franceselsieshea · 1 month
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Frances Shea, mid 1960s.
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franceselsieshea · 2 months
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Frances Shea with a member of 'The Firm' on holiday, date/location unknown.
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franceselsieshea · 2 months
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Frances Shea in Spain.
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franceselsieshea · 2 months
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A screen grab of a unpublished photo of Frances Shea from the documentary 'Reggie Kray: The Final Word.'
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franceselsieshea · 3 months
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"Paulette Jones grew up in the area. She was in the same class as Frances (Shea Kray) at Randal Cremer at one stage when they were both aged 8. She vividly recalled, most of all, Frances' abundant mass of hair.
'She was quite plump with longish dark curly hair' Paulette recalled. 'We always called her Franny or Fran. After Randal Cremer we went off to different grammar schools. I went to Central Foundation at Liverpool Street and Frances went to Dalston County, a girls school on Shacklewell Lane, off Newington Road.
I can still see her in my minds eye in a dark belted raincoat and a hat perched on the back of her head, because of the amount of hair she had. The coat and hat would have been part of the uniform for Dalston County. I wanted to go with Franny and some of the others to Dalston County but my mother said Central Foundation was a better school."
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franceselsieshea · 3 months
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Reggie Kray, his girlfriend Frances Shea and friends in Jersey, May 1960.
“Incredibly, he also took sixteen-year-old Frances on a trip to Jersey in May 1960 in their early days of courtship. They flew there. Of course there’d be sepearate rooms, Reggie assured Frank Senior beforehand, and this was no lie. Frances had no intention of loosing her virginity and her glamorous, free spending older boyfriend was nothing but respectful of this.”
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franceselsieshea · 3 months
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The Liverpool Echo - Tuesday June 13, 1967.
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franceselsieshea · 3 months
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Frances Shea at the zoo, mid 1960s.
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franceselsieshea · 3 months
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Excerpts from 'Reg Kray: A Man Apart by Roberta Kray focusing Frances Shea.
(Click to enlarge)
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franceselsieshea · 3 months
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From 'Reg Krays Book Of Slang'
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franceselsieshea · 4 months
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From 'Ronnie Kray' by Laurie O'Leary.
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franceselsieshea · 4 months
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"Reggie Kray and his girlfriend, Frances Shea (centre right of table) at the Stork Club, Regent Street, London, in about 1963."
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franceselsieshea · 4 months
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Frances Shea, 1965.
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franceselsieshea · 4 months
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Reggie and Frances, circa 1962/3.
Original and enhanced version.
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franceselsieshea · 4 months
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Reggie Kray and Frances Shea, center, along with Reggies brother Charlie, far right, and his wife Dolly, far left.
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franceselsieshea · 4 months
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Reggie and Frances sunbathing outside the Kray caravan at Steeple Bay near Southminster in Essex.
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franceselsieshea · 4 months
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Most recent photos of Frances grave, August 2023. Uploaded to her 'Find A Grave' site.
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