foxxmoey · 2 years
Bot :3
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foxxmoey · 2 years
Let's talk a little about TW?
Bro I don't know how to explain what Twisted Wonderland is, the vibe, the aesthetic, everything, the game is really amazing, every chapter the game manages to impress you, every time I play I always get a mix of emotions, happiness, joy, sadness, simp for everyone, anger and fear.
Lately I'm scared of Grimm lmao, but seriously I'm scared of what will happen to him in the next book... I predict that I will suffer with the next overblot ufs
Okay meanwhile I'm afraid the game is over, like there's only two books left of the main story, what are we going to do after that? (Oh let's go to RSA lol)
Jokes aside, I want to talk about Fandom, seriously as far as I went the fandom is very calm compared to the other games I play, the ships are moderate, and etc... (I'm not saying there's no toxic part, that part is probably out there...just like in every game.)
It's almost the fandom of Obey me, I saw some toxic people but there were very few, the fandom of obey me is quite moderate too (from what I saw...)
TW and Obey Me BR fandom is so small that everyone knows each other 😫
Anyway, Twisted Wonderland has a pretty vast world full of mysteries, have you ever wondered who lived in the dorm before us?, What happened there, or what is grimm is?, I think that's the charm of Twisted Wonderland, Disney really knows how to lock our asses into it
Hope we keep it up...
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• post unreviewed •
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foxxmoey · 2 years
🔸🔶Mc and the Purgatory Hall 🔶🔸
hmmm cringe I love it
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♪┌|∵|┘♪ turiripipi rs...
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foxxmoey · 2 years
Thoma, You and the Stars (incomplete draft)
warnings: incomplete draft, gender neutral reader, misspellings, confused, OOC(?), improvised title, unreviewed
Summary not abridged lol: you and thomas are in the serenitea pot.
my phone almost died to load this GIF
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"Hey Thoma, have you gotten used to the new place yet?" (Y/N) asks the blond haired boy Thoma turns to look at (Y/N) and gives him a small smile. "Oh, Hey (Y/N)! Yes this place is amazing and calm, I like it here, it's a great place for me to come and rest after a long day at work." Thomas talks looking at you. (Y/N) gives Thoma a small smile and replies "I'm glad you say that, but what about the landscape, what do you think? I can change it if you don't like it." "Oh don't need it (Y/n) it's very beautiful here, the stars seem to be closer to us here, the stars remind me of you (Y/n), uhm actually everything has reminded me of you, since the day I met you until the very moment you never left my mind, even a simple cleaning product or a candy, whenever you appear in my dreams they are the best and sweetest I've ever had all my life, (Y/ n) I love you, but I hardly have time to spend with you, I'm always busy with work, that's a little selfish of me, I know... but I just wanted to spend a little more time with you. .." Thoma approaches a little closer to (Y/n) who blushes even more at the sudden proximity of Thoma. "(Y/n) I love you so much, it's selfish too much to want to have you all to myself?" time with you." (Y/n) stutters a little. "I'm really happy that you like me like that too (Y/n), I feel like the happiest person in the world right now hehe. Thoma looks a little longer at your face and then at your lips and asks shyly: U-uhh I-can I b-kiss you?"
now it's up to you dear reader if you want to say yes or no to our dear thoma
( joke i just didnt want to continue lol)
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foxxmoey · 2 years
I was bored and then decided to scribble something and...I REALIZED THAT I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DRAW A FACE :"(
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Don't draw Amber at 3:00 in the morning (actually it's 5 o'clock in the morning here in Brazil lmaf)
This draft is a piece of garbage ❤️
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foxxmoey · 2 years
*Mc accompanying Heizou in an investigation*
*A suspicious guy flirts with Mc*
Heizou and Mc:
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foxxmoey · 2 years
I've done my work here, now I'm going to disappear again.
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foxxmoey · 2 years
Jamil Viper as his roommate (AU/MODERN?)
Note: posted in a hurry, and this sucks just like my life ✨
• You two were just teenagers sharing the same apartment to make the rent easier for the two of you
• It didn't take long for the two of you to get comfortable with each other's presence.
• And when that happens, he almost plays the role of mother of the house (or more like an older brother)
• when you don't buy fast food or ready-to-eat food, he prepares it himself; "I wonder what (MC) wants to eat today"
• He cleans the house every weekend and you keep the clothes, they always share the tasks alias this is an obligation.
• casual everyday conversations on the sofa.
• "How was it at the club?" (MC) asks."hmm... tiring, today you had extra training, and at your college?" He answers without taking his arm away from his face."Meeh, just boring lectures, the usual"(MC) responds with a cute pout.
• very competitive in games too, always beats you. (You definitely get a beating in every game the two of you play.)
• night of study sessions for exams, he also helps you with homework :)
⏳ehhn, it's been a while since I posted anything hehe, it's not reviewed and I'm writing and editing on another phone
⏳Also, as soon as I started writing here, my family out of the blue started a fight over my toxic uncle. so I had to do it in a hurry lmao, sorry for the delay :^(
(I forgot to mention that I had made a banner only that is on the other cell phone lmaofuc-💀)
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foxxmoey · 2 years
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foxxmoey · 2 years
Incorrect quote BSD #2
Y/n: There's no way they like me back.
Atsushi: Dazai would throw themself in front of a moving car for you.
Y/n: Dazai would throw themself in a front of a moving car for fun.
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foxxmoey · 2 years
a family dinner 🍛
R: He meets your parents for the first time at dinner with you.
character: Mitsuya Takashi
• while the food is being prepared he helps to take care of his brothers (and in the food too if he needs it).
• during dinner his parents ask what he does and he answers things about sewing, his future and all the good stuff, leaving the gang subject aside because he doesn't think his father will like it very much.
 • his mother and younger brothers are very fond of him
 • After dinner he helped to wash the dishes and was talking to his mother about fashion and accessories, he read the same fashion magazines that his mother also read.
• talks about how beautiful you are, "She's my muse, my inspiration."
 • tries to be 100% respectful to his parents, and he succeeds.
this sucks, but i'm trying lol, this is not revised because i'm sleepy and too lazy... i spent all night reading book ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ) but i hope someone likes it :) i have some other ideas to put into practice. syl
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foxxmoey · 2 years
⚰Random incorrect quote BSD
Y/n, at Dazai funeral: I need a moment with them.
everyone: Of course. *They leave*
Y/n, leaning over Dazai coffin: Okay, listen here you little shit, I know you're not dead.
Dazai: Yeah, no shit.
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foxxmoey · 2 years
Uh,hello guys! well I started playing Genshin again and joining for Xiao(??) or Klee idk but as my phone has very little space I had to uninstall Twisted Wonderland ( it's only been 2 days and I'm already missing Ace lol ) anyway I wanted to keep it frequent and even post short One-shots/fanfics but I think it along with my anxiety and depression problems, I also don't have much help here at home because no one believes I have anxiety even though I have several crises and doing doctor my aunt called me crazy...hah...now i just need to distract myself a little...
( unreviewed text and it's not important it's just my rant to myself )
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foxxmoey · 2 years
Jack DANiel's Life☆
Hairdresser: How would you like your hair cut?
Dan: Preferably with scissors, but a sword could be badass
Dan: I do have no respect for Santa. Don't sneak in through the chimney and undermine my authority by bringing my family presents. Walk in through the front door and fight me like a man.
Dan: * coughs blood*
Mc: Don't die, Dan!
Dan: Don't tell me what to do!
Dan: I know one person who finds me funny!
Mc: Okay, Who?... and you can't say yourself!
Dan: Okay then I'm out
Dan: Can I have 2 straws with that milkshake?
Jessy: Aww-
Dan: With 2 straws, I can drink it double as fast!
Mc: I want a bf.
Dan: Do you mean best friend, boyfriend or bread feast? Because you're being really vague here.
Dan. A guy who changes from water to wine quickly.~☆
Obs: sorry for the mistakes in english, my english is very bad and it's 3 in the morning and i still can't sleep and my eye is hurt
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foxxmoey · 2 years
Jake: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.
Mc: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can fell whole again.
Jake: O-Oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??
Mc: Is it working?
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foxxmoey · 2 years
🖤Random Twisted Wonderland incorrect Quote #2🖤
Mc: All of your existences are confusing
Ace,Deuce,grim: How so?
Mc: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you upsets me
Vil: If I see a bug, I simply leave the room elegantly and require someone else do something about it.
Vil: If no one fulfills my wish, I simply never go back in there.
. ━━━━━ 》❈《 ━━━━━
I want to add Lilia next, doing this is so much fun
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foxxmoey · 2 years
Jake: Mc, can you help me? All of my clothes keep disappearing for some reason.
Mc, wearing a hoodie that's 5 time bigger than their size: Spooky
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