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This is honestly a formal apology to all my writing partners. I am extremely sorry for basically being MIA for god knows how many months and my shoddy promises of coming back ( I did try !! ). I am still aware of my blog and still have passion for it and ALL the threads I have. IRL has just been kicking my ass. I have some good news, though! I'm working on a new home for my Aerith and will follow everyone and reply to things there ! Thank you all for your patience.
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7/∞ 540px gifs of Aerith
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3/∞ 540px gifs of Aerith
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//New promo you guys! :D Give it a reblog if you can!
Does it look okay? I think I'm getting better at making them ASDFGHJKL
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Can’t believe I was fooled into thinking Aerith was just another meek healer girl in Final Fantasy spin offs and Kingdom Hearts when she’s actually FERAL
#❁ aerith. / a flower that blooms in adversity is the most beautiful of all.#my girl#she has a fire inside#im in love
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Send some hearts to tell my muse how yours feels about them.
❤️: Wants or is in a romantic relationship with them.
💛: Loves them platonically.
💚: Is a little jealous of them.
💙: Feels pretty indifferent towards them.
💜: Finds them sexually attractive.
💖: Finds them aesthetically attractive.
💗: Finds them romantically attractive.
💞: Feels attracted to them, but can’t work out if it’s platonic, sexual, or romantic attraction they’re feeling.
💝: Looks up to them as a role model.
💓: Is intimidated by them, but wants to be friends with them.
💔: Hates their guts.
💘: Doesn’t really like them, but doesn’t flat-out hate them either.
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“I wish it could always be like this.”
“You’re always there for me.”
“The stars are the only thing that makes sense.”
“There’s more out there, you just have to be patient.”
“It doesn’t all have to be existential dread.”
“You’re so much different when we’re alone.”
“I like it when the worlds quiet.”
“There’s a place for us somewhere.”
“They���ll name constellations after you one day.”
“Your hearts beating so fast.”
“They don’t know what they want.”
“You don’t know what you want.”
“That’s what they’re supposed to say.”
“We really don’t know what we’re doing.”
“I miss the old you.”
“Nostalgias a trap.”
“Aliens are out there.”
“Did you hear that?”
“I really want pizza right now, think it’s open?”
“What time is it?”
“But why would they abduct cows?”
“We’ll all be dead soon enough anyways.”
“I wish we didn’t have to sleep.”
“What do you believe in?”
“What happens after we die?”
“Seems like a silly thing to say, don’t you think?”
“And what’s your excuse?”
“You’ll get it together soon.”
“Sometimes I feel like I’ll never have it together.”
“It’d be better if people weren’t so afraid of their feelings.”
“You keep quiet and we both lose.”
“I wish I could save this forever.”
“When did you realize you were in love with me?”
“The rooms spinning.”
“I loved you long before you knew.”
“I’m not afraid of death, I think it’ll be peaceful.”
“The Universe is too big for that.”
“Do you think we’ve met in other lives?”
“I’d come back to haunt you.”
“Would you come back to haunt me?”
“What’s alternate universe you doing right now?”
“Tell me a secret.”
“Why haven’t you told anyone?”
“I wish we knew each other sooner.”
“You’re a game changer.”
“I’m a game changer.”
“Don’t ignore fate.”
“Ignorance isn’t bliss.”
“What, is that a conspiracy theory?”
“It’s probably the Illuminati anyways.”
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🏶 - - - Of course, she was worried about him. Her pressing her lips to his forehead seemed like the best way to get her feelings across. She was better with actions than just saying things at times like these. The moment he smiled back at her, relief washed over her skin. Now, she knew he was okay. A gentle hand came to rest on his head, ruffling his hair up a bit. She couldn’t help, but be who she was to someone that she knew needed all of her affection.
“Come on, don’t be so, pouty. You did an amazing job. I’m actually kind of mind blown with how you fight.” It was a genuine comment. She had never seen anyone handle machines like that before. “Once we make it out of here, do you mind teaching me a couple of things? I’d like to learn how it all works!”
She comes to stand fully after, extending her hand out to him to get him up off the ground. Once both of them are up and ready to go, she tries being a bit of her she-devil self to lift his spirits a bit more.
“Hey, I’ll make you a deal. I’ll treat you to a big meal of whatever you’d like if you keep going with your best!”
#❁ threads. / flowers will help our hearts grow.#she's a mom#but a mom who will feed you in the worst ways
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How did she convince him to go flower picking with her once again? Honestly even Cloud didn’t know, especially because one minute they were talking and the next she was dragging him off into her garden. A groan would have normally left his lips but truthfully it was nice to be outside in a place like this, especially since nature was blooming here.
Aerith was up to no good and Cloud knew it. He had a gut feeling. There was no way she was just picking flowers just to sell them.
The blond looked at her as he picked some of the flowers himself. He glanced on with curiosity as she’d picked several of the various flowers. Truly a beautiful selection if he was being honest. Then she was fiddling with them? Okay that wasn’t weird at all.
Then she was coming towards him and Cloud couldn’t help but raise a brow. ‘Here!’ She said to him and he looks at the flower crown in her hands with great confusion. A bonus? What could he even do with this?
Reaching out to it, he grabbed it gently as he’d nod and then spoke. “Um- thanks-” he says before he’d ask. “What is it?”
🏶 - - - There’s a small pout on her lips that forms the minute he asks her what her gift was. Though, it quickly changes to a smile as she takes it back from him, hands reaching over to his head and placing it there, haphazardly. Her eyes reflected the emotions she felt as she looked at him. Beauty surrounding him... it was an astonishing view. Certainly one that she’d drink up as much as she could. She’d lean a little closer to him before beginning to explain.
“It’s a flower crown, silly! It’s just a cute little thing that you can wear. Though, in your case it certainly brings out your eyes more.” Another giggle escapes her as she fiddles with the contraption on his head until it’s settled on him, perfectly. It wasn’t much, but it was a gift she made him with the intention to make him feel good. She was a bit sad that she couldn’t give something worth more. There wasn’t much in her pockets to give. Still, she wanted him to feel welcome with her.
“So, is it an okay gift? Or would you have preferred a bouquet? I can make those too.”
#chaton-encore#she's so flirty#i love her#sorry this took me so long!#❁ threads. / flowers will help our hearts grow.
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🏶 - - - There’s a sense of urgency washing over her. Hands are squeezing her staff harder than normal, she can feel her arms trembling. She had to do something fast. Determination moves her feet far quicker than her mind is able to think, her hands twirl the object in her hands as she casts a bit of healing magic on the man she had stepped in front of. There really wasn’t a huge need to get this overworked, but Aerith was the type of person to prefer a little over caution when it came to the health of others. Even if it was unwarranted. Her eyes turned to the blond, watching for any sign of wear and tear on him. Noticing that he’s okay, she swaps to standing beside him. Though, not without letting him know a very important thing.
“Don’t you worry about a thing! I have got your back. If you feel any type of pain, let me know. I’ll mend you as fast as I can. Can you fight?” It was a question full of concern. He seemed like a good man so, she felt compelled to come help him. Insults were thrown their way from the other side as their enemies grew impatient waiting for them to get their act together. A bit of laughter escaped her lips before she tried to reassure him.
“You can take these guys in your sleep, I’m sure. Oh! We should definitely have proper introductions a bit after this.”
#❁ closed starter. / i will be the sunshine when your skies are grey.#lets just say#she loves helping people#and will nose her way into things at times#triggerxhappy
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🏶 - - - A contented sigh leaves the lips of the proud flower girl. Her basket had just gotten filled with the best of the best gems she had picked. There were some in that she had gotten just to celebrate the occasion of the day. It was a bit of a dumb thing to really think of as a special time, but she wanted to hold it up high in meaning. Maybe, she was a little silly about things like this, but she wanted the people she cared about to feel like they mattered. Her feet carried her quickly to her next destination. It was a bit far off, but she was excited. Heart pounded like a drum inside her chest as she approached a specific building. It was there that she knew she’d be able to see him. Aerith opened the door to the tall edifice and stepped in, emerald orbs scanned the room. It was in the shadows that she spotted exactly whom she wanted to see.
“Hey! I brought you something,” She started shouting, pausing only to step closer to the body she knew so, well. “Consider it a gift to honor our friendship.” There’s a bit of inflection in her words. She’s teasing him -- and her little, devious smile makes it obvious. She could be a true she-devil when she felt like it. Still, her hand digs into the basket full of lilies and pulls out an arranged bouquet. It’s fairly simple, but it’s easy to tell that she put a lot of care into it.
“Do you like it?”
#❁ closed starter. / i will be the sunshine when your skies are grey.#warskies#ahhhh#i hope this is okay!#she really did make that with love#truly!
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Hiatus is over. have an Aerith
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🏶 - - - Gentle hums escape the flower girl’s mouth as she works, picking the flowers from the bed that surrounds her. Her eyes judge the life and beauty before her. Normally, she knows that their worth is incredibly high and that each means as much to her as any other, but due to what she was making, she was being a bit harsher in her thought process. Her fingers wrap around the stems of the most beautiful ones that she sees. Those that shine in her heart. Once she picks a satisfying amount, she begins to weave them together. Digits work diligently, bringing forth a new item of pure gorgeousness. Any girl would be envious of it. Any man would crave it for a gift to their sweetheart. Yet this flower crown already had an owner, an intention behind it. Lids close as she continues working, song escaping her mouth, finally. It’s a song of a tragic love that is somehow everlasting and has no ending. Unlike her work which had now come to such an end, the crown done and ready to be given as a gift.
She wasted no time in heading the way of her trusty bodyguard. The girl had managed to convince him to come help her pick flowers to sell. Proudly, she extended her hands, presenting the crown to him. Aerith had the brightest smile plastered on her face. Hope of him liking such a small thing swam through the windows of her soul. What else could she really offer at the moment? She simply wanted to show him some sort of good thing.
“Here! It’s not much, but I... want you to have it. Consider it, but a small bonus.”
#❁ closed starter. / i will be the sunshine when your skies are grey.#adadsfadf#a dumb idea#but i thought it was cute
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@hercbled whispered: “ i’m fine, i’ve had worse. ”
🏶 - - - Emerald hues observe the blood drip from his wounds. A harsh pound stabs through her heart like a spear. It’s true that he may have gone through worse or experienced harsher things, but to her that was no excuse. She never wanted these types of things to happen to those she loved. Not ever. Gentle, soft hands moved quickly. There was shaking as she cleaned his wound and wrapped the white cloth she had taken from one of her pockets around his arm. Aerith attempted to be gentle, but knew it’d be a stretch considering how bad it really looked. Oh, how he loved to play macho and make her think it was all okay.
“My, my. You enjoy worrying me, don’t you? Saying that doesn’t make it any better. You still got hurt. Maybe, you should take me with you more often. At least, then I can mend you on the spot and prevent worse.” Her voice was soft, not actually lecturing him. It was obvious that her words came from a place of adoration and care. Her hands reflected that as they lightly massaged the wound, gentle enough not to cause a sting. Perhaps, some day she would be used to seeing this. Though, she hoped that one day, in a wild dream, they could avoid the fighting. Lips pursed as they kissed the injury before her hands intertwined their fingers with his.
“You’ll take me next time, won’t you?”
#❁ answered asks. / if you look the right way ; you can see the world is a garden.#me doubting my writing skills after not writing since forever every two seconds???? oh big yes#i try tho#ilysm#thank you for putting up with me#;w; <3#hercbled
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hey , hey ! consider this a starter call. ; ) ♥
#❁ starter call. / where a flower blooms ; hope is born.#i need threads!#i want to write my darling!#aaa#most likely will post everything by tomorrow in the evening when im home from work!
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☞☞ quotes i found on pinterest sentence starters pt. one ☜☜
“ i’ve polished this anger and now it’s a knife. ”
“ i’m fine, i’ve had worse. ”
“ death too must be earned. ”
“ how do you destroy a monster without becoming one ? ”
“ am i a bad person ? ”
“ family isn’t who you’re born with, it’s who you’d die for. ”
“ are you flirting or starting a fight ? ”
“ i’ll survive, somehow i always do. ”
“ um.. that’s my emotional support knife collection. ”
“ tell me; would you kill to save a life ? ”
“ i am someone who did not die when they should of. ”
“ i’ve never been good at emotional stuff. except anger. i’m good at anger. ”
“ you can’t protect everyone ! ”
“ i have to try. ”
“ turn the pain into power. ”
“ what doesn’t kill me better run. ”
“ are monster born or created ? ”
“ chin up kid, they’d kill to see you fall. ”
“ if he puts his hands on you, cut them off. ”
“ i could keep you safe. they’re all afraid of me. ”
“ don’t play games with me. don’t ever think you’re capable of that. ”
“ the question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. ”
“ something had made your eyes go cold. ”
“ you haven’t even seen my bad side yet. ”
“ everybody knows that i’m a mess. ”
“ i’m sorry i let you down. ”
“ well, if it isn’t the feeling i was trying to avoid. ”
“ you are not your father. ”
“ even on your bad days, be kind. ”
“ you don’t want me and i need to accept that. ”
“ stay gentle. everyone is at war. ”
“ the risk i took was calculated. but clearly i am bad at maths. ”
“ i wonder which will get you killed faster, your loyalty or your stubbornness ? ”
“ always be a little kinder than necessary. ”
“ kind words cost nothing. ”
“ i am being perfectly fucking civil. ”
“ we’ll never be those kids again. ”
“ i’m the original family disappointment. ”
“ if karma doesn’t hit you, i fucking will. ”
“ if you can’t be happy, at least you can be drunk. ”
“ you can talk to me, or not talk to me, but i’m here. ”
“ guess you’ll just have to fight me. ”
“ i never asked to be like this. ”
“ wow. you’re a dick. ”
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