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florencelynchk · 7 years ago
Well, that’s how it always is with me, I’m a bit of a witch.
Anna Akhmatova, from a letter to Nikolay Punin featured in Anna of All the Russias: A Life of Anna Akhmatova  (via mirroir)
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florencelynchk · 7 years ago
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from “Hard Times Require Furious Dancing” by Alice Walker
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florencelynchk · 7 years ago
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florencelynchk · 7 years ago
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jakechams: Moments before the Staples Center dance party
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florencelynchk · 7 years ago
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for @melqomene and @arthemis mythological event: 1st day — favourite greco/roman deity/group/creature 
↳ Hecate —“The moon is my mother. She is not sweet like Mary. Her blue garments unloose small bats and owls.” Sylvia Plath
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florencelynchk · 7 years ago
“There is something moon soaked and dawn flavoured about her. Something kissed by the wild and loved by lightning. She looks like Artemis after a night of storm hunting. She looks like the sun as it rises after kissing the dawn.”
— Nikita Gill, Artemis Girl
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florencelynchk · 7 years ago
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When the other demi made eye contact with him, his natural cowardliness instinct was to look away from her. Being afraid of everything, naturally, he just always assumed the worse was going to happen. And he caught a small glance of her lifting her hand up again and he squeezed his eyes shut. But when he opened them after a moment, he saw an abundant of daisies around him. Wit ha skeptical glance, he picked up one of the flowers before smiling. “How cool is that. Glad I’m on your side.”
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She giggled softly when she boy closed his eyes in fear. So often people were scared of her, she was used to it by now. They had no reason to be scared though, as long as you weren’t an asshole like those bullies, she’d probably leave you alone. In the end, she’d rather make flowers grown around people’s feet than having to hex them for being a dick.
She mumbled her spell, and watched the daisies pop up, one big circle around the spot this boy was sitting in. “They’re cute.” she stated, as an agreement that they were ‘cool’. After all these years, the look of wonder at her own magic had never ceased, a small smile could be found on her face now. “One of my favourite spells.” she sighed.
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florencelynchk · 7 years ago
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Raena had been watching from the window—she only meant to see what was the commotion was about, only to find eyes pointing at the direction of their cabin, where one of her siblings most likely did it. She opened the door and found her Greek sister. She looked impressed, something she would only show to a few. “Nice work. Did you only used it on one Camper?”
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Florence looked up to a voice coming from behind her, finding the face of one of her sisters. She grins lazily. “Just one.” she shrugs, closing the book on her lap and patting the spot next to her on the steps to their cabin as an invitation, a rare occurrence but Flo’s siblings often got some special treatment from her, as long as she got along with them well enough. And she did like this one so far. “I was just practising. I could show you the spell? Very useful. As you just saw.” she let out a giggle. People often thought she was a bit creepy, but like this she seemed rather.. normal.
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florencelynchk · 7 years ago
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Florence kept usually to herself, smiles were not necessarily rare, but the number of people she showed them to was very limited. Tonight, however, was different. Capture the Flag always got her blood rushing, especially when she was on the winning team. She’d done her part, casting spells left and right, which she was always eager to do anyways.
The campfire afterwards was all the more fun when you actually had something to celebrate. She’d made herself a crown, although one made of flowers. Now she was dancing on her own around the fire, in the midst of all the other celebrating campers. The bright smile plastered on her face as she moved through the crowd changed into an even brighter laugh as she bumped into someone else.
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florencelynchk · 7 years ago
Karen tried and failed to repress a grin, letting slip through into a somewhat lopsided smirk. “Nice one,” He said, nodding to the poor soul who’d been the target of the hex. Had it been a hex? Karen never really had much luck with the vocabulary of magic. “I won’t say he didn’t have it coming, but you might wanna be a little more subtle. Some people might not have been so amused.”
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Florence tilted her head up slowly to look at the person who just spoke. A son of Thanatos. She nodded at his compliment. She was pretty proud of that spell going so well on her first try, though it had been a simple one. “Some people should just not be dicks. Maybe.” she replied, holding his gaze for a few seconds. She could do that sometimes without realizing it. That was probably one of the reasons she often came off as creepy she figured. She suddenly broke into a smile as she shrugged, turning to look back at the bullies who were now disappearing in the distance. “He definitely had it coming. You don’t seem like you’ll tell on me.”
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florencelynchk · 7 years ago
She was reserved and never showed her thoughts and feelings.
Wladyzlaw Szpilman, The Pianist (via museputa)
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florencelynchk · 7 years ago
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florencelynchk · 7 years ago
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HECATE, goddess of magic
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florencelynchk · 7 years ago
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We live in cities you’ll never see on screen.                Not very pretty, but we sure know how to run things.                                        Living in ruins of a palace within my dreams.                    And you know, we’re on each other’s team.
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florencelynchk · 7 years ago
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“Let me not then die ingloriously and without a struggle, but let me first do some great thing that shall be told among men hereafter.” Jae whispered to himself, as he sat on the grassy field, reading from the Iliad. It wasn’t his first time reading it, but he needed it for Greek History. They were analyzing what makes a hero– well a hero. Hektor was one of the current subjects, so Jae decided to read more into it and honestly, with a scrunch on his face, the boy disagree heavily with the Greek hero. Why die to become a legend? How selfish of him to leave his wife and children like that. Would Jae do that? 
As he contemplated his mere existence, he managed to see a hexing in action. He let out sort of a snort as he watched the campers being tortured. They probably deserved it, most of these campers do most of the time. As other eyes fell on the Hecate cabin, he followed them as well in a crowd mentality fashion. Most of the Hecate demis were laughing at the two campers, but he could feel an annoyance from one of the girls. His intuition ( or power, whatever people want to call it ) was correct when that same girl lifted up the spell. She had balls, he’d give her that, for hexing out in public to defend another smaller camper.
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Though Florence looked like she’d gone back to concentrating on her book again, from behind her curls she glanced at the surrounding campers. Most of which had gone back to their own business again. Some were still watching her cabin, but there was one boy in particular that she made eye contact with. Lifting her head to look at him properly, she kept his gaze for a few seconds before slowly lifting her hand again and flicking a spell his way. A much more harmless one this time, as suddenly he was surrounded by daisies popping up out of the grass.
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florencelynchk · 7 years ago
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olivia happened to be passing by when she witnessed the two campers bullying a younger one. she immediately walked over there with determination on her face, always being one to protect the youngest demigods in distress. however, just as she got between them, the two older campers were on the floor giggling, making olivia stare at them in confusion at first. but that’s when her eyes landed on the hecate cabin, and she saw a familiar looking girl. 
she let out a small amused laugh, and told the little kid to leave when he had the chance to stay away. “serves you right for messing with the little ones.” olivia spoke to the two other campers. “kid still looks new, for fuck’s sake. chill with the bullying, you fucktards.” she would’ve scolded them harder than that, but she didn’t think it was really worth it. that’s when she turned, and walked the little distance to the hecate cabin where the other girl was, and leaned on the post next her, crossing her arms. “nice moves you’ve got there.” 
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Florence lazily looked up from her book, lifting her eyes off the page to find the face of what seemed to be the Hephaestus girl. It took a few seconds before she reacted, closing her book but keeping a few fingers between the pages to know where she had to continue later. She cocked her head slightly, her curls bouncing along, “I barely moved at all.” She really hadn’t. Unlike some of her siblings, her magic didn’t result in pretty lights. But she’d developed a habit of using her whole body to cast spells, especially ones that took a lot of effort, just to give them a little more energy. It almost looked like a dance, or as if she was possessed. “You’ve got some nice words. Don’t think they’ll help much.” it was simply an observation. Florence knew how bullies usually worked. Words barely ever worked.
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florencelynchk · 7 years ago
me, standing in the middle of a pentagram I’ve drawn using my own blood, candles burning around me, on the top of a mountain during a full moon, voice slightly muffled by the ram’s skull I’m wearing over my head: so…is he into me?
the demon I’ve summoned: just fucking talk to him man
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