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🎬 by @gillie_da_king | "Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swamps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists.. it is real.. it is possible.. it's yours." • 💬 by Ayn Rand • #GillieDaKid #Gillie #KingGillie #NasirFard #MajorFiggas #Figgas4Life #KingOfPhilly #Gilladelphia #NorthPhilly #Philadelphia #Pistolvania #ErieAve #Uptown #MillionDollarzWorthOfGame #Right #Fire #Spark #Irreplaceable #Hopeless #NotQuite #Hero #Soul #Perish #Life #Deserved #Reach #Exist #Possible #TheWorldIsYours #AynRand
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�� by @Fokuzed1 & 📃 by @foundr | "Stay away from cable news, polemical magazines, tabloids, cynical videos (including supposedly funny videos of people being hurt) and newspapers filled with negative messages and horrible pictures. Alien Parasites enter your mind when you read and see this kind of malignant information. Here you are faced with a dilemma. Many individuals want to be informed about the world around them. However, it is easy to be manipulated into believing that you need to be familiar with all the information that the news services are telling you that you must know. You have a responsibility to prioritize your life. This responsibility is to yourself alone. That is to say, once you have decided on your goals in life, you are only sabotaging yourself if you spend your time involved in activities that will not lead you to your goals. The Alien Parasites want to distract you as much as possible from anything having to do with spirituality." • 💭 by Laurence Galian • #Distractions #Interference #Blinded #StopWastingTime #Prioritize #Focus #Goals #Propaganda #Matrix #TheVeil #Informed #Responsibility #Maligant #Dilemma #Manipulated #Sabotage #Parasites #ProtectYourAura #Activities #Plans #Strategy #Cable #Magazines #Tabloids #Newspapers #FightEvil #StayGrounded #Spiritual #GodBless #LaurenceGalian
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