Foot Log
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Foot Log will help plantar fasciitis pain relief solution for pain relief.
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footlog1 · 3 years ago
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circulation foot massager
The Foot Tool is a circulation foot massager tool that can help improve circulation and provide pain relief. It is a highly effective tool that provides a natural method of pain relief. It is easy to use, store and clean and you can use it anytime, anywhere you want. It offers a natural solution for pain relief and saves a lot of time. You can use it regularly to see the visible results.
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footlog1 · 3 years ago
Foot pain is one of the most common types of pain issues that people complain about. Due to faulty lifestyle like wearing wrong shoes and medical condition, foot pain has become so common. Luckily, there are some effective ways you can tackle the issues.  It is important to get to the root of the issue first before thinking of the solution. When you know the problem, finding the right solution will be easier.
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footlog1 · 3 years ago
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plantar fasciitis massager:  Foot Log is an easy to use Plantar Fasciitis massager. It is highly-effective tool that can help relief the foot pain and slowly help in healing. With regular use, you will be able to see the progress in your walking. It is designed for easy use and it is a completely natural healing process. You can use it anytime and anywhere.
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footlog1 · 4 years ago
Foot massagers are becoming one of the quickest developing corresponding treatments, particularly rub machines. As a diabetic, there will consistently be a few advantages and incidental effects; however, only the best foot massager for diabetics would work.
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footlog1 · 4 years ago
How to take care of your feet when suffering from diabetes?
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Taking good care of the feet is important for anybody, but diabetics are at a far higher risk for developing foot health concerns. This is due to the effect blood sugar had upon sensation & circulation. This calls for treatment using the reflexology foot massager technique.
Even little wounds might develop foot ulcers & other severe complications in diabetics. These are some of the best methods to avoid this is to take care of the feet & attend periodic reflexology feet health treatments.
Not each diabetic is conscious of what to check for while examining their feet & how to avoid major problems. As a result, we've compiled a list of diabetic foot care suggestions to assist you in taking proper care of your feet.
What is reflexology?
Reflexology is indeed an ancient therapy that has been shown to cure & relieve the symptoms of a variety of illnesses. The hands & feet contain the majority of reflex sites that affect the body's organs. Recipients may see & feel the impacts on the relevant regions of the body by stimulating these precise locations. If you want to buy the best reflexology foot massager, the foot log is the best website.
How Reflexology Can Aid with Diabetes Management
Reflexology could be a highly useful method for managing insulin production & lowering blood sugar levels in diabetics. What makes this possible? Working mostly on reflex points associated with the pancreas & the endocrine system promotes insulin production by assisting the body's cells in functioning as effectively as possible. Similarly, applying pressure to reflex points associated with the systems responsible for glucose metabolism can aid in the normalization of blood sugar.
Diabetic Foot Care Suggestions
 Examine     the feet daily.
Diabetes can induce nerve damage, making it harder to detect sores and cracks on the feet. It is critical to inspect your feet for color changes, fissures, and sores. Use a mirror to inspect the bottom of the feet, or ask some family member to assist you.
 Purchase     appropriate socks & foot massagers.
When looking for reflexology foot massagers & socks, make sure they don't put extra pressure on the feet &, therefore won't irritate & cause blisters. Check with a store employee to ensure that the socks fit properly, & wear comfy shoes that support your feet.
When     possible, avoid walking bare feet.
Going barefoot may be more pleasant. However, if your feet are cut or scratched, you are more likely to get an infection. Without shoes & socks, you run the possibility of cutting the feet, which can be hazardous.
Make     sure your feet are dry. N bhu6
After having your feet wet, please ensure to completely dry them to avoid the skin from becoming overly damp & cracking. Remove damp socks & shoes as soon as possible & use a soft towel to dry in between the toes.
• Have frequent foot health examinations.
If you detect any abnormalities in the feet, like callus skin, corns, bunions, and cracks, make an appointment with a foot doctor right once. It is also a great idea to schedule frequent foot health visits so that any harm to your feet may be addressed as soon as possible.
Reflexology can enhance kidney function & blood flow, relieve joint pain, & even help avoid diabetic consequences such as nerve damage, heart difficulties, vision problems, & sex & urological disorders, in addition to managing insulin production & controlling blood sugar levels. So, next moment you ask your companion for a foot massage, bring a reflexology foot massager & a reflexology chart to get the most out of it.
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footlog1 · 4 years ago
4 Simple Steps to Make Exercise a Regular Habit
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Ask any individual who has at any point utilized exercise in rolling out an exceptional improvement to their life, and they will probably reveal to you that consistency is the establishment to long haul achievement. However, in the rushing about of present-day life, it tends to be hard to roll out the essential improvements to receive a new way of life propensities through plantar fasciitis massager.
Utilize the accompanying six stages to help shift your concentrate with the goal that you approach to practice to a better life, which is fundamental for making it an everyday propensity.
Treat yourself. Give yourself a little compensation in the wake of finishing an exercise, doing the entirety of the exercises you planned for yourself in a week, or when you hit an objective. No, this doesn't mean using up every last cent or getting a charge out of a feast with three-fold the number of calories as you only consumed off, yet it requires a little intending to have the correct prize prepared. Allow yourself to buy another piece of activity apparel or a conventional work outfit, appreciate a treatment at a spa or put resources into new earphones for your exercises.
Timetable your exercises. On the off chance that you live by your arrangement schedule, it might once in a while feel like your timetable assumes control over your life and limits the measure of time accessible for an exercise. Be that as it may if you set aside the effort to design your timetable and incorporate time for work out, including working out with plantar fasciitis massager.
Put out a learning objective. There are two essential sorts of objectives: result and learning. Result objectives center on the final product of playing out an errand, like finishing a long-distance race. Learning objectives, notwithstanding, center around the interaction or steps needed to accomplish a result, for example, figuring out how to practice with a portable weight. Zeroing in on the way toward learning another activity method or configuration like plantar fasciitis pain relief could help discharge more dopamine, which is delivered because of positive learning encounters, so your mind partners practice with delight.
Change your attitude. Pull together your result objectives to zero in on personal satisfaction instead of attempting to accomplish some media-characterized appearance. Rather than zeroing in on utilizing activity to change what you look like, practice methods to improve your wellbeing and upgrade your satisfaction. Suppose you shift your concentration toward utilizing exercise as a method for accomplishing and keeping up better wellbeing. In that case, you may be astonished at how propelled you will become to keep a more predictable exercise plan.
Concluding Remarks
Finding a way to zero in on the positive parts of working out with instruments like plantar fasciitis pain relief could help change your impression of the advantages of activity, so it gets simpler to make it a reliable propensity. It is just when exercise turns into an ordinary propensity that you will encounter enduring and long-haul results from your endeavors.
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footlog1 · 4 years ago
How Arthritis foot massager Helps Reduce the Pain
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Arthritis foot is quite common in people who suffer from the condition. It can affect the various parts of the body including the foot. When it affects the foot, walking, standing and sitting for a long time becomes unbearable. This is where an Arthritis foot massager can come in handy.
Massagers are one of the best ways to reduce pain and discomfort from the foot. A foot massager is designed to help reduce pain in a specific way. Pain in the foot can happen for various reasons, such as poor circulation, muscles stiffness, and swelling. A foot massager can address all these things.
Here is who an arthritis foot massager can help you:
1. By Improving Circulation
Poor circulation is one of the reasons why people with arthritis suffer from foot pain. The condition can severely affect the foot and especially the bones there. The massager is designed to relax the muscles and improve circulation so that the feet can get adequate blood flow.
Walking will be easier and less painful. If your job demands you sitting for a long time, this massager can help by reducing the stiffness in the foot.
Swelling is another symptom that can cause pain in the foot. The foot massager can be used to address the issue too.
2. Effective Tool
The Arthritis foot massager is designed to reduce pain. It comes with small spike or projections all over the tool which helps in reducing the pain. The pointed structures improve circulation and reduce stiffness. This helps in reducing pain and discomfort in the foot. It is an effective tool that shows instant results.
3. Easy to Use Tool
The massager is not a complicated equipment or tool that requires power. Not does it have switches. It is simple massage tool that you can use anywhere and anytime your wat. All you have to do is put you foot over it and just roll. This massage helps in reducing the discomfort you are feeling on your feet. This is one of the reasons why it is so effective. It is easy and effortless to use.
4. Reduce Stress & Anxiety
When you Arthritis, you feel the pain on the foot almost all the time depending on how far it has gone. The chronic pain can affect the quality of life and increase stress and anxiety. When you have a tool that can easily reduce the pain without taking medication, it helps in reducing the stress and anxiety associated with the condition.
The Bottom-line
Arthritis foot massager is one of the best ways to address the issue of pain on the foot. It is easy to use tool that you can use anytime and anywhere you want. It is effective in improving circulation, and reducing stiffness. It can help relax the muscles so that is easy for you to walk. When the pain reduces, you can see there are reduction in the stress and anxiety too.
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footlog1 · 4 years ago
The Foot Tool is a circulation foot massager tool that can help improve circulation and provide pain relief. It is a highly effective tool that provides a natural method of pain relief. It is easy to use, store and clean and you can use it anytime, anywhere you want. It offers a natural solution for pain relief and saves a lot of time. You can use it regularly to see the visible results.
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footlog1 · 4 years ago
Do your feet need a regular massage?
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Our foot, which carries the mass of the entire body, allow mobility & does many works. Yet, they're the least protected body part. To admire your legs & keep them healthy & flexible, a few minutes of regular foot massage is a good choice.
Much like your spine, shoulders, & back, your legs will also prosper from daily rubbing. Foot massage increases airflow, strengthens muscles, decreases discomfort & also relieves pain. It also offers a chance to inspect your legs so that you can hop on the care of blisters, corn, bunions & toenail issues. Alternatively, you can also seek the help of a good-quality reflexology foot massager for optimum comfort.
Here, let us take a quick look at how daily foot massage is going to help you.
Improves circulation of blood:
Because of a moderately active lifestyle, most people do not use the muscles of their foot properly, preventing a healthy supply of blood. Also, rigid, pointed shoes, especially wearing high heels, prevent circulation. 10 mins of foot acupuncture daily helps to transport oxygen to the cells of the body, which is important for good health.
Helps in comfort:
After an exhausting & tiring day, massage therapy is a relaxing & calming way to unwind, especially after a lengthy day of walking & standing about, as the legs start to swell. Reflexology & massage for five to ten minutes before bedtime will enhance feelings of personal well-being.
Encourages healthy sleep:
The perfect time to rub your foot is before you go to sleep. A calming & stimulating foot massage increases the circulation of the blood. It helps you have a peaceful night's sleep. Some people often tend to be using a reflexology foot massage to support healthy sleep.
Relieves the agony of the body:
That's the main aspect of the method of reflexology. This treats aches & pains, such as migraines, headaches, neck pain, upper & lower back pain, if handled responsibly.
Boost morale & fight depression:
Foot therapy & reflexology feet massager helps combat depression. Predefined places on the legs are beneficial in alleviating signs of depression. Massaging or adding pressure on these areas for several minutes, two to three times a day can help a lot.
Makes your feet healthier:
Daily feet massage is a simple way to keep your feet comfortable & away from foot issues. It helps induce relaxation around your thighs, decreases discomfort & also reduces pressure around your feet or ankles. Also, a short five-minute foot massage every day can make the ankles healthy & resilient, avoiding painful ankle & foot injuries.
Relieves swelling (edema)
Frequent massage therapy during childbirth can help to minimize the symptoms of edema that is inflammation of the ankles & legs due to fluid accumulation. That's very common in women during pregnancy, particularly during the last weeks of pregnancy.
Extra Tip: 
Massaging the foot with warm coconut oil or olive oil has been shown to help alleviate discomfort & swelling caused by feet tendonitis.
Making several dietary changes will help alleviate foot pain. Bodyweight plays a key role in this respect. If you're overweight & have to stay up for a while, you're likely to experience foot disease. That means it's necessary to maintain a healthy weight.
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footlog1 · 4 years ago
If you are looking for natural solution for Plantar Fasciitis pain relief, Foot Log is the perfect device. It’s designed to provide pain relief on the foot and is very easy to use. Simply rolling your feet on the Foot Log will help relief the pain and tension in the muscles. It’s a completely natural healing process that shows great results.
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footlog1 · 4 years ago
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Foot Log is a reflexology foot massager that helps relief foot pain so that you can walk confidentially once again. The tool is easy to use, clean and store. All you have to do is put your foot on the roller and see the progress in the coming days. It is a highly effective tool that can help relieve the pain and discomfort on the foot.
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footlog1 · 4 years ago
3 Pressure Points on Feet for Your Plantar Fasciitis Massager
A sore back or something as severe as anxiety could be biting, and most likely you may not have a remedy yet. While medicines may be the instant reaction to all your physical or mental illnesses, not all people tend to rely on medicines that may prove to be crippling after prolonged usage. This is where plantar fasciitis massager comes into the picture. Built on the principles of acupressure, the device cures most body ailments and hence could not be ignored at all costs.
However, despite being well crafted, the instrument needs the right guidance for individuals to see results. Here are three common pressure points that play a pivotal role in some of the leading problems, such as anxiety and lower back pain.
Exploring The Pressure Points On Foot
While induced fear is normal in most people about acupuncture or reflexology, these practices date back to ancient times and have been tried and tested positively all across the globe.
1: Foot Massage For Anxiety
The foot massage for anxiety is a piece of cake suggested by experts in plantar fasciitis pain relief from FootLog. The procedure to conduct is as follows:
·        Curl your toes, and you will come across a small depression just below the foot's ball.
·        Place the device on this depression. You can place your thumb on the same and massage gently both with the device or thumb.
·        Alternatively, one can hold the area firm and press it hard.
2: Foot Massage for Back Pain
Back pain is one of the most depressing issues of our time. And on the side note, it gets worse with time. However, experts suggest not worrying about the condition, as it could be fixed easily through acupressure or reflexology. The treatment relies on the arches of the feet and could be easily carried out by plantar fasciitis pain relief devices like footlog.
Here is the detailed approach.
Use oil or some sort of lubricant for smooth facilitation and identify the pressure points on the arches.
Move footlog from the heel to toes and relax after some time. The therapy would show results almost instantly.
3: Foot Massage For General Pain
The foot massage is the simplest of all and hence could not be ignored at all costs. To begin with, the procedure is as follows.
Sit comfortably over a chair or sofa.
Place the plantar fasciitis massager under your foot.
Roll the item across the foot until you find a sensitive spot or pressure point.
Press down the footlog until it softens for the next 3 to 5 minutes.
The same could be achieved using a softball as well.  
While it may be tempting to work only on the specific body part affected, doctors advise going for the entire foot at least 5-10 minutes in a day. The device is easily available on FootLog, it becomes natural to easily use the product at home.
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footlog1 · 4 years ago
Benefits of foot massager for diabetic patients
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Diabetes is a common disease affecting nearly 60% of folks around the globe. Due to the sedentary lifestyle and food habits of people nowadays, diabetes is impounding at a higher rate. But, for some, diabetes is genetic and affects them even though they maintain a normal lifestyle.
Diabetes, when accompanied by other health issues like high blood pressure and cholesterol, could even lead to many more complications in life, sometimes even turning fatal. Again, diabetes and high blood sugar level in the body could lead to numbness in the feet accompanied by arthritis and impaired mobility.
So, it is advised by many health care practitioners to go for a foot massage as an ideal way to deal with health issues like diabetes.
So, instead of beating around the bush, let us get some quick facts about the benefits of foot massage for diabetic patients
Blood Circulation: Massaging the foot with a foot massager comes as a great relief for diabetic patients. It helps in the proper circulation of blood throughout the body and facilitates mobility in diabetic patients, and enhances the limbs' lives.
 Decreased swelling: Edema or swelling of feet due to the accumulation of fluid is common in the case of diabetic patients. The swelling can be reduced by a frequent foot massage. A foot massage can show perfect results when we use a foot massager.
 Reduced pain: Another common phenomenon in patients suffering from diabetes is severe chronic pain in their limbs and body. If diabetic patients do not move around due to the pain, then it could lead to disability in them. There are numerous foot massagers for diabetic patients available in the market that can relax the feet and could be used for massaging! They are available in numerous designs like rollers, rectangular-shaped bases, etc. The foot massagers relax the body and especially limbs through an ancient Chinese therapy called acupuncture.
Why prefer foot massagers:
Portable: Foot massagers are very portable and can be carried anywhere in a bag and used in ideal hours. Suppose you are sitting at your bay in the office at idle hours, and then you can roll it under your feet and get relaxed.
Convenient: We know that at all times, we cannot go to a recreation park, spa, or to our doctor’s clinic to relax through acupuncture or physiotherapy. In such cases, the portable foot massagers come as a rescue.
One time Investment: Buying a foot massager is a one-time investment. It may cost you around a thousand bucks, but it is worth investing in as going for therapies won’t be feasible all the time.
Gift a foot massager to your beloved ones suffering from diabetes and see a never-ending smile on their face. Foot massagers help in stimulating the nerve ending that is soaring with pain and help people cope with your stress level. Enjoy happy shopping!
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footlog1 · 4 years ago
Diabetes: How can foot reflexology help you?
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Reflexology is a kind of health care that has been utilized for thousands of years. Some studies estimate that there are nearly seven thousand nerve endings in your feet. The practice of foot reflexology can stimulate these nerves & the central nervous system, which on the other could alter or interrupt the way you feel pain. 
Diabetes & Reflexology: How does it work?
Diabetes is a disease that can also be managed by using the techniques of reflexology. It’s a disease that can be life-threatening & people diagnosed with this must take proper heed of themselves. Diabetes can be inflicted as a result of improper carbohydrate or glucose metabolism. Slight defects in the pancreas, intestine, stomach, liver, or muscle cells might cause this. 
Certain reflexology feet points concentrating on the endocrine system are identified to be highly effective in dealing with diabetes. Reflexologists consider that applying pressure at these spots helps normalize your levels of blood sugar by monitoring the organs liable for carbohydrate metabolism. The primary foot reflexology spots to deal with diabetes are:
1-Pituitary Gland
The pituitary gland, situated in the center of the big toe, is liable for the discharge of hormones that manages the metabolism, growth balance, & level of blood sugar. As sugar is the prime evildoer for diabetics, exerting regular pressure at this spot during foot reflexology might help control metabolism & avoid excessive build-up of fats.
2-Adrenal Gland
The reflexology spot of the adrenal glands is situated in the center of the foot, lined up to the big toe. Concentrating on this pressure spot at the time of foot reflexology enhances the energy in your body & helps burn extra calories.
3-Pancreas Gland
The reflexology spot of the pancreas gland is situated under the adrenal gland in the center of the foot. The pancreas generates hormones glucagon & insulin, both of which are crucial to maintaining an idealistic level of blood glucose. Thus, providing pressure at this spot helps uphold a healthy blood sugar level.
4-Pineal Gland
The pineal gland is situated at the top middle of the big toe; this gland is responsible for the productivity of the melatonin hormone, which checks the secretion of insulin. Concentrating on this pressure spot during reflexology of the foot can stimulate the productivity of melatonin & boost levels of insulin.
You can also use a reflexology foot massager to massage the pressure spot for better results.
5-Thyroid Gland
The thyroid gland is situated at the root of the big toe. This gland produces hormones of the thyroid that control the metabolism. Exerting pressure at this spot helps regulate muscle strength, body weight, & cholesterol levels.
Foot reflexology is an age-old practice that has proved to treat & cure a lot of diseases in the body as well as vital for foot pain relief. Recently earning popularity, this treatment is essential & effective for dealing with diabetes.
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footlog1 · 4 years ago
We realize that it is so difficult to have a sound existence with fringe neuropathy. One does everything to fix it, and back rubs work superbly close by ordinary drugs. A neuropathy foot massager can’t improve the deadness or shortcoming; however, it helps quicken the mending cycle.
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footlog1 · 4 years ago
The Foot Log is an arthritis foot massager that can help provide foot pain relief. If your feet hurt and prevent you from walking, use the tool to massage the feet and you will gradually see the difference it can make tour foot. It is an easy to use tool that provides a very natural healing solution. You can use, clean, and store them easily. Visit our website to buy it online.
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footlog1 · 4 years ago
Foot Log is an easy to use Plantar Fasciitis massager. It is highly-effective tool that can help relief the foot pain and slowly help in healing. With regular use, you will be able to see the progress in your walking. It is designed for easy use and it is a completely natural healing process. You can use it anytime and anywhere.
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