We Are All Connected By The Force.
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forceconnected · 1 year ago
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Miss Sohee | Spring/Summer 2024 Couture
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forceconnected · 1 year ago
He'd told her once that if she'd said the word, he would have left the Jedi Order.
"I didn't even say the word," she teased. Still, she couldn't turn him down. She still loved him after all this time after all.
"But yes, my dear Obi-Wan. I will marry you."
Satine smiled, his Mando'a was accented, but passable.
"I love you too." The end of this war couldn't come fast enough for Satine, not only because it meant she could free her people from the reign of a lunatic, but because the end of the war meant he was hers completely.
"I can hear the gears turning in there. What are you thinking about?"
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forceconnected · 1 year ago
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make me choose ♡ @djarinshelm asked omera or cara dune
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forceconnected · 1 year ago
"Yes, well..." Satine hesitated. She'd kept this secret for so long. Only Bo knew the truth, but she'd never counted on seeing Obi-Wan ever again and certainly hadn't counted on old feelings resurfacing.
"... there was a consequence to that night."
"You needn't be so formal. It's just us two." His formality felt like a barrier between them, like if he didn't say her name, he wouldn't have to address the old feelings that seeing each other again had stirred up.
"And seeing as it's just us two, do you remember that last night before we returned to the capitol after the Civil War?"
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forceconnected · 1 year ago
"You've been missed." Not just by her, the children had missed him as well. Both had made it clear that they wanted to join their father the next time he left.
"They're playing with their friends, so I get you to myself for a little while."
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@forceconnected said: "You're a sight for sore eyes." (From Omera for Din, I love these two and I miss writing their relationship with you!)
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Din smiled and hugged her, kissing her temple. He still couldn't believe that such an amazing woman loved him. Omera is truly amazing and strong. And he loved her.
"And you for mine. I love you, cyar'ika"
He kissed her again.
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forceconnected · 1 year ago
"I'm not -" Some long forgotten shred of Anakin Skywalker reared its head. This was his child. She just didn't know it. He couldn't lose his temper. She'd been hidden from him, and he had a feeling Obi-Wan was to blame for that.
Yet another reason to hate his former Master.
"I'm afraid Ben has lied to you, Princess. He's not a good person. Help me catch him. I'm sure your parents would want you to do the right thing."
@arandomnerdsrp358 gets a starter from Vaderkin for Leia
He was a formidable figure, before the suit he'd been intimidating but now he towered over people and the entire suit dehumanized him, made him more machine than man.
Imperials scrambled out of his way as he marched towards the interrogation rooms.
Sweeping into the room where the young princess of Alderaan was being held, he expected to find a child cowering at the sight of him, but when he turned he found a girl, ten years old practically boring holes into him with the familiar brown eyes that haunted his dreams.
Padmé's eyes.
Everything about the princess mirrored his late wife, but if her looks weren't enough her Force signature was eerily familiar. It was almost identical to the Force signature he'd once felt coming from the child in Padmé's belly.
He could hardly think straight, did he dare hope, could this be his and Padmé's child?
Bowing, he tried to collect his thoughts and find his voice once again.
"Your Highness."
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forceconnected · 1 year ago
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Omera ☁️
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forceconnected · 1 year ago
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Julia Jones as Omera in The Mandalorian
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forceconnected · 1 year ago
That wasn't what he was expecting to come out of the ten year old's mouth, especially a potential child of Padmé Amidala. But then again, if this girl was the child he'd thought he had killed along with Padmé, she was his daughter too.
"I'm not a droid, Princess. Don't be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you."
@arandomnerdsrp358 gets a starter from Vaderkin for Leia
He was a formidable figure, before the suit he'd been intimidating but now he towered over people and the entire suit dehumanized him, made him more machine than man.
Imperials scrambled out of his way as he marched towards the interrogation rooms.
Sweeping into the room where the young princess of Alderaan was being held, he expected to find a child cowering at the sight of him, but when he turned he found a girl, ten years old practically boring holes into him with the familiar brown eyes that haunted his dreams.
Padmé's eyes.
Everything about the princess mirrored his late wife, but if her looks weren't enough her Force signature was eerily familiar. It was almost identical to the Force signature he'd once felt coming from the child in Padmé's belly.
He could hardly think straight, did he dare hope, could this be his and Padmé's child?
Bowing, he tried to collect his thoughts and find his voice once again.
"Your Highness."
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forceconnected · 1 year ago
@arandomnerdsrp358 gets a starter from Vaderkin for Leia
He was a formidable figure, before the suit he'd been intimidating but now he towered over people and the entire suit dehumanized him, made him more machine than man.
Imperials scrambled out of his way as he marched towards the interrogation rooms.
Sweeping into the room where the young princess of Alderaan was being held, he expected to find a child cowering at the sight of him, but when he turned he found a girl, ten years old practically boring holes into him with the familiar brown eyes that haunted his dreams.
Padmé's eyes.
Everything about the princess mirrored his late wife, but if her looks weren't enough her Force signature was eerily familiar. It was almost identical to the Force signature he'd once felt coming from the child in Padmé's belly.
He could hardly think straight, did he dare hope, could this be his and Padmé's child?
Bowing, he tried to collect his thoughts and find his voice once again.
"Your Highness."
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forceconnected · 1 year ago
Send "Hey __________, you got something for me?" For my muse to meet yours for the first time on the battle field.
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forceconnected · 1 year ago
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julia jones as omera in the mandalorian
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forceconnected · 1 year ago
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Smiles. 💕
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forceconnected · 1 year ago
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Mandomera because they're cute
Omera has a different oufit because reasons
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forceconnected · 1 year ago
Howzer sighed.
It was longer than he wanted it to be, Howzer wanted to do what he was trained to do. Being sidelined by an injury was not ideal to begin with.
"Thank you, Doc. I know you're right, I'm just frustrated."
@noturnurse continued from here: (x)
Howzer did feel bad for making the woman's job harder, but he never did like medical, even as a cadet on Komino.
Medical made him uneasy.
"Apologies, Ma'am." He said as he tried to lay still.
"How long do you think I'll be out of commission for?"
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forceconnected · 1 year ago
"Nothing is going to happen." She understood his worry, but it never hurt to reassure him. All that was happening was Winta and Grogu were playing. It would be alright.
"Go get some sleep, I'll take care of things here."
@protectxthem liked for a starter with Omera for Din
She could see it in his body language, helmet on or no, he was exhausted.
Gently placing a hand on his shoulder to let the bounty hunter know she was there, Omera spoke up.
"When was the last time you got a proper night's sleep?" She asked, as kindly as she could.
"I could watch the children for a while, I don't mind."
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forceconnected · 1 year ago
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