tumblr is so stupid
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Good Morning!
I got up earlier than yesterday myself. Brushed my teeth , drank my tea and then... You know what we do after drinking so I always watch a PewDiePie video in the morning (9yearold Army!) and then I go to school all ready . I expect the PT sir to be more friendly cuz today we have PT and the older brothers said He made the RUN 6 ROUNDS!! That's my least favorite thing to do in PT. I hope he gives us permission to play football like the ex-sir used to. Anyway that's all for now. Gonna search up some books in the school library maybe. So bye!
*watches PewDiePie while laughing intensively*
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Tumblr media
*sleeping noises*
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Starting of a habit
Yup. I am going to make a habit of reading books. I will read and read and read till I become blind(no I ain't gonna do that) I am more into sci-fi novels , but am gonna try out some non fiction writers like Paulo Choelo etc. Gonna read MANY books and MAKE LESS Friends!!
The school library will start to issue books after this week. No , I don't have a public library near me and its far far way. And my parents doesn't by me books saying it's a waste (ik it sucks)So anyway gonna be a reader and do good on my schools. The teacher is very strict but I like her enthusiasm about staying uptodate bout technology. I am a coder boi and nobody in the school has said exept this tchr that we need to learn programming. I luv it already. So that's all for now.
*Disappears instantly cuz mom said it's time to eat :)*
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"Nobody follows me"
-- ASN
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Hi Tumblr
Yo , I am ASN and I do coding , invent things and a aspiring astronomy boi and I love dankmemes. Me and my bois always make rocket blueprints but we will do something different this year(It's my first day at 8th grade! It was boring tho except for physics and maths).So I think I will do my best to post about my life....
that's all for today...
*splashes into the depressing reality*
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