forverknitting 3 years
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Test knit 馃グ
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forverknitting 3 years
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forverknitting 3 years
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I knit a sweater vest
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forverknitting 3 years
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Shawl for my mum is underway!
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forverknitting 3 years
So I made an Instagram dedicated to my knitting, the username is "4everknitting"
Please follow me and I will follow back, I want to be able to connect more with fellow crafters and make some new friends!
My account is pretty empty right now as I only made it yesterday but I'm really looking forwards to keeping it up to date with all my knitting and progress.
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forverknitting 3 years
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day 19(?): boredom got way worse, trying to make myself a victorian friend
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forverknitting 3 years
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Finished these socks for my best friend! I love them and I'm quite jealous they aren't mine
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forverknitting 3 years
So I made an Instagram dedicated to my knitting, the username is "4everknitting"
Please follow me and I will follow back, I want to be able to connect more with fellow crafters and make some new friends!
My account is pretty empty right now as I only made it yesterday but I'm really looking forwards to keeping it up to date with all my knitting and progress.
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forverknitting 3 years
I really want to make a new Instagram account for my knitting and yarn obsession, but I don't want my family to be able to see it - I know this sounds stupid but alot of my family and fianc茅's family make fun of me knitting, and I don't want to be the butt of their jokes if I make an account dedicated to my knitting.
BUT I want to be able to share all my knitting and progress pics and interact with all the knitting accounts I follow without any worry!
I suppose I just need to make one and go and block all my family members on it...
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forverknitting 3 years
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So happy with this cowl!
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forverknitting 3 years
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Cowl finished and blocking! Loved knitting this, love the colours and the pattern was so fun!
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forverknitting 3 years
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Started my cowl! I learnt how to make bobbles, which was.... An experience.
Love this colourway too!
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forverknitting 3 years
Why is it that every time I try and wind a skein up into a ball, it tangles. I've tried putting it on a chair, flat, around my fianc茅's hands. Every single time it tangles into a big mess.
What am I doing wrong
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forverknitting 3 years
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Finished hat and scarf for my fiance. This was done using Drops Andes alpaca and Peruvian Highland wool. I love the cosiness of this wool
Fiance is made up with them
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forverknitting 3 years
crochet, knitting, sewing... any kind of fiber art given to another person is just so indescribably filled with love. and i think part of that is bc it is a process. the gradual nature of creation. the stitches you create with yarn and your hands is replicated in your heartstrings. every stitch was made with consideration, counted and recounted. by the time the gift is complete it is heavy with love. it says: this is the part of my heart that you reside in, please handle it with care.
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forverknitting 3 years
So I've finally finished knitting for my fiance for now, I've done him a pair of welly socks, and a scarf with a matching hat. (I will post photos later once blocked)
Words cannot describe how excited I am to start something for myself (selfish knitting) as the past 5 projects have been for other people.
I'm going knit myself a cowl. I've never knit one before, I usually knit socks so I'm really excited to knit something new. I've bought lots and lots of new yarn this month due to sales, so I have so much to choose from, and I've already selected the pattern.
So once I make my way out of bed from my lazy morning, I'm going to wind up some yarn and cast on!
Eeeee new project!
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forverknitting 3 years
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Learn How To Make Holes In Your Knitting - Download This FREE Stable Hole Construction Pattern: 馃憠 https://buff.ly/39vDNDM
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