dependent rp blog affiliated with grimmbrookhq. highly triggering. written by chloe.
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rory ⇆ ariela
Ariela: You'd look good in a skipper hat, tbh
Ariela: Wheel of Fortune reruns? Oh Rory... isn't retirement supposed to be freeing? You know, go on all those trips you didn't get to take and everything? With no one trying to give you a headache over things because now you're a 'respectable elder' and it'd be rude?
Rory: I don't think I have a hat head but I'll take your word for it
Rory: And eh I think I've had enough adventure for one lifetime
Rory: I can shotgun an Ensure if I'm feeling crazy
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rory ⇆ abby
Abby: I've considered it a bunch of times since people keep mistaking me for a teenager
Abby: Pretty sure it's my lack of boobage
Abby: I already have one extremely ugly scar tho, might as well stick with my lesbian titties
Abby: Why do you want that anyway?
Rory: Let's get boob jobs together
Rory: Hopefully it'll go better than the last thing we did together
Rory: Carrie Pope said I had the body of a young boy and idk
Rory: I guess it hurt my feelings
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rory ⇆ dani
Dani: it's definitely not you
Dani: i thought it was me that was getting more fucked up every day, but it seems to be more than that
Rory: I mean I have no doubt that I've gotten more fucked up since I've been in town but yeah
Rory: I think it goes deeper than that
Rory: Like I told Tyler, it's getting very Stephen King around here
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rory ⇆ abby
Rory: I hate doctors
Rory: And I REALLY hate hospitals
Rory: But I'm thinking about getting a boob job
Rory: Nothing crazy, just a cup size or two
Rory: What do you think?
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rory ⇆ dani
Dani: there might be screenshots taken but i won't use them
Dani: it seems to be a common thread but more so than ever before like a vodka for all meals kind of mood
Rory: I'll take what I can get
Rory: Is it just me or does this town get more fucked up every day?
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rory ⇆ ariela
Ariela: Aye, aye captain!
Ariela: You're not wrong. Honestly it's felt more like three days long. But maybe that's just me.
Rory: Now all I need is the skipper hat
Rory: And yeah that's valid
Rory: I'm ready to fast forward to retirement age and do nothing but watch Wheel of Fortune reruns all day
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“Yeah,” she sighed as she stepped down from the step ladder and cleansed her hands with some hand sanitizer before walking over towards the blonde. “It’s kind of annoying that no one is saying anything about it….again.” Out of all the random and strangely timed occurrences that were happening in Grimmbrook, it was as if this was just an expected anomaly and that people were supposed to ignore what was happening right under their nose. Isabel practically lived in this area all her life and besides the creepy Halloween stories and the haunted house in Neverland, the town was normal. Nothing more or less exciting than any other town in America. “I’m doing pretty well. Cas and I just celebrated six months the other day which is just mind boggling to me.”
is it a little strange listening to isabel talk about coming up on six months with somebody rory sleeps with on a daily basis? yeah. does she act like anything’s out of the ordinary? no. she’s a pro at compartmentalizing her emotions. the good as well the bad. ��six months is a big deal. caleb and i have been together for a year and a half.” it’s simultaneously been the best and worst time of rory’s life. that statement might be confusing to others, but it makes perfect sense in her mind — which is conveniently where it stays. “did he do something special?” if the gifts he’s lavished rory with in the past are any indication, she’s sure casper went all out. does the thought of people doing nice things for their significant others just for the hell of it make rory jealous? maybe a little, but it mostly makes her nostalgic for the way things used to be. “the four of us should get dinner together sometime.”
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Ty grinned, humming to himself a little as he walked. Grocery shopping like this was something would’ve done with his dad, something he did with Cordelia sometimes. Sharing it with Aurora didn’t feel nearly as weird as he might’ve thought. He picked out some of the cheaper apples and a few oranges he could probably convince J-Squared to eat, grabbed a few lemons.
At the mention of sewer clowns, he pulled a face. “If anyone sees one goddamn sewer clown we’re burning this place down and rebuilding somewhere else. No weirdass alien fear parasites for us, no way.”
shopping is usually something rory does by herself, but she won’t say no to some company for a change. tyler has been kind to her since their first meeting at the fairy tails bar and he’s easy to talk to. even though things have been... strained at home, she still finds herself picking out an assortment of fruits, vegetables, and other things she knows caleb and abby will like. his cooking skills still surprise her sometimes because she’s never known a man who can cook. russell tried one time to prove how ‘easy’ it was and damn near set the kitchen ablaze. he then proceeded to blame the stove, the ingredients, and everything save for his own lack of skill. “kill it with fire.” is she talking about sewer clowns, her father, or both? both. she watches tyler get his own groceries together and wonders if he’ll let her pay for them. she has an almost limitless expanse of cash at her disposal, so it’s the least she can do. she doesn’t want to look like she’s flaunting it, though, because that can rub people the wrong too way.
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of course you’re glad, you did your time with him and now it’s my turn. the blonde thinks to herself, there’s an air of guilt in being in grimmbrook because she knows that their mother is at home suffering. but alex is here an she’s tangible and quinn just misses her so much. she wishes that she could be the quinn that alex probably remembers and that they could be in sync again. but that quinn is lost downing champagne to avoid russells wandering hands. quinn shrugs. “it’s a piece of plastic it can be replaced. and then anyone who’s important enough will find my number.. or bernie will give it to them.” it’s a slightly defensive answer but then isn’t everything she says at this point. “any important calls will get forwarded…” she stops herself then, because she should at least try to have a normal conversation with her sister. “what.. what brings you out here?”
much as aurora likes to pretend otherwise, her marriage isn’t perfect. caleb isn’t always kind to her. and yet... he was there for her during a period of her life when no one else was. so many people knew what russell was really like. they knew what he did behind closed doors, but they never tried to stop it. not even once. all she got was sad looks and promises to be kept in prayers. what a fucking joke. rory knows they were either bought off or afraid or both. regardless, she’s still going to resent them until the day she dies. caleb wasn’t like everybody else, though. he promised her that she’d never have to see her father again and he followed through. yes, her freedom came at a cost. caleb expects a lot from her and doesn’t always hold himself to the same standard. nothing in this world is free, though. “how is she, by the way?” rory asks in regards to bernie. she’s happy quinn has somebody even if the latter can’t bring herself to be happy for her. at the question of what brings her out, she shrugs. “i’m not in jail, i can leave the house.”
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warning: keep cocaine out of reach
"coke is the solution, not the problem.”
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if people came with warning labels, what would mine be?
I’m interested to see what you guys come up with.
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rory ⇆ ariela
Ariela: ♡♡♡
Ariela: Who needs french when you have whiskey, someone wise once said.
Ariela: Thank god, honestly. I was just going to ask them to give me a crash course but then I got a bunch of dirty looks.
Rory: I couldn't agree more
Rory: People are dicks, try not to pay them too much mind
Rory: And is it just me or does the last hour of work feel about three hours long??
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rory ⇆ dani
Dani: we have good taste, you can admit it to me
Dani: honestly? i couldn't agree more. it feels like a vodka for dinner kind of night
Rory: If word gets back to her, I will deny it but yes
Rory: I've been having a lot of those lately tbh
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Carrie couldn’t help but laugh as she looked at the other. “Your mouth might get you in a lot of trouble, you know? You should remember your place and what I bring to your husband. I’d hate for him to lose a business venture because his whore didn’t know when to shut her mouth.” If anything else, she hated when people believed to be bigger and badder than they were. She doubted the woman would dare speak such a way to another partner of her husband had he been a man. Funnily enough since she’d be quick to kneel and shove them down her throat. Her head tilted than and laughter billowed from her lips. “I’m here to see my holes.” She’d bought some girls and had Caleb tame them. Maybe she’d have to rethink that venture now that she was faced with the mouthy wife. “I’d like to see your husband. I believe I need to reconsider the proposition that I gave him last time we met. Can you be a doll and fetch him for me?”
being told to watch her mouth is a new one. well, not a new one but a ‘first time in a long time’ one. it’s not something rory usually has to be told anymore; somewhere along the way, she learned how to control herself and blend into high society like her father always wanted her to. she doesn’t want to say she’s broken, but... yeah, she’s probably a little broken. almost dying again has poked some holes in this filter of hers, though. it’s amusing until carrie threatens to reconsider her venture with caleb. rory sighs. she doesn’t think losing one bitchy business partner is going to make or break him, but they’re already in a not-so-good place and she’d rather not make it worse. “you don’t have to do that. i’m sorry i was rude, okay?” even though carrie was rude first. rory doesn’t trust caleb to take her side on this right now, though.
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Caleb ✉ Rory
Caleb: Liam is heading over to let you both out
Rory: ...Really?
Rory: Thank you, Caleb.
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Caleb ✉ Rory
Caleb: That's because you never think about the consequences of your actions
Rory: I'm sorry for being such a screw up
Rory: And I'm sorry for getting Abby hurt
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