flowhence · 3 months
hi guys!! im back and im ready to write some oneshots!
now accepting reqs for; yui kimura, nea karlsson, anna the huntress, mikaela reid, sable
have fun requesting!
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flowhence · 5 months
”But writing fics is my way to cope / I worked hard on this”
I never said that YOU should stop writing but please dont be an ignorant who turning a blind eye about everything that is happening right now.
“But I’ve been wanting to post my next fic”
okay sure but did you add IMPORTANT LINKS to your fics? that is the LEAST YOU CAN DO!
please put any links about palestine so that people be more aware about it, especially about the global strike that will be going on FEB 18 until FEB 25
also, please READ and UNDERSTAND it
FOR THE AUTHOR IN THIS APP especially to all tlou authors !!
more links to educate yourself :
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flowhence · 7 months
hi guys! just wanna update y’all on my requests, i am going to close them while im working on the 7-9 requests already in my inbox. hopefully i can open them back up soon and get some more content for you guys!
i also have been experiencing some burnout with writing so i apologize sincerely for the wait, im trying to get to all of your requests ❤️
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flowhence · 7 months
I love you Joanna fics so much I keep rereading them after work lol😚
im so glad to hear that! i love writing them as well, hopefully i can get the johanna mason fandom to start writing again 🙏
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flowhence · 7 months
hi bff i still desperately need to reread & watch thg but i love your writing sm so i needed to leave something anyway ,,, could you do something with nonbinary!reader coming out to johanna ? maybe it starts out angsty but gets more fluffy :3
point of no return - j.m.
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summary: You come out to Johanna as nonbinary but some people overhear.
pairings: johanna mason x nonbinary!reader
warnings: transphobia, racism, hurt/comfort
authors note: i didnt specify the slur for obvious reasons, but if anyone has any concerns feel free to pm me.
request: yes
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Johanna has noticed your odd behavior, it’s like you’re hiding something. You were hiding something but you didn’t know how to tell your girlfriend that you feel sick everytime someone calls you a “girl”.
You sigh as you set down your things in the training room. You massage your temples trying to will away the stress headache.
You feel arms wrap around you, and you smile a bit. “There’s my favorite girl.” You blanch and have to swallow the bile in your throat, your tense in her arms and she of course notices.
“What’s wrong?” Johanna asks hesitantly. You shake your head and wriggle yourself out of her arms. You go back to pick up the ax—but you’re stopped by a familiar hand and frustrated face.
“What the hell is wrong with you? Why won’t you tell me why you’re acting this way?!” She bellows out, uncaring for the eyes that look your way.
“Fucking hell, Johanna, you don’t need to scream.” You say, utterly calm. This only proves to provoke her further, demanding to know what’s wrong.
“Are you cheating on me? Is that it?” Your head snaps up immediately at her small voice, and you shake it vigorously. God what have you done?
“No, i’d never cheat on you!” You reply, desperation slipping into your brown eyes. Johanna blows a breath out of her nose.
“Then what is it?! Do you not love me? Is it me? What did I-” You cut her off of her ramble.
“I’m not a girl! I’m not a boy. I’m not... anything.” Your voice gets quieter as you say the last words. Johanna’s face crumbles in realization. You are non-binary.
You search her expression for any mean glares, anything that points to her hating you… but you find nothing, only love. “Of course that freak had to get even freakier! You are a girl, sweetheart, you’ll always be one.” A gruff voice taunts you.
“If you weren’t a [slur], I would’ve definitely had some fun with you.” The man smirks and your expression hardens, the blatant racism and transphobia is enough to spiral you off the edge.
Before Johanna could take the honours of punching the guy, you find yourself giving him a good right hook.
You don’t stop there though, grabbing the butt of your ax handle you slam it into his chest, over and over and over again. “You fucking! You transphobic racist motherfucker!” You scream, but suddenly someone pulling you off of him. You wriggle in their arms trying to get out and beat the shit out of that man more.
You see Katniss, your best friend yelling at the man promising to get him fired and punished. You sag with relief and realize you’ve been in Johanna’s arms.
“Jo?” You call out quietly, she is immediately turning you around so she’s facing the love of her life.
“I’m sorry,” You murmur. “I should have told you.” Johanna shakes her head and leans down to kiss your lips. You smile into the kiss, your eyes fluttering close and your hands wrapping around her waist.
“There’s nothing for you to be sorry for, my love.” You beam at her and she laughs loving your smile even if you hated it.
“Katniss will get that guy fired, I know she will.” You smirk at Johanna’s reassurance. “Well I got in a few good hits anyway.” At that your girlfriend laughs, her blue-green eyes staring longingly into your dark brown ones.
From then on, Johanna used your preferred pronouns and always asked what compliments you preferred before saying it. She began correcting anyone who misgendered you and you both kicked anyones ass who was mean to you.
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flowhence · 7 months
GUYS GO CHECK OUT MY BEST FRIEND RN!!!! and go request her too :3
shame — cate dunlap
fandom : gen v
pairings : mentioned jordan x marie & cate x marie
word count : 659
summary : cate realizes something about herself
warnings : internalized lesbophobia
author's note : i literally just finished gen v and i'm hyperfixating on it and cate ( especially cate ) so hard. . . she is a lesbian TO ME !!!!!!!!!!! mariecate is real TO ME !!!!!!!!!! ( i live in delusion ) i don't know if this is even remotely good but i desperately needed to write something for her so :33 , mitski title also
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The pitch dark encompasses Cate, swallowing her and her surroundings, leaving her with nothing to distract herself from the unwanted thoughts. The kind of thoughts that creep in only in the dark when you’re unable to hide even from yourself. Her mind conjures up all of the moments she’s stared just a second too long at Marie, the shameful unsatisfied feelings she’s buried after sex with Luke despite how fucking perfect he is. Was she quickly corrects herself. And another memory resurfaces. 
Her stomach twists as she recalls the split second of relief she had felt when he’d done what he had done. It was sick and it was twisted and she blocked that memory out for a reason. Of course she had been heartbroken after that second and that’s what mattered. It didn’t mean anything, it was just a result of the shock of his death. She had lost her boyfriend after all. The boy that she had loved had been suddenly ripped away from her. 
She had loved him, hadn’t she? Yes. Of course. She tells herself firmly but she’s not so certain if it’s true. She was supposed to love him. She definitely had liked him but she’s not quite sure she’s ever really loved a boy before. She’s never felt the nervous butterflies or the giddy excitement that people always talked about when they talked about being in love. Not with Luke and certainly not with Andre. She had never been “boy crazy” or had particularly strong feelings about any of the boys she’d dated. She’d always felt uncomfortable when Luke told her he loved her- when any boy had. Forcing herself to say it back was even worse - how could she reassure someone of something she wasn’t even sure about herself? At least she told herself she wasn’t sure. Deep down she knows she just hadn’t cared about them the way they cared about her. She wanted to love them - she wanted it desperately. Maybe there was something wrong with her. Maybe there still is. 
Or maybe, just maybe it’s something else. Marie isn’t the first girl she’s caught herself staring at. There have been others… She’s possibly felt that shy awkwardness of wanting to be noticed by someone else you like maybe a little too much. She can’t help but feel the shameful nauseating feeling of jealousy whenever she sees Marie take Jordan’s hand or offer them a secret smile. And there are other things too… She often finds her fantasies full of soft skin and long hair, and too often she plays the role of the male partner in them. She’s never once questioned her gender, she’s definitely a girl, but it’s far too shameful for her to imagine her real self with another girl in that way. 
No, there’s no way that she, Cate Dunlap, could be anything but straight. It’s not that she’s homophobic or anything - she’s perfectly fine with other people being queer - but it’s not an option for her. Plus, everyone has had those kinds of thoughts about girls, haven’t they? They’re just a part of growing up, aren't they? It’s silly for her to even entertain the possibility of her being… like that. 
Still, she lays there in the dark and a part of her knows. Lesbian. She examines the word in her mind, repeating it over and over again. Lesbian. Lesbian lesbian lesbian lesbian. She repeats it until it doesn’t sound like a threat to her, to everything she’s ever known. She repeats it until it doesn’t even sound like a word anymore. 
Tears prick her tired eyes. She can’t think about it anymore. She’s overwhelmed and God she’s tired. She’s beyond tired - she’s fucking exhausted. She tries to think of anything else. Something calming, comforting even, anything to get these shameful thoughts out of her mind. Still, when she eventually drifts off into a fitful sleep all she can think about is Marie’s sweet smile.
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flowhence · 7 months
I've read your johanna fics and they are so good ! I love them sm please write more ! there needs to be more fics of her in this app 😫💞
i agree! i so full heartedly agree.
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flowhence · 7 months
tysm anon!! this means the absolute world to me, truly 🫶
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flowhence · 7 months
to the edge of our days - j.m.
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summary: you, a girl from district thirteen, are with the infamous johanna mason. except you have an accent, and johanna loves to tease you for it
pairings: johanna mason x fem!reader
warnings: just fluff
author’s notes: i smiled while writing this
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You don’t hate district 13, I mean, sure it’s not the best… but it’s all you know. You honestly never thought you’d be happy with someone after constantly being in war with the capitol. Coin is not a very likable leader but it’s at least somewhat better than Snow.
“Whatcha thinking of, princess?” Johanna smirks at you, knowing you hate that nickname.
“Sadly, ‘s bout the capital.” You say, in your usual southern drawl. Johanna grins, a certain gleem in her eyes that makes you sigh.
“Well that’s no fun, brainless! Come on, princess, we aren’t in the capital.” She says, gleefully waiting for you to speak again.
While You and Johanna don’t seem like the type to even like one another, it’s so painfully obvious you guys do. Even Annie can see it.
“Y’ain’t ever taken me seriously have ya?” You sigh, you don’t notice the flicker of emotion in Jo’s eyes. Not like you’d care anyway. Or maybe you did care, maybe that’s why you act so stupid around her.
You swiftly try walking away from her, ignoring the hurt in your chest. “Not my fault you’re so easy to rile up.” Johanna scoffed. You freeze in your steps, you can see the undertone of it, that you haven’t lived a bad life. Or maybe you’re projecting your own self doubts.
“Don’t do that.” You say, taking small steps towards Johanna. Your eyes narrowing at her.
“Do what?” She asks, with false confusion and innocence. You feel anger rising up into your chest, you can’t believe she’s trying to play innocent.
“You can’t be fuckin’ serious! You’re always pushin’ me away. it’s aggravatin’! I try, so goddamned hard, and—” You’re cut off by her lips on yours, you were so caught up in your rant you didn’t realize you’ve taken the bait she put out.
Johanna’s lips were soft, and oh so inviting. She tugs on your bottom lip with her teeth, you gasp allowing her to slip her tongue inside your warm mouth.
You grab ahold of her waist, pressing her body to yours in a tight embrace. Your breath mingling together with hers, you groan and her mouth muffles the sound.
After a few seconds Johanna pulls back, you chase after her lips—wanting so badly to taste her again. She chuckles not making the step to create distance between you two.
“Finally!“ You hear Haymitch yell, and you scowl at the man. You blush when Finnick, Katniss, and Peeta all both voice their agreements.
“You’re cute when you blush, brainless.” You snort at her comment. Your calloused hands still holding tightly to her waist.
“Shut up,” You grumbled but your adorable gaze doesn’t make it very threatening.
“God, I thought we’d choke on their sexual tension before they finally got together.” You flip off Katniss, and the brunette laughs.
“Well that’s not very nice, princess.” Katniss snarks at you.
“Hey! That’s my nickname.” Johanna growls out at the brunette, Katniss raises her hands up in surrender. You smile, shaking your head.
“Welp, does this mean I get to wine and dine ya?” You say, a certain sparkle in your eyes. Jo looks back at you, softness in her gaze and she presses her lips against yours once more.
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flowhence · 7 months
johanna finding out reader sh? 🤔 i'm in desperate need of johanna fanfics 😓
two broken people - j.m.
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summary: johanna finds out that you aren’t as ok as you seem.
pairings: johanna x fem!reader
warnings: self harm, depression, suicidal ideation, angst, hurt/comfort
author’s note: if anyone is struggling with these issues, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. you are not alone.
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You wondered why you were alive, why you survived. Your hands bloodied with the blood of many. You don’t want to keep living. You don’t deserve it. The hopelessness grips onto your bones, settling deep within your soul. Everything is numb, yet you still smile your fake smile, you still laugh that fake laugh. It didn’t matter how many people you were always around, the inexcusable feeling of being lonely weighs down on your chest.
Johanna has noticed something different about you, but you cannot seem to bring yourself to care. You can’t seem to keep up the act.
After training you were exhausted, mentally and physically. You quickly darted out of the training area, speed walking to Johanna and yours room. When arriving at the room you quietly closed the door, going towards your stash of razors you picked out the sharpest one.
[i tried it like before and this time i made a deep cut]
You rolled up your sleeves, not even wincing at the way they stuck to your past wounds. You took a deep inhale, pressing the razor hard against your skin before you exhaled and drove it deep into your flesh watching as the blood oozes out.
[i thought about my friends and the way i didnt give enough]
Distantly, you should’ve known it would’ve been too deep. The blood starts to ooze out in a faster yet still somewhat sluggish pace, you feel dizzy and lightheaded. Vaguely you thought you didn’t really want to die.
[and i shouldve told my mother, “mom, i love you,” like a good son]
You stumbled into your desk, before you could think much about it you cut even deeper on your other wrist. A smile mixed with relief and remorse carved its way onto your features. You hear the door open, but you can’t really focus on anything but going to lay down.
[but this life is overwhelming and im ready for the next one]
“Y/N! Oh god… what did you do?!” Johanna yelps, running to you immediately. You can barely make out the words she’s saying. All you can think about, is how you’ll finally be free.
[take the blade away from me]
“Let me go…” You whisper, your voice sounds weak and slurred.
[i am a freak, i am afraid that]
Johanna shakes her head, “No! You promised… you promised me.” she says, desperately.
[all the blood escaping me won’t end the pain]
Johanna desperately screams for help, you vaguely see Katniss run in, the shock and despair on her face is heartbreaking.
[and i’ll be haunting all the lives that cared for me]
You can’t seem to get your eyes to stay open, you can hear Johanna screaming, crying, and sobbing, yet you can’t bring yourself to stay awake.
You woke with a start, looking around you you see that you’re in medical. You clench your teeth. Looking down you see the bandages on your wrists and … tears start streaming down your cheeks.
“Y/N? it’ll be ok. i’m here,” You sob even harder at your girlfriends words.
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry.” You sob into her shoulder, gripping onto her shirt like its your lifeline, and it very well could be.
At least, at least you have Johanna. Two broken people trying to love, trying to heal.
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flowhence · 7 months
i want to say that i am getting all of your johanna mason requests guys! i will get to them as soon i can i promise.
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flowhence · 7 months
Do you take smut requests?
i do! i do take smut requests!
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flowhence · 7 months
afraid to love you (oneshot) — read it here
two broken people (oneshot) — read it here
nothing to lose (oneshot) — wip
cigarettes after sex (oneshot) — wip
to the edge of our days (oneshot) - read it here
till death finally gives up on us (oneshot) — wip
happy ever after (oneshot) — wip
an eternity with you (oneshot) — wip
the sun to your moon (oneshot) — wip
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flowhence · 7 months
hi! could you write a Johanna x fem!reader fic where the reader is a tribute from district 11? She won the 69th games when she was 12-14, and during her game, she became very close friends with an older tribute from District 5 (they were like Rue and Katniss). the older tribute died for reader.
Johanna and reader know each other from the few years where they had been dragged to the capitol to "mentor" for the games. they became very close.
when reader was also reaped for the quarter quell, johanna was there to comfort her as soon as she could.
johanna and reader protect each other in the arena, and reader gets captured by the capitol instead of johanna.
afraid to love you - j.m.
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pairings: johanna mason x reader (romantic), platonic katniss everdeen x reader, platonic finnick odair x reader, platonic peeta mellark x reader
summary: Johanna Mason loved you, she loved how passionate you are and how kind and caring you are. When you got dragged to the capital to mentor the tributes a few times, at first you hated Johanna, but then you grew to love her. What happens when in the quarter quell of the 75th hunger games you’re captured by the capital and Johanna is left alone in District 13?
a/n: i changed some things ^^
warnings: graphic volence, graphic torture, angst, some fluff
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You hated this, hated the unknown of it all. A part of you was glad that it had been you and not Johanna. At least you were semi liked by the capital so they would not kill you at least. You sighed, you’ve been unable to close your eyes ever since you woke up here, in this disgustingly bright white room.
“Are you Y/N L/N?” A man in a white coat and a badge asked, walking into the room with an air of confidence. You scowled at the man. You didn’t answer his question.
“It would be better for you to answer my questions. Are you Y/N L/N?” He repeated the previous question. You grit your teeth, still not saying a word.
“Alright then, you’ll learn to talk eventually.” He said, his hand hovering over the plethora of tools in front of him. You looked at him in silent horror, a plea in your eyes but nonetheless that did not stop the man from picking up tweezers and placing them under your first finger nail.
You closed your eyes tightly, biting your lip to stifle your scream. The man chuckled at you. Muttering something about how you’ll start screaming soon.
He went to your other finger nail. Ripping the nail out of its nailbed, you groaned but the scream was muffled back down your throat again.
You started to lose track of time, the hours seemingly endless and the torture nonstop. He’d ask the same questions, while taking each nail he could.
“Are you Y/N L/N?”
“Where are the rebels hiding?”
“Were you in on the plan?”
“Who is the leader of the rebels?”
Over and over and over again.
You don’t know when you started screaming or when your voice became hoarse. The lights beginning to truly make your eyes hurt.
The man decided eventually to move onto another type of torture. He put a rag over your head, and then came the water.
You weren’t expecting this, you weren’t expecting to be waterboarded. The water seems to be endless, soaking into your nostrils, your mouth, and your eyes. You gagged, choking on the water and coughing but having no break with it. Water getting into your lungs causing your chest to heave painfully.
You don’t know when you passed out or if you ever did. Time became nothing more than torturous. Tick tock, the clock would go, you supposed the clock is there to make you feel insane.
When that wasn’t enough they’d inject something into your veins, it made you scream and writhe in your bounds. It felt like your bones were on fire, like your stomach acid is burning through your fat, skin, and muscle.
Sometimes you would get a hallucinogen. You’d see Johanna, but it wasn’t her. She’d come to save you, hold you, and then you would wake crying.
“Oh my god…” You heard her, you heard Johanna. Unsure if this is just a trick or hallucination you cracked your eyelids open. When did you get here? It wasn’t as bright, it definitely was not the capital.
You wriggled a bit, bringing your hand to your face. You gazed unsurely at your own hand, unsure if this is real. Your eyes shifted to Johanna’s figure, you didn’t feel anything, not relief, not happiness. You’ve been through this too many times to get hopeful only to have everything ripped away the next second.
“You’re not real. You’re not real, you’re not real, you’re not real.” You chanted over and over again, shaking your head you refused to believe this was real. Too many times you had the hope, had Johanna, ripped away from your grasp.
“Dove?” You shook your head again, tears stinging at your eyes.
“It’s me, I.. I’m real. I swear.” This was different, the hallucinations never demanded that they were real. A spark of hope fired into your chest.
“Jo?” You replied tearfully, hopefully even. You sounded so unsure that it broke Johanna’s heart. You then spotted Katniss and Finnick behind Johanna. A sob broke through your pale cracked lips.
You were muttering incomprehensible words to yourself, rocking back and forth.
“It’s me, they can’t hurt you anymore. I won’t let them.” Johanna murmured, stepping to your bedside. You looked up, tears streaming down your cheeks, raw emotion in your eyes. You tentatively reached out to her, to Johanna.
Johanna took the hand that had shakenly been moving towards her. She brought your hand to her lips kissing it.
“This is real…” You muttered in disbelief. Jo finally let a few tears fall.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry… I tried to get you three back sooner. I am so sorry.” Katniss said, her voice cracking. You looked up at the woman, a woman so brave for someone who’s just a kid.
“It’s ok. They didn’t break me.” You said, albeit emotionally but you’re not hundred percent ok right not and that’s fine.
The five of you huddled into a hug. Peeta somehow snuck into the hug as well. and you all laughed, you were all together again. You might never be the same but at least you were alive and had everything you needed.
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flowhence · 7 months
i am now taking requests for johanna mason from the hunger games :)
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flowhence · 11 months
sneak peak of the natasha x reader angst im writing 🤭
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flowhence · 11 months
me when i am requesting my fav writers on here 🫶🫶🫶
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