frcst-bitten-blog · 8 years
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             The widow had missed the blonde. Krys was her family. She had few people in her life that she trusted like she did Krys, and all the rest of them were on her team. She had spent so much of her life alone. She had thought that was the only way for her to live. She had lived on the run never settling, never finding a home until she found her team. After that she would find one of the most important people she would ever meet, Krys Crock. 
              She knew that she needed someone that she could trust to have her back when she went into HYDRA and there were only three people in her life that were comfortable with her methods. She knew that Barnes and Clint would have her back, but she knew that she and Krys’ mind worked on very similar planes. That’s why she had wanted the very special cyokenetic to work with her, not to mention she wanted to spend more time with her daughter. 
              A smile creeped up the corners of her mouth at the blonde’s words her arms wrapped tightly around her. She missed having her around. The blonde kept her grounded, kept her human. “I am happy to see you.” She said taking a small step backwards reaching for the box set on the table. “I have a gift.” She held it out in front of her for the blonde to take. Inside it contain a suit a mixture between her own and Wanda’s. She had made sure the have shades of blue intertwined, and most importantly it had the avengers emblem on the shoulder. 
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              Her brows furrowed at that, eyes darting to the box the woman was holding, outstretched, taking it into her own hands and running a chilled finger over the top. “A gift, for me?” Certainly, the thought confused her, for Krys never thought she was deserving of anything, much less a gift from the woman she now considered her mother. Nonetheless it had her eyes alight with a certain gratitude, and the hint of a blush was ever prominent across her features as she slowly opened the lid.
              Inside was what appeared to be an article of clothing, which she then proceeded to unfold and hold out for icy hues to see. She recognized it almost right away, the suit so similar to that which the Romanoff, herself wore on her own missions, intertwined with another shade of blue she recognized from the Scarlet Witch herself and   ----   Completed only with the Avengers logo.
              That could only mean one thing, and it was something which had tears welling in her eyes, lower lip quivering. She let her body speak where words could not because, really, she was so touched she couldn’t fathom searching for the phrases that would do nothing to express the sheer amount of gratitude now brimming from within. So she hugged her again, this time even tighter still, saying nothing as she turned around, peeled off her clothes and tugged on the new outfit. For the first time in her life, Krystal Crock felt like a true superhero. “So -- How do I look?” Inquired she, turning back to face the redhead, a deep crimson blush on her cheeks. “Good enough to be Avenger material?” She chuckled then as though it was funny, trying to hide the overwhelming sensations she couldn’t seem to shake. “Thank you, Momma. So much. This -- This means everything to me. Really.”
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frcst-bitten-blog · 8 years
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              It had been quite some time since she’d last seen her adoptive mother    ---    Far too long, in fact. Krystal had never quite been one to find herself attached to much of ANYBODY but, as it stood, Natasha Romanoff had weaselled her way into the icy depths of the cryokinetic’s heart. So when the woman asked her to do much of anything, she said yes. Didn’t matter what it was.
              Especially not today, when they were planning a very intense mission. Something along the lines of infiltrating HYDRA   ---  Top secret, Krys didn’t know much of the details just yet because of that whole CLASSIFIED incident, but she was ready, dressed fully with the SHIELD ensemble she’d started sporting at times like these;; it made her feel completely empowered, and much like her adoptive mother, so it was with a giant smile across her features that she stepped through the threshold into the woman’s abode and threw her arms around her.
              “  Momma    ---    I’m sorry I haven’t called. Some stuff came up with my father, and I was busy. Really busy. But I’m here now and I’m SO excited to see you. And for today. And I just   ----    ”  She shut her mouth, realizing she was rambling, and then stepped back with a sheepish smile.  “I’m happy to see you. Really, really happy.”
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frcst-bitten-blog · 8 years
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The girl was startled for a moment, not having expected this display of affection from the other when she’d first spotted her in her doorway. Eventually the shapeshifter thawed and her arms moved to hug the other back, an amused smile pulling at her lips.
“Usually whenever someone knocks on my door it’s ‘cos of some kinda crisis. Especially in this place.” She smirked as she pulled away, moving to recover her hairbrush which she’d kicked under her bed earlier in the day. “’Scuse me for bein’ on guard about you just droppin’ by.” Lux teased over her shoulder before she found the brush and stood up, sitting on the end of her bed as she began to brush her hair.
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It was a nice surprise, Lux returning the hug. Neither of them were particularly affectionate people by any means, especially not with each other, so the change of pace was welcoming, in the least. “The only crisis I have is that I haven’t seen you in what feels like forever,” she snorted back, always opting to express her sentiments with sarcasm and dry humour. 
“Don’t worry, there’s no need to be on guard, I don’t want to kill you... Anymore.” She flashed a particularly cheesy grin before plopping down on the other’s bed, surveying the room. “At least it smells nice in here now, glad to see you took a shower after two months.” Another chuckle as she fished a canister of water from her rucksack and took a long swig. “But really, how was your break? Catch me up on everything.”
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frcst-bitten-blog · 8 years
the things you went through and i wish i could have been there for. if they weren’t sitting on a bike jessica would have hugged her again. it wasn’t— jessica had come a long way. she knew that. she knew she had changed for the better since she got away from hydra. since she had joined shield and then the avengers— but it wasn’t something she ever thought to be proud of. just making up for all the bad she had done in the past. and no one, (save like two people— carol being one), had ever told her they were proud of her for it. it was validating, in a way. though there was shame for having to be validated by her own kid.
(her kid. that felt right. odd— but right. krystal was hers now in every way but flesh and blood. she had confirmed it.)
“you don’t have to wish for anything. you’re here now. that’s what matters.” jessica’s tone was soft as she spoke. “and what’s this about the great krystal crock going to CLASS? did i hear that right?” she raised a brow, laughing again as she spoke.
really though. she was more proud of her than she could express. going to class. flourishing. krystal had come so far in such a small amount of time. it made jessica’s heart swell just thinking about it.
speaking of which— she could feel it tightening in pride and love as the girl spoke again. half the reason why she stayed. “well now you’re stuck. you have to come back for me from now on.” snorting as krys revved the engine, the woman tilted her head and looked over the parking lot before rolling her eyes. she moved to put her hands on the handlebars, next to krystal’s own.
“okay hot shot. let’s take it easy, anyway. show me what you’ve got.”
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“Don’t make a big deal about it, okay?!” Krys groaned in response, lolling her head back with exasperation. “You’ll embarrass me! Besides, I only go SOMETIMES.” It was an improvement, and they both knew it, but Krystal and Jessica alike were ones to cover feelings with sarcasm-laced words and playful insults, so she brushed off the pride she knew they were both feeling in order to focus on the task at hand.
So she’d never driven a motorcycle before... How hard could it be? By age 14 she’d learnt 8 different types of martial arts just by observing other people. She could HANDLE a motorcycle.
“I’ll always come back for you. You know that.”
It was all she said before tucking in the kickstand and starting the engine. It flared to life and she took a couple of moments to familiarize herself with the clutch and throttle, rolling back and forth on her heels until she was comfortable. Admittedly, she was nervous always wanting to impress Jessica to the best of her abilities, because it seemed, more often than not, that this woman caught glimpses of Krys in the most compromising of situations. 
Once the engine had warmed up enough she began trying out the gears. All the steps she’d learned from her father, who was more than adept at driving pretty much any motorized vehicle, but she’d ran away before she could learn to drive, herself. So she settled for experience by observation. Which wasn’t perfect, by any means. It took a couple of tries where the motorcycle would jerk forward, stall, or shut off of its own accord. But once she’d gotten started and had a feel for it, the entire scenario became much easier. Then it was like anything she’d seen before;; speeding up, slowing down, and turning all came much more naturally. After riding around the parking lot for a few minutes, she drove to the borders of Aeterno, gesturing to the paved road. 
“So, uh... Where am I going?”
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frcst-bitten-blog · 8 years
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“‘didn’t bat an eyelash’? i seem to remember classes stopping for the day,” kate snorted. in truth, she didn’t really remember much about that day, other than being completely enchanted by krys. she’d shown up to a completely new place and had won kate over immediately. she was still smitten, to be completely honest. kate didn’t know anyone else who could make her light up like krys could.
the thought made her blush, a reaction which only intensified as she felt krys’s cool arms snake around her waist. she leaned into the blonde with a satisfied sigh, turning her head so she could plant a small peck on her nose. “hmm, not just because people are pissing me off. it for made a good excuse to come up and see you though.” 
as if she needed an excuse. kate would do whatever it took to see krys if she wanted to. in her worst days, with everything they’d been through, kate always knew without a doubt that krys could make her herself again. she smiled turning to look at krys’s profile affectionately. she was so lucky, really, to have krys, and she knew it. 
“thank you,” she said simply, smiling at the blonde with unadulterated fondness. “for sticking around when everyone else left.”
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“Irrelevant details,” Krys offered in reply, giggling as she pressed her face into the Bishop’s hair. Her smell    ----     It was one of the most comforting sensations in the world, just being there with Kate, with her BEST FRIEND, it always brought about this reserve of happiness from within her, one she never before realized she had. In a way, then, Kate helped save her, helped make her a better version of herself. 
“You never need an excuse to come see me,” she hummed in reply, the softest hint of a smile tugging at the edges of cerise lips in response to the peck on her nose. It was welcomed, always welcomed, but a kiss on her lips would be welcomed even more, not that she’d say anything about it. Krys had to remind herself that the Bishop still struggled with certain aspects of her sexuality and had made the promise to never accidentally coerce her into anything she wasn’t ready for. 
No matter how much she wanted it. 
“There’s no need to thank me, and you know that. I’m just doing what I would’ve wanted someone to do for me.” And it was the truth, no matter how much she’d pushed people away, how horribly she treated the staff and students alike upon her arrival to Vindex just a year ago, certain people stayed. Despite everything, despite Krystal not even liking HERSELF. And she appreciated it, more than she could ever say. “I’m just trying to be good.”
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frcst-bitten-blog · 8 years
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he snorted. it was unbecoming but, he did it none the less. welcome party. if only. a jail cell and careful eyes watching him at all times wasn’t something he enjoyed after his months of freedom previously. at least he was allowed to return to aeterno— though if shield had tried to keep him imprisoned he would have escaped anyway. wouldn’t have returned to aeterno— but there were other things he could do. he had plans. 
“chat.” he echoed in deadpan, brows straight and face lacking any curiosity. sarcasm dripped from his every being. he knew better. the girl was playing with him and, as amusing as it was, he knew she’d let loose her true wants in a moment. and— ah. there it was. boredom.
he still knew better.
“bored? or do you need to satisfy a craving?” he raised a brow this time, leaning forward into his desk to rummage in a drawer. “behaved too nicely over break?” he fished out a small knife, glittering in the classroom light. he ran it over in his hands before tossing it towards the girl. “what, exactly, do you want to do?”
he’d be lying if he didn’t say he wanted to let loose some too. too much anger built up inside his chest. in his head. in his hands. days stuck at shield. separated from things and people that were his. he needed some relief.
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“I’m bored, honest ! I’m really just EXASPERATINGLY bo----” She was cut off by the projectile of a knife flung in her direction, which she caught between the tip of her index and middle fingers. It was pointed directly at her face, hand hovering mere inches from the tip of her nose. “-----red.   Nice try, by the way,” mumbled she under her breath. 
The Crock fixed her chilled, blue eyes on the man then, irises flickering in time with each of his own movements, pale lips separated to reveal the hint of an unbecoming snarl. “I didn’t come here to become a cold-blooded murderer again,” Krystal hissed, shaking her head, whipping the dagger back to the professor, expertly aimed to pierce the wall just above his head. A warning.
“But if you’re planning on going out...” Her body began morphing then, a veil of ice armour cloaking her frame, encompassing her flesh, covering all of her save for slits for her eyes, nose, and mouth. “I want to come. Though understand I won’t kill unless I HAVE to.” 
She darted towards his desk then, surprisingly agile given the weight of the armour she now bore, hoisting herself up and perching tauntingly on the wooded stature. It was a mistake coming here, she knew. Ward would only want one thing. But that meant he had cravings of his own, inner demons to cope with. So, logically, she’d be doing him a favour by accompanying him. And that justification, condoned by twisted rationalizations, was how she accepted her own decisions. Jessica and Natasha couldn’t be angered if she was just trying to HELP, right?  
The thought had her grin turning sadistic.
“But rest assured, YOU’RE more than welcome to do whatever you want.”
She could live vicariously through him, and that would be enough... 
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frcst-bitten-blog · 8 years
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the kiss was cold— little streaks of ice breaking off from contact— but jessica didn’t mind. it was a good feeling. the cold against her. the affection from her— her kid now. sure krys had hugged her before but— this was different. she was her’s now— it was different. “me?” the brunette scoffed, eyes red from tears she had shed. “who said i’m grown?” the jokes were back but, not as defense for once. the woman ducked her head down to touch the other’s forehead, breathing her in for a moment. “the only thing you should be proud of with me is yourself. i’m nothing compared to that, alright?” 
didn’t even know i wanted saving until i met you.
the words hit her hard, the drew frowning at the thought. she couldn’t imagine krys any other way now. sarcastic. fiery. a bright spot in her life. she didn’t believe the kid would have stayed the same cold, (pardon the pun), child she had been when jessica first met her. aeterno wouldn’t have let her. she knew she would have changed in some way.
but the fact she helped— helped turn her into the blossoming girl she was now, (a social star. a good kid, despite it all), well. it was nice. it was a nice thought. a good feeling.
“don’t even talk about inspiration. you’re half the reason why i came back here. why i even keep trying to do shit.”
she had to be good to make up for everything she had done before. she had to help people. had to try— and she had to come back to school for morgan and krys. and now she had to try and be a better mom— a mom in general— for them.
jessica felt like she had been punched as the crock spoke again, the word ‘mom’ hitting her like a punch to the gut. it took all she had to not cry again, instead eyes watering for a moment as she threw her leg over the seat of the motorbike, sliding in behind the other. “okay, okay. deal. it’s easier to teach you if you’re up front, anyway.” handing the one helmet to the girl, jessica smiled, bright and large— and genuine for once. no trace of joke or sarcasm behind it. “suit up, princess.”
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“I did, I can just tell,” hummed Krys in response, offering the other a syrupy smile. Moments like these    ----     She wouldn’t trade them for the world. Jessica was, officially, and now would always be, her second mother. “Nope, not alright. You’re good, I just know.” She felt like the character from that alien movie she had watched not too long ago { her friends always insisted on introducing her to Disney. It started with Frozen, as a joke, but only got better from there}, Lilo and Stitch was the name. 
“I’m proud of everything you’ve done before you met me, all the stuff I wish I could’ve been there for.” There was the awe again, painting her words with rainbow coats. Her admiration for Jessica Drew knew no bounds. “But, unfortunately, you were, LITERALLY, a universe away. And now look! It’s funny how things work out. I actually learnt about it in class last semester.” 
Class. That was another thing, too. Jessica had always been accommodating, from day one understood Krys’ need for private lessons, why she couldn’t learn with the rest of the students... It wasn’t something she’d ever actually put into words before, but    ----    Her mentor had UNDERSTOOD. And that mutual understanding was something irrevocable. But now look at her, attending most of her classes, PASSING all of her classes. She was making half the effort she knew she could, but... She was trying. All thanks to Jess, and Natasha. Two women who had changed her life. 
“And you’re half the reason I STAYED,” she whispered softly, catching flakes of snow in her hands and watching them absorb into her skin. She was rejuvenated, both physically and emotionally, bright eyed as she felt the woman scoot up behind her, so engrossed in the anticipation of it all that she grabbed the helmet and threw it on, without even registering her mother’s words. Only after she took a moment to gawk at how ridiculous she probably looked, in the dead of winter wearing only black booty shorts, a spaghetti-strap tank top, and an oversized, biker helmet, did she turn to gape at the Drew.
“Wait     -----    You said... Teach me? Does that mean..?” At once, she revved the engine, running through her mental encyclopedia of all movies, shows, and real life scenarios in which she’d seen someone drive a motorcycle. “I’ve got some basics ingrained in my photographic reflex plasticity. I GOT this. Not bad for a PRINCESS, huh?”
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frcst-bitten-blog · 8 years
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“why wouldn’t i be proud of you?” the half hearted laugh that accompanied the question was watery, the woman’s eyes still full of tears and throat still tight with emotion. the idea that she wouldn’t be proud of krystal— of her accomplishments— how much she had grown— it was absurd. “i’ve watched you grow so much this year. there’s so much to be proud of, krys. of course i’m proud of you.” she bit down on her bottom lip, smile wavering— and choked out again with a half sob as the girl threw her arms around jessica’s waist. she could feel the frozen droplets against her torso, a sign the other was crying just as much as jessica was.
(at least there was that. though she felt like shit for hurting krys still— let alone making her CRY.)
i’d love to have you as a mom.
the tears had stilled for a moment but, with those words alone the drew could feel them bubbling over, spilling down her cheeks. she could only pull the girl closer, ducking her chin atop her blonde locks, unsure of what to say in response. for a long time now jessica had considered krys family, knew the girl did the same— but to hear it for herself. hear that krys loved her like a daughter loved a mother— it was painful in a happy, relieving way.
she’d never be good enough for her kids.
(her kidS now. morgan and— and krys. she’d never be good enough for them. she’d constantly have to make up for everything. every fuck up. but— maybe she could try and to be a mom now. for both of them. because they deserved better but if krys wanted her— she’d have to make herself better.)
and it was true, wasn’t it? she had been taking care of this kid now since she met her. they were bonded through experiences and then jessica had taken it further. made krystal her responsibility. and she had loved every minute of. loved every minute she spent with her.
loved her.
“—it wasn’t just me.” she swallowed tightly, running her hand down the blonde’s hair, smoothing it down in a comforting gesture. “you saved yourself. change can’t happen if you don’t want it to.” smiling, the woman pulled her hand up to wipe her eyes and swallow again, steeling her jaw. 
she didn’t believe her. not yet. but— she’d work on it.
jessica wouldn’t let her leave at least. wouldn’t let herself leave either. if she lost her— it wouldn’t be on jessica’s part.
“—i love you, kid. don’t forget that.” she put her hand on the bars of the motorcycle, smirking after a moment, though it was softer than usual. gentler. “—you want to ride behind or in front of me?”
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“I guess I just never really thought of it that way, is all.” She brushed it off, suddenly abashed, overcome with a well of emotions. She’d known Jessica to be many things;; Witty, determined, strong, courageous, but prideful? She’d never seen her prideful before. It was something she rarely expressed, refused to give, even during training. ‘That was good,’ her mentor would say. ‘But you could always do BETTER.’ And it dawned on her that this was probably the first time Krystal had ever truly witnessed Jessica Drew’s raw emotions, without holds, without bars. In this moment, the two of them could just    ----    Be. And for once she was thankful for sleepless night and tired talks, for the holiday season and how it seemed to make everyone a little more     -----    emotional. 
Maybe it was the coldness in the air, the fact that one needs to rely on another to keep warm, that emotions set the foundation for it all. She didn’t know. But standing there, wrapped in the embrace of her second mother, Krys understood the importance of family, of spending time with one another, of times like THESE. Because this memory had quickly become one of her most cherished    -----      the day her mentor became her second mother. 
“   ----    But I’m proud of YOU, too. If that even makes sense. I’m proud of how far you’ve come, despite all that shit you went through, growing up.” She kissed the woman then, right on the cheek. A gentle kiss brimming with affection, it lingered for a moment on Jessica’s skin, a soft frost creeping over the edges of a broken smile, before melting into teardrops of ice water. Krys watched the way it streaked down the other’s features, and smiled. 
“Maybe that’s true, but the thing is, I didn’t even know I WANTED saving until I met you.” She shook her head at that, remembering the days back under her father’s complete control, the messes she’d made, the lives she’s stolen    -----    How she longed to kill again, and yet    ---- Longed for moments like these even MORE. “From day one, you’ve inspired me. And that’s something I can never repay you for.”
It surprised Krystal to hear herself speaking like this, with a newfound maturity she never could’ve expected, just months back. But she liked it, nonetheless. It made her feel... BETTER.
“I    ----    I love you, too, Je-- Mom.” She tested out the name, pleased with how naturally it escaped her lips, a ghost of a breath, reincarnating from a past life, a newfound meaning to the term. She shot a sideways glance to the woman and shuffled forward, propping her elbows against the dashboard with a coy smile. “In front, where all the DAREDEVILS go.”
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frcst-bitten-blog · 8 years
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frcst-bitten-blog · 8 years
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The mutant was struggling to get back into a routine now that she was back for what would be her penultimate term at the academy. A notion that had her feeling uneasy if she thought about it for too long. She’d longed for the academy when she was away but now that she was back she was having a hard time settling in.
After a quick shower, Lux was midway through drying off her hair when her dorm door opened and took her by surprise. Relaxing upon seeing the familiar face, yet it was one she’d not seen for months. “Krys? Y’alright?” The Brooklyn born girl questioned, curious eyes landing on the blonde.
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It had dawned on her, sometime during the break, that most of her fifth year friends would be leaving after the upcoming semester. Meg, Lyra, Lux     -----    To name a few, some of the people closest to her she may never see again, and the prospect FRIGHTENED her, more than she was willing to admit. So it was time to pay the Darkholme a visit, indulge in whatever time she had left with her. For, though she loathed to confess to any sort of emotion, especially with friends, she’d grown attached to the sarcastic shapeshifter. 
The door was unlocked, which meant her breaking-and-entering plan was a flop, but that was no matter, because the sight of her close friend immediately had a broad smile blossoming across her cerise lips. “Lux!” She exclaimed, throwing her arms around the other { she’d been much more affectionate these last few months, something she was proud of }, before pulling away and fixing the other a coy look. “Why does something have to be WRONG? I haven’t seen you in fucking forever, so I came to visit.”
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frcst-bitten-blog · 8 years
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“we’re a pair, then.” intended to be weapons. an army. and yet in the end— here they were. originals, alone in the world. or previously alone. they had made their own family, replaced the fuck ups that littered their pasts. that’s what mattered. they moved on. they were better than their blood and history. (at least krys was. she had a chance to keep moving on. be better than jess could have ever dreamed of being. jessica knew she would, too. she had come so far since their first training attempt together a year ago.)
she caught how krys cut herself off and jess felt her blood drain. she had caught it. jessica knew it. krys was smart, smarter than most. she would have heard it— or guessed. but if she wasn’t bringing it up— well. jessica wouldn’t mention it either. they could let it both die. no need to bring up things that could just stay dead. jessica was a fuck up. she wasn’t a mother to anything. abandoned her own kid. krys didn’t need to know the spider-woman felt that deep of an affection for her. didn’t need to get screwed over by jessica’s maternal love like morgan was.
she pushed those thoughts aside, face lighting up with a grin at the girl’s enthusiasm. it made her feel warm, good, (happy), to see the crock excited like a little kid over one bike. jessica knew it was something krys would have been into. 
her grin dissipated though, happy laugh dying in her throat, choked out of her at the crock’s next words. you’re not my auntie jess anymore, are you? she could feel her heart in her throat, tightening with every beat. admitting it would be setting krys up for failure. she’d fuck her over in the end. leave her again. she wasn’t a good mom— was hardly a good role model even but—
but the tone in krys’s voice—
(and memories of an asleep krys calling her mom, mama—)
“you’ve got natasha,” jessica averted her eyes, swallowing hard, her voice soft and— pained. “i don’t want to take that away from you or her.” she paused, hands turning to fists, fingers digging into her palms.
“i’m a fuck up of a mom anyway. god, do i love you but— you don’t need that— you deserve better.”
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“Well I always knew THAT. Of course, we’re a pair. Sarcasm and all.” Her expression was all glowing eyes and snarky, half-smiles, but the twitch of her lips gave way to an underlying sorrow. They were a duo, a dynamic duo, even, Bonded by the pain of their pasts, the harsh understanding that they’d had both nothing and no one. That there was no place in this WORLD for mutants with their abilities. For refugees of their past lives, fleeing a pre-determined history, desperately attempting to create their OWN. 
And they had, together. Slowly, the two had begun to form something new, with Vindex’s help first and then Aeterno’s, the pair had developed a different future for themselves, adorned it with new meaning. And Krys was about to tell the Drew that, too, when the other’s words caught her off guard, throat swelling shut, a mess of butterflies flocking in her stomach and she feared maybe she’d be sick.
You’ve got Natasha. I’m a fuck up. I love you, but. You deserve better.
There was always a but.
“With all due respect, Jess, who are YOU to decide that for me?”
There was a newfound edge to her tone, words jagged as the cryokinetic fixes a look on her mentor, the same, strong woman who was now avoiding eye contact at the discussion of any sort of emotion. Krys had been there, just a year ago, so you’d think she’d be more understanding. And perhaps, given any other circumstances, she WOULD’VE been. But right now, because she’d put her heart on the line, one of those very rare occasions where she genuinely put herself out there, the Crock was HURT. And if Jess really wouldn’t say what she was feeling, well. Krystal sure as hell would.
“You really don’t get it, do you?” She ran her fingers through her hair, tugging at the roots, before returning her hand to her pocket and fidgeting with a three week old gum wrapper. “This is MY life. These are MY decisions to make. If you don’t WANT me, tell me, but FUCK, Jess, if I don’t love you, too. I do. So much.” A shake of the head, fingers curling around her lighter. But she wouldn’t flick it on. It was just her clutch, something to cling to. For now.
“I’ve already BEEN fucked up, don’t you see that? By people who claimed they were my parents but treated me way worse than you ever have. Sure, you call me princess, and force me awake at 4 A.M. But you GET me, and with you, I love all those stupid things, because they’re with YOU. I get that you’re scared, because I used to be, too. But never once have you fucked things up with me. Ever since I met you, Jess, I’ve been HEALING. And all I want is to return the favor, to be a     -----      good daughter    -----     to you...” 
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frcst-bitten-blog · 8 years
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“’course you are. we were made to be originals, weren’t we?” jess grinned, then paused a moment. “well, i guess i was more intended to be an army— but all the others were fucked up and didn’t make it so. still original. plus they were just random hydra agents.” she dismissed the train of thought with a wave of her hand, smirk still half way on her face. joking was the only way she could really deal with her childhood and past, honestly. and even then it was mostly a defense mechanism— but here it was different. she could joke and talk freely and not expect sympathy or pity in response. krys understood. she knew. and she could joke right back. (we’re fucked up but, we’re fucked up together.) “so. you’re princess to me. for now. til’ i think of something that irritates you more.” she emphasized this with a sharp smirk.
the sharp smirk shifted into a more gentle smile at the sound of adoration in the girl’s voice, though, jessica shrugging softly— before bursting into a peel of laughter as krys tripped both over her words and feet. kate really had her up in a twist, huh?
“woah, woah. who ever mentioned girlfriend, kid? you’re the one who brought that up.” jessica grinned, smug and proud, watching the other. “besides, if we’re talking about the same girl— she’s fucking smitten with you. not that i blame you. of course my k— my number one student is pretty great.” she caught herself, face flushing for a moment, then quickly changed the subject. “and how many is a few?”
bracing herself for the cold night wind and the snow that drifted over, the agent gave a low huff, then shrugged. “our own traditions— like kicking ass on christmas?” she raised a brow, moving to throw an arm over the girl’s shoulder, directing her towards the parking lot. this was something she was excited to show her. she had brought her motorcycle back to school. “—thanks. i’m still sorry, even if you think i shouldn’t be. we don’t— have much family. i should have made sure the little i got was around for the break, at least.”
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“Technically, I was made to be an army of super soldiers, but I was the first of my kind, and seeing as how I went so    -----    Off script    ------ ” She finished the train of thought with a shrug, whistling lightly to herself, nodding at Jessica’s words. It was    ----    Completely natural, in effect. The two of them together, talking about pasts that use to stay hidden, buried under defence mechanisms and repression. But with Jessica, Krys truly believed, the woman knew almost if not ALL of her secrets, and that was something she would never take for granted. 
“Good luck finding something worse than princess,” Krystal groaned in retort, running through a mental list of pet names that irked her to no end. And still, princess was there. Right at the top. But the thought was cut short by a loud chuckle, and the blonde had to refrain herself from physically restraining the woman, lest she wake up the entire school, or worse    -----    Wake up KATE.
“HEY! Why are you laughing at me?! You were the one implying it!” She huffed her retort, chest puffed, before feeling her eyes widen at the other’s confession. “Wait, Kate is     -----    WAIT. How would you KNOW that, eve   -----   ” The phrase was cut short, jaw clenching shut, as she strained to hear what the other had begun to say. The slight stutter, Jessica NEVER stuttered, not like that. There was something she was omitting, a word the other had become FLUSTERED over. And she could assume what it was, but. For now, it would prove no good to touch upon it. So grinning she was, watching the footprints stamped into the snow as the two walked. 
“Exactly! Just like kicking ass on Chris     -----    Oh, yeah, now I see how that could sound a bit weird. But in my defence, my entire LIFE has been weird, and     -----     holy FUCK, is that your BIKE?!” Now she was beaming, cold eyes warming with excitement, cold puffs of air clouding her features as she darted over to the motorcycle, buzzing about, reliving a stolen childhood, lost in the joy of it all, before FREEZING at the woman’s phrase.
“Yeah   ----    Family...” The word had meant nothing to her, not until she met Natasha, and now it seemed another had given it meaning, too. It was something she wanted reassurance about, however, and really couldn’t stop as her next words spilled out. “I know what you were going to say, earlier. About calling me your kid and all that.” She paused, kicking up snow with the tip of her boot. “You     -----    You’re not my Auntie Jess anymore, are you? I don’t think you’ve been for a long time. You’re    ----   MORE, than that. Isn’t that right?”
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frcst-bitten-blog · 8 years
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“did i say elsa? princess. difference. you’re my ice princess, not that disney knock off.” jessica grinned again, despite herself. despite the guilt twisting up in her gut, a wrenching feeling she couldn’t quite shake off. she fucked up. a lot. shield. clint. morgan. (morgan morgan morgan) she didn’t want to fuck up with krys. ruin her like jessica ruined everything else she came into contact with. krys understood her in ways no one else had in years, even carol. carol knew her, yeah, (and jessica loved carol, would always love carol like a bird loves the sky), but krys— krys had been there. went through the same thing.
in a fucked up way they were made from the same mold. krys was her’s in everything but flesh and blood and jessica would hate herself more if she ever lost that.
“yeah? funny. same thing here. didn’t have much of holidays in fascist terrorist camp.” the spider-woman snorted, crossing her arms as she walked into the hallway, occasionally glancing back to make sure krystal was still there. (not that she doubted she was there just— sometimes she had to remind herself everything was real and good.) the mention of the bishop, though—
jessica grinned. “little miss bishop, huh? just you two? all aloooone all break?” she waggled her brows, cheeky smirk inching across her face. “how ever did you pass the time?” her smirk fell for a moment as they made their way down the hall. “still. i’m sorry, krys. next time you two can come with me back to the city. we’ll have chinese on christmas and watch rudolph or whatever people do during the holidays.”
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                    “That’s true, I’m completely, 100% original. The first of my kind, uniquely coded, AND I was invented much before Disney came up with THAT shitstorm.” Despite how much she loathed the term princess, or anything associated with princesses, and ignoring the fact that describing herself like the genetic clone she truly was brought upon her a reservoir of loathing, Krys couldn’t help the way her lips flourished into a genuine smile. The nickname was cute, if ever cheesy but    -----    She loved it, all the same. Only because it was Jessica, though. If anyone else tried something of the sort, they’d probably find themselves frozen to the ground. Jess, however, was the only exception    -----    If even only because the Crock had literally done just that to the professor, about a year ago. 
                    “I bet you destroyed ‘em all, huh ?” Imaging the Jessica Drew in action only excited her that much more. To the cryokinetic, her mentor was a hero, and just the prospect of all the missions she’d achieved and lives she’s saved, well      -----    Krys was constantly brimming with pride. 
                    “ I   -----  What ? ” She’d faltered, momentarily, in the hallway, tripping over her own feet and blushing light pink, a rare sight for the abnormally chilled girl. “It’s not really LIKE that, I mean... I don’t have a girlfriend, or boyfriend, or partner for that matter. I don’t think    -----   That’s not really FOR me...   There’s actually, maybe a few people who I genuinely like, like THAT. And Kate, just    -----    It’s complicated. I mean, she’s my best friend, and what if she doesn’t like ME that way ?” She was rambling, nervous, babbling as she regained her balance and pursued behind Jessica, prepared to exit the doors of Aeterno. 
                    “No, let’s not do any of that. It’s so    -----    overdone. You and I both know we’re much more... unique, to put it nicely. I say we make our OWN traditions.” she placed her hand on the door and gave it a push, eyes BROADENING at the sheer cold that rushed over her, the soft pellets of snow filtering down from above. She’d almost forgotten it was winter, holed up in Aeterno for several weeks. And the sight had her falling in love with nature. And with life, itself. “I forgive you, even though there’s no need to be sorry.” 
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frcst-bitten-blog · 8 years
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“did we?” the drew’s brow raised and her grin was particularly smug, practically beaming at the conversation. “can’t say i remember what we said.” she caught the pillow, cackling. “was it about how much you love the nickname? i think it was.” dropping the pillow back onto the crock’s bed, the mutate frowned at her next set of words, a deep guilt settling into her stomach. she hadn’t left. jessica had assumed she would have gone with natasha over break— but she had been left here instead. shit. fuck. how awful was she? she left for the city and abandoned krys here to be with no one over the holidays. she knew for a fact the kid had never celebrated the holidays properly either. (not that jessica had either.) she had just left her. 
she just kept fucking up more and more.
“should be,” forcing herself to smile, not let the guilt show, the brunette surveyed the bare dorm room as krystal changed, mind distracted now. she’d have to make it up somehow. at least she had the christmas gifts back in her apartment for later—
“woah,” suddenly caught off guard by the hug, the drew tensed for a moment before blinking and relaxing, arms wrapping around the blonde tight. “hey, kiddo.” she could feel her voice tightening, wavering just slightly as she held her. she had missed her. she shouldn’t have left her behind— she’d fix it now. “missed you too. a lot.” laying her chin on the other’s head for a moment jessica breathed in it all before letting go. 
“would i bring you anywhere you couldn’t kick someone’s ass?” she forced a watery smirk onto her face as she stepped back, heading for the door. “you can kick all the ass you want.” 
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                    “Oh, yes. That’s exactly how the conversation went. All about how much I fucking ADORE being called Elsa.” She shuddered at the name, cheeky grin mimicking that of the older woman, one of her first genuine smiles in the last two weeks. This was perfect, to her. They could spend the rest of the night like this, fucking around and bonding, and she would’ve been happy. Anything as long as it meant reconnecting with one of the people she’s missed most in this world. One of the select few she’d actually let in, signed the lease to pitch a tent and stay in the hellish abyss that was her heart and mind. Without Jessica Drew, Krys would’ve gotten nowhere. She’d still be the same, programmed clone, under her father’s control, doing whatever it was she used to do. 
                                  If she were being honest with herself, Krystal still craved it, sometimes.                                   But people like Spiderwoman kept her grounded and, for that reason alone,                                   it had been quite awhile since her last relapse into villain-dom.                                                                                                                                     Jess SAVED her.
                    But now the woman seemed almost deflated, like the prospect of imagining Krystal alone at the school harboured with it an aspect of guilt, and the Crock sighed to herself, cocking her head. “Don’t even worry about it, the holidays were never my thing. Besides, Kate was here. We spent a lot of time together. It was all okay. And you’re back now! That’s what matters, isn’t it?”
                    The hug rejuvenated her, everything Krys needed, and now that she was feeling both rested and reassured, the cryokinetic was pumped to get back into the field. “Very true,” she hummed to herself, following the professor and shutting the door behind them. “Looking forward to it.”
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frcst-bitten-blog · 8 years
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jess grinned sharply at the hissing from the blonde, one brow raised and flashlight still poised above her. “the one and only. morning, princess.” okay it was like four am, so, probably a little too early to be saying morning— but whatever. “thought you would have figured it was me a while ago. getting comfy again?” she dropped the sheet to the floor, holding her hand out for krys with a grin. great. she had missed this. this kid. her kid. “awesome, because it’s a doozy.” she shook her head. honestly the case wasn’t that bad— probably easy enough for her— but any excuse to hang out with her crock. “big mutant activist vanished after coming to the city for a protest recently. gotta find the punk.” 
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                  ❛      I thought we talked about you calling me PRINCESS,      ❜       Krys      groaned in retort, fishing out the pillow from beneath her and playfully whacking      the Drew with it.       ❛      Getting comfy  ?  I never LEFT,      ❜       she attempted      a smile, but it faltered momentarily. Vacations didn’t fair well with the Crock, she      never had anywhere to go, and ALWAYS ended up more lonely than before. Not      that it mattered NOW.      ❛      Sounds like fun,      ❜       she offered as she got up,      continuing their conversation whilst she changed into more appropriate attire, the      sole indication that she was really looking forward to indulging in time spent with      the woman she considered her mother, second only to Natasha Romanoff. Once      she was ready, Krystal tied her hair into a ponytail, slung her backpack over her      shoulder, and threw her arms around the woman, giving her a rare, genuine hug. 
                              ❛      I missed you ...      ❜     She whispered finally,                               stepping back and forcing any morose thoughts away                               with the flash of a grin.
                                                       ❛      Soooo  anyways    -----    Can I kick his ASS  ?      ❜
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frcst-bitten-blog · 8 years
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her breath caught in her throat, chest tightening painfully as the door opened and krys’s voice reached her ears. the blonde felt her shoulders pushing together, her head ducking down further as relief suddenly encased her. all it took was her voice to send avery back, back to nights of waking up with the other blonde next to her, quiet laughter on dark nights, affection that avery never felt like she deserved but craved so bad— the blonde’s shoulders shook, the grip on her bottle tightening just slightly. krys didn’t sound angry. didn’t sound upset. avery would have been. (she did things to others that she’d hate if they did to herself, what a hypocrite. no wonder she hated herself.)
“hi,” her voice was watery, straining as she kept her eyes downcast and head down. avery swallowed hoarsely, her body tensing as the she felt the bed dip down with the weight of another, then tensing even more as she felt the arm across her shoulder. all it took was a moment before the woman burst into a sob, shoulders shaking as she dropped the bottle and leaned against krys’s frame, eyes screwed shut tight. 
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i’m sorry.” it was a mantra breathed out, her face burying into the other’s shoulder. “i just left. i’m sorry— i thought you’d be upset— didn’t want to bother you.”
didn’t want to bother her and was afraid of what she’d say. what everyone would say about her. if they knew she was drinking again and— if they saw the marks—
i missed you too. missed everything about you. your touch. your voice. your smell. your hair. 
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                 ❛      Avie     ------     ❜      Her breath escaped her, boa constrictor      CLENCHED around her throat as she pulled her dear friend closer, holding      her, ROCKING her, anything to soothe the storm that was Avery Morse. But      no matter how much she felt her own heart BREAKING, she knew, most importantly,      that supporting the other blonde was her utmost priority.                                                                                                      So that’s what she did.
                 ❛      There’s no need to be sorry,      ❜      Krystal all but cooed. She’d come      a long way since first joining Vindex Academy, and her lessons learned such as      displaying affection and instigating comfort were irreplaceable, far more important      than whatever the teachers attempted to educate them on during classes. Because      soothing a person in need came in handy more often than not, especially with her      group of friends, and this was just one of those times when her newly-acquired skills      was demonstrating its use.
                                               ❛      I’m not upset, and you’re never a bother.                                                I LOVE spending time with you, Aves.      ❜  
                 There was something there, under the surface, something Krys had no      incentive to push the Morse to explain, but     ------    Her actions, her HYSTERIA,      it went far beyond that of the Avery she’d come to known and love, even under the      influence of alcohol alone. There was a greater issue now, the cryokinetic was certain,      but she wouldn’t prod. Not yet. There were more important things to take care of.
                                               Like spending time with one of her most cherished friends. 
                 ❛      Come on  !      ❜      Krys announced with blatant enthusiasm, tugging      Avery down onto the bed with her and attempting to plop herself down on the other’s      chest.      ❛      Let’s watch TV or something, just enjoying each other’s company  !        How’s that sound  ?      ❜ 
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frcst-bitten-blog · 8 years
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separated from his family, (not unusual. just unfortunate), grant ward’s break had been less than— enjoyable. if he wanted to retain his position at aeterno he had little choice in what he did when breaks came around. stay with his family, (which wasn’t an option right now), go back to prison— or stay under the equivalent of house arrest in shield. he had pulled the unlucky straw that was the latter. one could only imagine how his ‘vacation’ had went because of this. he found the announcement he could return to the academy a relief, a stressor certainly but, far better than his current predicament. his old classroom was a welcoming face, papers still left where he had them weeks before. the students, on the other hand—
well. she wasn’t too bad.
“i was at shield the entire time. you can imagine.” 
the agent leaned back in his desk chair, surveying the blonde in front of him.
“but, let’s be real, krystal. that’s not what you came here for.”
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                    He was always succinct, Mr. Grant Ward, always a step ahead, which she       admired him for. Constantly brooding, nonetheless, but that was a minor detail to       which she hardly paid attention, for Krys knew with a little work she could wring       out some emotion from his otherwise impassivity. What it came down to, at that       point, was a matter of HOW that would be arranged. But the more time the two       spent together, the more natural it felt, and the easier it became, as though the       student and professor had developed some unspoken bond, connected by the       RAGE brought unto them from the universe. The thought had her smiling, in all       honesty, because it made her feel special. The Crock hadn’t seen him as close       to genuine with anyone else, and oftentimes, she yearned for it. 
                                  ❛       I can imagine they didn’t give you the welcome party                                   you would’ve LIKED,      ❜       she smirked back, feigning                                   a mock grimace at the comment. 
                    ❛       I came here just to chat  !      ❜       She gasped, playfully offended,       before shaking her head and allowing a tightlipped smile to work its way into her       features.       ❛       Aaaaand because I’m fucking BORED. Can we do something  ?            Please  ?      ❜
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