Feeling very unethical today, might spread hate
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Where are the Rodrick x Male!Reader fanfics?????

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I wish I had cool tmc dreams, the only one that had to do with tmc that I remember specifically was me being Adam Murrays uber driver
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does anyone know anyone /be willing to do throne baker x male reader?
cuz have you seen the man??
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The Most Dangerous Thing Is To Love - chapter one
dabi (touya) x ftm vigilante!reader
y/n’s pov
I knew it was time. I had put this off for too long. The moment I had been waiting for since the day the blue haired man approached me. The day he proposed to me to join their little gang. I had never really seen myself as a villain, and I am most definitely not a hero, but this offer intrigued me nonetheless. An offer to join and fight with these people.
My heart was beating out of my chest as I waited on the park bench, waiting as I was told to. I couldn't help but keep checking my watch, seeing the second hand tick by as I sat there, leg bouncing at record fast speed. I knew I was overthinking this, that this couldn't be some police scam to get me. I’ve been missing for 3 ½ years now, why would they get me now? How could they even recognize me? I’ve changed so much, cut my hair, dyed it, pierced myself, gotten tattoos, everything I never even thought I could ever do before.
As my anxieties carried me into a word of my own thoughts, I heard it. I heard the pair of footsteps behind me. The man had told me that he would meet me there, and I could only assume that this was him. I turned around, Expecting to see the same blue hair as before, only to be met with an unfamiliar face. This new Figure’s face was covered mostly by a black medical mask, so that mixed with the darkening night threw me off.
I immediately stood myself up, fully prepared to fight whoever this was.
“Hey, chill the fuck out, im here to bring you to the league, not to kidnap you or anything.” He said, throwing his arms up to show he was not caring anything. Through the darkness I could make out burns traveling up his arms, purple and rough.
“ I was told Shigaraki would be here, not whoever you are.” I said, looking him up and down. “Yeah I know, but he’s busy. So are you coming or not?” he asked with annoyance laced in his words.
I knew that following this man would be a bad idea, not only because he most likely is dangerous and is going to murder me, but I still have no idea what the hell i am getting myself into. I sucked in a deep breath, breathing out all the dignity I had left. This was my life now, following shady people to an even more shady place. I walked over to him, making sure not to get too close to him.
After about 10 minutes of walking, we were at what I assumed to be their little hideout. I could feel my heart beating strong again, worrying if anyone could hear it. I knew that they couldn't, but for some reason I thought they could. It was a stupid thought, but i couldnt get rid of it. He opened the dark, dingy looking door into the hideout, revealing a blonde girl, Shigaraki of course, and…a smoke man? OK then. The blonde one jumped out of her seat and ran towards me, grabbing my arm roughly and pulling me close. I was quick to push her away, not knowing who the hell she was. A puppy-eye stare fell upon her, she looked as if she would cry.
I looked around to the others, seeing the smoke man cleaning some shot glasses behind the bar, the man who brought me here plop down on the couch that was there, the blonde still looking at me, Shigaraki standing up to walk towards me.
I looked at him approaching me, looking him straight in the eyes. I had to look up at him, as he was taller than me. He stared into my eyes, and his eyes wavered to look at every part of me. I felt as if he was interrogating me without saying a single word. “Are you two just going to stare at each other?” the blonde said, breaking the silence. “Because I want to get to know my new friend!” I looked at her with confusion. Who the fuck said we were friends??
“ Toga, I think you are making your new ‘friend’ uncomfortable.” I looked over to see the smoke man walk over to me as well. “If no one else is going to be kind enough to introduce themselves to our new guest, I will. My name is Korogiri, and your’s is? Shigaraki never told us.”
“.....Y/n…” I hesitated saying my name, but what could I lose, it's not like it’s my legal name. And besides, I'm legally dead anyways.
“Y/n!!! That’s a really cool name!” The blonde spoke up again, her energy at an all time high ( though i was sure she most definitely had more in her)
“Thank you?”
“Mines’s toga! Himiko Toga!”
“You know my name, but this time we can properly meet.” Shigaraki finally spoke instead of just staring at me. “Welcome to the league, I hope you can find comfort here.”
“Dabi!! Come hereeeee!!” toga urged, walking over to where the man, who I assumed his name is dabi, grabbed his arm, making him stand. His face showed utter annoyance. I watched as Toga grabbed his arm and pulled him up, and as he walked over to where we were all standing. I hadn’t noticed that he had pulled off his mask, and I saw the same rough purple burns that I saw on his arms, on his face, under his eyes. The staples and how they kept it all together.
“..Y/n, right?” he asked, looking me up and down, but not in a negative way. “..yea.” I matched his energy of awkwardness, the feeling of not wanting to be here.
If I am being honest, I didn't expect these people to be so, not exactly nice, but tame. I thought they would be tough, keeping themselves closed off.
“Now that we all know each other, why don't you tell y/n why he is here,” Korogiri said, “I bet he’s just bursting with curiosity.”
"Well, first," Shigaraki started, " have a seat." he said, patting the seat next to him. I moved over to where he sat, sitting next to him. The stools were tall, so my feet dangled a little. I had to restrain the urge to swing my feet. I didn't want these people to think I was a child, I wanted them to think I was a good fit for their team.
"So why am I here?" I finally spoke. " I didn't really get a lot of information on why I am here."
"well, we have been watching you, well dabi has," he began, " and we find that you would be interested in what we are doing, a new mission if you will "
"Why in the hell were you watching me?" I asked, my confusion and anger mixing.
"Because we needed to see if you were a good fit. like I just said." shigaraki said all matter of factly.
I clenched my jaw, wanting to say more, but at the same time I knew to not test these people's limits. I've heard about the things they have done.
"Now, have you heard of the new business taking its place in the spotlight?" I had no time to respond before he began speaking again. "Well, they have been doing things, things that we can't just let get swept under the rug."
" What type of things?" I asked, interested already.
"Human trafficking." The low and steady voice of Dabi put a blanket of silence over the rest of us. a feeling of disgust and anger came over me.
"....yea." Toga was the first to break the silence. "They are some pretty shitty people."
"We could really use your help." Shigaraki looked me straight in the eyes, and this is the first time I really got a good look at his eyes, as the first time I had met him he had that weird ass hand thing on his face. But I saw the red hues in his eyes.
I thought for a moment, how in the world could I be of any help? Hell, some days I can't even open a bag of cheese. "what's in it for me?"
" Your life." The blunt answer came from across the room, the same low voice from before, Dabi.
I knew before I came here that if I left without some sort of deal with them that my life would be taken, so this wasn't a surprise. I knew I was getting myself into something bad.
Everything was in place. I knew everything I needed to know about the business and its disgusting CEO. But first, I had to get trained, and evaluated. Apparently them watching my every move for a month wasn't enough.
When I had finally reached my apartment, I was exhausted. I had a long day already, and now I have to do all this shit with the league. I guess I could have just said no to Shigaraki when he initially asked me, but I didn't.
I opened the door, expecting to see my insomniac of a roommate on the couch playing some type of video game, but no. I looked around the house, wondering where she went. I looked in the kitchen, and on the fridge there was a note.
Hey sorry, work called.I left you some chinese I ordered. Also, Jared stopped by. He wanted you to check his messages.
I didn't feel all that hungry at the time, so I took the note from the fridge and left, off to my room.
On my nightstand, my phone sat, charging. I knew I needed to check my messages from Jared. I know I was being petty during our argument and that I should apologize, but then again, why should i? He’s the one who started it, the one who hit me. He’s the one who always has a bullshit excuse for everything.
But he always made me feel special, like I was the one. When he holds me, when he looks at me, I feel loved. I sat down on my bed, grabbing my phone.
Jared ( don't answer)
3:27 pm
Hey, I'm sorry. Please answer me.
I know what I said was wrong, please
I need you my sweet boy, I miss your touch…
If you're not going to answer me then I'm just going to come over.
I know you told me to leave you alone but I'm on my way. You better be there.
Where the hell are you??!
Are you avoiding me?!
How was your day?
It was too late for this shit. I should have blocked him ages ago.
I put my phone on DND, hoping that will keep me from messaging him. I quickly changed, turned my lights off, and fought to sleep.
a/n: omfg intro chapters are so hard and complicated. I hate them. Anyways, this chapter was in collaboration with @Flynn-thebin! They helped me come up with a few of these ideas and I will be working with them for the rest of this story! Hope y’all enjoy!
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chapter 8- part 1
Chapter 8 (no one’s pov)
Bernard tossed and turned all night, his thoughts running in his head. He has a tendency to overthink everything, even though he denies it. He couldn't help but think, why did Santa let him have this break. Sure, he didn't want him to scare off m/n, but Bernard knew he wouldn't, he likes to think he handles stress well, even though he doesn't ( but he will never admit it).
His thoughts ran from the illogical “he’s going to let me off soon” to the right “ He just wants me to have a break. He also couldn't help but worry about what would happen to the workshop. All night, he felt a heavy feeling in his chest, and he just couldn't get rid of it. All the thoughts that ran through his head all night, and into the morning. Once he woke, he knew he was overthinking everything, and that he needed to calm down.He got out of his bed, looking out of the frost covered windows by his bed, watching the morning snowfall over his yard. He smiled, as the white powder-like snow was always a mesmerizing thing for him.
He walked outside, his scarf blowing slowly in the wind. The smooth but brisk smell of the air filled his nostrils. He stopped to stare at the white covered trees, with the evergreen tips of the branches sticking out. He didn't know what he wanted to do with this day, as he had no knowledge of this happening. The one thing he did know that he wanted to do was talk to judy. She understood him, and he understood her. It was an amazing friendship that had lasted for thousands of years.As he made his way towards the workshop, he watched as the younger elves played around. He watched as they skated on the frozen pond, doing loops around each other. A smile crept across his face watching their smiles and laughter filled the air.
As Bernard observed the younger elves playing, the urge to talk to Judy grew. He thought about how the workshop would be without him, how everything would collapse in a matter of seconds if he was not there. He felt that he should be helping the other elves prepare, not ‘resting to be sure to not scare off m/n'. He knew himself well enough to know that he would never in a million years scare off m/n,( at least on purpose.)
Bernard’s thoughts started to fade from his anxieties that plagued his mind, they faded into thoughts of m/n. As he walked through the snow, he thought of his letters, how he would go on unscripted rants about his days, his handwriting, how he could never forget the way it flowed onto the paper. He could tell when his mood was down, his writing would become more and more, what's the word, Hmm. He doesn't remember the word, but the placement and ways his words came out on the paper seemed different. (a/n: i genuinely couldn't find a word lmao)His thoughts became more about how m/n was doing, as he often worried about how his life is treating him, how he treats himself.
He was lost in thought while walking, when he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps crunching in the snow. He turned to the source of the noise, which happened to be Judy, the very elf he had been wanting to talk to.
“Hi, Bernard! Christmas is going to come in just a few days, and —“ Judy suddenly paused to glance at his expression,, “ — are you alright?”
Bernard had not realized until now he had a disgruntled look on his face, as his face almost naturally falls that way. He was relieved, as well as glad to see Judy, as he had many things plaguing his mind he wanted to talk about.
Bernard didn’t want to lie to Judy, she’d been the one there for him for thousands of years, and they swore to never lie to one another.
“Why, yes, I’m fine — actually, I’ve been a bit…”
“Stressed?” Judy continued to stare back at Bernard with a concerned expression. Not knowing how to respond despite knowing she was right, Bernard just nodded in reply.
“Well, I know exactly what will cheer you up!” Judy grabbed his arm, leading him off into the further parts of the workshop, where the bakery entrance stood. He followed, almost tripping behind her as her pace picked up into a small jog.
As they entered the bakery, the distinct smell and warmth enveloped both of them, the heat from the ovens contrasting the brisk coldness of the outside. The smell of the bakery had always calmed Bernard, the smell of freshly baked gingerbread and sugar cookies.He watched the baker elves do their thing as he was pulled away by Judy. His attention was quickly averted as he was dragged into her office.
As the door closed, he took a seat in the comfortable looking chairs that were in her rather spacious office. Bernard could feel his heartbeat rising, his anxiety filling his brain. You see, he never really got used to telling people about being stressed, but judy had always insisted he tell her about his feelings. Judy brought over a cup of hot chocolate to Bernard, having him hold it in his hands. The perfectly tempered beverage warmed not only his hands, but his heart. LIke a majority of other elves, hot chocolate held a very special place in his heart.
“So,” the silence between them was broken as Judy sat down at her desk, looking Bernard straight in the eyes.Bernard took a small sip of the hot chocolate, preparing to tell Judy more about the troubles he had been facing. Although he had quite a lot on his mind, Bernard was not sure how he would explain his emotions to Judy. In his mind, he had so many words, yet didn’t know how to use them.
“Well, if I am being honest, I have no idea where to start.” Bernard said as he awkwardly readjusted himself in the rather comfortable chairs.
“Well, why don't you start with yesterday. What happened yesterday that put you, or strengthened whatever feelings you have?” Bernard took a second to think. He never really kept track of his emotions and how he felt throughout the day, even when Judy told him to.
Eventually, with a lot of backtracking and talking, the two of them got to the source of all of his stress, which to alot of others can be seen as very obvious, but bernard never really noticed that it was a problem, he thought the stress of everything was normal.
“Bernard, i want you to understand that the stress you are feeling is completely valid, and that you need to speak up about it,” Judy started on the usual lecture she would tell all the other elves, “ you need to speak out about it to someone before it gets too bad.” He was always told that, but he never knew how to do it. It was always more easy said than done.
“Ok.” he knew that was a crappy answer, just brushing off everything she just said, but it was all he could say about the matter.
Judy couldn't help but give him a look of pity, one that he always hated. Bernard hated to be pitied. It made him feel like a child again. Like he was small and didn't have any power.
a/n: this is part 1 finished! Part 2 is going to be posted (hopefully) later today!
#bernard the elf#bernard the head elf#bernard x reader#bernard the arch elf#bernard#bernard the elf x reader#x reader
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always forever - chapter 7
Bernard pov(two days before m/n arrives)
long weeks, unmet deadlines, sleepless nights, all of the things that I'm used to at this point. It becomes the norm after a few hundred years being in the position that I am in. The constant weight of what feels like the entire world, the pressure I have found comfort in. I wouldn't necessarily call it a comfort, more like a familiarness.
The constant work of my job as the Head Elf has become one that I love, but at the same time, I find myself doubting if I ever know what in the world I am doing. With the date of Christmas coming closer and closer every passing second, the work shop and my office become the only things I see for weeks on end.
The brightness and chatter of the workshop become a blur as I go from station to station, making sure everything is alright, working fine.
The only thing that has been racking my brain is making everything go smoothly. My only worry in the world. But, I remember, at the height of my worry, soon, he would be here. Who may you ask? Why m/n of course! His letters have been very prominent on his stress about the world he lives in. His stress, constant reminders of the horrid things, the things he has mentioned to me, things that no person, especially not someone as loving, kind, and wonderful as him should have to go through. The way he talks about it, I can tell it has really taken a toll on him. Not even to mention the years of childhood trauma he has faced. I don't even know the half of it but even the little bits he trusts me with are horrid.
I can't put it into words how excited I am to see him. I can't wait to see how much his appearance has changed, since he told me he started testosterone. I have most likely made Judy’s ears bleed with how much I have talked to her about seeing him. Other than charlie, i have never really made friends with a human, and with m/n, it's an adventure story almost, getting his letters explaining his human life, how things work there, it's very interesting. And in contrast, I tell him all my life as an elf of the north pole. I laugh ( not in a mean way, that’s rude) at his amazement of how normal things are around here.
For these few weeks since Santa had told me that he would be visiting, I couldn't help but think about him. I find myself in the middle of paperwork zoning out, staring at the small trinkets on my desk, thinking of seeing him.
Other than that, I've been working hard at getting things ready for Christmas. It was only a month away, and at the pace we’re going, I can't see us hitting the quota. It frustrates me, because no matter how many times I tell the elves that it's almost time, they never listen, it's like I'm talking to a wall.
(time skip due to lack of motivation/ ability to figure out what else to write)
Finally, a time to sit down.It was the end of the day, at least of me walking around the workshop giving advice to elves that won't listen to anything that is said to them.
I sat down in my chair behind my desk, letting out a small sigh. I slipped off my hat, setting it off to the side. I stared at the pile of work on my desk, feeling something in me wanting to just rip it all up and go home. But i know i can't do that, i needed to get this done, no matter how long or tiring it was.
It must have been an hour or two before I got a knock at my door. I had a few thoughts as to what it might be, maybe it’s judy. What I was not expecting when I opened my door was Curtis.
“Curtis! What in the name of snowflakes are you doing here this late at night?!”
“I could ask you the same thing.” he remarked, giving me a look of pure attitude.
I pursed my lips, looking down on him. “Well, what do you want?” I crossed my arms, already annoyed with what was happening.
“Well, Santa wanted to tell you something earlier today, but,” he paused, “ I forgot, so i'm here to tell you now.” I let out an annoyed noise, throwing my arms up in annoyment.
“Well, what was it?” I can't believe he would forget something like that. What if it was something important? What if it was about m/n??
“ he wanted me to tell you to not come into work tomorrow, due to the fact the m/n is visiting. In fact, his exact words were “ You need to rest up so you don't scare off poor m/n when he gets here”
I could feel my facial expressions change, as I relaxed.
“oh..” I was shocked. I don't know why, but i do know that i 1) never would ever disrespect Santa, And 2) never want to scare off m/n, i want him to feel welcomed.
“Well, I'm going home, and I think you should too.” I said before I turned and closed my door.
I stood in the middle of my office for a minute. How were things going to function in the workshop without me? I can’t just leave, everything will fall apart!I guess ill have to talk to Santa tomorrow.
a/n: omfg im am so sososo sorry for not posting, i just kinda lost all my motivation, and y’know life, she can be a bitch. Hopefully I can get back on track with uploading. also I feel this chapter and the next one will be a bit slow but after that I've got some big stuff coming. Make sure to drink a bunch of water and eat today <3.
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a/n: more dabi.
boyfriend!dabi who never wanted to be so close to someone, yet found himself being drawn towards you from the moment you met, no matter how hard he tried to resist it.
boyfriend!dabi who loved to tease you from day one, finding it extremely attractive when you roll your eyes at him and turn away, unable to hide the smile on your face.
boyfriend!dabi who practically moved in with you, but not really - he himself however doesn't have a place so he always stays at yours.
boyfriend!dabi who wouldn't even dream of ever introducing you to the league, wanting to keep this side of his life as far away as possible from you.
boyfriend!dabi who gets more and more afraid the more time passes because he starts to share every part of him with you - even those which he told himself died a long time ago.
boyfriend!dabi who sometimes disappears for weeks without notice, always leaving you worried sick.
boyfriend!dabi who then shows up randomly one night with a slight smirk on his lips as he greets you so casually like he was never gone in the first place.
boyfriend!dabi who feels heartbroken when he watches you sleep next to him, seeing how you clutch against him, afraid that he'll disappear again.
boyfriend!dabi who can't believe that someone like you could truly love someone like him, deeply afraid that the warmth he feels with you is nothing but an illusion.
boyfriend!dabi who would never bring this up, not wanting to destroy the safe place he got with you - even if that place was fake.
boyfriend!dabi who slowly starts to realize that you do love him in the smallest of things; the faint blush on your cheeks when he teases you, the way your eyes light up when he enters the room and how you cling to him when you're asleep because surely nobody could fake that.
boyfriend!dabi who loves it when you run your fingers over his scars, instinctively closing his eyes whenever you do it.
boyfriend!dabi who keeps telling himself that he should push you away, but his heart aches every time he thinks about that.
boyfriend!dabi who hasn't had a home for most of his life and would give everything to protect the one he found with you.
reblog for more dabi content
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