Hello! This is a Hetalia ask/roleplay blog, and the admin is @yourlocalcringekid !!!Please be kind, this is also run by the same 13 year old ^_^Also, I have no idea who the pfp belongs to,But just know, I didn't make it XD
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Well in that case, i'll keep reblogging content from you so that others can go to your account through me and stay in touch.
Dear followers, I must inform you that my account has been shadowbanned, which means I won't be able to fully interact with you, sadly. Your mail is still very much welcome, though ^^
Isolation is not in any way a new experience for me, though this time I would genuinely be glad if someone helped me get out of it...
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Everyone, it's time! Grab your sharpest pencil and make sure Italy is held down.

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Sounds delicious!
For Ides of March we should stab Italy with pencils in the next world meeting. I prefer we stab the Northern one, but Romano would do if his brother isn't there!
#hetalia#hetalia oc#hetalia rp blog#Francis' Roleplays#aph iceland#aph france#hws iceland#hws france#hetalia world series#hetalia axis powers#aph hetalia#hws hetalia#ask hetalia
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Thank you. Xoxo <3
Have you ever used Discord or had a server with all of the other Hetateens?
yes to both
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Wow! :O

Do you like horses, Russia?
Of course I do! What kind of plowman can do without a horse? What warrior of mine can do without a faithful horse? Horses were with me everywhere: in the field of plowing and war, traveling and hunting.
I used to ride well in the saddle. Now, unfortunately, a horse has become a sign of luxury, and everyone is riding "iron horses."
My favorite, of course, is the Orlov trotter. It got his breed name from the surname of Count Alexei Orlov-Chesmensky. After Catherine II granted him lands and serfs in the Voronezh province, the count, already retired, took up his dream: breeding a horse that would meet all his requirements. And the requirements were as follows: the horse had to combine beauty and endurance, fit for battle and for the parade. He wanted to combine lean Arabian horses with massive European breeds. And he did it.
After the victory in the Russian-Turkish War in 1774, breeding stallions and mares were brought from Turkey and Arabia for breeding.
But the most important stallion was Smetanka, the founder of a breed of unprecedented beauty. His skin was very light, that's why he was named that way. He had a special skeletal structure: an extra, nineteenth pair of ribs. It cost an unprecedented amount of money — 50,000 silver. The groom, for a moment, received three rubles a year! But it was worth it. The horse was very good-looking, it was delivered for two whole years, but unfortunately it soon died under unknown circumstances.
In the end, the trotter turned out well. They say if you put a glass on his rump and start trotting, the water won't splash.
I've had these horses myself, and since the breed was introduced, I've always tried to keep Orlov trotters.
Конечно люблю! Какой пахарь обойдется без лошади? Какой мой витязь сможет обойтись без верного коня? Кони были со мной везде: на поле пахотном и бранном, в путешествиях и на охоте.
Когда-то я отлично держался в седле. Сейчас, к сожалению, лошадь стала признаком роскоши, все пересаживаются за руль «железных коней».
Мой любимец, конечно же — это орловский рысак. Свое породное название он получил по фамилии графа Алексея Орлова-Чесменского. После того, как Екатерина II пожаловала ему земли и крепостных в Воронежской губернии, граф, уже в отставке, взялся за свою мечту: выведение такой лошади, которая соответствовала бы всем его требованиям. А требования были такие: лошадь должна была сочетать в себе красоту и выносливость, годиться в бой и на парад. Он хотел соединить поджарых арабских лошадей с европейскими массивными породами. И у него это получилось.
После победы в русско-турецкой войне в 1774 году из Турции и Аравии были доставлены племенные жеребцы и кобылы для разведения.
Но самым главным жеребцом был Сметанка, основатель породы небывалой красоты. Его шкура была очень светлой, потому его так и назвали. Он имел особое строение скелета: лишнюю, девятнадцатую пару ребер. Он стоил небывалых денег — 50000 серебром. Конюх, на минутку, получал три рубля в год! Но он того стоил. Конь был очень хорош собой, его доставляли целых два года, но к сожалению вскоре он погиб при непонятных обстоятельствах.
В конечном итоге рысак выдался на славу. Говорят, если поставить стакан на его круп и пустить рысью, вода не расплескается.
У меня у самого были эти лошади, с появлением породы я всегда старался держать именно орловских рысаков.
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Wait, really? When did keeping light-colored horses for the gods end as a practice?

Do you like horses, Russia?
Of course I do! What kind of plowman can do without a horse? What warrior of mine can do without a faithful horse? Horses were with me everywhere: in the field of plowing and war, traveling and hunting.
I used to ride well in the saddle. Now, unfortunately, a horse has become a sign of luxury, and everyone is riding "iron horses."
My favorite, of course, is the Orlov trotter. It got his breed name from the surname of Count Alexei Orlov-Chesmensky. After Catherine II granted him lands and serfs in the Voronezh province, the count, already retired, took up his dream: breeding a horse that would meet all his requirements. And the requirements were as follows: the horse had to combine beauty and endurance, fit for battle and for the parade. He wanted to combine lean Arabian horses with massive European breeds. And he did it.
After the victory in the Russian-Turkish War in 1774, breeding stallions and mares were brought from Turkey and Arabia for breeding.
But the most important stallion was Smetanka, the founder of a breed of unprecedented beauty. His skin was very light, that's why he was named that way. He had a special skeletal structure: an extra, nineteenth pair of ribs. It cost an unprecedented amount of money — 50,000 silver. The groom, for a moment, received three rubles a year! But it was worth it. The horse was very good-looking, it was delivered for two whole years, but unfortunately it soon died under unknown circumstances.
In the end, the trotter turned out well. They say if you put a glass on his rump and start trotting, the water won't splash.
I've had these horses myself, and since the breed was introduced, I've always tried to keep Orlov trotters.
Конечно люблю! Какой пахарь обойдется без лошади? Какой мой витязь сможет обойтись без верного коня? Кони были со мной везде: на поле пахотном и бранном, в путешествиях и на охоте.
Когда-то я отлично держался в седле. Сейчас, к сожалению, лошадь стала признаком роскоши, все пересаживаются за руль «железных коней».
Мой любимец, конечно же — это орловский рысак. Свое породное название он получил по фамилии графа Алексея Орлова-Чесменского. После того, как Екатерина II пожаловала ему земли и крепостных в Воронежской губернии, граф, уже в отставке, взялся за свою мечту: выведение такой лошади, которая соответствовала бы всем его требованиям. А требования были такие: лошадь должна была сочетать в себе красоту и выносливость, годиться в бой и на парад. Он хотел соединить поджарых арабских лошадей с европейскими массивными породами. И у него это получилось.
После победы в русско-турецкой войне в 1774 году из Турции и Аравии были доставлены племенные жеребцы и кобылы для разведения.
Но самым главным жеребцом был Сметанка, основатель породы небывалой красоты. Его шкура была очень светлой, потому его так и назвали. Он имел особое строение скелета: лишнюю, девятнадцатую пару ребер. Он стоил небывалых денег — 50000 серебром. Конюх, на минутку, получал три рубля в год! Но он того стоил. Конь был очень хорош собой, его доставляли целых два года, но к сожалению вскоре он погиб при непонятных обстоятельствах.
В конечном итоге рысак выдался на славу. Говорят, если поставить стакан на его круп и пустить рысью, вода не расплескается.
У меня у самого были эти лошади, с появлением породы я всегда старался держать именно орловских рысаков.
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Today, i'll be going to a circus at 5:30 PM. :]
#OOC : Actually going to a circus irl today#hetalia#hetalia axis powers#aph france#hws france#Francis' Roleplays#hetalia world series#aph hetalia#ask hetalia#hws hetalia#hetalia roleplay#roleplay account#hetalia world stars
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Because I have the right to not answer.
When are you and Arthur getting married? (≧▽≦)🇬🇧×🇫🇷
#hetalia#hetalia axis powers#aph france#hws france#Francis' Roleplays#aph louisiana#hws louisiana#hetalia world series#aph hetalia#ask hetalia#hws hetalia#hetalia world stars#roleplay account#hetalia roleplay
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It's not culturally insensitive, I just really hate everything about you and want to bash your head in a wall, mon cheri <3
Have you ever used Discord or had a server with all of the other Hetateens?
yes to both
#OOC : Man I love making them hate eachother#hws england#hws england ask blog#ask arthur kirkland#hetalia#aph france#hws france#Francis' Roleplays#hws#hws asks#hetalia ask blog#hws ask blog#hetalia rp blog#ask hetalia
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Silence is a sign of consent
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When are you and Arthur getting married? (≧▽≦)🇬🇧×🇫🇷
#hetalia#hetalia axis powers#hetalia world series#aph france#hws france#Francis' Roleplays#aph hetalia#ask hetalia#hws hetalia#hetalia world stars#hetalia roleplay#roleplay account
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Then how could you possibly defend his cooking?!
Have you ever used Discord or had a server with all of the other Hetateens?
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For Ides of March we should stab Italy with pencils in the next world meeting. I prefer we stab the Northern one, but Romano would do if his brother isn't there!
#hetalia#hetalia axis powers#hetalia world series#aph france#hws france#Francis' Roleplays#aph belarus#hws belarus#aph hetalia#hws hetalia#ask hetalia
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You only say that 'cause you havent tasted true food in god knows how long.
Have you ever used Discord or had a server with all of the other Hetateens?
yes to both
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No problem. ;)
France, how does one cook? I thought I was decent, but I've been actually been consistently terrible at it for a while now. Estonia has offered to give me cooking lessons, but I thought I'd also ask you for advice considering cooking is your thing.
- @ask-aph-hws-iceland
Well, one thing I cannot emphasize ENOUGH is to STAY!! TRUE!! TO THE RECIPE!! Do not change even the tiniest, TIIIINIEST details. Do not put anything in the oven for "just five more minutes". Do not act like recipes don't exist.
#hetalia#hetalia axis powers#hetalia world series#aph france#hws france#Francis' Roleplays#aph iceland#hws iceland#aph hetalia#ask hetalia#hws hetalia#hetalia world stars#hetalia roleplay#roleplay account
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Oui, Belarus is right. Why not both Italies?
For Ides of March we should stab Italy with pencils in the next world meeting. I prefer we stab the Northern one, but Romano would do if his brother isn't there!
#hetalia#hetalia axis powers#hetalia world series#aph france#hws france#Francis' Roleplays#aph belarus#hws belarus#aph latvia#hws latvia#aph hetalia#ask hetalia#hws hetalia#hetalia world stars#hetalia roleplay#roleplay account
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France, how does one cook? I thought I was decent, but I've been actually been consistently terrible at it for a while now. Estonia has offered to give me cooking lessons, but I thought I'd also ask you for advice considering cooking is your thing.
- @ask-aph-hws-iceland
Well, one thing I cannot emphasize ENOUGH is to STAY!! TRUE!! TO THE RECIPE!! Do not change even the tiniest, TIIIINIEST details. Do not put anything in the oven for "just five more minutes". Do not act like recipes don't exist.
#hetalia#hetalia axis powers#hetalia world series#aph france#hws france#aph hetalia#Francis' Roleplays#aph iceland#hws iceland#hetalia world stars#hetalia roleplay#roleplay account
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