For Him a Name
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forhimaname · 2 years ago
"Multitudes, Multitudes in the VALLEY OF DECISION: for the DAY OF THE LORD IS NEAR in the VALLEY OF DECISION" was Prophet Joel's cry for the End of the Age of the Israelite [Joel 3:14].
By Hebrew definition this was not a literal valley!
They were in the 'throes' of decision-making!
Coming up to the End of the Age of the Gentiles, Multitudes of Ministers and students of God's Word are in the THROES of decision-making... "Do I believe Zechariah chapters 12 through 14 literally took place at the time of the 70 AD Siege of Jerusalem as prophesied and lose some of my best paying members; or should I continue with the flow???
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forhimaname · 2 years ago
By searching scripture and applying its principles to our lives... all these treasures found in Psalm 119 will be ours.
#light #safety #guidance #understanding #peace #help #sincerity #wisdom #hope #mercy #respect #boldness #knowledge #goodjudgment #comfort #quickening #fluenttestimony #answers #freeom #counsel #cleansing #happyheart
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forhimaname · 2 years ago
THE GREATEST VICTORY of all time and space
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       Our universe is like a hologram; everything that will ever be accomplished or created has already been done in the unseen realm, and is brought over into the material realm by individuals as we make our choices.
       I'm thinking of Joseph son of Jacob in the Bible who saved the world from starvation with the three secrets of the universe noted in his Emerald Tablet. God had determined to cause a famine over all the face of the Earth; and Joseph, called Imhotep, was so "one with God" in his LOVE  for humanity, that he HOPED for a way to save the world, and by FAITH he built step pyramids all over the world for storage of corn and grain; becoming the world's first architect. Joseph was also the world's first and great physician, and as the staff God, went all over the world teaching matters of civilization. The double headed staff in his left hand represented FAITH and HOPE and the one in his right hand represented LOVE
       Saving the world from starvation was a greatvictory; but the greatest victory of all time and space was when the Lord Jesus Christ who had never sinned... Became the substantial payment for all the sins of all humanity of all time! 
       It wasn't easy! He was beaten more severely than any human being had ever been, said Prophet Isaiah; He bore the agony of feeling the dirt and filth of all sorts of sin  being placed upon Him as if He had done each one; besides the excruciating pain of having His hands and feet nailed to a cross - with His strength dried up and tongue cleaving to His jaws - His side was pierced and the purest blood of all humanity of all time, seeped through a crack in the rock below; finally dripping upon the Mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant which Jeremiah had hidden in a cave below the mount Golgotha... and flows on in the unseen realm so that we, in making a choice to receive Him and His substitutional sacrifice - maybe cleansed and free from the burden of sin. Praise the Lord!
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forhimaname · 2 years ago
This is what Persian King Darius had to say about Daniel's God, after He had delivered Daniel from the Lion's den:
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forhimaname · 2 years ago
"IN THAT DAY" [the Day of the 70 AD Siege of Jerusalem; the "Last Day" of the Israelite]
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Why is "In that day" so important that the Lord said it sixteen times in Zechariah chapters 12 through 14 ?
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forhimaname · 2 years ago
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forhimaname · 2 years ago
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forhimaname · 2 years ago
'Seeker' says "There is clearly a female counterpart to God."
We can see it in all of nature; even in electricity, there's a positive and a negative, but we should not make a religion of it because it could turn into a cult. There are many facets of God, and many cults that like to pinpoint one facet and make a religion of it. Scripture says God is love, and we should receive Him as such and not try to understand everything there is to know about Him and His love. There is a law of "gradual growth" as evangelist Greg Crawford pointed out in a message I never forgot.
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forhimaname · 2 years ago
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forhimaname · 2 years ago
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Our Lord Jesus, Lord of all the Earth said this to His disciples on the eve of His death. It was very important to Him, that His substitutional death be remembered often - from the time of  Adam's change from metaphysical, to physical - until He would come back again, to change those who received Him and His sacrifice - from physical, to metaphysical again.
Before His substitutional sacrifice - The Saviour was heralded by the institution of the prophets, whose mission was to help keep a people strong enough to produce a seed that would be strong enough emotionally, spiritually and physically - to 'set His face like a flint' and go to Jerusalem; knowing full well what would happen to Him. 
Now I have Old Testament rationale for this statement... In Psalm eighty, Prophet King David saw Jerusalem being burnt by fire, and prayed: "Return, we beseech Thee, O God of hosts... Look down from heaven, and behold, and visit this vine, and the vineyard which Your right hand has planted, and the branch that You made strong for Yourself. It is burned with fire, it is cut down: they perish at the rebuke of Your countenance.
Let Your hand be upon the man of Your right hand; upon the Son of man whom You made strong for Yourself."
In our Age of the Gentiles, The Lord God doesn't need prophets to keep a people strong for himself: Jesus cried "It is Finished!" Altho it' been a crime punishable by death, to clothe yourself in sachcloth and call yourself a prophet after the Age of the Israelite; we can still prophesy, because "the Testimony of Jesus" is the spirit of prophecy. [See Zechariah 13:2-6]     
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forhimaname · 2 years ago
In September, 2012, God started me on a journey of writing, using 'words and phrases' that He's been giving since my early 30s; along with cloud formations illustrating ançient Prophecies.
For this reason I cannot sell these books. My two-part novel "His Story = History" may be read or downloaded from:
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May your life be blessed by the unraveling of ancient mysteries and prophecies found in the pages of these books.
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forhimaname · 2 years ago
What were the TWO THINGS that GOD wanted His people to toss into the trash or burn, before entering their Promised Land?
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?Pornographic artwork and Egyptian idols?
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forhimaname · 2 years ago
Dr. John Faw­cett was the pas­tor of a small church at Wains­gate, and was called from there to a larg­er church in Lon­don in 1772. He ac­cept­ed the call and preached his fare­well ser­mon.
The wag­ons were load­ed with his books and fur­ni­ture, and all was rea­dy for the de­par­ture, when his pa­rish­ion­ers gath­ered around him, and with tears in their eyes begged of him to stay.
His wife said, Oh John, John, I can­not bear this. Nei­ther can I, ex­claimed the good pas­tor, and we will not go. Un­load the wag­ons and put ev­ery­thing as it was be­fore.
His de­ci­sion was hailed with great joy by his peo­ple, and he wrote the words of this hymn in com­mem­o­ra­tion of the event. This song, and God be with you un­til we meet again, are the most use­ful fare­well hymns in the world.
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forhimaname · 2 years ago
Lamentations 3:57
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forhimaname · 2 years ago
Written in 1921 by An­na B. Rus­sell [1862-1924]. Judg­ing from the si­mi­la­ri­ties, this song was ap­par­ent­ly in­spired by There Is Ne­ver a Day So Drea­ry. Bri­tish ev­an­gel­ist Gyp­sy Smith made it well known, us­ing it ma­ny times in his meet­ings on both sides of the At­lan­tic. In his 1927 book Won­der­ful Je­sus and Oth­er Songs, it is called The Gyp­sy Smith Cam­paign Song.
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Music: Earnest O Sellers  Sell­ers wrote the mu­sic while teach­ing at the Bap­tist Bi­ble In­sti­tute in New Or­leans, Lou­i­si­a­na.
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forhimaname · 2 years ago
1. Only one Life to offer, Jesus my Lord and King;
Only one tongue to praise Thee,
And of Thy mercy sing, forever.
Only one heart's devotion; Saviour, oh may it be
Consecrated alone to thy matchless Glory;
Yielded fully to Thee.
2. Only this hour is mine, Lord; may it be used for Thee;
May every passing moment count for eternity, my Savior.
Souls all about are dying; dying in sin and shame;
Help me bring them the message of Calvary's redemption
In thy glorious name.
3. Only One Life to offer; take it, dear Lord, I pray...
Nothing from Thee withholding;
Thy will I now obey, my Savior;
Thou who has freely given Thine all in all for me...
Claim this life for Thine own to be used, my Savior...
Every moment for Thee.
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forhimaname · 2 years ago
Yesterday I posted a caveat that included eleven things to do, or not do so that we may never be moved, and be able to abide in the Lord's Tabernacle and dwell in His holy Hill.
Today I have been reminded that - having escaped the corruption of the world (through lust)  we have great and precious promises by which we can be partakers of God's divine nature. [2nd Peter 1:4-8]
But besides this, we should give all diligence to add these seven things to our faith so that we shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ:
We should add to our faith - virtue (feed our faith -virtue); add to (feed) our virtue - knowledge; feed our knowledge - temperance; feed our temperance - patience; feed our patience - godliness; feed our godliness - brotherly kindess; feed our  brotherly kindness - charity (love).
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