flourishingvalley · 1 year
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Olivenose of Featherclan
‘an intelligent & kind ginger & silver calico molly with olive green eyes & a small pink nose’
Olivekit —> Olivepaw —> Olivenose
she/her | molly | 41 moons
Current: Featherclan
Past: Featherclan
Rank: Medicine Cat
Apprentice(s): Partridgepaw
Mentor: Cranefeather
Mother: Juniperhop
Father: Crowstar
Siblings: Magpiemoon, Thrushtail
Mate: Stormwish (forbidden)
Olivenose is Featherclan’s medicine cat. As a kit, she was fascinated by the life of a medicine cat, and was a little shadow to Cranefeather. Olivenose was a very quick learner, already memorizing plants and their usages, as well as the best places to find and grow them. When she was ready to take her oath as a medicine cat, she swore off relationships. At the time this was not a struggle for Olivenose, as she never felt much attraction to the other tom-cats in the clan, what she failed to realize though, that her fondness for her fellow clanmate, Stormwish, was more than just friendship. She knew having a relationship, even between two mollies, was strictly forbidden, but she’s willing to do whatever she can to keep her love a secret.
Juniperhop — “I love my mother, as she taught me kindness and courage, and also provided mentorship during my apprenticeship. She’s the reason I can climb through the trees with skill in order to find ripe fruits in the highest branches. When my father died only 15 moons ago, my mother was distraught, and was often comforted by our new leader, Briarstar, sleeping on his old bedding till the twigs had rotted. She also would often reside in the medicine cat den, and I would provide her mixtures of sweet smelling herbs to calm her senses enough to sleep. She ended up retiring early at only 122 moons, but I can tell this decision was best for her, as her grief subsided, her energy and optimism had slowly been restored. It’s nice having my mother back, and I love watching her play with the kits and tell stories of her beloved mate to the youngest members of the clan.”
Crowstar — “My father was a very stoic figure, which made him an effective leader. I was scared my father would disapprove of me taking the medicine cat route, but he couldn’t have been more proud. When my mentor, Cranefeather, died, I had the privilege of becoming the main medicine cat under my father’s leadership. Even though that period of time was short, it was truly an honor, and I miss him everyday.”
Magpiemoon & Thrushtail — “My siblings and I are very close, and I feel immense pride watching them both blossom into their ranks as deputy and warrior. When we were kits, they would tease me for my short stature and tiny nose, but as I’ve grown to love those traits, they’ve grown as well! I’ve gotten a bit better at teasing them myself!"
Stormwish — “The most beautiful cat in the valley, my Stormwish. We officially met when she was starting her apprenticeship, and I was nearing the end of my medicine cat training. Her and her mentor had been navigating the tree tops when a weak branch snapped under Stormpaw and she fell to the forest floor, fracturing her leg and injuring her back. She spent a few moons of her training recovering from the incident. Stormpaw had been incredibly lucky, if she had fallen from any higher of a branch, or landed in a different way, she could’ve been paralyzed for life, or even worse dead. It was pure luck me and my mentor had been nearby looking for herbs when we heard Stormpaw’s scream, and the sound still haunts me. Because I was nearing the end of my training, Cranefeather often left me to figure out many things myself, so Stormpaw and I spent many days with only each other as company. When Stormpaw recovered, she quickly finished her training where it had left off and became a warrior. Even with her busy days as a warrior, she manages to find time to visit the medicine cat den everyday with fresh kill in the mornings as a sign of gratitude. Though we remain cordial and friendly in the daytime, we are as inseparable as two cats could be the second the clan falls asleep.”
Cranefeather — “Cranefeather was a bit of an oddity. He was often disorganized, and a bit jumpy, but when it was between life and death, he was assertive and calm. There was a method to his madness, a method that took me many moons to understand. He taught me the most valuable skills I possess, the skill of healing. He knew I was smart enough to pick up his lessons through his spontaneous string of thoughts, a patience he told me other cats would not have enough of to put up with him. He and my father had been best friends growing up, often exploring the forest together, and while my father found his place high in the trees, he preferred to forage below, fascinated by the vast amounts of herbs, plants and flowers to be collected. He’s the reason my passion for medicine is so strong!”
Partridgepaw — “My sweet apprentice! I can tell he doubts his skills as a medicine cat, but I can tell he will blossom well into this role. He seems a little bit lonely, and he can’t keep up with the energy of the other apprentices, but he gets along quite well with the older warriors and the elders! He seems to be very eloquent for his age.”
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flourishingvalley · 1 year
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Briarstar of Featherclan
‘a lithe & elegant black & brown tortoiseshell molly with alluring amber eyes’
Briarkit —> Briarpaw —> Briarflight —> Briarstar
she/her | molly | 74 moons
Current: Featherclan
Past: Featherclan
Predecesor: Crowstar
Apprentices: Stormwish, Duckstep
Mentor: Juniperhop
Mother: Dapplebird
Father: Cricketjump
Siblings: Jackdawsong
Mate: N/A
Briarstar has a very tranquil air about her. She takes every challenge with stride and poise, and never lets her weakness be shown. She’s known amongst the clans for her level-headedness, and her reputation is unprecedented. Despite this prideful and brave exterior she portrays, she feels emotions deeply and harshly, especially when it concerns her clan. Her devotion to her clan unfortunately prevented her from finding a romantic relationship in her warriorship, and she finds herself often jealous of mothers with their kits, but she feels it is too late for her to try. When her and Jackdawsong were kits, many noticed that Jackdawkit was very outgoing and charismatic, while Briarkit was subdued, and remained attached to her mother up until the last moment before her apprenticeship. Throughout her apprenticeship, she learned more about herself, and was no longer scared to remain stagnant on the ground. Her newfound bravery and confidence she found throughout her training led to her warrior name, Briarflight, like a baby bird flapping its wings for the first time.
Dapplebird - "I endlessly love my mother, and her kindness and love is never-ending. It was because of her that I felt brave enough to adventure outside of the nursery with my brother. Even as a leader, I seek her in the elder's den when I need comfort and wisdom."
Cricketjump - "My father is a bit rough around the edges Briarstar’s father is a bit rough around the edges, but there’s a reason why my mother adores him . I look up to my father, even with this crankiness."
Crowstar - "Being named Crowstar's deputy was shocking to the clan, but to most of all, me. Crowstar was mates with my mentor, Juniperhop, and would say he knew my heart and devotion because of her. When I became his successor, I was heartbroken. I wasn't sure how I was to live up to such an upstanding leader, but as I got my 8 additional lives, my 8th life of bravery, was gifted by Crowstar, and he reassured me that I would lead the clan through highs and lows, and I must always put on a brave face."
Jackdawsong - "My brother and closest confidant. Jackdawson, like our father, can be a bit abrasive on the outside. His humor, though, manages to lift my spirit when I feel I'm at my lowest, and likewise, I can ground him when he gets too hot-headed."
Juniperhop - Briarstar’s mentor. Her bubbly and chipper personality brought out some of the hidden positivity in Briarpaw, and their training consisted of not only learning how to hunt and fight, but how to navigate life and find beauty in little things.
Duckstep - Duckpaw was Briarflight’s first apprentice when she was a freshly-made warrior. Many people worried about Duckpaw’s ability to be a warrior, considering the crooked paw he was born with. Briarflight, before the apprentice ceremony, specifically asked for Duckpaw, as she knew what it was like to be shy and reluctant. Throughout his apprenticeship, Briarflight taught him how to use his weight to climb and fight to his advantage, and he grew to be one of the most respected warriors in the clan.
Stormwish - Stormpaw was Briarflight’s second and latest apprentice. Stormpaw also happens to be Briarstar’s niece! They both are very similar in personality, and are quite close to this day.
Olivenose - Briarstar trusts her medicine cat very deeply, and both are very close and discuss clan matters quite often
hi everyone! idk why im back i just am idk LMAOO i missed drawing and character creation a lot so here i am! uploading wont necessarily be frequent, but i want to keep expanding this world ive built and share it with yall!! if theres anything you guys would like to see or any questions about the flourishing valley clans u want answered lmk!!
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flourishingvalley · 5 years
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Petalstar of Rainclan
'a silver-gray molly with stunning green eyes'
Shellkit —> Petalpaw —> Petaldusk —> Petalstar
she/her/they • molly • 70 ☾
Current: Rainclan
Past: Loner/kittypet
Predecesor: Galestar
Apprentices: Bramblingheart
Mother: Nightmask
Father: Shell
Siblings: N/A
Mate: N/A
Petalstar is guarded and quite rough around the edges. She can be very aggressive and fierce at times. While she cares immensely for her clan, she still struggles to open up to even her closest confidant. After the lose of their well-respected medicine cat, she has once again closed herself off from her clan, often leaving many angry. This isn't the best quality in a leader, but she makes up for her lack of social skills with her loyalty and passion for Rainclan. Her snippy mouth leads many to be wary of her, which she doesn't mind.
Petalstar was first named Shellkit when first born to Nightmask and Shell, a kittypet-turned-loner. Rainclan deeply values bloodlines, and absolutely mistrusts kittypets and loners. Because of this, Shellkit was originally a loner. But Nightmask could not part with her clan for long, and eventually grew homesick. Her and Shell had many heated arguments before Nightmask took Shellkit back home to Rainclan to disapproving clanmates. Galestar took pity on his daughter, and allowed Shellkit and Nightmask to remain living in the clan, as long as Shellkit's name was changed. Nightmask renamed her to Petalkit, after her late mother. But Nightmask began to resent Petalkit, for in her mind, her kit represented a heated affair with the tom that ruined her life, and she took it out on Petalkit.
Nightmask - Petalstar hates her mother, and still remembers the verbal abuse she suffered from her resentful mother. When Nightmask died from sickness, the young warrior, Petaldusk, didn't attend the burial.
Shell - Petalstar barely remembers her father. What she does remember is shouting and yelling. She wonders where he is now, and if he even misses his daughter.
Galestar - Petalstar's grandfather. Her most trusted companion. When days were tough with her mom or with her warrior training she would reach out to her grandfather for comfort. When Galestar appointed her as his deputy, she cried tears of joy for the first time in her life.
Bramblingheart - Petalstar's only apprentice. She's quite fond of the skilled warrior, and is very pleased her mentoring resulted in a fine fighter and hunter. Bramblingheart soon became one of Petalstar's most trusted friends.
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flourishingvalley · 5 years
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Oakstar: Leader of Leafclan
‘a long-furred brown tabby tom with piercing green eyes’
Oakkit —> Oakpaw —> Oakthicket —> Oakstar
he/him • tom • 67 ☾
Current: Leafclan
Past: Leafclan
Predecesor: Thymestar
Apprentices: Tigerpaw, Wolfstep
Mother: unknown leafclan cat
Father: unknown leafclan cat
Siblings: N/A
Mate: Cloverstep
Daughter(s): Huckleberrypaw, Juniperpaw
Son(s): Wolfstep
Oakstar is a reserved and observant leader, who often leaves those he’s interacted with confused, or enlightened. While on the outside he seems very stoic and cold, he is exceptionally warm and fun to his family, especially his love, Cloverstep. He only shows this warmth to his family though, which can lead some to believe he favors his children more than other members of the clan, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Leafclan means everything to Oakstar, and he will stop at nothing to protect his home, family, and clanmates. When he was younger, he wasn’t as reserved or quiet, in fact, he was quite bubbly and outgoing (much like his daughter Huckleberrypaw). He was known around the clan for being a flirt, and too reckless, which is possibly why he calmed down once he was made deputy at such young age.
Cloverstep - Oakstar’s mate, and the love of his life. They were the rowdiest of apprentices, which often led them into trouble with their mentors. Even from a young age it seemed like these two were destined in the stars.
Thymestar - Oakstar’s former leader and predecessor. Thymestar saw potential in Oakthicket as her deputy, which deeply humbled Oakthicket. When becoming Oakstar, Thymestar gifted him his 8th final life, and blessed him with humbleness, and told him that Leaflclan will win and lose many battles, but to remain humble through the triumphs.
Aspenwing - Oakstar’s current deputy and most trusted confidant. Aspenwing is actually quite older than Oakstar, and once feuded over who deserved the deputy position. But during a grave battle, Aspenwing was on the brink of death, and was carried back to camp by Oakthicket, even with wounds of his own. This exchange deeply resonated with the two, and when Oakthicket was named deputy that night, Aspenwing was the first to congratulate him.
Wolfstep - Oakstar's only son. Wolfstep was the sole survivor of Cloverstep and Oakthicket's first litter. While Cloverstep fretted over him like he was still a meek kitten, Oakthicket was almost distant, afraid that he would lose Wolfkit as well. This eventually changed when Thymestar gave Wolfpaw to Oakthicket as an apprentice. Throughout Wolfpaw's mentorship, the two grew closer and closer, forgetting the rough past and building a father and son bond. Even as a busy leader, Oakstar still makes time for his son, and the two are often seen hunting together in their free time.
Juniperpaw - One of Oakstar's daughters. Juniperpaw is the oldest of their most recent litter. He did not wish to make the same mistakes he made with Wolfkit with his new kits. He is extremely protective over his daughters, and feels immense pride seeing them thrive. He feels an extra kinship to Juniperpaw due to her resemblance to him, and cannot wait to watch her turn into a fine warrior
Huckleberrypaw - One of Oakstar's daughters. Huckleberrypaw is the youngest of their most recent litter. Oakstar was extremely worried that Huckleberrykit wouldn't survive due to the fact she was much smaller than her older sister, Juniperkit. But when she first opened her piercing green eyes, he knew that she would be a fighter. Oakstar was surprised when he learned that Huckleberrykit wished to become a medicine cat apprentice, for she was just like him when he was young. Her fiery, playful attitude was a stark contrast to her sister, and to a medicine cat's usual demeanor. He couldn't be any prouder of Huckleberrypaw's decision to become a medicine cat.
Tigerpaw - Oakstar's latest (and likely last) apprentice. Many were shocked when Oakstar apprenticed Tigerpaw to be mentored by himself, but the reason he did so was because he was quite fond of the apprentice. Tigerpaw was similar to his young self as well, which is probably why his apprentice seems to get along so well with his daughter Huckleberrypaw. Oakstar would be lying if he said he didn't want to mentor Tigerpaw himself because he wanted to keep an eye on the little rascal.
Hi! This is my first post on flourishing valley, hope you all stick around to see more!
this is big boy oakstar of leafclan ooooooouuuuuu
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