wordsoverme ¡ 6 years
dancing to the call of you own tune
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Relationships done right are the most beautiful thing known to mankind (’right’ being subjective of course). However, sometimes an ordinary life will unbelievably take a turn for the worse. Like on a totally average day when your partner’s phone rings and it’s a phone call that throws a 20year marriage of the cliffs. Or a comment from a close friend that snowballs into a devastating reenactment of a betrayal slapping you high in the face.
Our intimate relationships— and by intimate, I don’t necessarily mean sexual, are the most intricate and delicate of all. For most people getting over a sexual encounter is far better than mending a friendship or family break-up, cause them shits sting at the core! When relationships cannot torelate honesty, and communication...well, there’s really no legs for that partnership to walk any further.  
Being NO EXPERT to the rules of love/relationships/partnerships, i just find it interesting how I’ve personally outgrown the traditional yearning of an “orderly”or “natural” way of love. The idea of a typical story where there’s a husband, kids and responsibilities that include family that’s n..o..t really my family is daunting to be honest. I get bored very easily and can find myself aloof in pressing situations that need my decerning and mannered side. 
And because i don’t have much relationship drama history, besides that one ‘he-cheat-on-me’ case i don’t carry much fear of what men might do to hurt me. PLUS i just don’t date much because when i do date, it’s normally long term. Minimising the many saucy stories I would have gathered in my 20′s. 
I am such a daddies girl, and have a big brother for a best friend, men who’ve exampled what love is to me, my little sister and my mother. This making it hard for me to not self realise or actualise. And maybe causing me to place the bar extreemly high for the everyday male. Someone once said I could do with being more softer to the idea of love...
Dont get me wrong. I am no saint, but i’ve learnt that i’m no devil either to be truthful. Half the time i am pretty much soaked in my selfish ways, trying to do this, or go there or try out that...if not annoying my dad with travel loans i don’t payback. 
Look relationships are cute, probably very necessary too, but i also feel they are extreemly overated. 
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wordsoverme ¡ 6 years
A few wise words at The Chairman
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Some of the best advice can be shared over few glasses of champagne, at your favourite jazz lounge, in the early hours of the morning between the most gracious live jazz sounds at The Chairman. 
Just last week Friday I came across a dear acquaintance who’d been in hospital for two months, with two weeks of those dreadful days spent in ICU! Catching up on how great she looked made it rather hard to absorb the fact that she had been through so much just a month ago, and still recovering from it, all because of work-people who choose to take no account to kindness. 
What was relieving though was seeing her fit enough to come out and interact socially again. Seeing her laugh, dance and washdown with a cocktail or two. Our conversation about working in the arts in a small city lead her to telling me about the importance of self-peace and personal emotional preservation. 
“ You are what you eat, just as much as you are what eats you.” - said her Doctor
More often than not we assume health to be a physical factor, disregarding the importance of the emotional attribute. These words rang so true to me when she said them, the idea of being mindful of what you allow to affect you is just as significant. Intensionally and assertively building yourself a strong wall to protect the peace of your mind and heart as merit to the life you’ve been given. 
So as to say, this past Friday at the Chairman taught me a bigger life lesson... that it’s very much about what eats you.  
Keep healthy!
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wordsoverme ¡ 6 years
An Ode to Being Almost 30
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If 2018 has already hand delivered a lesson in anything, it’s that life can throw the most unexpected & headache provoking barriers which you’ve got to find ways to hurdle over. From another exhausting week both professionally (new acting position at work) and personally (funeral at home and being broke), I couldn’t be more pleased about December being 2 weeks away. 
Just the other day i came across an article titled; The Power of 29: An Ode to Being Almost 30. I enjoyed this piece so much that I thought to share it as a blog post for any of you who, like me, may be needing a bit of assurance on this career thing that’s got many of us up in arms. 
I have been easing into giving myself more time on solidiying a life i want above a “career” because truly sometimes i don’t believe in the classic concept of careers and “40 years in ANY industry”. If i would have achieved building my own design creative agency warehouse (employing people of colour and rural women who have weaving and beading skills) situating this in the rural green parts of North Coast KZN, where we harvested our very own perfume farm, curated an African art gallery next to our inhouse library, and ran a boutique restaurant that grows its own organic produce (serving breakfast & brunch only)... I would have more than suceeded in my “career”. 
More than succeeded. 
READ ABOVE MENTIONED ARTICLE HERE - https://www.thecut.com/2014/08/power-of-29-an-ode-to-being-almost-30.html 
#Love the beautiful Image of Dylan Ali dressed in Louis Vuitton long pleated dress, photo by Micaiah Carter
(Micaiah Carter moved to New York City at the age of 18 from the High Desert of California, not knowing a soul, now great fashion photographer) 
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wordsoverme ¡ 6 years
“Super model, Super mom, Super wife, Super tired”
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My anxiety is ever-present—always ready and willing to be fed like an insatiable parasite as the year come closer to an end. With things moving at such a rapid pace, I’ve been sitting in wonder, asking if things will fall into place. 
Truth is, as i get older i find that I have a hard time not caring - contrary to adult myth. There is so much work to do outside of what I can control. And there's only so much space inside of a brain for focus and action. So, with feeling overwhelmed with work, inevitably i laughed when i came across a Tweet that read “ super model, super mom, super wife, super tired.” I am not a mother, nor a wife, or trying to be a model, but i think burn-out does cave in on a lot of us around these times. 
To say the least, my enthusiastic energy towards creative projects has taken a hit, and personally I have been wondering if this blog and my new leather project would help mediate the space between the uncontrollable and my new plans. That's why I called resurrection to this blog in the first place, as means to share ‘words over me’ every now and then, and figue out my dispositions. 
Personally I believe that creativity is not a given. It has to be flexed and tested and rested in perpetuity. For instance, just last year I was pulled in every direction under the sun with every free moment filled with new wor, design projects and freelance pop-up gigs with travels to London and the US in between. It seemed like the continuation of something good as the past two years have been nothing short of kind to me. These days however, I am back to pretty much The Basic’s. Pulling myself up for air every other minute, and ‘dictionary-ing’ the term happiness as a Verb That’s lived through Choice. There’s a lot of swimming through BS work stress, disbelief and letting go of late, but somehow, gracefully God manages to throw me deep in clam waters without fail.
These past weeks I took a personal holiday to Maurituis where I stayed at the stunning LUX Grand Gaube resort hotel. I got to meet the most amazing people and relax around beautiful beaches, landing myself a worthy Thai yoga massage as a gift from a new sweet friend. A calming and laughter-filled holiday that I will probably never forget. I have learnt to say vacations are as mandate to the mind as exercise is to the body. Time away is good, and should be on repeat at least once annually. This has been my mantra leading up to all my travels since 3 years ago, something I anticipate with every new year. 
Lazing around in Mauritius actually proved to be the perfect resting place. My way of figuring out what’s next before 2018 comes to an end. 
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