francoislejeunes · 2 months
Well good sir, you have to appreciate the human anatomy, yes? ThTs the principle of art.
Hello, can you give an expert opinion on the @francoislejeunes art?
Hello. His art is a bit too romantic at times, in my opinion, but I do appreciate it. I know good artists when I see them. @francoislejeunes
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francoislejeunes · 4 months
Salut baron! bienvenue to this afterlife of ours!
have you hit up your old boss berthier yet or are you too busy rendering asses in excruciating detail???
-- The Duke of Montebello, @armagnac-army
He was in the middle of a portrait, him throwing the man he was drawing a blanket.
Salut! Perhaps knocking wouldn't be in your worst interest!
Non... still haven't gotten to berthier yet. I have got to Bernadotte. ( Which he turned into a woman, which I wasn't expecting. I went there for, you know, and it turned me off. )
And hush! My asses are in the best detail. Would you rather me draw them, or myself, assless? That's a crime!
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francoislejeunes · 4 months
He nodded, sitting down on the couch.
I'll drink anything that won't kill me, thank you...
He blinked, thinking about what to do next. If he overstepped— God that would be embarrassing.
Are you lonely without your wife? I mean... I can say from experience it is very hard being alone..
As I write this letter to you I dream about you. I've missed you so dearly since we last spoke— I've had to find some way to get in contact with you. Inside this letter, I have enclosed a little gift. *lets just say it has no clothes on*
*he has a little more written in the letter, but he has decided to come to his door to hand deliver it to him, knocking on his door*
I hope you aren't too busy.
~ @francoislejeunes
[ the knock had bernadotte springing from where she previously lay , moping over having nothing to do and no letters to read whilst she waited until sokolov returned
she rushed to her front door which was finally conveniently in the right spot . swinging it open and forgetting she was still in her night gown , she began to address who she thought was there ]
sokolov ! how was davooouuhhh
hello there , le jeunes !
[ she took a step back , mildly embarrassed ]
my apologies , i was not expecting you . however , tis a pleasant surprise indeed ! i haven ' t seen you in , what , 200 ? 300 years ?
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francoislejeunes · 4 months
He looked around the house as he was invited inside. It was a nice apartment, he thought. Better than his. Yes, he has noticed he was no longer a man. That's okay, for now.
It isn't that important... Would yoy mind if we shared a drink?
As I write this letter to you I dream about you. I've missed you so dearly since we last spoke— I've had to find some way to get in contact with you. Inside this letter, I have enclosed a little gift. *lets just say it has no clothes on*
*he has a little more written in the letter, but he has decided to come to his door to hand deliver it to him, knocking on his door*
I hope you aren't too busy.
~ @francoislejeunes
[ the knock had bernadotte springing from where she previously lay , moping over having nothing to do and no letters to read whilst she waited until sokolov returned
she rushed to her front door which was finally conveniently in the right spot . swinging it open and forgetting she was still in her night gown , she began to address who she thought was there ]
sokolov ! how was davooouuhhh
hello there , le jeunes !
[ she took a step back , mildly embarrassed ]
my apologies , i was not expecting you . however , tis a pleasant surprise indeed ! i haven ' t seen you in , what , 200 ? 300 years ?
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francoislejeunes · 4 months
He hands her the letter. Let's just say there's a little present in this letter. Something that would explain his intentions.
I feel like some catching up is in order? Yes? We can have a drink and talk about how you have been? Yes it's been quite a while.
As polite as a man coming for a booty call could be, he waiting until he was invited in. He took off his hat, looking around.
You are treated well here? Is your husband away?
As I write this letter to you I dream about you. I've missed you so dearly since we last spoke— I've had to find some way to get in contact with you. Inside this letter, I have enclosed a little gift. *lets just say it has no clothes on*
*he has a little more written in the letter, but he has decided to come to his door to hand deliver it to him, knocking on his door*
I hope you aren't too busy.
~ @francoislejeunes
[ the knock had bernadotte springing from where she previously lay , moping over having nothing to do and no letters to read whilst she waited until sokolov returned
she rushed to her front door which was finally conveniently in the right spot . swinging it open and forgetting she was still in her night gown , she began to address who she thought was there ]
sokolov ! how was davooouuhhh
hello there , le jeunes !
[ she took a step back , mildly embarrassed ]
my apologies , i was not expecting you . however , tis a pleasant surprise indeed ! i haven ' t seen you in , what , 200 ? 300 years ?
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francoislejeunes · 4 months
Tumblr media
Detail : Episode from the Prussian Campaign. 1842. Louis Francois Lejeune. French 1775-1848. oil/canvas.    http://hadrian6.tumblr.com
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francoislejeunes · 4 months
He chuckled, looking at them. They want to get a portrait. What type of portrait where they thinking? I think he got the hint. He took a deep breath.
Well you are in luck, that's what I'm doing to make some extra cash on the side. 40 franks for a portrait, 20 for a sketch. I must warn you though, I am very hands on.
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francoislejeunes · 5 months
Do you want this picture or not? Hold still. If your muscles start to contract the picture is going to turn out different.
François grumbled, trying to sketch his man in front of him as quickly as possible, so he can be in and out. As a little side hussle he draws men for their wives or lovers. ( Sometimes he draws his own lovers.. ) He typically got a little.. hansy, adjusting them as he needed them to be.
You are beautiful! Beautiful, almost there..
He tried to finish as fast he could, showing the man. The man smirked, looking at him. " How much do I owe? " He asked, redressing.
François chuckled.
40 franks. Thank you.
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francoislejeunes · 5 months
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