fophelia1331 · 7 days
It's funny how fast I can develop wild plot lines and concepts. Like, one moment I'm struggling to figure out what happens next. Then, I'm coming up with an extremely detailed character arc and the ways it affects the dynamics with characters around them. And the new idea cannot happen until WAY later in the story and perhaps needs a sequel in order to really flesh out.
No, I don't need to figure out what this group is going to do after the apocalypse calms down, I need to figure out what they'd chat about over breakfast looooong before the apocalypse starts. (Real example from a project. Don't... don't ask for context. Please, I will sound insane trying to explain it.)
So, uh, if anyone else has this too, here's some advice. WRITE DOWN THE IDEAS. Say "That's great!" and keep brainstorming. Don't stifle the creativity, just maybe try to redirect the flow if you can. Even if all my notes are scattered and about wildly different pieces, at least I have plenty to work with when the time comes.
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fophelia1331 · 21 days
Okay. I installed an ad-blocker and. The amount of things it's blocked on Google Docs is terrifying. Over the course of a 45 minute writing session on a single doc, MORE THAN ONE THOUSAND THINGS WERE BLOCKED.
One thousand.
Only on that page. What the hell.
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fophelia1331 · 2 months
Been writing a fic where the protag is NOT having a fun time. Been doing research on some interesting things for it. I know more about mothballs and dangers of mothballs than the average person my age would. (Age: Too young to ever need mothballs)
I also saw some horrifying pictures. So if anyone out there doesn't know, mothballs are toxic. Even the "safer" ones are still made from toxic chemicals. Do not eat them. Do not let children or pets near them. Do not inhale near them.
Unnecessary TLDR: Researching for fic. Don't eat mothballs.
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fophelia1331 · 2 months
I've had this page for a bit and I've tried to come up with some nice intro post... But I just need to put something up.
So hey there, I'm here now.
Call me Phelia (they/she)
The basic info I'm dropping now:
I do creative shit, mostly writing and drawing at the moment
I'm on some other sites, I'll prob drop some links later, but I pretty much use this same username
Will I make a better intro post later? Probably. But this will do for now
Wanna talk to me? Go ahead!
See ya later, hope you're doing well!
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