50 posts
Nosirest is a city of Effluvial Crows that lives on the boarder between the Sunbeam Ruins and Shifting Expanse, run by Velarise and Vanniar. This blog is intended to be a repository of information on the city and it's culture.
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fr-nosirest · 5 years ago
Druidcraft and Firebolt for Velarise and Vanniar!
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[ Druidcraft ] Does your muse care about nature?
“Hm... not so much. I never much cared for traveling through the wilds of Sorneith. I know nature’s important and everything, don’t get me wrong, but I’d much rather be inside Nosirest or another civilized place. It’s just kind of what I’m use to, I think.”
[ Fire Bolt ] How bad is your muse’s temper?
“It’s expected that the heir presumptive have a good hold on their emotions in general; it’s actually one of the things that tends to be looked for when choosing the next High Lord or Lady. Being that all heirs are expected to do some work in diplomacy, terrible tempers tend to be quashed fairly early on.
I use to be a little more... fiery myself, but I think my time in Eodum did a pretty good job of beating that out of me relatively young!”
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[ Druidcraft ] Does your muse care about nature?
“Nature is important for our lives to continue, and the very foundation of everything we have achieved so far is built upon nature. It provides us with the materials we utilize to go about our lives. Of course I care about it.
But taking care of it is definitely not in my job description.”
[ Fire Bolt ] How bad is your muse’s temper?
Velarise smiles.
“Anyone who knows anything of me knows my temper is short in regards to the lazy, unambitious, and those who cut corners.”
DnD Cantrip Asks [1]
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fr-nosirest · 5 years ago
DnD Cantrip Asks [1]
[ Acid Splash ]  Did your muse ever get burned before?
[ Blade Ward ]  What does your muse do to avoid getting hurt?
[ Booming Blade ] When taking action, does your muse tend to plan everything out, wing it, or something in between?
[ Chill Touch ] Does your muse prefer hot or cold drinks?
[ Control Flames ] How good is your muse at deflecting problems?
[ Create Bonfire ] What does your muse do to be comfortable?
[ Dancing Lights ] How well does your muse see in the dark?
[ Druidcraft ] Does your muse care about nature?
[ Eldritch Blast ] What does your muse do cause problems on purpose?
[ Encode Thoughts ] How does your muse tell secrets?
[ Fire Bolt ] How bad is your muse’s temper?
[ Friends ] is your muse easy to get along with?
[ Frostbite ] Is your muse the kind of person to be cold towards someone?
[ Green Flame Blade ] Does your muse focus on one thing or do they tend to jump around between tasks?
[ Guidance ] Who’s your muse’s influences in life?
[ Gust ] How easily is your muse blown away?
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fr-nosirest · 5 years ago
Nosirest Lore Bits (2)
1. There is a distinct difference between the flashy, flourishing fighting style of coliseum fighters and gladiators and the more practical styles of guards and soldiers. Most Nosiric crows are trained in both styles, but excel at only one or the other (to their preference). A rare number can blend the styles seamlessly, and both stress the ability to disable and knock out enemies over necessarily outright killing.
2. Charged Duneberries are grown in Alma. Inner Alma has a system that allows for the generation of artificial storms, making the duneberries taste better before they’re picked and ensuring the fruit and plants of the ward have plenty of water.
3. There is a large aquarium within Nethias, near where it connects to Falma (The ward of waves, home to Nosirest’s docks). It’s full of specially bred glamourtails (bellus and glamourtail varieties), golden featherfins, autumn sea dragons, sandshore snippers, corrosive depins, clown hippocampi, cinderkelp loaches, chalcedony snippers (who have been bred to be scarlet or white and gold rather than the usual orange and purple), and a large number of other aquatic creatures. Most have been bred for bright scarlets and golds to be prominent in their coloration and the breeding populations of these creatures have been within the aquarium for quite some time.
4. Enyalite (or memoir stone) is the unusual mineral that is used for most imprints. It is incredibly similar to quartz in nature and can be found in a wide variety of colors. It seems that the mineral is affected by the elemental magics of the area, which grants it’s ability to retain experiences and imprints better than other materials. As imprints and experiences are given to the enyalite, cracks and fractures form within it, appearing similar to the folds of a brain. Over time, these cracks seem to smooth and the mineral seems to heal itself, hence imprints and experiences weakening over time.
5. Typically, Nosiric crows are cremated. A chunk of enyalite (usually carved into the deceased crow’s likeness) is placed within the crematorium at the time of incineration. When the enyalite is removed, the internals of the mineral is entirely filled with cracks and fractures and the enyalite is thoroughly saturated with the deceased’s imprint and experiences. The effigy does not allow one to experience specific desired memories or experiences, or talk with the deceased or anything of that nature, but it does allow for “visiting” particularly powerful moments in the deceased’s life.
A number of the deceased’s feathers are also “bathed” in the smoke from the body, deeply imprinting them as well. These feathers are given to the deceased’s family, and often make their way into familiar feathered fortune sets and gain additional meanings based on the strongest imprints within the individual feather.
6. Some particularly superstitious Nosiric crows, usually those that adhere strictly to the idea of Glannen and true Effluvial Crow superiority, believe that Carmine winged crows are particularly ill-fated. That their paler wings are a sign their bloodline is coming to an end, and that those of carmine wings are far more likely to have children that are Lesser effluvials or, Plaguebringer forbid, albinos.
7. Nosirest is surrounded by a number of outposts, placed equidistant apart along the outer edge of it’s territory. Before proceeding further, it is heavily recommended to visit one of these outposts and be given a token of passage.
Those without the tokens who proceed beyond the outposts tend to be attacked by the feral effluvial mynamimes that make their home in the land between the outposts and the city proper. It’s suspected that the mynamimes were specially bred and released, as they will not attack anyone carrying one of the nosiric tokens.
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fr-nosirest · 5 years ago
Wards of Nosirest (Part 1?)
Ilhid Ward - Fine, Slender.
For any craft requiring delicate precision, it will likely be found here. Jewelers and engravers, tinkerers and engineers and inventors aplenty live and work within the tight spaces of Ilhid, squished between the Tamin and Nulda wards.
Tamin Ward - Forge
Tamin is a loud place all of the time, constantly working and clanging away but without the smoke and smog one would expect of the home of the city’s forges. Any task that requires high heat can be found here, primarily blacksmithing and glassblowing, as well as the refinement of materials (though that tends to be outsourced as a general rule). The smoke and smog that one would expect from the belching fires is captured and piped from the area with the pipes using it to generate some small amount of the city’s required power.
Nulda Ward - Mystery, Secret
Nulda is the home of Nosirest’s arcane and magical community. Unsurprisingly, it is a relatively small ward with most of it’s population being Alchemists or unusual Glannen Jackdaw who have taken to the magical arts. However, this is also where one would encounter shops to purchase experiences, or crows offering to ply their fortune telling trade. There are a couple talented mages within the ward as well (the ward’s Guardian is almost always a battlemage of some sort) who occasionally will take students.
Nethias Ward - Entertainment
The volume of Nethias almost rivals Tamin on the best of days, and probably has just as much, if not more, chaos. It is the ward of entertainers. Of sculptors and painters and dancers and actors and a million other professions, making it one of the largest and most sprawling of the wards. The Nethias Guardian tends to be the greatest showman in arena combat. Opera houses and theaters abound, if it’s entertainment you seek, Nethias is your place within Nosirest.
Mirian Ward - Coin
The Ward of Coins is exactly what you would expect, and is easily Nethias’s equal in size. It’s also one of the wards most accessible to outsiders. Shops of infinite varieties can be found here, and this ward is also home to most of Nosirest’s inns and taverns. An unfortunate side effect of the nature of this ward means that it is particularly prone to problems such as pickpockets and thieves. But such is the nature of business.
Alma Ward - Flower
The Ward of Flowers is slightly strange in that it is separated into two distinct bands. One that separates Arata from the other wards (Outer Alma) and one that separates Arata and Culda (Inner Alma). Each band serves as the primary greenery found within Nosirest. The ward does not have a Guardian or Conservator (nor an arena), and has a relatively small population. Florists and gardeners and herbalists are most likely to be found within Alma.
Arata Ward - High, Noble
Arata is the ward most of Nosirest’s more influential citizens reside. There are some more exclusive artisans who have shops within the ward as well, and aside from diplomats and ambassadors, outsiders aren’t given leave to visit Arata. A great many governmental buildings can be found within a section of Arata, however.
Culda Ward - Flame-colored, golden-red
Culda is home to the High Lord and Lady, as well as Maethados (The grand coliseum).
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fr-nosirest · 5 years ago
Nosirest Lore Tidbits
1. Normally, a High Lord and Lady will step down before their health begins to severely decline, and take the titles of Grand Duke and Dame. Then, the Heir Presumptive (and their partner if appropriate) will be given the titles of High Lord and Lady.
For the first 2 - 5 years of a new High Lord/Lady’s rule, they will more realistically co-rule with the new Grand Duke and Dame. For the most part, the Duke and Dame’s roles are more that of advisors, but the practice does help to encourage smooth transitions between rulers.
Of course, if a High Lord and Lady perish before they have stepped down, and their heir has ascended to the title of High Lord/Lady, then this practice doesn’t occur. It is a bit of a rarity, however, as most Nosiric rulers tend to enjoy their later years without the stresses of leadership.
2. Nosiric Crows tend to have children slightly later in life. This extends to High Lords and Ladies, who are given a grace period before they’re expected to be trying for heirs. If the High Lord and Lady perishes before producing an heir, the most worthy of their siblings will ascend to the role of High Lord/Lady as appropriate.
3. If a High Lord or Lady perishes, their partner is permitted to continue to fill the role of High Lord/Lady as appropriate, even if they were not a bloodline heir so long as they have demonstrated the ability to lead (as determined by the Council of the Wards). They are permitted to take a new partner, if they so wish, after an appropriate period of grieving, and children from the new union (and children born of the deceased partner) are considered to be equal for the purposes of determining the next Heir Presumptive.
4. High Lords/Ladies are permitted to take a partner of the same gender, though this practice is somewhat unusual and some more traditional Nosiric crows may give the pair a bit of a side-eye. They are permitted to designate any adopted children as their heirs. Should the pair not adopt any children under their care, nieces and nephews of the heir’s bloodline will by default be considered the new Heir Aspirants in place of the High Lord/Lady’s own children. (This also applies to High Lord and Lady pairs who have no children of their own.)
5. The Council of the Wards is an advising and governing council made up of crows from each of Nosirest’s primary wards. Each ward has two individuals on the council, who work as a team. The ward’s gladiatorial champion (often referred to as their ward’s Guardian) and an influential artisan chosen by those of the ward (the ward’s Conservator).
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fr-nosirest · 5 years ago
Telephones became a thing in the 1920s, and Flight Rising’s tech level is suppose to be about that, with a fantasy bent...
Nosirest has telephones. There’s definitely one sitting on Velarise’s desk, 
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A Norwegian table telephone by Elektrisk Bureau, Kristiania, 19th Century.
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fr-nosirest · 5 years ago
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The stained glass “adopts” for Velarise and Vanniar’s second nest :D
Little hatchling art is from [url=]here![/url]
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fr-nosirest · 5 years ago
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Art Nouveau Bloodstone Cabochon Ring
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fr-nosirest · 5 years ago
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Garnet Flower Star Ring with Diamonds
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fr-nosirest · 5 years ago
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Vintage 9k Gold Garnet Cabochon Ring
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fr-nosirest · 5 years ago
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~ Necklace.
Period: Hellenistic
Culture: Greek
Date: 3rd-2nd century B.C.
Medium: Garnet and gold
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fr-nosirest · 5 years ago
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An English Derby Porcelain Tulip Cup, Circa 1820.
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fr-nosirest · 5 years ago
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Dragon’s Blood Agate Cup by SublimePotteryStudio
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fr-nosirest · 5 years ago
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Gorham cranberry claret jug - 1888
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fr-nosirest · 5 years ago
Normally they’d be done in red in Nosirest, of course, but still.
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Jack Pine Studio Hand Blown Glass Egg
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fr-nosirest · 5 years ago
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Red Desert, 2003 by Kevin Gordon ~  Hand Blown, Triple Overlaid, Wheel Cut, Sandblasted, Hand and Fire Polished                
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fr-nosirest · 5 years ago
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Malesherbes vase of amber glass, c. 1927, Rene Lalique
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