A multimuse RP blog for the main 4 protagonists of the Kirby video game series. Managed and illustrated by embercoral.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Okay, so, like... you know how folks like to draw characters in the Peter Griffin death pose or the DBZ Yamcha crater? ... What if we did that but with the Dedede faceplant pose instead?
#high on invincibility candy || crack#baby with knife || memes#new muse challenge: draw your muse in this pose
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It's a new part of Tumblr's means of people joining. They're required to follow 3 or so people before they get to their account normally. Course, Tumblr doesn't tell them they can just click on the big T and go to the dash normally. So that's likely what's going on.
Even if that is true (which there seems to be a lot of confusion over), I'm not going to unblock anyone until I see visual changes from the default.
I'm sorry, but I take potential bot threats very seriously. I don't even answer my phone most of the time unless I know who's calling.
#a treasure chest! || ask#waking from dream land || ooc#charger also notified me of this earlier today but i'm still ehhhhhh
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Are you fucking kidding me with this? Some of these even sound like legit RP account names!
I've been noticing a sudden increase in following by completely blank accounts lately. No images, no text, no nothing. I dunno about you, but I find that rather concerning.
I'll say it right now: If you have a new RP account (or a new account in general) and want to follow me for whatever reason, do not do so until you at least have your channel description and images set up. Otherwise, I'm going to instantly block you under suspicion of being a potential porn/scam bot. No exceptions.
#waking from dream land || ooc#awful#I'm clearly not the only one with this issue either#Stay safe guys
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I've been noticing a sudden increase in following by completely blank accounts lately. No images, no text, no nothing. I dunno about you, but I find that rather concerning.
I'll say it right now: If you have a new RP account (or a new account in general) and want to follow me for whatever reason, do not do so until you at least have your channel description and images set up. Otherwise, I'm going to instantly block you under suspicion of being a potential porn/scam bot. No exceptions.
#waking from dream land || ooc#im not even that active lately like wtf#what are you trying to get out of me
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Nuh uh!!!
#high on invincibility candy || crack#feralgalaxy#grumpy grandpa galacta#kirby innocently parroting meta knight
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when ur fam's a bunch of op warriors but they love you all the same
edit: fixed quality i think hh
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"Poyo?" Can Kirby help?
"If I keep having to see stuff from this stupid clown pirate crew I am going to start throwing bombs."
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Bandanna flinched slightly at the mention of being squished, but that didn't deter him from resisting the Dark Lord's fear mongering.

"I dunno, I mean have you seen what Dark Matter stuff is capable of? Not to mention the rogue mechanical comet threatening to wipe out our entire universe?? Heck, even that ultimate lifeform thingy we fought in the New World was trying to smash planets together! I haven't seen you trying to pull any of that off yet!" Bandanna, please don't give this guy ideas.

"You know, if you weren't so focused on being a bully all the time, Kirby could've been your friend! He's a pretty forgiving person!" Pretty forgiving was an understatement. Some would possibly consider Kirby insane for making amends with the likes of thieves, cultists, and invasive colonialists, among other things. "There might still be a chance for you if you back off! Maybe think about it for a bit!"
"Says the one within squishing range." The Dark Lord chuckled, not even a tiny bit phased by Bandanna's anger. "Would you consider the fact that I'm not at all surprised what you two and the others are capable of?"
"You may have beaten odds otherwise not possible with even humans, but I doubt you have fought anyone or anything like I am." He continued. "I must applaud one of this realm's warriors for being able to take my fight with him to a standstill, though."
"Mmm, the image of me hurting you all to hurt Kahann. And the Slayer, as well." Of course this ugly fiend knew of the Doom Slayer as well.
#kirby friend times || ic#expvrgction#davoth#ask to tag tw#davoth being a bitch tw#tbf at least half of the villains who became kirby's allies were under the influence of some other force#including my dimentio but no one realizes that yet
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#such fluffy clouds || aesthetic#this reminds me of the tiny melons i've grown for the past 2 years now
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How someone as nice as Kahann could have kinship with someone as vile as Davoth was beyond Bandanna. The very thought made him feel sick...

"W-Well, it's not like we saw him recently...so I actually don't know how he's doing at all!"

"And we're not that small!" the waddle dee boldly retorted, stamping his foot, "In fact, we've fought and won against monsters much larger than you!!" He might not have been fully aware of Davoth's importance in the existence of his own realm, but certain past foes were considered as powerful as gods, if not actual gods themselves.
Continued from here! @four-4-dream-land
"Consider yourself lucky I'm being less menacing to you today. Who knows if I'll come after you and your friends again, boy..." Oh, a threat? Davoth should have given Bandanna a direct answer first! Either way, the Waddle Dee would still find out.
The Dark Lord smirked, just as off-putting as it brimmed with joy. "I know my twin brother longer than any of you, and he, likewise. I still deserve to know how he's doing lately."
"Kahann still makes friends with tiny creatures to this day, where he should have otherwise chosen to crush them like me. He never changes, does he?"
#kirby friend times || ic#expvrgction#davoth#ask to tag tw#davoth being a bitch tw#don't push your luck with this guy kiddo#seriously though how is kahann doing lately?
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[expvrgction] "You and the pink child speak to and of the other merman an awful lot. Does he have any visible mark on one of his shoulders? Kelp hiding his chest, perhaps?" (Davoth @ Bandanna Dee. oh no, considering this man frightened bandanna and almost drowned him)

What the-where did he come from??? This towering figure...Bandanna had seen him before! Those red beacons once again bore into him, his heart and mind clutched by the memories of that awful day of fishing. His stubby arms shook, but he eventually managed to whip out his spear to brandish it.

"...M-M-Maybe we have, maybe we haven't! What's it to you? Wh-Why do you care?!!?"
Oh, he knew exactly who the monster was referring to, but he wasn't stupid. He wasn't going to allow anyone else to fall into Davoth's clutches, if he could help it.
#kirby friend times || ic#a treasure chest! || ask#expvrgction#davoth#ask to tag tw#trauma tw#child endangerment tw#davoth being a bitch tw#and so we meet again lobster man#you need a better hobby than bullying children-
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Working on starting things back up again
Another hellish summer season at work is pretty much over, and I wanna start getting back into rp stuff again. I have no clue how much I missed out on since I last checked in, and any rps I may have been drafting responses for before are pretty old now...
If you're still active and wanna do stuff with either of my rp accounts, lemme know (especially if there's any old RPs you wanna continue). I might've accidentally unfollowed a few folks while trying to declutter my following list of inactive accounts, so I apologize if that happened to you. It can very easily be rectified.
My activity level's gonna be a bit sporadic for the time time being, so please bear with me.
#waking from dream land || ooc#status update#hhhhhhhhhh#this year has been quite a rollercoaster lemme tell ya#then again what year isn't anymore
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"Welp, that was a nice, long vacation! Wonder what's been goin' on since we lef-"


"...I feel this shouldn't be surprising, and yet..."

"Kirby, avert your eyes!"

"Hey, why'd we sto-"

"Trust me, kiddo, you don't wanna know!"
#high on invincibility candy || crack#why is this the first thing I see after months of absence#it's not like there's MINORS who use this site or anything jfc#anyway hi im back kinda#idek who's active here anymore...or where my drafts are located#I might need to mess with plugins again before I start things back up#at least drafts autosave now#that's cool#a rare improvement
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Okay, I’ve been pretty out of the loop for a couple months now. I didn’t even make an announcement that I was ducking out, but it just kinda...happened.
In short, I’ve been distracted by life in general. To be more specific, I’ve been spending more time with my bf who I haven’t seen in 2+ years (as well as other friends and relatives), became a supervisor at my job, and worked on other art projects. I played some new video games, too.
Speaking of video games and art projects...I’ve been getting a lot of pixel art practice lately because I learned the basics of modding for a game I really enjoy: Brutal Orchestra. The game is a whole year old now, and I just published my first complex mod for it today! Before this, I was simply reskinning playable characters to give them silly hats, as I am a hoe for hats.
So will I be active again? Eh, not quite yet. I’m actually not sure when I’ll be ready to return. I’m still hurting from losing so many icons I worked on for Kirby’s copy abilities, and I don’t even know who’s here anymore or who’s gone for good. Maybe things will become clearer in the next month or two, maybe not. I’m turning 30 in March, though. I’m pretty deep in adult life at this point.
Anyway, hope things are going well for everyone at the end of the year. I got some good snow a few days ago, and we’re supposed to get even more next week.
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This was one road the blue knight refused to go down.
#high on invincibility candy || crack#arena seats || dash com#i disappear for a couple days and i come back to this#he has his reasons for staying single
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Alright, she’s never playing fetch with anybody else ever again. King Dedede? Seemed like a strange name, but what did that matter when you are quite literally the best stick thrower ever? And without further-ado, the stick was launched across the park going farther away than the first time. Before he had even let go, the tiny Chihuahua was gone.

She practically flew through the field, her little feet kicking up grass and dirt along the way. The stick may not have hit the unusually looking pink creature, but it landed just close enough that when Kleo came rushing in, she crashed right into it.
She was either going far too fast to stop in time, or her eyes were genuinely so focused on where the stick would land that she just didn’t see him.

“Kirby, look out!”
Oops, too late! The two creatures tumbled several feet along the ground, plucked flowers scattered about, until they came to rest near the foot of a shady tree. Luckily, this Kirby fellow was soft and squishy.

“Y’all okay over there?” the king called out as he rushed to catch up to them.
What was this being exactly? And why did he smell of strawberries?
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[expvrgction] The Crimson Dunes-- A territory of Hell known for its grains of sand in various shades of red, and one notorious among more arid places in the dark realm for getting even the most well-traveled demons lost for however long it took. Here was a location with lesser concentration of populace, and where the recent victim of its ruler's whims was placed.
Were any other demon to see King Dedede like this, he would have been taken in and used for any purpose they would deem fit-- He would have been lost forever this way.
That was about to change, however, as a portal ripped open from a rift in space. Stepping out of it was none other than the bane of the demons' existence himself, the Doom Slayer.
He wasn't alone today, as there were others tied to the currently possessed king who sought to free him from being brainwashed. The upcoming battle would be easier said than done though, and it would be disastrous if Dedede had to be killed.
(Doomguy @ possessed King Dedede)
A lumbering mass slowly shuffled through the ruby sands, unthinking and without goals of its own. The life that once dwelled within it was locked away, a demonic face plastered upon it. With no orders, it would continue to wander, perhaps until the end of the Void itself...
The two Dream Land youths insisted that they join the Slayer in retrieving Davoth's hostage. After all, they knew the king best, including the kind of destructive power he was capable of. Meta Knight, on the other hand, was still in recovery from his own unfortunate possession and unable to assist.
Kirby didn’t want to jump in without an ability. Of all the possible powers at his disposal, he ended up choosing Water. Bandanna suggested it due to how harsh the desert was bound to be, and the pink puff certainly didn’t regret it upon their arrival. The heat alone was brutal, and he could give the others a drink if needed.
The scarcity of life and landmarks among the dunes, along with the strong winds, made it difficult to trace the group’s path. It would’ve taken ages to give the desert a thorough combing, if not for a keen eye on one of the tallest sandy peaks in the distance.

“Hey, look up there!”
There stood the cursed ruler himself, looking different due to Hell’s enhancements. His usual grand mallet was replaced by one fueled with Argent energy, and his mask...it seemed to bear the visage of the Icon of Sin.
He had yet to notice them, though. This could be advantageous.
#kirby friend times || ic#expvrgction#doomguy#ask to tag tw#i am slowly rebuilding the copy ability icon library#this water might actually look a tad better than before tbh
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