small events on certain days of the week. (Like a traveling sales person.) But I could just as easily make those same events a month thing… I’m not making any sense. (Each month will have thirty days.)
-Maybe a “pet” Pokemon or two? (Meowth, Growlithe, Chatot… One of those.)
-More than two files? Pokemon Insurgence was able to do this so it would be nice if I could in a game like this. I can at least show you how to save save files into a different folder, maybe.
Things I (probably) won’t do.
-Roaming NPCs. I don’t think I can do this for reasons that you kind of need one of the RPG Makers to understand. I can’t have the NPCs walking around like in a Harvest Moon game. (Or Majora’s Mask, or Yandere Sim I guess.) I can, however, have them go to different areas depending on the time of day, so expect people to disappear suddenly during different times of the day. I guess there is a way to program a path finding script in RPG Maker XP, but hell if I can actually figure it out.
-An in-game clock, since the maker (or Essentials) makes the game automatically work on your computer’s clock.
–I WILL make sure that the day “resets” whenever you sleep, meaning that you don’t have to literally wait days for berries, or to talk to somebody. There won’t be a clock but there will be “days” that you can move forward by “sleeping.” It’s kind of confusing, but this way nobody will have to feel obligated to go back home whenever the actual clock strikes a certain time. This game will have like, at least nine different cities, so it would be pretty annoying both ways if you were forced to go back home.
—Closing hours. Because the clock would just be your own clock, it wouldn’t be very fair for night owls to play this only to have the stores closed. The people running the stores will just be generic NPCs. I may have some eligible bachelor/lettes ���working” part time though.
-Seasons. It would be really annoying to try to do different seasons, if not impossible. I’ll have to just make this a “tropical, never not summer” island.
–I could possibly have a winter though.
-Divorce. Or if I do, it would be at the end of development as though it’s an afterthought. (It would make for interesting dialogue if you have at least one child.)
-Different farm types. I think I’ll instead just make thee farm have everything on it, or close by it. (Like a pond for fishing, the ocean to the south of it, a forest to the west of it, et cetera.)
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freakplayspokemon · 7 years ago
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Also I still don’t have a name for this game yet. I’m having fun though despite having no idea how the hell cities are designed.
(That Gym is supposed to be like that.)
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freakplayspokemon · 7 years ago
Harvest Moon (or Stardew)-like Pokemon game?
I decided that I’m doing this rather the government takes my open internet away to the point where it’s basically unusable or not since my fiance showed a great interest in what I described to him. Of course, this wouldn’t play like a Harvest Moon game. It would play like a Pokemon game. (The concept would be similar though which is why I’m making the comparison) The idea of a casual dating sim Pokemon game is still fun though. (I already started on the graphics because I’m still going to be making this.)
At this point, I think I want to start development of this game since Accourt Academy’s story is done, and there hasn’t been any bugs reported for a while.
If this post does fairly well (in favorites or people flat out saying “I want this”) I’ll probably just make a separate Tumblr account for this game.
So while I was making Accourt Academy my fiance downloaded Stardew Valley for the PS4 and started playing it like his life depended on it. And then I remember a post on here that I read a while ago asking for a Harvest Moon-like Pokemon game. And then I was up all night thinking about a Pokemon game that’s like Harvest Moon. I seriously couldn’t sleep because my mind was reeling with ideas.
It would be really different from Distrust, Sanguine, and even Accourt Academy, which is suppose to start out as a casual Pokemon school game where you can date people. Start out. This one would be completely casual if you want it to be, and no teenagers murdering each other. (And I don’t think I’m going to have the date-able people have horrid backstories in this.)
Also, I wouldn’t have some collect-a-thon task thing before you can get married. I was always pretty annoyed by those when Harvest Moon started doing them. So instead I’ll just have marriage be a thing you have to work towards emotionally, instead of having it be a tedious chore.
The development would start a bit slow for a few months for... Reasons. =3
The goal here, instead of progressing through a story, is to... Do whatever. You wanna get married? Great! You wanna become a millionaire? Good luck! Wanna become champion? I’ll root for you! Wanna do all of these things and more? 100% possible!
Oh, and one more thing: I have no doubt in my mind that I’ll get tired of making this at most rated T game (if it were to have a rating) so I would probably start making something else on the side, but that’s nothing anybody has to worry about until I’m done with either this or that... If I know what “that” is eventually.
At this point I already got at 100+ hours into Stardew Valley. Any bold - are ideas that I either took from or was inspired by Stardew in one way or another.
Ideas so far:
-Instead of veggies, you would be in charge of a berry farm. (Since that’s already a canon thing that has a code, so I don’t have to make a new one.)
-Eleven bachelor/ettes. Probably 5 girls and 6 guys. (Eleven so nobody is alone in the end.) All bisexual so you it won’t matter what gender you are... Because I hate myself apparently. (It would mean twice the work for me.)
-“Rivals,” as in you can walk into an event between two people... Probably three times before they get married. (It would probably be easy to avoid though.)
-House upgrades
-Town upgrades. Like, if you do so much, or donate enough money, or whatever, abandoned buildings will be filled with.. I dunno, EV training building, TM/HM buying building? Stones? ...Things like that?
-Pokemon that can help you on your land by giving you stuff. (Like Miltank giving you Moo Moo Milk.) And instead of a bike, you would ride a Pokemon maybe. (Taurus)
-Gyms and an Elite 4 that aren’t technically required, but you can’t use certain HMs without the badges. The gyms and Elite 4 are probably going to be run by Accourt/Distrust/Sanguine characters so I can just reuse assets instead of making new ones. (They would probably have slightly different personalities. Think “Accourt Academy AU where shit doesn’t hit the fan.” Maybe I’ll make this the “Not Mega Stone universe.)
(The marriageable characters would be 100% new, though. I already have designs thought up for them.) (Also, it’s possible that I’ll reuse adult characters from Accourt Academy for smaller roles. It would take forever for me to make this if I don’t.)
-Probably two islands to go to. One with nine cities, including the one connected to your berry farm, and one that has a city. Or maybe one big one with a bunch of little towns and then one maybe medium size with just one huge town. Ooor One small island with your farm and the “main” town, and then one big island with the rest of the cities... I’ll decide later.
-Babuus, of course... Maybe up to two? Maybe the possibility of having twins? Who knows? ‘Probably will have them grow into adults, maybe... Possibly... At least kids. Probably teenagers. I’ll try to find a way to name both of them, but it’s possible that you would only be able to name one of them, and the other your spouse will name. (Maybe they’ll give you a choice of three or four names to choose from.) (Of course you can just adopt one, or have one out of surrogate if you choose to marry someone as the same gender as you are.) 
-Also other married couples can have babuus too. And will. They’ll probably look pretty similar to each other, at least to start. (Less sprite work for me.)
-Two starters, technically. Like, you would have one Pokemon already (I’m thinking Tauros, so you can have your “bike” Pokemon immediately. Also I wouldn’t have to change the Pokemon since it never evolves) and an “everybody who lives in this town/island has one of these Pokemon” Pokemon. 
--What would they be? The BETA Pokemon Gold Starters! I’ve been “revamping” some of the BETA sprites to look more like they belong in gen 3 and/or beyond. (Well, I’ve been doing my best anyway) and I really want to have the “starter” Pokemon the BETA starters. (I dunno if I want to make Chikorita look like the BETA art work since they changed it to how it is now in the demo anyway.)
---Wild revamp BETA Pokemon, just because I can. Though I think I’m going to at least start with only the cut Pokemon, but in the future I may decide to replace the final sprites with revamped BETA sprites, just because.
-Instead of just giving people gifts to make them like you like in Harvest Moon, you have to actually talk to them and say the right things if they ask you a question. Kind of like a typical Newgrounds dating sim game, but without the porn.
---Which means that you would have to have them like you so much before they’ll go on a date with you. (They’ll probably ask you to go on the date so you don’t have to worry about timing it just right before asking them.)
-I think I want to add a cave where you can either find rarer and rarer things the deeper you go, or rarer and more powerful Pokemon the deeper you go. (This will also probably be the place where you can dig for fossils and what-not.) Or both.
-I’ll most likely keep the player silent. In AADS I’m trying to tell a story with characters. In this though it’s supposed to be whatever you choose to do, so I want it to feel more immersive by uh... Not assigning a personality to your character. Of course this means awkward “Oh so you’re \PN and you moved here from blah blah blah” dialogue, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take! (\PN is the placeholder for the character’s name in the game.) 
-Portraits... I mean this is a dating sim game after all. You’d probably want to know how the person looks.
-Holidays, of course. It would be too monotonous without them. 
---Though I would only have one Valentine’s day instead of two to make it easier on me. In Harvest Moon... And Japan, they have both “White Day” as well as “Valentines Day.” One day is for men to give chocolate to women, and the other is for women to give chocolate to men. Also, this will make it easier for people to get/give gifts to the same gender. If I had both “White” and “Valentines” day, and you were to choose to date a person of the same gender, you would be excluded from one of the two days, rather it’s gift giving or receiving.
-Polygamy, but only up to two spouses. Half of the fun of dating sims I think is finding the person who you want to be with. It wouldn’t be that fun if you could just marry everybody in the same file. Buuuut I had this moment when I thought “damn. I really wish I could marry both Leah and Elliot in the same file without having to get a divorce.” So... That.
--I would want to have you have to get the two to like each other enough for that first, I think. How would depend on the couple. If they don’t like each other, you would have to work harder than if the two do like each other quite a bit.
-28 days in a month. I wondered why that’s the case in Stardew before realizing that it was so the weekdays can just recycle and not have to be in an infinite loop. The “1st″ is always a Monday, and the “28th” is always a Sunday.
“Maybe” section
Technically all of the ideas are “maybe” idea right now. (Besides the main ideas.) These are just more “maybe” than the others.
-I’d like to have character customization, but I think I can only go up to eight different playable characters, so it would have to be very limited.
--I think I would have the player customize their character from inside of their room so they can go back and change their looks if they change their mind. Also because I may want to add some things midway through development. This way you wouldn’t have to destroy your file just to look different. Also this would be one of the last things I put into the game. Or middle, or... Just not one of the first.
-Replaced Potions and other medicine with food at an inflated price. But food that you can make. Like, say Oran Berry juice would be... 2,000 bucks or so, OR you can make some with 20 Oran Berries.
-Gifts. It may become way too tedious or even impossible for me to try to implement gift giving, unless I really limit it. Though I will most likely give you the opportunity to give one of four-or-so gift on a date. And I’ll probably (most likely) make it possible for you to give roses and/or chocolates on Valentines Day. 
-Weekdays. The calendar will have months. How many months? I dunno. In Harvest Moon it’s four, one for each season, so probably four. But I can’t actually think of how having week days would be annoying. I could have certain small events on certain days of the week. (Like a traveling sales person.) But I could just as easily make those same events a month thing... I’m not making any sense. (Each month will have thirty days.)
-Maybe a “pet” Pokemon or two? (Meowth, Growlithe, Chatot... One of those.)
-More than two files? Pokemon Insurgence was able to do this so it would be nice if I could in a game like this. I can at least show you how to save save files into a different folder, maybe.
Things I (probably) won’t do.
-Roaming NPCs. I don’t think I can do this for reasons that you kind of need one of the RPG Makers to understand. I can’t have the NPCs walking around like in a Harvest Moon game. (Or Majora’s Mask, or Yandere Sim I guess.) I can, however, have them go to different areas depending on the time of day, so expect people to disappear suddenly during different times of the day. I guess there is a way to program a path finding script in RPG Maker XP, but hell if I can actually figure it out.
-An in-game clock, since the maker (or Essentials) makes the game automatically work on your computer’s clock.
--I WILL make sure that the day “resets” whenever you sleep, meaning that you don’t have to literally wait days for berries, or to talk to somebody. There won’t be a clock but there will be “days” that you can move forward by “sleeping.” It’s kind of confusing, but this way nobody will have to feel obligated to go back home whenever the actual clock strikes a certain time. This game will have like, at least nine different cities, so it would be pretty annoying both ways if you were forced to go back home.
---Closing hours. Because the clock would just be your own clock, it wouldn’t be very fair for night owls to play this only to have the stores closed. The people running the stores will just be generic NPCs. I may have some eligible bachelor/lettes “working” part time though.
-Seasons. It would be really annoying to try to do different seasons, if not impossible. I’ll have to just make this a “tropical, never not summer” island.
--I could possibly have a winter though.
-Divorce. Or if I do, it would be at the end of development as though it’s an afterthought. (It would make for interesting dialogue if you have at least one child.)
-Different farm types. I think I’ll instead just make thee farm have everything on it, or close by it. (Like a pond for fishing, the ocean to the south of it, a forest to the west of it, et cetera.)
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freakplayspokemon · 7 years ago
There’s (one?) more
So I was thinking “can I evolve a Pokemon in this demo?” and as I was looking for a Caterpie I realized what I did wrong for the battling debug.
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Let’s see what this thing does!
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It transforms...
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Here are the stats. I should’ve done LV 50 or 100 but... Whatever.
Qwilfish evo seems to just be what was later Lanturn, but with pin needle. I suppose they had a hard time choosing two types for him so they just scrapped him and made Chinchou and Lanturn instead. The scrapped babies and evolutions just acts like their evo/prevo.
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This... Thing (I’m callin’ it “Carvanha”) has Double Kick? With what feet? It also has Leer, something I can’t detect... Detect? Recognize? I dunno. I took an allergy pill so I’m tired. It also has Waterfall.
Let’s try Not Sharpedo with the chain and anchor spine... It has the same move pool.
Let’s try Not Eelektross... Which has the same moveset for some reason. Is it connected to the other two?
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These... Things, has Waterfall for some reason. (As you can see.) Some generic move (Pound?) Growl, and a stat lowering move that looks like this,
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Wait, is that Sand Attack? I think it’s Sand Attack now that I can actually see it. Now for the bell kitty.
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DAH FUCK IS THAT?! IT CONFUSES IT... SO THIS IS SWEET KISS? Why did they change it from sexy angel lady to chibi angel? Is it not religious symbolism if it’s chibi? 
It also has Scratch and something I can’t seem to get to work. If I could understand it I could know how to get it to work. There is a move called “Synchro” that was cut and then used as an Ability in gen 3, and the description describes “Split Pain,” but it doesn’t exactly match the name. (Closest thing though.)
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I don’t think that’s the character... I can’t find the “x” character to copy anywhere though. That’s the closest thing.
Tentaquil acts like a normal Tentaquil. (It’s a Politoad but whatever.)
The shell off of Slowking acts like a normal Cloyster.
The fire seal has Water Gun, some basic status move I can’t recognize, Fire Blast (I think) and that... Barrage, I think? It’s the move where the Pokemon throws bombs (or something like bombs) multiple times in one turn. I can’t tell what types he is, but my best guess is water/fire, which would’ve made him the first. He’s cool, if not a bit OP. I would’ve loved to use it in the final games!
The thunder tiger has Quick Attack, Bite, Leer, and some move I can’t get to work for a reason I can’t tell.
The voodoo doll is a ghost... Okay that’s pretty obvious. It has Destiny Bond, and a move that doesn’t seem to work. Wobbuffet isn’t in this demo. Jumping to conclusions here- the voodoo doll was Wobbuffet before they decided to change things for... Probably because of how creepy it is. I think it also has “Spite,” but that was the double the Grim Reaper sprite seen above so I don’t know. Aaand Night Shade.
And it’s Jiangshi (hopping vampire) evolution has “Bounce.” The Cutting Room Floor says that it’s basically just Splash but the characters はねる matches the one in the move set.
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The fact that they had this move later on is really cool! It also has some kind of punch. No Leech Seed? Nothing that gives it HP after doing damage? But it’s a vampire!
Aaah whatever game.
The thing that took the skin of an unknown Pokemon has uh...
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Is this supposed to be “Protect”? Venusaur couldn’t hit it so I guess so? I can see why they changed the looks of it in the final game.
If only there was a way to test out all of the moves and see what they looked like before. It would also be cool if I could see the PBS Pokemon file so I can see how Pokemon evolved if it was any different.
I think it’s evolution has Ice Beam... Was this supposed to be Snorunt and Glalie? Snorunt always looked cold despite being an ice type, and it also looks like it has a coat on.
Leafeon just plays like a Leafeon. There wasn’t really a reason to cut and skip it for two generations.
Let’s see what happens when I try to use “252″ (egg, I think) and “252″ (I have no idea.)
...So I can’t use 252.
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Y’know how MissingNo. was something to prevent some kind of “empty” glitch or whatever? (I do not remember the details and I don’t care enough to look it up righ tnow.) I’m assuming this is exactly that. It has the same moveset of Leafeon.
Is there anything else? The intro’s different but I can’t record it so... Fuck. If I knew how to get into the files I could see everything, but I can’t.
Here’s hoping that there’s a translation of the new Satoshi Taijiri manga, rather it be official or fan! (I will buy it if it becomes official and shipped in the west, hint hint.)
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freakplayspokemon · 7 years ago
Looking at cut sprites (and fangirling over some of them)
 I can see if there’s any unused overworld sprites.
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What in the hell?
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Oh wait.
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Who’s the first... Wait...
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OH MY GOD! ...What would they do with an imposter Oak?
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I don’t recognize this one, and it doesn’t have a walk cycle. (You can push any arrow key to see the walk cycle.) In fact, it’s sharing a sprite sheet with another sprite.
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That’s the one!
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I cannot tell who this is supposed to be.
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What the fuck? What were they planning for this game?!
And I think that’s about it. Well, all that I haven’t found in the game itself anyway.
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Wait what?
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It’s following me!
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Well, I found out how to use the skateboard, and I think I know why it was cut!
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Wow! This is different! Wait...
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I can’t tune it myself, and it seems like they shoved whatever in the folder just to test it out because it only plays the usual Route music, the battle theme, the town theme, and the bike theme.
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Okay then?
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This game had Poker?!
Poker...mon... Yeah okay I can’t really blame them.
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Wait what is this? Is this a memory matching game? Why did they remove this?
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They didn’t have enough icons I guess.
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And slots.
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What is this? I can select the items in the room but I can’t understand what it says when I do.
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I’m following some text... I guess they did this to see if the player can jump while following an NPC?
What else is there?
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A slide puzzle? ...One that’s backwards in control.
There’s one more mini game that didn’t make it.
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Is this Picross? Okay considering how they made a free version twenty years later... Is this the first time they did this? They obviously love doing this, so again, why did they cut this?
...I don’t feel like doing this right now.
Oh hey! A full Pokedex! Finally!
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This is between Chikorita and Meganium... WHAT IS THIS?! Chikorita and Meganium looks just fine!
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I knew it!
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This thing.
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This looks like what Dratini should’ve really evolved into.
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Oh! This one is cooler than the final design, I think.
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Noctowl got in shape in time for the final game.
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Wait what?! Then what’s in Vulpix’s spot?!
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Is that a baby? Was there going to be a baby Vulpix? It’s so cute! Why remove that?!
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What... Is this baby Tangela?
...I suppose this answers “what’s under those vines” question.
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Is this Tangrowth?! They were going to have an evolution for Tangela since second gen?! That’s awesome!
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What in the hell? It kind of looks like Togekiss but Togepi and Togetic didn’t come before it. Also the back doesn’t resemble anything I remember.
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This came right after Qwilfish, which makes sense. Too bad they cut this. Qwilfish could use an evolution. Is that a lightning bolt on it’s head?
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Is this early Pichu? It’s so CUTE!
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Early Cleffa
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Early Igglybuff
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This Pokemon literally does have eyes on it’s back! I’msorry.
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Baby Goldeen... That looks like a tiny Seaking for some reason?
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Oh! This is the early Marill that made everybody think Pikachu was getting a water typing for some reason!
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Is... Is that half of a shark with a chain and anchor for a spine?!
I’ll just say that this is early Sharpedo because this probably inspired it anyway.
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Inspiration for Eelektross? I like to think so.
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Baby Paras? This wouldn’t make much sense considering, though. It’s being more eaten than Paras is!
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Early Ariados is scary!
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I saw this earlier on a Tweet. It’s a (steel?) Ditto evolution? Why... What would... What?
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Is this supposed to be baby Doduo? It’s cute, but... What... Wait... 3 2 3?!
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What is this supposed to be? And why?
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D’AW! Baby Meowth!
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Wait, then what is... Wait, I’ve seen something like this before.
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Huh. Just huh.
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So cute! My best guess is that they were based on Lucky Cat.
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Wait, I know exactly what this is. This is obviously a
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Ah yes. My favorite.
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This came after Ledyba. Ledian makes more sense as an evolution.
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Baby Ponyta?
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They were going to make Slowking’s shell it’s own Pokemon?
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Baby Grimer? It’s cute.
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Cute. Was this Tyrogue?
Wait, then
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C-CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE! Baby Growlithe! (Probably) <3
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Skiploom (I skipped Hoppip since I saw that earlier.)
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And Jumpluff!
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Early Elekid looks... Interesting.
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Wait, it’s probably an alternate evolution of Bellsprout, since it came right after Bellossom, an alternative evolution to Oddish.
Are those banana legs?!
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Fire seal. I’ll call it... Popplitten.
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Look at his hat!
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I don’t know what this is exactly, but it’s so fucking cute that I don’t care.
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Oh my!
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Farfetch’d was gonna have an evolution, and they cut it? But there was a part where Farfetch’d was important to the story! This would’ve been perfect!
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What the fuuuuuuck
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Oh this is cute! Wait... I get it now... Sort of.
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Early Blissey? It’s adorable!
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...Okay, so either
1. They were going to give Pinsir an evolution with a fucking creepy face! (They did give him a Mega evolution eventually though, so cool!)
2. Heracross?! Where’s your face?!
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Cu... Is that a suit? Is this kind of like Mimikyu?
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This looks like Shiftry, maybe... Are those Sneasel claws?
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Cute! Is it a robot?
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...So Whiscash and Lickilicky had a baby
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Zebriska three gens early?!
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Arca... No... Huh.
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Nope. ‘Not gonna say it.
...Wait, was the last three supposed to be the dog trio? Holy fuck they look so different! That’s so COOL!
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Early Ho-Oh looks kick-ass! Why did they waste their time respriting it?
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Very early Aipom? Wow! Cool!
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I think that’s all there is. How the hell can the debug be so fucking different from the end project?!
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freakplayspokemon · 7 years ago
Teleporting to the rest
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Okay so this is making me think that maybe this is Olivine?
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Oh, it’s an Aquarium. Which makes me question some things... I like that statue though.
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Is that a Squirtle?
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Well, getting here was easy- what the hell?!
The building’s just another school. They lied!
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Interesting... Partially because the city isn’t completely flooded somehow.
It’s nothing though. There’s nothing here.
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Dead trees and waving cacti that were cut! Also I don’t think that fence have been used.
I found another “league” that was just a school, but with stairs!
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Cool! I’m sure nothing will happen here!
I don’t think this resembles any gym in the final game. Maybe Pewter? I also think those statues are slightly different but I’m not sure.
I can’t leave. It literally just bounces me back when I try. I suppose this means that I have to warp back to “Font.”
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It’s a well. I don’t really have anything to stay about that.
There’s a route of dead trees to the right that lead me somewhere but now I don’t know where I am!
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You may be a completely different event from the first Rival, but I’m still not trusting you!
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I found what looks like the Cerulean gym, maybe!
I’ll go back to Birdon. Or I’ll just move on to
...I was just there from the route of dead trees. Oh well, there’s more to see, maybe.
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There’s this... Thing, that makes me go right. I dunno why.
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I found a Dojo with this... Thing on the wall. Shrine?
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Walking through walls got me to this place.
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It’s nothing.
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Early whirlpools?
It has three normal buildings, and uh...
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There’s also a cave... That does nothing.
“Blue Forest...” Is pretty boring.
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It has this green Gym.
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I’m guessing this was the... Thing... Okay so in the Japanese version of Pokemon Crystal there’s a special machine in Goldenrod’s Pokecenter that looks kind of like this that’s supposed to transfer you to your cellphone... Except we never got that ability so they just made that Pokecenter the same as every other Pokecenter.
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Another Radio Tower?
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This place has a “zoo” thing, much like Fuchsia!
“Kanto” Oh! I guess it was shoved in the game very early on!
It looks like a mix between all of the cities in Kanto.
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Like Celedon’s... This building thing!
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And Silph Co. as it was in the final game!
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And the Game Corner! The games don’t work.
There’s actually not a whole lot here. Or maybe I’m just going insane and I’m trying to rush along for reasons I can’t really tell!
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I can’t tell if this was removed or not. I suppose having palm trees in the “south” makes sense.
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These too.
“North...” Is basically the same thing but with snow and evergreen trees instead of palm.
“Route 15″ is just a route I already went through. It’s very small and there’s really nothing to it.
“Route 18″ is the same thing.
And the last one is “Silent Hills” again. #FuckKonami
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freakplayspokemon · 7 years ago
Continuing Spaceworld ‘97...
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Oh! This time I got Kurusu! (Cruz?) I guess it’s an RNG thing! (Unless talking to Silver triggered this. I doubt it though since I had to start over.)
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D’aw lookit him... It... There’s no gender. And also a cut design of gen 2 Caterpie! I don’t know why they did his sprite over again. This one’s pretty cute.
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Oh I guess “GATE” is where the demo ends, because Silver stops me anyway. Let’s see if I can get the Debug Menu to work.
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Uh... I guess I’ll just look at the Cutting Room floor?
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I think I’m picking my Pokemon? But uh... 253?
So not only do I not get it, because it’s not doing anything, but the sound is getting warped and I still can’t record it.
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So this is a second debug menu within a debug thing. I guess I can warp with the first option. Right now I’m in what is now Newbark Town. It was going to be called “Silent Hills” but the horror game “Silent Hill” came out almost a year before Pokemon Gold and Silver, so they had to rename the town.
There was also going to be a game called “Silent Hills” but Konami cancelled it and every future video game franchise they own with it (except for Castlevania, which lives on in Bloodstained. FUCK YOU KONAMI!) and I’m still very mad about it!
Anyway, “Old City” that seems to have Morty in it.
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Or is that Falkner? Or neither? I can’t tell... Is it nobody? Well, “old” has a school with a sprite that I don’t recognize.
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She turns to you but she doesn’t have anything to say.
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She kinda looks like a Kabuto or something.
Nobody seems to have anything to say. It’s almost like this was just a test to see if they’ll face you.
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Oh! I found... That guy! Kent? Uh... He hurts himself trying to save Slowpokes.
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Debugged gate! Woo!
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This is getting long, so “keep reading.”
Next is “West.” My best guess is Goldenrod, but that’s only going by the glass doors and the
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The Jopm is a Radio Tower, clearly!
Well, at least this confirms my guess.
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Hey Team Rocket is already here! With that girl again, who kind of looks like Blue.
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I suppose this is where you fight who will later be known as “Petrel.”
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What in the hell is going on in here?
That Pokeball does nothing, by the way.
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I found the Gym... Is that supposed to be Bugsy?
Nobody does anything. I suppose that makes sense considering that this is beyond the original demo. Still, aw man.
I found the “shopping mall” which does nothing. There’s not even an elevator, which is later crucial to the game’s story.
You know what’s getting on my nerves? Every place just has the same music! I can’t remember what it is exactly but it’s either from gen 1 or gen 2 and it’s driving me insane!
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I found a GATE that isn’t a jape but this grass is solid which is weird. I could just walk through them by holding “B” but the fact that it’s solid in the first place is weird.
Also, the music finally changed!
“Walk through wall” debug mode makes you as fast as you are on a bike for some reason.
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I walked into a town and I don’t know what it’s called but I found the two towers, so I suppose this would be Ecruteak.
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I found an egg in one of the buildings.
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Are those Growlithe statues?! Cute!
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What the fuck is going on in here? Is that statue supposed to be a bloated Pikachu?
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Tentacruel? These are cool! Why did they remove these statues?!
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Abra! And a kiln?
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I found Oak! He does nothing.
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What the fuck
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freakplayspokemon · 7 years ago
Spaceworld ‘97 demo woo!
It’s been a while since I’ve played a Pokemon game... Well, on here anyway. This thing is too cool NOT for me to play it though! Unfortunately the Game DVR thing that can record Yandere Sim, FireAlpaca and Paint just fine can’t record this for some reason! (Because FireAlpaca and Paint are totally games right?)
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...Why are the screenshots big? I made them small.
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Oh, now they’re small! I have a Chikorita. It doesn’t look any different. Dammit.
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...I’ll be sure to play this again when the English patch is up. At least then I will be able to understand the signs. They could just say something along the lines of “under construction” or whatever. Or it could’ve been before Iwata (Rest in peace) was able to shove the Kanto region in the game.
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Oh fuck yes! Uh, Chikorita? Your foot is kind of, um...
How do I debug this thing so I can have my Pokedex full?
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Err... Hoppip?
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I can’t seem to save or heal at the PC...
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I guess they put an event right here to teleport you to the next area? It would’ve been nice if there was any indicator of that.
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I finally got into a trainer battle and he sends out Bubi! (Magby)
So I found out that my Chikorita has Leech Seed (3), and it healed the Chikorita back to full health. But it didn’t take any HP away from Magby for the first turn. Now it’s working properly.
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Hey I found Silver! In front of the uh... Gate.
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He restarted my game. My game that I couldn’t save.
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freakplayspokemon · 7 years ago
place of all testers
Uh... Huh? I don’t understand...
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freakplayspokemon · 7 years ago
Of course I’m just linking that so you can get the details of the game. The version you probably want to play is this one-
For reasooons~!
The reasons are uncensored boobs. You can also see a bulge (kind of) if you play as a male. Iiiif you play the game right.
Edit: Somebody pointed an annoying glitch out to me. Instead of me uploading two downloads for the game every time, it would just be easier to download the pictures and insert them into the “Graphics/Pictures” file
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freakplayspokemon · 7 years ago
I have ten days just to finish the story of my game before the FCC screws everybody in America over, god dammit!
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freakplayspokemon · 7 years ago
Oh right um... Since I’m just working on finishing the story now, I doubt that I’ll be participating in any Screenshot Saturdays until I post the mostly finished game. (The game with the finished story but the lack of trainers and NPCs in general.)
Just because anything new I work on would be a major spoiler from this point until I finish the story.
0 notes
freakplayspokemon · 7 years ago
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Thank my fiance for saving my game!
You know what’s incredibly ironic? The game would be 100% gone forever if I didn’t release it early due to the fear of losing the internet thanks to Ajit Pai and the FCC.
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